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Diane lay with her head on Honey’s thigh, exhausted, feeling a fingertip toy with her clitoris. She didn’t know how many times she’d orgasmed. She was worn out, limp, but her clit didn’t know it. It was as horny as ever and its insistent pulses of arousal opened Diane’s tired eyes to see Chuck crouching beside her.

“I see you’ve met the wife. What do you think of her?”

Honey looked at him, licking her lips for one last taste of Diane. “She says I’m wonderful, but your cock is better.”

Chuck shrugged. “It’s not a competition. To my mind, lesbianism is its own good break from normalcy. People drink cold glasses of water after all, not just martinis all the time.”

“And which one is the martini, dear?” Honey rose, rearranging the girls until she was sitting with Diane’s head in her lap. From there, Diane could see Chuck’s growing erection.

He reached out with his foot, toeing Diane’s legs open to get his own view of her sex. Diane wondered if she had the strength to close them. She didn’t try and check.

“Incredible,” he muttered. “Diane, you have the most amazing clit.”

“I think it’s nice too,” Honey said.

“Quite large,” Chuck went on. “Easy to be overstimulated. I’ve read an article about it. It happens in about one in a thousand women, a minor disarrangement of the genes. You never hear about it—so many women are embarrassed. But as I’m sure you’ve realized, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

He knelt between Diane’s legs and tweaked her hot little button. Diane didn’t protest. She was becoming very used to this strange couple—Honey with her Sapphic desires, Chuck with his philandering ways—a husband with his wife smiling on as he played with another woman’s clit. And Diane hadn’t even met Silvia yet. Maybe she was the breadwinner for the whole mixed-up gang!

“Sweetie, you’ve overdressed,” Honey said.

Chuck smiled at her. “Or out of uniform, I suppose you might say.”

He unzipped his fly and brought out his fully erect member, swelling straight out from his wiry pubic hairs. The monstrous head flared out like a cobra’s hood. Diane remembered what it had done to her before. Now, faced with it anew, her old fantasies of sharing Chuck and Honey returned tenfold, tangible, affecting her more warmly than ever. She’d wanted Chuck and she’d wanted Honey, but the more she got, the more she wanted the whole damn harem!

Honey cradled Diane’s head in the crook of her arm, holding it to the lush swell of her cleavage. “Look at how big it’s gotten for you. You’ve made Chuck entirely too horny. Well, Diane, you’re our guest; do you want it, darling? If you don’t, I’ll take it. That’s the good thing about life with Chuck. There’s always someone to take it if you want to give it.”

Speechless, Diane could only manage a solemn gulp.

“In fact, I think you may need it, to remind you that a tongue in your twat can’t cure all ills.”

Diane still couldn’t think, but staring at the stiffened heft of Chuck’s prick, she felt an electricity at her core, a tremble running through the lips of her pussy. Like it was waiting to tighten and convulse around the penetration he gave her, anxiously looking forward to him being inside her.

Chuck knelt between Diane’s legs. At the other end of Diane, Honey leaned toward him, reaching for the engorged member that her wedding ring said belonged to her. Diane felt a hard throb inside her, like a big swallow, and she knew that her body had decided already.

“I need something inside of me…”

Chuck arranged himself over Diane and Honey grasped his manhood. As Chuck lowered his body down, his wife’s hand guided him into the spread of Diane’s thighs. His purple-headed endowment fell below Diane’s bush; Honey held its tip between Diane’s cleft and as Chuck came down, Diane felt him enter her—slide deeper and deeper.

Slipping on the wet leavings of her past orgasm, into a channel so ready for him that there was no reason to stop. He just fucked into Diane until he was all the way in. Diane felt a pang of his arousal through his endowment, arousal so much like her own, two heartbeats thundering in the same tender space.

She cried out and arched up, fucking herself against his loins. Her legs had new strength, strength that jerked them up and wrapped them around Chuck’s back. Then she was humping, groaning as she squeezed her trembling pussy around him, pulling at his cock with long, milking sucks of her body.

“You’re burning up in there, Diane! Did Honey even get you off?” Chuck moaned.

“Oh yes! She did! Now it’s your turn,” Diane croaked. “God, Honey, I shouldn’t want anymore, but my pussy’s so hot now I don’t know what to do!”

Honey giggled. “Just fuck him, baby, and let him fuck you!”

Diane buried her face in Honey’s chest, moaning until she had a nipple to wrap her lips around. She saw Chuck above her, kissing his wife as he fucked her. She sucked and bit the swollen nubbin, watching the soulful kiss of the two who were fucking her as well as each other, and she felt her inner folds roar on the cock that impaled her.

It was so deliciously shameful, her sucking on Honey’s breast while wrapping her legs around Honey’s husband—both of them seeing his big cock withdraw from her sex, dripping Diane’s enjoyment, then fucking back into her. Diane was animalistic in her openness, her gushing juices, her grunts of feral delight.

Chuck kissed down Honey’s arm, found the breast that didn’t have Diane’s lips attached, and devoured it.

“Oh, lovers, suck my tits, suck ‘em hard! I’m going to come from having my tits sucked! OHHH! Don’t stop! Feels like I’m gonna come twice over, come for both of you!”

Diane suckled furiously at the hardened nipple that had to be offering Honey the same pleasurable throbs she was feeling at her husband’s hands, her husband’s cock. She rocketed through an orgasm, her cunt seeming to swell, then tightening, gripping Chuck’s prick as though to squeeze out all the cum it had.

The spasm of heat hit Diane hard and she thought she must’ve passed out, because the next moment Chuck bellowed so suddenly that she must’ve been jerked out of unconsciousness. He was bucking hard, really hard, not caring if he hurt Diane, only that he had a cockholster to use. His ass jerked, prick flying in and out of her.

Honey moaned, her hips jerking, the motion pushing at Diane as much as Chuck’s lunges.

“Suck!” she cried. “I need my tits SUCKED!”

Then Chuck hilted himself in Diane, groaning agonizingly as he held his cock in the depths of her roiling cunt. It felt as big as a clenched fist to her and her pussy was swelling hugely with it, gaping as though it knew how much cum Chuck would be giving her with that cock. Then she screamed as he came.

Chuck drew back, grunted with another ejaculatory rope launching from him, then plunged back into her to spurt again. Diane felt his firing cum splatter her insides. Each fiery burst was tearing away her consciousness. She was passing out. Her mouth slipped off of Honey’s nipple. Her cunt clenched in orgasm, quivering as its little fleshy gulps sucked away Chuck’s load.

He kept fucking, kept shooting. Diane’s legs had fallen from his violently pumping body and she lay under him sprawled and limp, just a hole for him to ream into. An overflow of hot cum ran out of her splayed pussy and down her ass. He launched again and again. Each time the heady cum filled Diane like a pouring of molten lead.

She was coming from his stuffing her, the orgasmic outbursts taking away everything that wasn’t her sense of pleasure, all feeling and thought and strength. Diane, smiling, collapsed, and the world went away.

“Take me with you,” she moaned before everything was completely black.

When she woke up, she was in the backseat of Chuck’s car, her head on Honey’s lap. Chuck was driving, of course, Silvia was in the passenger seat, and everyone’s things were in the trunk, including Diane’s. The traveling salesman was headed for the next town.

The first thing Diane asked was that Chuck pull over so he could finish satisfying her. He might’ve fucked her brains out the last time, but her pussy still wanted more.



Perfection. Absolute perfection