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Immediately after her time with Emma, Sue went home and fell into bed. She hugged Reed’s pillow. She reassured herself that the ordeal was over. Things would be normal again. She would be a plain, simple wife to Reed. Sweet, gentle, loving Reed. Sue heaved a big sigh of relief and dozed off. She refused to think of the next time Emma would call upon her.

She slept like a baby and never heard Reed come in, nor did she feel him crawl into bed with her. She woke up early the next morning, fresh as a daisy, and spent her time relaxing with a backlog of magazines she’d subscribed to but never gotten around to reading. The gossip was old, as were the fashions, but she didn’t mind lounging around and luxuriating in their nonsense world of gowns and make-up. She felt great. She was resolved to feel great.

The girls at the Future Foundation, when she finally went in, noticed the change in Sue’s demeanor.

“Well, aren’t we glowing today?” Eleanor said.

“Maybe Reed finally took a night off,” Kelly laughed.

Sue wished she could share in their joy, offer a smirking confirmation—she was a personable woman even at the worst of times—but the fact that she was apparently radiant from the bliss of what she’d done with Emma soured her on the inside as she could not be soured on the outside.

“What’s first on the agenda?” she asked humorlessly.

Said Kelly, “Someone from the Xavier Institute to see you. Urgent.”

“What?” Sue exclaimed. “I wasn’t expecting any of the X-Men.”

“Well, they were on your itinerary,” Eleanor said. “If I were you, I’d get in there fast and get it over with.” Then she shivered. New Yorker progressivism or not, she wasn’t comfortable with the X-Men, and their cadre of villains on the payroll.

Sue went into the conference room and found Emma there, looking so lovely she could only be there as a seductress. The minute she closed the door, before she did, Sue knew Emma wanted to fuck her.

The scary part was not that Sue wanted that too. It was that Emma wasn’t satisfied with the usual visit. The scary part was that Emma could be addicted to her as much as she was addicted to Emma.

“You look scrumptious this morning, Susan dear,” Emma said, her hungry eyes running over Sue’s short blue skirt and rounded white sweater. Sue eyed her warily. “Is it any wonder I’d come for seconds? Sit down, sit down…”

Sue sat in the chair across from her, putting herself in the path of Emma’s sultry smile.

“You were beautiful last night,” Emma said, and immediately looked for a blush Sue refused to give her. “Did you fuck yourself thinking about it? I did. My cock is so sensitive, I can barely stop myself from touching it. You know.”

“I wish you wouldn’t talk like that,” Sue said.

“Alright,” Emma replied amicably. “Show me how you masturbate—as long as we’re on the subject.”

Resigning herself to her fate, Sue draped a long leg over each arm of her chair. She was wearing pantyhose, but no panties, and Emma’s eyes lit up as she saw her.

Her fingers moved easily over the thin material which clung to her groin. Her sex was still tingling from the other night, from the looks Emma gave her, and it barely took a brush of her fingers before her body was purring. Emma got to her feet, eyes glued to Sue’s crotch.

“Stay over there,” Sue breathed.

Emma ignored her, pulling her chair right up next to Sue, then sitting back down to stare at Sue’s pussy so hard that Sue couldn’t ignore it.

“You’re terrible,” Sue said hotly, as her cunt moved with her fingers.

“Take your pantyhose down,” Emma said.

“No!” Sue cried.

“Then allow me,” Emma said, and before Sue knew it, Emma was on her knees before her. He grasped Sue’s wrists and pulled her hands aside, her elbows keeping Sue’s thighs wide open.

“Terrible!” Sue gasped.

Emma buried her face in Sue’s crotch, licking her tongue up and down the thinly covered pussy. Both tongue and sex were hot, moist.

“No!” Sue purred. “Don’t…”

But Emma’s tongue attacked her clit and a sharp thrill shot through Sue’s core. She shuddered all over. Her fingers had primed her sex and now Emma’s tongue was setting it off. She moaned, head falling back loosely on her shoulders with fluttering eyes, quickened breath. Her breasts jutted out from her as Emma’s tongue made a slow, sexy twist.

Her pantyhose was soaked with her juices, with Emma’s saliva. Drenched and weakened, it was easy for Emma to catch the material between her teeth and rip it away like an animal. Sue gasped as she heard it rip, then felt hot lips on her naked cunt. She almost passed out.

