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So apparently there’s someone going around in OUAT fandom trying to stir up hate against me, taking lines from my fics out of context and sending them to multiple people like ~is this problematic?~ and… you know? I think that’s freaking crappy. I’ve seen borderline doxxing attempts from what I think is the same person–hard to tell when they don’t have the balls to sign a name to their righteousness–and instead of this behavior being condemned, it’s endorsed and supported because idk, someone can’t find it in their heart to ignore me? Block me? Like, pretty much all I post in the OUAT tag are fic links, you’d think you could just scroll over those on the rare occasions that I write fic in OUAT.

So I’m feeling pretty done with OUAT fandom. I mean, I’m taking time away from my own commissions, my own writing, to finish WIPs that people have asked for or to write fics that I think people will enjoy, and this cowardly, anonymous harassment is the result? It’s asinine. I’ve stuck with the show mainly just for the fandom, but if this is the fandom… what’s the most hurtful thing I can say?… I prefer canon.



I don't blame you for feeling this way. I grew disinterested with the canon awhile ago and never got into the fanon, but this is just petty spite of the lowest quality. Im sorry they are ruining things for you.


Sorry to hear that. That really is shitty of them :( On the positive side I'm glad youll be able to focus on other stories, fandoms, and commissions