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And ironically, while he did that, Alex relaxed herself completely, her hole swallowing all the desire Quentin had for her, gulping his prick into her anal tunnel. Quentin kept at it, his twitching conscience ready to force himself to pull back at the first sign of pain, but Alex only cooed and keened and pleaded for more.

She kept demanding his erection all while he worked it into her ass, stretching the delicate pucker beyond all reason. It was sure to be torturing Alex, but she only voiced the pleasure that had to be outweighing any sense of self-preservation. “Oh God! That’s right! That’s right! You’re so big and hard and all of you is in my ass! Oh shit, you’re fucking my tiny… little… ASS! NNGH! Don’t waste it! Now that you’ve got it in, fuck my ass! Fuck my tight little hole all the way open! And I’ll eat your cum out of my pussy! Can’t hardly wait until you give me more…”

Alex reached down to her pussy, rubbing herself until her fingers were slick with the cum Quentin had deposited inside her. She ran her hand up over her belly and between her breasts, sticking her tongue out to receive the taste from her own cunt. When she touched her tongue, fingers burning with Quentin’s seed, an electric thrill of delight rushed over her.

Unhh, you’re so delicious, baby!” she gasped. “I can’t wait for you to fuck my asshole just as full as my pussy!”

Quentin leaned into their contact, hammering into Alex’s ass with needful speed. He still couldn’t believe that her tiny hole was taking so much of his cock, but he was past caring now. All that mattered was the delicious sensations waiting for his prick inside her convulsing rectum.

Quentin pressed his lips against the back of her neck in a kiss as frenzied as his fucking, his breath hot and hurried. Reaching underneath Alex and grasping her svelte breasts, he gave her such a forceful thrust that she collapsed under him.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Quentin grunted, keeping up his strokes, hammering into Alex’s prostrate body like he was trying to batter her through the bed. “Your ass is just as good as that wet goddamn pussy!”

Alex reached underneath their piled bodies until she felt his balls, dangling along the cleft of her pussy. She held them against her slit, swelling and throbbing, the ripples of arousal in his scrotum matching the flickers of pleasure her empty cunt felt as an anal climax began to shake her.

“Oh fuck, this is too good!” Alex panted. “It’s like I’m full of… fuck, Quentin, I love it!” A hard spasm of release hit her so hard she flinched, her eyes blanking with the pleasure she felt. “Fuck me! Now! Goddamn you, fuck my ass in half!”

Quentin pulled back almost all of his shaft, moving his hands to Alex’s shoulders. Now, with a demonic expression on his face, he thrust himself up her ass with all the strength in his body.

“Take it! Take it! Take!” he grunted, his need for Alex mounting with every delicious taste he got of her body’s tightness.

Alex shut her eyes and mewled in enjoyment. Now fully occupied by Quentin’s lust for her, she felt certain of being satisfied, destined to be sated. Soon her cunt was rippling with another orgasm about to engulf her.

She slid her fingers to her opening and pushed two inside herself, feeling Quentin’s length against her fingertips, gliding through her. The feeling of his phallic heft inside her, tangible right through the folds of her cunt, made Alex tremble in release.

“Oh, QUENTIN!” she moaned, arching her back, almost lifting her boyfriend up above her. “I’m—fuck—oh—fuck me! I can’t stand! It’s too damn good!”

Quentin felt his balls throbbing, a steaming flood of cum jerking through his length. As it swelled up his phallus, he rammed into Alex’s hole with all the power he could muster. Deep in her bowels, his cockhead bulged, then fired a seething mass of pure, depraved rapture.

“Now!” Quentin groaned, his hips pumping back and forth, a blur as he worked his cum out into Alex’s receptive ass. “Goddamn you! Take it now, you sweet fucking whore!”

With his balls emptied into her bowels, Alex felt new, orgasmic stirrings. Her next climax hit her almost painfully, searing into her senses like acid, then blasting her sensations apart. She hunched her body and flailed her limbs, driving her ass back into Quentin’s groin in a demanding attempt to get every drop of his seed.

“All of it!” she cried, her face contorted with the luscious torment she was in. “Fuck me, you bastard! Unff! Slam it into me, you big… dick… motherfucker!”

They were molded together for long minutes, giving and receiving an impossible amount of pleasure. Finally, with a hard pump, Quentin finished off his explosive orgasm.

Emptied, he fell across Alex’s supple back, panting for breath, his eyes closed with the harshness of his satisfaction. “Baby… baby…” he cooed. “So fucking good… putting it in your ass…”

Alex’s pleasure was spent, but the lavish tremors of her recent climax still gripped her. Now she wanted Quentin’s cum in her mouth, swirling between her cheeks just like it was doing in her ass. She pushed up into Quentin’s chest until she could squirm out from under him.

“Let me suck you,” she breathed. “God, I need your dick in my mouth before I go mad!”

Quentin felt like his body was made out of rubber. He rolled onto his back, his legs open wide, his head sprawled back onto the nearest bump in the mattress. A few moments later, he felt the sensual smoothness of Alex’s breasts rub against the insides of his thighs… then the warm pressure of her mouth around his knob.