Emma deliberately licked and sucked Sue’s clit until it was buzzing; even as Sue’s cunt churned against her mouth, she hated the power Emma had over her body. She gasped and panted and her ass slipped on the chair until what felt like all of her had been delivered to Emma.

“Ohhh, God!” she moaned.

Emma licked with her quick tongue up and down Sue’s womanhood, lashing her clit on every stroke. Sue’s ass jerked on the chair, unable to resist, not every time Emma’s tongue hit her sensitive button. And each lick of her clit sent a thrill through her. She panted for breath and Emma buried her tongue in Sue’s hole, effectively driving the air out of her.

As Sue gasped helplessly, Emma reached up with both hands to maul Sue’s tits as she ate her out. She tweaked Sue’s nipples through her sweater as her tongue ravished Sue’s cunt, working it into a froth, licking and lapping and drilling and sucking until Sue’s hot ass was bucking and humping in her chair.

“Oh—ohh—ohhhh!” she moaned. “I’m… I… ohh, I’m gonna come!”

And she did. Powerfully. Emma shafted her tongue into Sue and reamed her so thoroughly that Sue went to pieces, each one thoroughly satisfied. Great waves of orgasmic pleasure rushed through her and overwhelmed her senses.

“Ohhhh,” she moaned, “what are you doing to me? Oh my God! Emma! You’re terrible! No more, no more! I can’t come anymore! Stop! Stop!” But Emma gripped her squirming, rutting ass and held onto it as she tongue-fucked Sue to a climax that left her breathlessly sucking in air. “Oh fuck!” Sue choked, secretly amazed by the length and power of her orgasm. It was like nothing else she’d ever experienced.

Emma got to her feet and Sue’s eyes went wide. She had her cock out, thick and throbbing in her fist. She had been playing with it since her first taste of Sue.

“God, you’re dirty!” Sue rasped.

Emma sat back down in her chair and slowly milked her erect cock before Sue’s startled eyes. “I do believe you have some other business to attend to. Come back soon. Soon. Make some excuse. But don’t you change or wash up. Don’t you dare.”

Sue got to her feet, wordless, and staggered to the door.

“One hour,” Emma called after her. “I’ll nurse this until you get back.”

You’re an animal, Sue thought. She hurried back to the offices to hear her next appointment, profoundly aware of the hole in the crotch of her soaked pantyhose.


Valeria von Doom entered the meeting room expecting just a quiet place to have a smoke, free from Johnny and Ben’s bickering or Reed’s experiments. What she wasn’t expecting was Emma Frost, queen bee of the Manhattan social scene, dressed elegantly as a queen, but with a wickedly perverse sense of style. All-white, everything exposed but nothing shown.

“Oh. I didn’t know there was anyone in here,” Val cooed, as her eyes examined the thrust of Emma’s breasts in the open V of her shirt.

“I’m just waiting for Sue. We had a meeting and it ran long and now I’m letting her attend to other business before we wrap things up. I’m Emma Frost. And you are?”

Val leaned against the closed door and felt Emma admire her nakedly slender legs, her proud, curvy chest. “Valeria von Doom.”

“Surely you’re not Sue’s daughter!”

“Guilty. A bit of time travel. I’m stuck here at the moment. Twenty years behind the times.”

“Well, you picked a good time to be young and beautiful,” Emma said with a winning smile. “I don’t believe Sue mentioned a time traveler… or how lovely you are.”

Valeria was thrilled by the adult assessment of her, the openness of Emma’s flirtation. Everyone else saw her as a kid still. Emma made her feel fantastically… womanly.

“If you’re Emma Frost, then everyone’s mentioned you. How naughty you are, hero or villain. Are you that naughty around Mom?”

“I’m naughty around everyone,” Emma laughed, tickled by Valeria’s boldness. She had a good deal of her mother in her. But not so much of her prudishness.

Valeria preceded her to the coffee machine so Emma could get an eyeful of her swaying ass. She glanced over her shoulder and said “Like a cup?”

“I’d love to get a cup,” Emma said, sitting down, spreading her arms along the backs of the neighboring chairs, her legs poisedly crossed.

Valeria giggled and practically posed for her. “They say you’re naughty, but I don’t think you are. I think you’re dangerous.”

“Tell me, Valeria… do you always flirt with danger?”


Emma was enamored by the curves of young Valeria’s nubile body, contained in a tennis outfit of white sweater and short white skirt that ran high on her thighs. “You have your mother’s looks, only more so,” she said over coffee.

“Why thank you,” Valeria cooed sweetly, drawing her shoulders back as Emma eyed her breasts.

