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Dick didn’t need any more coaxing than the sight of Mary’s naked, waiting body. He crawled to her, hurrying into place over Kara and Mary’s sixty-nining bodies.

“Now rub your cock in her hot pussy. Cover it with all that delicious cream I’ve been licking up,” Kara told him, eyes perversely bright as she watched Dick do as she said inches in front of her face. “Get that beautiful prick all wet, then put it in her. I’m tired of licking a virgin.”

Mary moaned, but it was only background noise, muffled by Kara’s thighs and pussy on her face. Kara lowered her groin even further, cutting off the last of Mary’s weak protests. The girl kept moaning, but it was into Kara’s wet pussy.

“Let her have it, Dick, make her your cock-holster too!” Kara breathed hotly.

Dick centered his bulging cockhead between the lips of Mary’s tiny slit. He hesitated, wondering if he should stop, if Mary deserved more tenderness before she became a woman—but the lust Kara had so painstakingly instilled in him ran roughshod over any of his misgivings. He threw his hips forward in an unrestrained lunge, punching his member deep into Mary’s slippery folds.

“AGGGHHHH!” Mary shrieked, experiencing the sharp shock of his stiffened cock tearing through her virginity, the feel of it strumming deep through her now occupied sex.

“OHHHHH!” Dick gasped, joining her outcry as his rigid manhood went all the way inside her.

Mary groaned up into the muzzle of Kara’s sex. She tossed and bucked under the man and woman fucking her, but her motions only thrust her hips around, sliding her juicy snatch along Dick’s endowment.

Uhhh! Fuck, Mary, that’s nice and hot,” Dick moaned, lost in total bliss. “I’m gonna make it good for you, Mary. I can already feel how you’re shuddering—that sweet pussy getting off on what I’m doing. Didn’t know that it would feel like this, did you?”

“Let her have it, lover!” Kara purred as if in a trance, watching Mary’s tight little pussy roll over the hard cock that had already given her so much bliss. “Fuck that hot cunt good and hard! Really make her come!”

Dick grunted passionately and prodded his hips experimentally into Mary’s writhing, not wanting to go too fast, too deep, and cause her pain. But a hugely satisfied grin covered his face when he felt her juicy tightness move around on his penetrating erection. And from the gleeful look on Kara’s face, Mary was enjoying herself—and sharing that joy with the third party in their tryst.

“Jesus Christ, she’s so fucking tight!” Dick crowed, moving his hips faster.

Kara fought back the rising pleasure that Mary was giving her. Seeing her lover balls-deep in Mary’s delicious cunt was getting her off. So was feeling Mary go wild with Dick’s impetuous thrusting. Even just watching was incredible, so feeling Mary’s tongue roll across her labia was almost too much. But Kara still wanted more.

On her knees and elbows, she turned her head and X-rayed through her own body, looking at the groaning girl underneath her, seeing her moaning and mewling and pursing her sweet lips against Kara’s avidly pleasured sex. Changing position at supersonic speed, Kara sat on her blissful face.

Mary didn’t need any instruction now. She reached up, clawing her fingers into Kara’s rounded ass, and pulled her down as if to cover her face in the lust from Kara’s snatch.

Mmmmm—good, good girl!” Kara cooed with Mary’s tongue lavishing attention on her clit, as if she were trying to distract herself from how Dick’s manhood was reshaping her virgin sex—making it something that belonged to a slut and deserved to be his. “Lick me! Lick me and get me to come all over you! And don’t forget to come all over Dick!”

Mary trilled excitedly into Kara’s wet cunt, her hips rolling off the cement to meet Dick’s strokes. Kara rolled her blonde head from side to side as she pumped her hips on Mary’s licking, kissing mouth. Her pert breasts flowed up and down on her chest, while her golden hair caught the light all around her. She was sex in motion, expressing not just her own sensual bliss, but that of Mary with Dick pumping into her.

Kara bent backwards, letting the ecstasy roll up her body and tingle in her spine, and saw upside-down how Dick’s fat cock was gliding into Mary’s swooning cunt. The sight made Kara’s head spin. She kept watching while she worked her hips up and down on Mary’s pretty face, on the tongue reaming her own pussy.

Her climax was about to arrive—she was as hungry for it as Mary was—and she knew it was going to have the power and intensity that both Dick and Mary were putting into this fuck. They were about to orgasm too. The atmosphere was thick with lust, frantic with need.

Dick desperately pumped his thick member into Mary’s greedy womanhood, giving it to her just a little harder, a little deeper, with each pistoning stroke. And Mary had gone wild, thrusting her cunt into Dick’s driving cock with total abandon, her face buried in Kara’s sopping pussy to get all she could of it.

