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Selina rolled onto her hands and knees, waiting for him to mount her. Oswald quickly got the idea, and though it was overzealous of Selina to take the initiative and suggest such a position, he saw no reason not to spoil her. He hurriedly knelt behind her delectable ass.

“Yes, Ozzie, let me have that big cock!” Selina lewdly purred to him.

Oswald hardly needed any encouragement. With an admittedly unbecoming growl, he slammed himself into her, sinking his rigid prick into her steamy passage. His hands grasped her slender, curvy hips, then he hammered his cock into her, fucking her with the rough urgency that her luscious body demanded from any suitor.

“Divine, my dear, simply divine!” Oswald groaned.

Selina’s fingers tore at the beach towel, then at the sand beyond its borders, trying to keep stable while battered by the impact of his frantic rutting. “Yeah, Ozzie, it’s so good!” she sobbed. “I don’t ever want to stop!”

Each deep thrust of Oswald’s cock was ecstasy to Selina. This was the way Batman used to fuck her. Selina couldn’t forget how aroused she’d been in the early days of their relationship—how eagerly she’d opened herself to Bruce whenever he would have her.

Of course, back then he would have her quite often. His monomaniacal pursuit of justice never seemed to preclude a quickie with her or even a night spent at her place. Some of the dates they had, they’d forget about dinner and just go right to the bedroom, making love for hours until Bruce left her to ‘work nights’.

Oswald obviously wasn’t much like Bruce, but his eager fucking took Selina back to the good old days and all the sexual pleasure that had ensured her love for Bruce… until it didn’t.

“Yes, fuck me hard, Ozzie, fuck my cunt so good!” she gasped out.

Oswald enjoyed their new position as well, despite its uncouthness. He still enjoyed the sight of his prick at work. Snorting lustfully, he sank himself into Selina until to go further, he’d have to find a way to push his balls into her as well. Then he drew back, getting a running start on his next impalement of her.

He didn’t worry about hurting Selina. It’d been a long time since she’d been a dominatrix, but it still held true that the faster and harder she got it, the more she enjoyed herself. So Oswald pulled out all the stops, thrusting into Selina as hard as he could, his belly slapping jovially against her upturned ass.

Now she pounded the sand with her fists, sending out sprays of it as she panted in ecstasy. Warm cream poured from her sex and ran down her inner thighs. Soon, Oswald felt her folds tightening around his prick and knew that she was close to finishing yet again. Her cunt was very snug, a sheath for his cock, and hot as a frying pan.

Unnhh, Ozzie, I’m almost there!” she keened.

Oswald knew what to do now. He reached his hand underneath her svelte hips to fidget at her clit. Selina’s eyes crossed with the erratic jolts of pleasure. Already ecstatic from how he pistoned into her sizzling pussy, she knew this added rapture would soon make her explode.

He pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger; Selina hurtled into a trembling orgasm, soaking his cock with her gushing cream. “OOOOO SHIT! I’M COMING!” she shrieked.

Her sex clenched and roiled around his dick, but Oswald still wasn’t tempted to give in and come. He wanted to fuck her even more, in every conceivable position, taking full advantage of this balmy day, the pristine weather of their island paradise. He couldn’t get enough of it or of her.

And so he kept pummeling Selina as she came, until finally she was limp and breathless. He stopped then more out of mercy than anything else. Further stimulation would only hurt Selina, and one thing Oswald would never do was cause such a luscious creature anything but delight.

“I think it’s high time you went for a swim, my dear,” he said, giving Selina a pat on the rump to speed her on the way. “All that sweat looks most appealing on your body, but the smell will soon be fierce. I’d much prefer you with some brine accompanying your charming aroma.”

“And maybe a little less of your own cum on my face?” Selina asked him with a wink. “Fine by me, Ozzie. But I’ll want some more as soon as I get back.”

Ozzie stretched the kinks from his less-than-athletic body, then sprawled on his belly to allow the sun to tan his back. Sure, he’d risk a nasty burn if Selina wanted to be mounted again when she got back, but he thought that they’d be in for another position when the time came.

In the meantime, he watched Selina swim out to the breakers, mentally reciting his knowledge of that fairest of sports: endurance swimming. Protection from the cold was important. That gave women an edge, with their insulation layered just under the skin—and so fetchingly as well. Though these waters, as lightly chilled as a good martini, posed no problem.

Then there was buoyancy. Ozzie could thank his own heft for keeping him low in the water, where the best swimmers hung. Surface swimming had waves and currents to slow them, as Selina was finding with her positive buoyancy. A swimmer’s power came from the arms and chest, and Selina was proportioned well there, with her toned biceps and compactly muscled back. Then there were the legs. Though Selina’s were supremely desirous, the kicking wasted motion in going up and down, like a bicycle. A waste of energy, in Oswald’s opinion.

Everything else was physique. Selina’s oxygen intake, her slow heart rate, and that certain psychic determination to win that separated the merely conditioned from the actual victor. And Selina certainly showed a champion’s spirit as she finished her refreshing promenade and swam back to him, favoring the crawl stroke with a frenetic eighty strokes a minute on top of the water.