“There’s a certain unripened beauty to you, a freshness—and yet, it’s not matured, not bloomed like Sue’s has. You two are a study in contrasts. The experience of womanhood. The charm of youth.”

“Which do you prefer?” Valeria asked.

“I’ve only tried one. Tell me, do they always dress like a Sears catalog in the future?”

Valeria laughed and picked at her skirt. “This? Some old clothes of my mom’s. I came into the past with just the spandex on my back.”

“Well, that will never do. How about we take you shopping? I’d love to dress you. Or something like that.” Emma’s eyes burned into Valeria’s jutting breasts.

“What about my mom?”

“We’ll be back in plenty of time for me to meet her. I know exactly what I want to see you in.”


Good as her word, Emma took Valeria shopping. This was not the usual leisurely tour, but a mission. In short order, Emma had Valeria outfitted luxuriously in clothes to flatter and display her budding body. All Valeria had to do in return was model them for Emma—though Valeria was old enough to know more would be expected in exchange for the wonderful gifts. And old enough to make that trade.

She modeled a cute minidress for Emma, and Emma loved it. Particularly how she could get her head under its brief hemline and make Valeria squeal with her expert tongue. There was a big, luxurious sofa in the changing room and Valeria fell all over it.

Emma murmured heatedly between Valeria’s spread thighs and licked her tongue against the girl’s cunt, forcing Valeria to surrender to the sensations she provided with her lips and tongue and teeth. As it turned out for the woman of the future, cunnilingus was a lost art.

She got another present besides the minidress. As Emma had her writhing and moaning on the sofa, rocking her hips up for more of Emma’s tongue, Emma had her roll over onto her stomach, then she probed her tongue into Valeria’s tight little asshole. Valeria squealed with shocked delight as the licking, rutting tongue made her ass as hot as her cunt. It boggled her mind what Emma could do to her.

Emma licked her way up along Valeria’s sex, tickled her clit, then squeezed her tongue back into her ass. Valeria moaned hotly as Emma’s tongue assaulted both holes, first one, then the other, back and forth, back and forth, until Valeria was coming like crazy.

During the ride home, she sat in Emma’s lap, naturally curious about the wicked-eyed woman who had brought her such pleasure. “Just how naughty are you with my mom?” she asked. “You seem to know a lot about how the women in my family like to be touched.”

Emma grinned. “Curious little thing, aren’t you? What are you fishing for? Something to get Susan for Mother’s Day?”

Valeria perched her ass on Emma’s knee and peered at her with big, serious eyes. “It’s more important than that. Can I trust you, Ms. Frost?”

“Implicitly,” Emma said, watching Valeria’s breasts play peek-a-boo in the cleavage of her new dress. “I wouldn’t do anything to risk not getting a hand on you again.”

That was good enough for Valeria—as were Emma’s eyes all over her. She pouted like a hurt child. “Mother always treats me like such a baby. I want to show her that I’m all grown up… not a little girl anymore. Can you help me?”

“Oh, Valeria, I think I can most certainly give you a helping hand.”


Back in the conference room, Emma made a hiding place for Valeria out of not-noticing and not-caring. The benefits of being a psychic.

She could see Valeria’s issues as well. Her pining for a childhood she’d never known, for a mother figure to protect her and punish her and nurse her, a thousand different things of heritage and family and life that had made her decadently fucked up. It would be fun to unpack, at length, much as she had been slowly corrupting Sue into enjoying her advances. For now, the simple prospect of a physical act between mother and daughter was enough to get Emma hard.

The hardness was the first thing Sue saw when she came through the door. Valeria she didn’t see at all.

The hour had gone by too fast to suit her, her mind filled with the image of Emma’s immense cock. It hadn’t been a surprise how aroused she’d been, and that in itself was dismaying. Then she saw it and went weak in the knees and couldn’t even be distressed about it. There it was, aching for her pussy, and between Emma’s beautiful body and the size of her hard cock, Sue felt weak all over.

“Come here,” Emma said.

She met Sue at the big, patent-leather couch and urged her down onto it. Sue whimpered a little as she stretched out. She couldn’t take her eyes off the futa cock. She was sure it was twice as big as Reed’s.

Emma grinned lewdly and flipped Sue’s skirt up onto her flat belly. Cool air kissed her cunt and Sue shuddered—either that or it was anticipation. Emma took it as the latter. She knelt on the floor and urged one of Sue’s legs aside, then dipped down and kissed her exposed pussy. She gave it a reminder of how she had licked it before, just enough to make Sue desperate for something more, something bigger.

