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“Are you the kind of slut that gets wet from sucking cock?” Sue asked, and the next thing Felicia knew, Sue’s lips were on her slot. “Tastes like it…”

Felicia gasped, feeling Sue’s tongue snaking into the wet folds of her sex, then instantly was reminded of Peter’s dick deep in her throat. The knowledge that she was feeling both of them at once, being fucked from one end of her body to the other, turned Felicia on almost more than she could stand. It wasn’t that her pleasure was doubled. It was that she was feeling an entirely new kind of eroticism.

Peter reached out, grasped a full breast, and kneaded and rolled the soft flesh in his hand. When his fingers felt out her stiff nipple, he pinched it until he felt Felicia’s cry of pain through the gag of his phallus. When he let go, she sucked harder than ever, as though trying to compel him to torture her nipple some more.

His other hand parted the cheeks of Felicia’s fleshy ass and he played his middle finger into her anus, trying to replicate the motions of Sue’s head as it bobbed between Felicia’s legs. Peter wanted Felicia to feel both of her lovers at either side of her body.

“Yes, yes!” Felicia cried, though what came out was little more than her gurgling on his cock. “Play with my tits! Squeeze them, pinch my little nipples! Oh God, do it, do my cunt, suck it, eat me, oh shit, put your tongue inside me! Oh Jesus, fuck, your finger’s in my ass too, God, I can’t stand it! Shit, you’re fucking me! You’re fucking me too goddamn good! Harder, harder, HARDER!”

Felicia went out of her mind with lust. Her mouth slammed up and down on Peter’s cock, her fingers clutching his balls tight, kneading them, wanting his cum so bad it seemed like the only thing that would salve her own need. Finally, Peter groaned. The sound was heavenly to Felicia’s ears. Her eyes rolled upward as he filled her mouth with hot cum.

At the same time Peter’s cum was rolling down Felicia’s throat, Sue’s tongue made her body explode. Felicia came hard, filling the blonde’s mouth with her warm juices. Giving a heavy sigh, Felicia let her head drop against Peter’s muscular stomach. She closed her eyes, savoring the orgasms that had filled all her senses, knowing that she wouldn’t have long to rest before even more passion took hold of her.

After a blissful eternity, Sue pulled Felicia over to play with her voluptuous body, running a hand over her breasts, down her belly, to her spit-soaked cunt. Felicia felt something brush against her legs. Eyes boggling in disbelief, she reached down until she felt the hard-on between Sue’s thighs. She looked and realized that it was invisible—one of Sue’s forcefields, smooth and slippery as glass, but shaped into a phallus that was every bit as big as Peter’s. Felicia supposed it could be even bigger, but Sue didn’t want to outdo her lover. Or maybe it was just that was all the cock she knew that Felicia was woman enough to take.

“Is that for me?” Felicia grinned.

“It is. And so is this,” Sue said, reaching over and giving Peter’s cock a grope. Watching the two women titillate each other had given him back his hardness, with a fresh load of cum for whichever of them earned it. “Get on top of me, Black Cat. Then he gets on top of you.”

Felicia mounted Sue’s luscious body, straddling it, feeling around until she had her swollen pussy just above that invisible dildo. It didn’t throb like a man’s would, but seeing the look in Sue’s eyes and the blush in her cheeks, Felicia knew that Sue couldn’t wait to fuck her. It didn’t matter if the Invisible Woman could feel it or not. Sue just wanted to know she’d conquered the supple flesh that had filled her with such lust.

Closing her eyes, Felicia lowered herself onto the forcefield cock, sighing when she felt it separate the walls of her sex. It wasn’t quite the warm, wiggling presence that Sue’s tongue had been, but neither was it the hulking lasciviousness of Peter’s cock, which she was so familiar with. The cool, gently thrumming forcefield in the shape of a phallus was something entirely new to Felicia’s cunt—like a sex toy she’d never tried before. But it wasn’t; it was Sue. Her cunt was being tried, not the dildo.

When her haunches rested on Sue’s thighs, the forcefield completely embedded in her pussy, Felicia leaned forward to offer her asshole to whatever Peter had planned for it.

Peter moved behind her, placing the tip of his prick between her buttocks. Sliding forward. Pressing it into her anus. Felicia bit her lip as she felt him slide inside, inch by inch. The folds of her cunt were already saturated with pleasure, but now they felt engorged, absorbing all the sensation from her violated asshole as well. His cock was hot, feverish, like burning lead being poured into her rectum. Yet Felicia couldn’t wait until she had all of it inside her.

Already she was stuffed from both ends, with Sue inside her pussy and Peter going into her ass. Neither of them could wait any longer. They both started pumping and Felicia cried out her delight, feeling both cocks delving inside her. They went back and forth, her body erupting with enjoyment as it felt the dueling sensations, the lightning and thunder that came from being penetrated twice over.

She felt tight, having space taken up in both her holes, but Felicia loved it. The only thing she could possibly love more than being railed by Peter was having yet another beautiful cock inside her at the same time.

As she rode Sue’s cock, the Invisible Woman reached up to grasp Felicia’s bouncing breasts. She hefted their weight as avidly as she could while keeping the phallic forcefield constant for Felicia to fuck herself on. The flesh was soft and luscious; Sue was envious of those big, supple breasts, but at least she got to touch them.


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