It was the kind of performance the intellectual in Oswald would see as bait for a lifeguard, but Selina was always a good bet. She made it back to him in record time and when Oswald rolled onto his back, his resurgent erection shooting up into the air, Selina wasted no further time in mounting him. She’d burn off the energy from her revitalizing swim in all but fucking herself on him; then Oswald would be gentleman at leisure no more, rolling on top of her to finish the job.

But for now, Selina sat impaled on his cock, letting Oswald look up and watch while she glided up and down on his endowment. He saw her lust-addled face as she pleased herself and he reached up to fondle her swinging breasts, adding to both their enjoyment. The slick feel of seawater making his hands slip around on her cleavage was a far nicer sensation than the feel of his own spunk, though Selina might not agree, judging by how she seemed to long to be covered in it.

“My dear, you are in every way ravishing,” he grinned.

Selina just licked her lips. An impatient little jerk of the muscles about her waist told him she wanted more, now, than simply the bulk of his member. He gave her more, thrusting his cock up into her horny little pussy.

Every time his engorged maleness powered into her, it came out with a fresh layer of her pearly arousal. The delightful-feeling cream flooded down her thighs and soaked his own loins. He stared at that for a while, then leered his way up her body to the trembling smile that bespoke how much she enjoyed gifting him those rapturous juices.

“Enjoying yourself, my sweet Selina?” Oswald asked. “A fine feline such as you should most definitely feel as good as you look.”

“I love it, Ozzie!” Selina cooed, her eyes rolling madly in her delirious trips up and down his length. “I love how you’re fucking me, love it, love it…”

There was no faking her passion, of that Oswald was sure. That decadently delighted look on her face might be faked, but not the helpless wetness he found between her legs. And the way she cried out, her voice hoarse with desire. Her big pink nipples standing up as if transfixed with painful arousal.

This was clearly a woman with no small amount of passion in her body and just looking at her turned Oswald on mightily. He pumped into her hard and vigorous, making her body quiver as it jolted up and down in his lap.

“Yes, fuck me hard!” she gasped. “Really let me have it, Ozzie—I deserve that cock!”

Oswald looked up at her adoringly. He wanted to fuck her upside-down, fuck her hanging from the ceiling, fuck her any way he could. Nobody aroused him like she did, with her deliciously tight pussy steamy and slick around his pounding manhood.

He fucked her faster and faster, seeing her eyes shut tight and her white teeth flash in an ecstatic grimace. She was as close to coming as she had been before her swim, right back to where she was in the moments before orgasm, the interval between fuckings having only made her anticipation keener. Oswald couldn’t wait to take her over the line.

“Give it to me, I want it, give it to me, I WANT IT!” Selina crooned, unable to believe how turned on she was. She hadn’t enjoyed a man like this in ages.

But then a man hadn’t paid this kind of attention to her in ages either. She was fed up with Bruce’s selfish, perfunctory performances on her—even more so with the endless lonely nights when he neglected her. She wouldn’t deny herself pleasure any longer, just because it didn’t come from him. Now she had an entirely different way to get what she needed.

“Ozzie!” she cried out, like the words were being pumped out of her by her bounces up and down on his lap. “You’re fucking me good, fucking me so damn good…”

Oswald scowled playfully at her lust-ridden face, her eyes darting between it and her heavily bounding tits. How he loved the power he held over her now, even flat on his back with her straddling him… it was his power that plunged her into rapture, his stiffly pistoning cock she got off on. Her juices ran more copiously with each second, while her sex steadily tightened on his member. Then she groaned her way into a convulsion.

“OHHH! You did it! You made me come, baby, YES! AHHH!” she sang.

Oswald was in no danger of orgasming. The break had relieved him of any pressure; now he felt like he could fuck all day. He lay there and let the sensation of Selina’s clamping, convulsing sex wash over him—watched the floor of her ecstatic juices—and saw that she’d been overwhelmed by climax. Oswald took a deep breath, gratified that he’d made his pretty songbird reach her high note.

Mmmm, Ozzie, that was wonderful,” Selina sighed.

“And now it’s time for new wonders,” he said, eagerly rolling on top of her. “Brace yourself, my dear. It won’t be long until you’ve suffered another petite mort.”

Selina grinned shamelessly, knowing that once again she was going to be utterly satisfied. Oswald seemed tireless today. His undying erection was still hard as stone inside her, throbbing and ready to continue servicing her no matter how her orgasmic folds caressed his length.

He would finish only when he wanted to finish. Until then, Selina’s only option was to enjoy herself.

Yesssss, Ozzie, I want all of it,” Selina whimpered. “Give my pussy what it wants!”

Oswald had to admit, hearing her talk so filthily was almost enough to eradicate his self-control. She was so open, so unabashed with how she enjoyed having his prick inside her. As he started slamming down into her, her reaction only became more intense.

With each deep thrust into her molten slit, she covered his manhood in wetness, moaning her thrill at having him penetrate her. Wildly aroused, Oswald gave her more, his swift hard strokes forcing more of Selina’s cream from her, an obscene sucking coming from between her legs as his cock worked in and out of her.

