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Now Kitty bit the inside of her cheek, not sure what to make of how Illyana was going back and forth with her. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. There’s your hair, of course. But as for the rest—well, you’d have to show me.”

“Show you…” Kitty repeated, wishing to hell her clitoris hadn’t picked now to twitch. At least Rachel wasn’t here. Her telepathy would pick up Kitty’s trilling curiosity in a heartbeat. “What do you want me to show you?”

“How your face looks between my legs, first and foremost.”

“You’re joking… why would you joke like that?”

“Because you’re cute and sexy and incredible and I think I’d really like having sex with you.”

“Geez,” Kitty sighed, dropping down onto the side of the bed.

“I think you’d really like having sex with me too. What do you think?”

“I think… I think I’ve never done it with another woman… ever!” Kitty gasped.

“Well, why should that stop you?” Illyana cooed. “This is Paris. It’s all a brand-new experience to you… why not act like a new you as well?”

Kitty’s nipples swelled, straining against her bra. Her labia throbbed too, yearning to be out in the open air—twitching and convulsing before Illyana’s heated gaze. She could only imagine how it’d burn… her cheeks and ears were already blazing with how Illyana looked at her face.

“Maybe just for a little while…” Kitty said, almost too softly for Illyana to hear her. “I could be… new… and maybe not go back… if I really do like it…”

“Oh, you will,” Illyana assured her, and lunged for the other girl.

Kitty felt herself forced back and pressed down onto the bed. It was passionate, but aggressive too. Not what Kitty would’ve expected from another woman. But probably what she should’ve expected from Illyana.



Here. We. Go!