Sue’s senses soared and her nipples hardened and her pussy got wet for Emma. Her whole body started to writhe on the couch, no matter how much she wished it wouldn’t. “Don’t make me feel this way,” she moaned. “I should only feel like this with Reed!”

Emma laughed at her pussy and laved her sweet tongue over it, lapping at Sue until she was humping her cute ass against it. Then she stood up and replaced her tongue with cock.

Sue’s ass jerked as the bulging cockhead separated her labia and wedged inside her. It lodged in the tightness of her sex, inching deeper and deeper into her passage. “Ohhhhh!” she moaned.

Valeria’s eyes bulged in her skull as she watched her mother being ravished. The air got hot and she had to rub her juicy little cunt as Emma took more and more of Sue. She saw how her mother’s back arched all of a sudden, and she saw how Emma’s clever fingers scraped at Sue’s clit, and how she kissed Sue’s neck like a vampire. It was quite a sight to see dignified, powerful Sue Storm going limp with desire.

Rubbing herself more vigorously, Valeria watched as Emma got on top of Sue’s trembling body, and she stifled a gasp when she saw Emma’s enormous cock, all red and throbbing for Sue. She couldn’t believe such a huge cock could fit into Sue’s pussy. Her shocked eyes burned as she watched every solid inch of it disappear from view. Then Emma’s pubic hair was meshed with Sue’s. Her prick was all the way inside.

Emma had urged every solid inch of her thick cock into Sue’s clenching pussy, not stopping until her balls were pressed against Sue’s rounded cheeks. As her cockhead throbbed deep in Sue’s flesh, she pushed Sue’s sweater all the way up to her chin. Sue was wearing a feisty red bra. Emma liked red.

Emma unhooked the small clasp between Sue’s breasts and the silky-smooth cups slipped away from Sue’s breasts, even their luxury-item perfection not able to compete with the goddess beauty of what they held. Emma assaulted that beauty with her lips, her tongue, her teeth. It was even better tasted than looked at it.

Sue had always liked to have her breasts played with, but this was something else Emma attacked them with such hunger that they got as hot as her cunt. Sue didn’t know what to do with herself as Emma sucked her spiking pink nipples and slid her prick in and out of Sue. Her toes curled and her fingers clawed at Emma’s shoulders. Mewling little sounds got caught in her throat as she was fucked.

Her pussy opened for Emma’s cock and that pushed her walls apart, filled her channel as it made its way into her depths again and again, faster and faster. The full length of Emma’s stiff prick slammed into Sue. Her cockhead banged Sue’s cervix. Her balls slapped Sue’s ass like a punishment.

“Ohhhhh!” Sue moaned again, as a whole new set of pleasures rippled through her hot cunt.

The devastating rhythm of the sex established, Emma covered Sue’s mouth with her own, pressed their tits together, and Sue suddenly felt like she was suffocating. She choked on Emma’s tongue. Her whole body stiffened and trembled. Her cunt twisted and turned on Emma’s massive prick. And she came like crazy.

“Mmmph! Mmph! Mmf!” she tried to cry out as her cunt flared on Emma’s probing cock.

Emma wouldn’t allow that. She filled Sue’s wet mouth with her tongue as she filled Sue’s wet cunt with her cock.

Valeria fingered her pussy faster as she watched her mother be fucked, watched her mother enjoy it. What would Emma do to me if I gave her the chance? Valeria thought. Could that giant cock fit inside me…

She shuddered through a hundred thoughts like that as she watched Emma fuck like a wild animal. Emma really turned Sue on, that was for sure. Look how she’s fucking…

Sue thought she’d die. Her eyes rolled in her head. Her aching breasts thrust and twisted against Emma’s cleavage. Her ass churned on the damp leather couch. And her pussy jerked wildly on Emma’s drilling, plunging member. Huge waves of orgasmic pleasure overwhelmed her and she lost her head, jerking and churning and fucking and twisting and turning, so high that she thought her skull would burst.

Her fingernails dug into Emma’s shoulders. Her ass came up off the couch. Her pussy took all of Emma’s surging cock. And she came on it like never before.

Right in the middle of the excruciating orgasm, Emma ejaculated. That drove Sue right out of her mind. She felt Emma’s whole cock swell inside her, filling her cunt, then giant wads of angry jizz tore into her heaving body. Emma’s tightened balls jerked and spewed out torrents into Sue’s sucking cunt.

