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“Don’t answer that,” Lash giggled, starting to stroke Harry’s cock all over again. “I can see I haven’t fully pleased you yet. Give me a chance to finish the job before you judge me. Just don’t ask me to blow you again; I’d wear these new lips down to two pink lines if I had to drain your balls all the way with them. What else would you like to do with me?”

“You know damn well,” Harry laughed. “But I want to do it with you on your hands and knees. You always said you’d make me your dog…”

“Yes,” Lash agreed, tittering one last time before her mouth was only good for moans. “I never thought I’d be your bitch.”

Harry laughed as he got on his knees behind her. He took his throbbing cock in hand and fitted the tip to the folds of her pussy. Then he slid his hands along her slender thighs, up her svelte body until his fingers were wrapped around her proud breasts. Easily enough to fill even his big hands, and every inch of his hands rejoiced in what it got to touch.

“Hell’s bells, your tits are big,” Harry breathed—Lash giggled and nodded her head.

“I see we’re finally dispensing with the witty banter. I should’ve bent over for you a long time ago.”

“You offered. I wasn’t in the mood.”

“Stubborn fool of a wizard.”

“Seething slut of a demoness,” Harry shot back, as playful as her lighthearted words had been, and slid his long, lewd manhood into her slippery cunt.

Ggghhh!” Lash cried, the witty banter definitely dispensed with. She spread her knees wide and arched her ass up, clawing the carpet, doing as much as she could to return the favor while Harry fucked her hard and fast.

“Fuck my cunt, Harry!” she gasped. “Ahh, my host, that’s right, play with my breasts too! You’ve got such a big cock to use on me! Nnnhh! And I’ve got such a wet pussy for you to play with! Hh! YES! Fuck my cunt like it belongs to you! Let me be your wet dream! We have so much wasted time to make up for!”

Her obscenities only added to Harry’s arousal. He kneaded her breasts harder, making the nipples stand out, then catching their distended lengths between his fingertips and twisting them hard. His member kept pumping into her, plunging further and further into her tight pussy. Harry grunted, now hilting her with each stroke, their bodies slapping together to prove Lash’s impalement—as if her loud moans weren’t enough.

“Oh, my host! Oh, OH, my darling host!” Lash dropped her shoulders low, smiling wantonly into the carpet her face now rested on. “Use my pussy, Harry! Treat me like a horny slut! I’m just your horny slut now! Oh FUCK, how did I ever go without this COCK?”

Harry slowly withdrew himself from the curly-haired lips of her womanhood, watching his shaft reappear from inside Lash glistening with her nectar. He squeezed her breasts tight, holding her in place for when he rammed his cock back inside her. Then he was fucking her hard and fast, every inch of hardened endowment pounding her tight pussy.

Lash’s breasts jiggled in his hands, the woman half taking his mad rhythm, half trying to fuck him at the same pace. She gasped with satisfaction at the feel of grinding her cunt down to the base of his prick.

“Fuck me hard, fuck me hard!” Lash chanted, banging her fists on the ground. “Oh shit, Harry! I’m gonna come! I feel my pussy throbbing—FUCK, I feel all of you inside me! Give it to me hard, fuck me as hard as you can! Oh shit, holy shit, I’m coming, HARRY!”

Her sex convulsed strongly around his pistoning member, as though trying to hold it deep inside her now that she’d finally gotten it—now that it had made her come. Harry gripped her breasts tightly, likely for the same reason, and kept furiously rutting her. Her cream ran from the depths of her womanhood, making Harry’s erection wetly slap when it fucked into her, her folds clinging to his shaft as much as quivering in orgasm.

“Oh, my host, you didn’t come,” she mewled breathlessly. “It wasn’t just that you wanted to be sure I got off, is it? I know you, Harry Dresden. You’re not that saintly. No, you want more. You want a reward for making me climax so beautifully—and you’re going to get it. I want you to get it. Fuck my asshole, Harry. Put your cum in there, just like you want to! Don’t just fuck me, my host—claim me!”



Yum! That is all