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And then the warm feelings of rapture spread further through Lai. They tingled in her lips. They made her nipples stiff.

“Cunts! Hot Oriental cunts!” Terry cried. “Pink and wet and not a single hair! What more could a man want?”

His prick slid back and forth in Lai’s sex. His balls tingled as they were juggled by Hu Shee’s lapping tongue. Terry wondered how much longer he could hold himself back. He wanted this to go on all night, but his balls were under such pressure that it felt painful not to come…

“Your tongue’s licking my clit! It’s licking my clit so good!” Hu Shee hissed between tastes of Terry’s scrotum. “Mistress, oh mistress, you’re going to make me come!”

Hu Shee’s loins trembled. She rutted her pussy up against Lai’s mouth over and over again and the Dragon Lady sucked on her clit, eager to help her over the edge. Soon, her wet pussy was gushing, Hu Shee howling out her pleasure.

“Coming, my mistress! I’m coming! Suck my clit, oh God, oh my God!”

Lai kept servicing Hu Shee as best she could, sucking on her swollen clit and tantalizing it with her tongue. Her head was pumped up and down while Hu Shee’s groin rocked upwards and Lai’s mouth followed it down. Wetness poured out of Hu Shee, covering the Dragon Lady’s face.

“Eat me! Eat my hot pussy!” Hu Shee wailed, forgetting herself in her ecstasy. “Lick my pussy with your wet little tongue!”

She no longer licked Terry’s balls, too deep in her own climax to pleasure him. But she stared at Lai’s slit all through her orgasm, watching Terry’s thick prick piston into it. Her eyes were glazed, her lips parted and gasping. Sweat trickled down her features, dangled from her open lips, and was blown away by her panting breaths.

Hu Shee orgasmed exquisitely, just coming and coming, her convulsing hips continuously feeding her sex to Lai’s hungry mouth. But eventually her ass sank down to the bed and she calmed, if only because her body couldn’t sustain the delirium her two lovers had forced her too. She mumbled for a while yet, swearing vehemently at how overwhelming her climax had been. But this too came to a stop.

And then, all that was left was her lust, moving to the forefront over her contentment. Hu Shee started licking Terry’s balls again, happily tasting of the fresh wave of musky sweat that had replaced her saliva while she came. His scrotum flashed past her mouth as Terry rutted the Dragon Lady, taking away his deliciousness as much as feeding it to her, but this gave Hu Shee a chance to moan contentedly as she worked at her sexual feast.

Lai pulled her face up from between Hu Shee’s legs and sucked in breath. She was on the brink of rapture, too far gone to care any further about Hu Shee’s pleasure. Instead, she shut her eyes, focusing on the sweet tempo of Terry’s cock plowing into her, the jagged pulse inside her that went faster and faster, building off of the steady, fast-paced rhythm at which Terry fucked her. The Dragon Lady closed her eyes and keened softly, her warm breath hitting Hu Shee’s mons like a balmy breeze.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she blew. “Let me have it good—give me your cock all the way!”

Terry felt like he’d been fucking her for an eternity; a delight that had never lost its exoticism. Now he gave it to her faster, harder, with no regard for her well-being. Rightly suspecting that Lai didn’t care about the pain so long as the pleasure made her come.

He gripped the Dragon Lady’s hips and drove into her like he was using his cock as a hammer, while his bloated balls swung over Hu Shee’s happy tongue.

Lai came, or kept coming, or came again. All three seemed equally likely. She thrust her buttocks back into Terry’s lap, impaling herself on his prick. Her lush breasts heaved underneath her—her pussy doled out its nectar. Trickles of it ran over her thighs and marked Hu Shee’s pretty face.

“Coming, you bastard! I’m coming on your big dick!” Lai grunted out. “Come inside me! You son of a bitch, seed me like you mean it!”

Terry kept up his rampant assault. He didn’t think he could’ve stopped if he wanted to. And then he too was coming, spurting a hot jet of cum inside the Dragon Lady, then giving her another. When he slid his prick out of her hole, it seemed as wet with his own semen as it was with Lai’s juices.

“Yes! Come in my cunt!” Lai cried in happy torment. “Fill me up, all of me!”

“Yes, yes, give her every last drop!” Hu Shee urged, watching Terry’s balls contract and his manhood jerk.

Terry pitched himself back into Lai’s splayed opening, shooting off another long rope of cum inside her. Then he pulled himself clear of her pussy, grabbed hold of his still swelling prick, and angled it down to Hu Shee’s face. It splashed another ejaculation across her cheeks and nose.

“Oh God, please, shoot in my mouth too!” Hu Shee groaned, before opening her mouth wide enough to make speech impossible.

As though it’d been sucked out of him, Terry felt another eruption, the contents of his balls spilling over Hu Shee’s splayed lips. Then he plunged himself into her open mouth. He wagged his hips up and down, working his cock deep into Hu Shee’s throat. It gushed out the rest of his cum into her mouth and her accepting gullet. What she couldn’t swallow, seethed out around Terry’s impaling cock to run down Hu Shee’s chin in white-hot streaks.

Lai looked back over her shoulder, wondering where Terry’s prick had gone. Her pussy felt empty, abandoned, even with all the cum he had stuffed in her to ensure her satisfaction. Then she saw how Hu Shee’s face was distended around Terry’s phallus and smiled. The Dragon Lady watched warm white spunk flowing out of Hu Shee’s circled lips and knew that Terry had satiated her lady-in-waiting just as adroitly as he had her.

Hu Shee gurgled to the point of choking. Not only was her mouth overflowing with cum, but Terry was still rutting her throat. She gagged, feeling like she was suffocating, but suddenly Terry drew himself out of her, took his cock in his fist again, and gave it back to Lai’s trembling sex.

“Yes! Fuck me like you fucked her! Show us both you’re a man!” Lai challenged, heaving her ass back onto the impalement Terry so generously gave her.

“Sluts!” Terry cried, far beyond any thoughts as complex as what the Dragon Lady had just voiced. “You hot fucking sluts!”

He pumped out the last of his seed into Lai’s already inundated cunt and then slowed until he stilled, knowing he’d fucked her to the utmost.

“And you love us, white man,” Lai smiled. “You love to fuck us. And if you continue to make us love to be fucked, you’ll find we will be sluts for you for a great long while.”



Glorious and magnificent!