They panted deliriously, reaching for the final crescendo they could all feel coming. And as they did, Mary let go of Kara’s succulent ass and reached up to her jiggling breasts, catching them and squeezing hard into their nubile weight. Kara squealed when Mary’s palms rubbed against her sensitive nipples with tight pressure.

Unnhh!” Kara groaned, a white-hot, passionate fury roaring up from the depths of her pussy to meet the deluge of feeling from her tender breasts. “I knew you’d love it, Mary! I knew it!”

Mary’s lips wrapped around Kara’s quivering clitoris, sensing how close Kara was, and she gave the swollen little bud her most gentle, insistent kiss. Feeling Mary’s fingers on her breasts, lips on her clit, Kara was as overwhelmed with rapturous energy on the outside as Mary felt on the inside, having Dick’s cock rammed into her. The tremor she felt as she came was so strong that Kara nearly blacked out.

A rush of her orgasmic delight poured out of Kara, spilling into Mary’s gulping mouth more furiously than Mary could swallow. Rivers of the hot, clear liquid ran down the sides of Mary’s mouth, gleaming on her rosy cheeks to mark her as the receptacle of Kara’s delight.

Kara felt Mary’s fingers relax on her breasts and looked down. Mary’s face was no longer frenzied with demand, but dreamy and blissed out. Kara looked back over her shoulder—Dick was panting for breath, his cock filling all it could of Mary’s convulsing, eagerly drinking sex. His cum ran from Mary’s flooded opening, balls twitching as they sent more burning semen into Mary’s quivering, surrendered body.

Kara couldn’t believe it, but they’d all come, all shared the same mind-blowing rapture. The thought made Kara’s pussy start throbbing harder than ever. A second, even more magnificent wave of delirium tore through her body. Kara moaned and forced her groin down onto Mary’s face, rutting against its slack expression while she came again, covering those lovely features in another hot flood of her ecstasy.

Mary purred, she was so enthused with what Kara was doing to her. She twirled her tongue in Kara’s warm cunt as it crushed down onto her open mouth until no more of that deliciously slippery liquid came out. And she kept working her hips up and down in Dick’s lap until his cock was soft and limp in her sperm-coated pussy. Her eyes rolled back in her head slightly when Dick finally slid himself out of her womanhood.

Kara held still, keeping her shivers to a minimum as her own orgasm slowly drifted away. It took a moment for her to feel Mary’s fingers rolling down the slopes of her swollen breasts, letting them go—then she let out a deep sigh and lowered herself to the ground with her other lovers.

“Jesus Christ!” Dick spoke first, carefully easing himself onto his back between the discarded women and favoring his ginger, well-used manhood. “There can’t be anything left in my balls—not anything!”

Kara laughed, reaching over to pet Mary’s thigh. “Aren’t boys silly, girlfriend? First they complain that they’re not getting enough. Then you give them a little and they say that you’re fucking them to death!”

Mary giggled, patting Dick commiseratingly as she nodded her head in agreement. “He still took really good care of us, though. Even with all our… needs.”

Kara laughed and leaned toward the other girl, looking deep into her cloudy eyes. Mary was still speaking through a haze of pleasure and Kara felt the same loving fugue rolling over everything she said and thought. It was good to play with Dick. “Too bad for him that there’s two of us and we’re such good girls, we have to share. But nice for us. We can always take care of each other—after Dick has given us everything.”

Mary turned red, giggled nervily, and gave Dick’s fallen body a quick kiss. “I like him so much!”

“He likes you too. And I like you.” Smiling at her, Kara kissed Dick too. And as she did, she reached between the young woman’s thighs.

Mary trilled when she touched her, but didn’t resist. Then Kara pulled her hand back, fingers covered with Dick’s creamy jism. Still meeting Mary’s bright eyes, Kara rolled her tongue along her cum-drenched fingers, swallowing what she caught delightedly.

Mary’s insides fluttered at the sight of the blonde beauty—Superman’s cousin!—gulping down a man’s stuff. But it wasn’t revulsion that had her trembling. Her eyes gleamed with inspiration at what she’d just seen take place.

Kara held out her hand to Mary, fingers still dripping with seed. Slowly, obediently, Mary’s mouth opened and she stuck her tongue out. She let Kara roll her finger down her lolling tongue, smearing it with Dick’s cream, their eyes together the whole time.

They leaned closer over Dick’s downed form. Mary wet her lips expectantly, coating them with a little of the cum she hadn’t swallowed yet.

“Mind letting me get the rest of his cum from that sweet little pussy of yours?” Kara whispered, her voice pitched low with pure desire. “I promise I’ll share…”

Mary could only nod enthusiastically.

Their lips met in a promise of all the passion they’d share as Dick rested, working on his golden tan.



Ooooh, yesssss. That's the stuff!