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Working on further chapters of this when I realized I'd been writing this as though it took place early on in the DC Universe--pre Dick and Kory even getting together. What tripped me up is that while it's the first Action Comics to take place post-Crisis,  it takes place after Man of Steel, so there's a substantial time jump from 'Superman first showing up in Metropolis' to the 'Superman has been Supermanning for a while' status quo that the Superbooks jumped into immediately after those first six issues of MoS.

That only makes sense--you wouldn't want Superman's origin story coming *after* the Titans had been active for several years--but shit, I should've been able to tell that Squatter took place well into the Wolfman run by how Jericho was there. (In my defense, the Titans are repped entirely by Cyborg, Changeling, Donna, and Jericho, so it's not like I overlooked a big hunk of Discowing).

Ironically, this does lend itself better to smutnanigans, since 1987 is during Raven's slut era.

But it'd probably be too greedy to throw her in at this point.



Malcolm Tent

Ok see I knew I wasn't crazy. I've used slut Raven a number of times in stories and people act like it's just craziness. I could have sworn there was a comic basis for that but I can never remember what that is. What was she doing in her slut era? I feel like I remember her being a prostitute for a while, but that might be fanon.


I don't think it's too greedy, no.