Sue shivered and shook all over, from head to toe. Her whole body buzzed, not just her sex. When Emma’s mouth left hers, she gasped for breath. A final thrill passed through her as Emma’s prick pulled out. It was like having her pussy kissed.

Her blue eyes glistened with tears as Emma rolled off her writhing flesh. Such a mind-blowing fuck left her feeling weak and used and full.

Finding her tongue, she panted. “I’ve never been treated like this before.”

Emma chuckled. “You mean you’ve never been fucked like this before.”

The truth only made Sue feel worse. “Look at me!” she whimpered. “I feel like a whore. I feel used. You didn’t have to go that far. I’m not that sexy.”

“That’s what you think,” Emma said, admiring her lithe, freshly fucked body.

“Reed doesn’t do that to me! Reed doesn’t go crazy for my… my vagina!”

Emma grinned at her. “Maybe he should.”

“Don’t talk like that!” Sue cried. “You’re so filthy.”

“Speaking of filthy, you’d better turn invisible before you go to the toilet. If anyone sees you glowing like that, they’ll know you’ve been fucking. And I don’t think Mr. Fantastic is in at the moment…”

“Just a minute, mother.” Sue noticed Valeria stark naked, nipples hard and pussy wet. “Aren’t you going to say goodbye first? Maybe take a bow?”

“Val!” Sue gasped. She whirled on Emma. “You planned this! You dirty bitch! You’re corrupting her morals!”

“Quite,” Emma said, eying Valeria’s naked body. “How would you like your morals corrupted, Valeria?”

“I’d love it,” Valeria said, and threw herself at Emma’s stiff cock, dripping with her mother’s juices.

“Valeria! No!” Sue cried, alarmed at the thought of Emma’s immense prick ripping her daughter apart. “You don’t know what you’re doing!”

“Oh yes she does!” Emma gasped hotly as Valeria sat on her cock, letting it stretch her tight labia out.

Sue was it was hopeless to appeal to her daughter, not with whatever had come over her, so she turned to Emma. “Ms. Frost, please! Don’t do to her what you’ve done to me, please! Take me! I’ll do anything you want! Anything! I’ll suck your cock! I’ll let you fuck me in the ass! Just please, please don’t hurt her!”

“Shut up, mom!” Valeria gasped. “It hurts so good!”

“Oh dear God!” Sue moaned as she watched her little girl turn into a wild nymphomaniac.

Valeria was overcome with lust almost immediately. Horny from her voyeurism, aroused by the sight of Emma’s immense erection, she forced her tight cunt down on the stiff column of Emma’s member. Though it hurt, though she almost shed tears, she wouldn’t stop. She wanted it. Sue had to look on, horrified, as her daughter’s pretty little pussy sucked in every inch of Emma’s massive cock.

When her pubic hair kissed Emma’s, Valeria caught her breath and wiggled her cute little ass to make her cunt suck on Emma’s prick. Emma’s big cockhead was lodged deep in her young loins and she loved it, and as she loved it, Emma mauled Valeria’s tits and squeezed her pink nipples.

Sue looked on in shock. How could Valeria impale herself on that giant cock and enjoy the ordeal?

How could she herself have?

Grunting like a mad animal, Valeria bounced up and down on Emma’s stiff prick. It slipped in and out of her clenching hole. “Oh, mama!” Valeria squealed, all hell breaking loose inside her cunt. “Ohhh, I’m gonna cum! Oh, oh, oh, Emma, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeee!”

Sue’s eyes moistened with tears as she watched what Valeria’s tight pussy did to Emma in turn. It turned her into a sex-crazed beast. She grabbed Valeria’s writhing hips and a moment later, they were both tumbling to the floor.

Emma rolled on top of her, getting her on her back, legs spread wide and body trembling with lust. She attacked Valeria’s ripe young tits with her mouth and teeth and tongue, and all the while she fucked her thick cock into Valeria’s squirming cunt. The girl wailed, moaned, came wetly.

Something happened to Sue. She couldn’t stand it any longer, this fuck that was heating up the whole room. Her daughter was acting like a horny slut and Emma was fucking her like a stallion. It was just too much for her.

“God!” she suddenly moaned, unable to contain herself any longer…



Amazing already - end betokens further lovely perversion. (The timey-wimey is about to get wibbly-wobbly, one senses? Hopes?)