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By now Peter’s erection was outlined across the leg of his pants, almost tearing a hole in them. His balls ached with a fierce throb.

Peter looked at Sue with a crooked grin. She looked concerned for him, taking his stunned status for anxiety. But he wasn’t anxious. It just took him a moment to conjure up all the lust that a proposal like theirs demanded.

“I’m not leaving,” he said, echoing Jen.

Sue visibly relaxed—closing and opening her eyes with overt lust now apparent in her gaze. Now that she was letting herself get excited, freed from her concern with young Peter, the proposal was getting to her too. It was turning her on just to offer herself to him and Jen the way she was.

Jen bent down and kissed Peter’s cheek. “Looks like she’s not backing out. Now, I trust we can skip everyone consenting to each and every little thing and just go to bed? The longer we’re naked, the more chance we have of actually wearing out that big dick before Reed pokes his head up and tells us we’re in for six more weeks of winter.”

Jen took Peter’s hand and Sue took the other, not that there was any need for her to add to the pile when Jen was leading the way, but she liked the thought of the three of them being united in this.

As Peter was led to the bedroom, his neurosis sprang back to life. He was getting pretty confident in his cocksmanship—how could he not be, when first Sue Storm and now She-Hulk herself were gagging for his dick? But the prospect of satisfying them both at once…

He worried that he would come too soon. Hell, he worried he’d be too intimidated to get it up. But that wasn’t much of a worry. He was already as hard as he’d ever been; Peter was shocked his pants were still standing up to the strain.

He felt a sudden need to grope She-Hulk’s breasts. Well, he always had the urge to do that, but the thought that he could get away with it now made the idea nearly irresistible. Why did she have to walk around in a silk blouse with no bra, just because those gorgeous gamma-infused tits didn’t need the least bit of support?

The moment the bedroom door shut behind them, Jen and Sue shared a kiss. It was lustful, sure, but it also seemed like a celebration, and an expression of relief that they had what they’d set their hopes on. As much as Peter enjoyed the sight of their kiss, what really made his heart pound and his pulse race was the thought that they’d been so desperately wanting to share him—to delight in his body together like they were sharing a lavish meal. And sharing each other with him.

After his shock at the idea passed, Peter smiled. He was weirdly happy for them. You wouldn’t think vivacious, irrepressible She-Hulk had much in common with matronly, responsible Sue Storm, but here Sue was, claiming the same lascivious satisfaction that Jen lived for so recklessly. Only there was no call for Sue to embarrass herself or gain a reputation. She had Peter. He was what she needed.

“People better start taking their clothes off or I’ll show you all just how good a Hulk is at ripping them,” Jen said.

Sue glanced at Peter with a smile. “Not you, baby. Not yet. Jen got to watch us—I got to watch Jen—it’s only fair that you get to watch us now.”

Taking a deep breath, Peter dropped into a desk chair to watch them disrobe.

“Nervous?” Sue asked him.

Peter licked his hips. “Who wouldn’t be? You two are kinda intimidating.”

“Who, me?” Sue asked.

Jen slapped her on the ass. “Yeah, you, Captain MILF. Don’t act so innocent. That sweetheart, girl-next-door routine makes guys want to please you more than any porn star. Not that I meant for that sex tape to be released…”

Sue stepped out of her skirt. “I think I’m a little old to be the girl next door. But Peter, don’t worry. We both love you and we’re sure you’ll satisfy us.”

“And if you can’t, we’ll satisfy each other,” Jen said, removing her blouse.

Peter’s fists clenched. He had to marshal his will not to tear out of his own clothes and start fucking the both of them. God, the way Jen’s luscious breasts jiggled around as she wiggled out of her skirt…

Sue also watched Jen’s breasts sway back and forth while she gyrated her way out of her skirt. Her pink nipples were tight, fat buds on her ample chest. Sue took them in her hands, gently massaging their heft with her fingers. Jen’s tits were warm to the touch; Sue wanted them in her mouth.

Jen reached out to her too, fondling her own sizable breasts, following her lead though it wasn’t really a lead anymore and Jen wasn’t a follower. What Sue was doing felt good so Jen responded in kind. And the wonderful thing about them both being women was that they were similar enough to just do the same thing to each other, both knowing exactly how good it felt.

“Now it’s your turn,” Sue moaned to Peter. “Take your clothes off.”

“Before we forget all about you,” Jen added with a laugh.

By now they were both naked. Peter looked from one succulent body to the other. All that perfection, he thought. All that perfection for me. How am I ever going to give these two the fuck they deserve?

Sue seemed to sense his apprehension. She moved to Peter’s side and embraced him, petting his skin soothingly once again.

“Don’t worry about it,” she told him. “Just try and enjoy yourself—that’s all we want. If you come, do you really think Jen and I won’t be able to get you hard again?”

Peter began to strip, pulling his shirt up over his head. As he shucked it off his arms, Sue took it and handed it to Jen, who sniffed it lovingly. And as Peter hopped out of his pants, Sue helped herself to those as well, smelling them herself. Peter had to hurry to get out of his underwear before the sight of the two women lavishing attention on his sweaty clothes got to him. When it was off, his prick stood straight up, shedding precum that would’ve ruined his briefs if he were still wearing them.

Jen stared at it lovingly. “Sue, you do know how to pick ‘em,” she giggled. “Of course, you picked me too, so that was never in doubt…”

Sue scooted back, collecting Peter’s clothes to tuck them away maternally while Jen took Peter into her arms. She watched the green girl press her bounteous tits into Peter’s chest, her cunt against his cock.

When they kissed, Sue licked her own lips, almost able to taste Peter herself. Soon, she couldn’t help but add herself into their sexual glee, pressing her sumptuous body into Peter’s back.

Now he was locked between two horny women who wanted each other as much as him. Peter kissed Jen while Sue deliciously rubbed her chest into his skin. He felt her pubic thatch brush against his hips; she was almost humping his leg! Then Sue reached down and squeezed his scrotum; Peter gave a moan. When his attention returned to Jen, he saw she had moved back and thrust her chest out. The tiniest motion sent her massive breasts jiggling.


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