“That’s it, Ozzie, fuck me hard!” she gasped. “I love getting fucked hard!”

Bruce had fucked her hard too—but only for a minute. Then he’d come, pull out of her, and leave her to her ‘contentment’. That did nothing for Selina. Sometimes, it was like she barely felt him enter her at all.

She never came enough with Bruce, but Oswald was different. It was like he was out to test her limits, see how many orgasms she could take before her body gave out. After how often she’d gone unfulfilled, being wracked with climaxes was the perfect cure for her unsatisfied malaise.

Oswald was in no more hurry to finish than he ever was. He did indeed feel like fucking Selina all day, or at least until their suntan lotion needed refreshing. They had a lot in common. They were both sensualists at heart, greedy to gorge themselves on sexual pleasure. Neither of them wanted the luscious sensations to ever end, for they both mutually enjoyed the set rhythm. Him, fucking her like a machine, prick feeding itself endlessly into her wetly receptive snatch.

Selina arched her back to take him as deep as he would go before his massive erection was hilted inside her. “Yeah, like that, fuck me deep!” she cried. “Really let me have it—I want you to fuck me into the sand until we hit bedrock!”

In her desperation to get as much of his prick as she could, Selina flung her legs around the backs of his thighs and locked them there. Now she was taking him right to the balls. Oswald groaned in rapture and pistoned down into her, until he was deaf to all her moans and groans and the howls he himself was letting loose, only hearing the pounding surf as it crashed down on the shore like a side effect of their coitus.

No matter how hard he fucked her, Selina delighted in it. And the harder she got it, the more delight there was. “OHHH, shit, it’s wonderful!” she wailed.

She had no desire to hide what she was doing from Batman. In fact, a part of her wished Bruce would somehow come across them in the act, catch them fucking. She wanted him to see what she looked like well-fucked. To see the Penguin, of all people, taking her like a stallion, pumping her minute after minute, seeing to it she was thoroughly fucked.

This was what she’d desired for so long; the thing she so fervently needed in order to be satisfied. She didn’t care a whit that it was Oswald Cobblepot who could do it to her. If Killer Croc could fuck like this, she’d be spread wide open for him.

Oswald’s breathing was ragged, his face glowing red like the burner on a stove. She knew he was close to coming and even with him, if she wanted to come again, she knew she’d have to do it soon.

Selina rubbed her clit greedily, raking it against the pistoning length of his erection. She clenched her eyes shut and felt nothing more than her body soaring towards climax. Bolt after bolt of sizzling pleasure shot out of her clit. Then that tension burst in her pussy. She creamed hard, uncontrollably.

Unnnhhh, Ozzie! Keep fucking me, Ozzie, I’m almost there!”

Oswald was just about coming himself, but he gritted his teeth and held in his final explosion. He couldn’t fully enjoy himself without knowing that Selina was properly satiated too. And so he hammered his stiff prick into her with all the power he could bring to bear.

Selina stiffened for a moment—gasped—and Oswald felt her womanhood pulling at his cock like a desperately milking hand. Her statuesque body quaked underneath him. “YES! I’M COMING!” she yelled. “OHHH, GODDD, I’M COMING ALL OVER YOUR COCK! GETTING OFF ON EVERY INCH OF THAT DICK!”

Oswald was only an instant behind her; in the storm of her orgasm, there was no way for him to hold back his eruption. “Take my semen, my fulsome felon, be a dear and take it!” he bellowed.

“Yes, baby, give it to me, let me have it good!” Selina crooned, so overwhelmed by her roiling climax that she could barely talk.

The surging river of Oswald’s seed made her own orgasm sing inside her, far stronger than it should’ve been. She gurgled ecstatically as Oswald pumped his load into her, filling her cunt with both his member and his cum.

When he finally emptied himself fully, he fell on top of her without withdrawing an inch. Selina loved that. She loved feeling his half-hard erection pulse inside her, its deflating length surrounded by her satisfied pussy. Her arms squeezed Oswald in the last of her passionate embrace and gave him a loving kiss to go with it.

Mmmm, Ozzie, that was just right,” she cooed breathlessly.

“As exquisite as you are, my dear,” Oswald said, lifting his head with a tired effort and giving her a sly grin. “I assume you’re… eager to resume?”

Despite all the tell-tale signs that Oswald needed to rest as bad as she did, Selina still felt his insatiable prick stiffening between her legs. She sucked in an exhilarated breath. “Very eager, lover,” she purred. “But let’s not rub that thing raw. Maybe we could put on some more suntan lotion first… or go for a swim together.”

“And when we’ve done that, my dearest peach?”

Selina bit her lip, now feeling her reservations dwindling—replaced with a risky urge to pick up where they’d left off, no matter how close they were to their bodies giving out altogether.

She squeezed her buttocks together: her asshole felt surpassingly empty, needing attention, while her cunt was well-satisfied. “Why, then you can open me like an umbrella, Ozzie. And I can’t wait for it.”


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