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“I’m looking for Britta Perry.”

Annie didn’t pay the man much mind. Ever since the Plague had struck, men couldn’t interest her much. Ninety-five percent of them were not just infertile, but impotent. They weren’t even interested in women. Couldn’t get a hard-on with an overdose of Viagra. It took a lot of the fun out of life.

“Why do you want her?” Annie replied listlessly. She was pretty sure this was a debt collector and she was going to be a good friend and put the guy off Britta’s trail, but even that good deed couldn’t lift her spirits too much. She was actually depressed by his brutish good looks. He was the kind of guy who it would’ve been fun to flirt with before the Plague, but now, it just reminded her of what she’d lost.

“To give her the best fuck of her life.”

That stopped Annie. He could be bluffing—but why would he? What was the point of getting her into bed if he couldn’t get it up? Why would he even try? And if he could…

There was about four percent of the male population that were still fertile. The government was so desperate for them to continue the human race that it had dubbed them Breeders. They were allowed to have sex with any woman they wanted, anywhere, at any time. Anything went so long as they made babies.

They didn’t have a badge or any sort of special uniform. Being able to get a hard-on was proof enough of their status. And if Britta, of all people, had managed to catch the attention of a Breeder…

Well, Annie couldn’t let him just leave, could she? She should keep him occupied. Just until Britta finally showed up. It was the sisterly thing to do. Engage the guy in some light conversation while they waited for Britta to arrive. Arrive and get fucked, the lucky…

“And what, uhh, would make it the best?” Annie wondered out loud. “Maybe Britta had some good sex before the outbreak. Not that she wouldn’t appreciate a, ah, bang, but… I don’t know about it being the best…”

The man didn’t look affronted. Just amused at being contradicted. Like Annie was a child telling an adult that the Earth was flat. “It’ll be the best because I’ve got the best cock she’s ever had.”

Annie’s mouth gaped. She fixated on his words, turning them over in her head, her bird-like hands working themselves into a knot at her chest. Finally, she steepled her palms together.

“Then it’s… big?” she asked.

“Depends,” he retorted. “How tight are you?”

Annie let out a light squeak and turned away, hiding her wide-eyed look of embarrassed… something. She definitely felt guilty. Not that she was sure what she’d done.

“Are you Britta Perry?” the man asked.

Annie released a laugh at the thought. “No, I’m Annie. Annie Edison. Are you?”

“Am I Annie Edison?”

“No, are you—“ Annie laughed at herself, though she was more mortified by her klutzy word choices than anything else. “Who are you?”

“Ray Quinn. You a friend of Britta’s?”

“Yes, I am. Are you?”

If Britta knew a Breeder and she’d been keeping him to herself—ohhhh! Annie knotted her fists in anger at the thought. Britta got so high and mighty about her disdain for the breeding program, even though it was obvious to everyone that she’d love for a Breeder to pick her. It would be just like her to keep up the façade of being against it while secretly getting fucked every chance she got.

“Not yet. I saw her spread on the Dildolopolis newsletter. She looked like fun, so I decided to check her out. Of course—that was before I saw you.”

Annie bit her lip. Crap. Now she was in the position she’d just hate-zoned Britta for being in. This guy was hitting on her and clearly his dick worked. She wanted so badly to cuck the smug blonde, but how could she live with herself if she acted like Britta at her worst?

“Tell me something,” Ray continued. “As her friend, how do you think Britta would take a big cock like mine?”

Annie was having trouble pretending not to be interested now. She felt sure she was giving off a million little signs letting Ray know he was making headway with her. “T-t-take?”

“She seems like a petite girl,” Ray said. “Not too small, but—delicate. Like you. Now, just imagine how a big cock would feel in a cunt like yours. It would reach way in, stretch you out. Maybe even leave you with a limp.”

“I… I think she could manage that,” Annie said, feeling a little woozy. The more Ray talked about fucking Britta, the more Annie wanted that for her—Britta was her best friend! But the more he talked, the better it sounded for her too. “So long as it’s not… too big.”

“And how big is that?”

Annie didn’t say anything. She couldn’t even look at Ray.

In a way, it’d be easier if he just fucked her. Then it wouldn’t matter whether or not she was stealing Britta’s opportunity to get laid. She wished he would fuck her. But then, was wishing he would do it the same as inviting him to? Annie felt like she should be doing far more to dissuade Ray than her unconvincing attempts at playing disinterested.

“Is this too big?” Ray asked, unfastening his pants.

Annie tried to keep ignoring him. Even when she saw a flash of tanned flesh in the blue haze where only his jeans should’ve been. And she knew he was on display.

Annie didn’t look. Not right away. But Ray knew she would. He waited, his cock hanging out, ready to be seen whenever she admitted to herself that she wanted to see it.

Finally, Annie gave it a quick peek. She immediately looked away. But a few seconds later, she looked again. She started to turn away once more, then her eyes focused on Ray’s cock and stayed there.

