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Fic idea: The only way to get the demon out of Waverly is with Peacemaker. Wynonna just needs to figure out where to put it...

Look, Wynonna doesn't *want* to be mean to Waverly and make her suck Peacemaker and slap her around a little...

But Waverly keeps breaking through and telling Wynonna that it's okay, she can take it, anything to exorcise the demon.

(And surely the demon's lying when it says that Waverly's enjoying all of it.)

After breaking Waverly free by rubbing the Peacemaker over her face, Wynonna makes her suck it, swallowing the energy, calling her a good girl. Then Waverly says she needs it… lower. Wynonna undresses her and sees she’s already wet. Says it’s okay, it’s just her body reacting, it’s purely physical…

Waverly telling her that it's okay to be turned on, because she's done so much for her, so if she can make Wynonna feel good, it's only fair...

And that's how Waverly Earp ended up taking Peacemaker up the ass.

Afterward, of course, they promise not to talk about it and Waverly gets back together with Nicole.

But Wynonna can't help wondering, as she cleans Peacemaker off, just how good it felt.

And maybe... how Peacemaker tastes, while it's still dirty.

Not the weirdest thing she's gone down on, after al

Also, the demon should talk about what a dirty whore Waverly is for enjoying this so much, while Wynonna tells Waverly how much she loves her.

"Don't listen to it, Waverly! You're a good girl! You're such a good girl!"

Afterward, Waverly picks out a twelve-inch dildo for Nicole to use on her. 

"Are you sure you can take that much?"

"Oh yes. Very sure."

If the first installment is popular, sequels where Waverly dreams about Willa talking shit to her.

"You didn't want Peacemaker. You wanted Wynonna's hand, her tongue... you wanted her to ride your face because *she* wanted to, not because of some demon."

Angsty sequel where Waverly reveals she isn't Wynonna's sister, "so it's okay if we're together."

Said while grinding on Wynonna while Wynonna valiantly tries to resist.

"You already want to protect me, take care of me... why can't you admit you want to fuck me too?"

"What about Nicole?"

"Who do you think she reminded me of?"

Wynonna comes in Waverly's mouth, then Waverly kisses her: "See? We're not sisters. We don't even taste alike."


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