“You might be wasting your time,” he said softly. “I don’t know if I can get hard again.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Alex moaned. “All I care about is having a big hunk of cock in my mouth… and all the cum you can give me!”

She grabbed hold of his shaft and squeezed as she continued sucking him. Soon it would be pumping and crashing into her pussy and she wouldn’t let him get off until she’d enjoyed herself plenty.

Alex suckled at his prick until it was rock-hard, not that it needed much encouragement to swell up back to its full size. Then she bobbed her head up and down, taking his length from his leaking glanshole to his filling balls. The bigger he got, the more she licked and sucked. And the delirious pangs of arousal she felt began to come harder, hitting her with growing urgency.

Unnnnhhh!” Alex groaned, her thighs rubbing together. A quick, orgasmic thrill burned through her sex, as though it’d been waiting to explode since the first climax Quentin had given her.

Quentin felt his knees shaking as Alex sucked him harder than ever. If he didn’t pull out soon, he would be pumping his load straight into her belly. Quentin didn’t want to waste it there, when it would look so much better even strewn over her face, but he didn’t know if he could help himself.

Mouth wrapped around his burgeoning member, Alex looked up at him. As demanding as his lust for her was, she felt like he was putty in her hands, that she could make him do anything. He would do a lot more than just fuck her holes before she was done with him. Alex had it all worked out.

Quentin’s rolling eyes managed to focus on Alex. His balls felt like they were overflowing with cum, ready to flood her little mouth. He took Alex by the hair and jammed her face down to his groin.

“Suck!” he told her. “You’re gonna get my wad any second! I… I… unhhh!”

Though his load wasn’t as abundant as the one he’d delivered into Alex’s bowels, it was just as hot, just as potent with flavor. And in a way Alex was glad Quentin’s passion was starting to dwindle. She was able to suck down every milky rope without losing any.

The cum boiled in her throat, slippery life seeping down into her stomach, and the heat was fantastic, inflaming the core of her body with new desire. She gurgled loudly, swallowing Quentin’s jizz as her flesh shook with passion of its own.

Gulping down the last of his climax, Alex settled her forehead on Quentin’s loins, his spent shaft resting in her throat. Around it, she let out a satisfied moan, like a kitten that’d overindulged on warm milk.

She pulled away from Quentin, kissing the wiry hairs that ran along his thighs. “I think this maybe ought to be our regular Saturday night thing,” Alex said, her voice thick. “Does that settle the matter or does your cock want another try?”

“Alex, I haven’t felt this drained since we took that trip to Cabo,” Quentin answered, almost dreamily. “But I just… it’s so…”

His prick bounced and throbbed with every heartbeat. He was completely turned on, beyond the limits of his satiation, feeling the mounting need to once more thrust his cock into Alex’s lissome body.

“Let me do something about it,” Alex said, wondering what she could do to put Quentin out of commission long enough to get her hands on a phone.


Dylan closed the door to her apartment and leaned against it, a thoughtful frown furrowing her lovely face. Natalie had just given her a ride back to her place—she hadn’t expected the blonde to drop her off and move on.

Ever since they’d had sex… nothing new, but nothing commonplace, either… Dylan had expected their casual relationship to advance to another level. But so far, Natalie was vexingly naïve when it came to Dylan’s interest. In that outrageously sexual way of hers.

“I want that girl,” she muttered as she stripped out of her dirty clothes. “And why the fuck wouldn’t she want me?”

Dylan was about to grab a clean jersey for bed—a full-on shower would wake her up too much—when she heard a hesitant knock from the front door. Dylan threw on the oversized jersey, an unintended gift from an old boyfriend. She started to look for a fresh pair of panties to slip on with it… then she paused, realizing it had to be Natalie at the door. Smiling devilishly, she went to the door with nothing on her genitals but the breeze.

“Yes?” she called through the door—batting at the peephole’s shield like a cat playing with a toy. She didn’t need to see through it to know how Natalie looked. She could feel the blonde’s energy coming right into her apartment.

“It’s Natalie. Can we talk for a minute?”

Dylan adjusted her luscious breasts. They were full and heavy, even through the loose jersey, and hung down buoyantly—only as much as their heft demanded. “You know I’m always open for you, Nat.”

Dylan opened the door. Eyes downcast, Natalie came in, looking disoriented at how Dylan held the door open for her and then closed it behind her. Like she would’ve preferred to have the experience of opening and closing the door to give her something to busy herself with.

“I know it’s late, Dylan, and you probably want to get some sleep—“

“Me? No way,” Dylan said cheerily, with a puffed exhale punctuating her words. “You know I’m here for you whenever you need me.”

She sat down and noticed Natalie wasn’t staring at her feet anymore. She was looking intently at Dylan: her pendulously hanging breasts and the curly pubic hair under her jersey’s slouching hem.

“It’s about what happened on the last case,” Natalie said, sitting down across from Dylan—and getting a better view of her bottomless attire. “And how I’ve been alone since Pete left… and I guess how Alex and Quentin seem really serious…”

“Yeah?” Dylan prompted leadingly.

“And how the two of us are—not serious.”

“That is our dynamic,” Dylan chirped.



This is fun