“Or is it just right?” Ray continued, pride in his voice.

Annie couldn’t, wouldn’t let herself acknowledge how big it was. It was like her mind shut down when she tried to think about what it meant to see his limp prick hanging down about his knees. Instead, she forced her thoughts to how hairy he was, black hair bristling at his groin and along his arms and under the open collar of his shirt. He looked like an ape.

Then she looked as his cock again and her eyes nearly popped out at how big it was, even in comparison to the muscular thighs that his dick hung between. She’d never seen such a huge prick. It looked big enough to tear her in half. Annie swallowed nervously just looking at it.

“Annie,” Ray said, his voice now low and serious. “I’m going to fuck you now.”

Annie laughed out loud, like the thought was so absurd. “We can’t fuck… we’ve just met!”


Ray found it interesting to watch Annie’s face as she stared at his cock. She didn’t want to look at it so hungrily. But she obviously couldn’t help herself.

“It’s getting hard, Annie,” Ray argued. “I’m not going to waste this big hard-on you’re giving me.”

“I’m not giving you a hard-on!” Annie said desperately.

“You can feel it,” Ray said, stepping closer to her, his twitching cock now within arm’s length of Annie.

Ray could’ve been hard already, could’ve been fucking her right now, but he preferred to savor a conquest like this. He knew Annie would come around in a few minutes’ time. Every woman in America was in her shoes, sex-starved, so used to male attention that they couldn’t take doing without it.

Even if she weren’t turned on yet, the thought that this might be her only chance at fucking, at being bred, was sure to turn Annie on. It almost didn’t matter what she thought. Her body, her natural mating instincts, they would take over and yank the choice out of her hands.

So he’d make a show of talking her into it, but really, he was just giving her body time to overtake her mind.

“You have small hands,” Ray said playfully. “Maybe we should see if you can get your fingers around it. If you can’t, I suppose that’s proof it’s too big for you. That you’re just too much of a little girl to take this cock.”

“It’s not that big,” Annie said.

“Then try it,” Ray pressed. “Go on. Put your fingers around my cock and see how just big it is.”

Ray knew he’d found the right tact to take with her. She was so young, so girlish—if he kept things playful, mischievous, then she’d see it as a fun game. It’d be all innocent play until she was fucked.

Annie reached out and slid her fingers around Ray’s cock. Her middle finger was just about to touch her thumb, but she had to squeeze, dimpling the warm flesh of his prick inward in order to make a circle. If he were any harder, any more swollen…

But Annie refused to acknowledge that. “There,” she said. “I’ve got my fingers around it.”

“Only just,” Ray said. “Think it’ll fit in your cunt?”

“I don’t know,” Annie said, taking her hand back.

Without her touch any longer, Ray’s prick shook with desire.

“Maybe it’ll fit in your mouth,” he said.

“I’m not going to try.”

Although Annie was turning him down, she was still looking at his stiffening prick with far more than curiosity.

“Then let’s say I’ll only fit in your hand,” Ray said. “Give me a handjob, then.”

Annie let out a little gasp. It was cute as hell and more than a little arousing. Ray hardened still further.

“Don’t know how to give a handjob?” Ray asked. “It’s easy. You just rub. Want me to show you?”

Annie took a deep breath, silently staring at his cock. She seemed to be in a fugue state, enthralled by it, taking satisfaction from nothing more than looking and looking at his gathering erection.

Ray wasn’t really interested in rubbing her off. Oh, he would do it, and take a handjob if she wanted to give him one, but he saw no reason to stop there and didn’t think he would have to. One look at her and he could tell Annie Edison was finicky when it came to sex—probably finicky about everything. But if he got her hot enough, that pickiness would disappear.

Ray pulled Annie’s chair out from the table she was sitting at. She didn’t respond at all. He pulled out another chair next to hers and sat down in it. Annie’s eyes followed his cock. And with it erect, rising up beside her, she breathed harder.

“Maybe I should show you how to rub those sweet tits of yours,” Ray said softly.

He reached out to her, opening up the adorable, canary-yellow cardigan she wore. Underneath, a surprisingly low-cut blouse held her tits. She wasn’t wearing a bra and she didn’t need one. Her tits were high and plump, soft-looking, but not seeming to droop at all. They cried out to be fondled.

“Wouldn’t those big tits look nice, jiggling while I fuck your brains out?”

He reached inside her cardigan and groped both tits, sinking all ten fingers into their pendulous heft. For now, he massaged her breasts through her blouse, letting the fabric defer some of the feeling of her bare, creamy flesh. But his fingertips at the upper slopes of her chest gave him a good feeling of the satin smoothness that waited for him. He gave her round, firm breasts the tight squeeze they deserved.

Annie didn’t even try to pull away, instead looking down with wide-eyed disbelief at her own body being felt so obscenely. Her mouth was open. Her lips trembled at the sight. And an undeniably pleasured moan came out of her gulping mouth.


