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“Not… all that much,” Peter groaned, not sure if he should cover himself or not. Despite Diana’s casualness, there was a flickering lewdness in her eyes that seemed to flirt with him, enjoy his nudity, and he didn’t want it to end—even if Diana was technically intruding on his and Mary Jane’s intimacy.

“Well, we’re not really talking about you at the moment,” Mary Jane said sardonically, not making any move to cover herself either, or to back away from Peter’s burgeoning erection. “Maybe your tiara can wait?”

“If you want me to leave, I’ll leave,” Diana said, slightly elevating her hands in a calming gesture. “But is that truly what you want?”

Mary Jane opened her mouth to say yes, but couldn’t make the words come. Diana was just so lovely… and she was so curious about this relationship with Peter, her, and Zatanna. She would’ve eventually tried to wheedle the details out of Peter, but everything about the cant of Diana’s body—her perfect body—offered MJ answers. Very satisfying answers.

Diana took a step forward, the simple motion showing off how all of her body was taut and toned, but with a luscious amount of curviness to her hips and breasts. They jiggled with the step she took. Mary Jane almost moaned. She felt Peter’s erection thrumming beside her.

MJ had seen Diana walk around before. She didn’t always put this much sensuality into it. But she was doing so for Mary Jane. It was a heady feeling.

“You know Zatanna and I are sharing Peter,” Diana continued. “But I don’t make any claim on him. And I can understand you wanting him all for yourself. Why don’t we simply… pool our resources? Share everything of ourselves, with each taking all they need? I know Peter feels strongly for you, Mary Jane. I can’t match his emotion, but I desire you as well. And I know Zatanna would love you. Would you like to feel our passion, as well as his? See how all three of us make you come—not just him?”

Mary Jane was stunned, breathless, speechless… thoughtless, even. Normally, a proposition like that would have her mind racing with thoughts. Very kinky thoughts too. But this was too much even for her.

She existed in a fugue state, overwhelmed by Peter, and now Diana had utterly… there weren’t even words for it. She felt a lust so absolute that she surrendered to it without thinking of doing anything else. It wasn’t just that she wanted Diana. It was that she wanted to worship her.

The redhead was only brought out of her haze by the feel of Diana’s weight dimpling the mattress. Diana’s burnished bronze skin, so different from her own milky, freckled flesh, added to the mosaic of her and Peter on the neutral white sheets, like paint on a canvas. Paint making a masterpiece.

Diana smiled down at Mary Jane and petted her leg. It didn’t just feel good. Mary Jane’s body sung to know she had met with Diana’s approval. She felt like she’d woken from a dream… woken into another dream. The man she loved and this goddess, both of them and her. No, that wasn’t a fantasy. That was paradise.

“I can see I won’t have to call Zatanna in to convince you,” Diana purred in a husky voice.


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