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“We never discussed your pay,” Bronwyn said.

Graow froze up. He’d known Bronwyn long enough to know that saying something along the lines of how being her guide was all worth it for the sight of her smile, or when she bathed naked at the start of a day, would probably ire her. He also knew that despite their closeness of late, Bronwyn was the type who took her obligations seriously. So maybe, despite her newfound affection for him, she just wanted to be sure her debt to him was cleared.

Graow started to get up from his chair, looking curious, but Bronwyn gestured for him to stay seated. She was smiling—as much as she ever did—and there was a wry light in her eyes that Graow was only passingly familiar with. He thought it might’ve been from before her… loss.

“Open your mouth and close your eyes,” she said.

Graow sighed while doing as she’d asked. As much as he’d sing Bronwyn’s virtues all day, he couldn’t claim that cooking was among them. So being paid in baked goods was a good way to get him not to quibble over bonuses.

A moment later, Graow felt a firm hold being taken of his horns, then something wet and slippery pressed against his mouth. Graow pushed his tongue out and took a tentative lick, before wondering how Bronwyn was handing him anything with both hands on his horns.

And then the flavor hit him—a little salty and a little bitter, but pleasant. Bronwyn didn’t strike him as one to play practical jokes, but it was definitely squirming about like some sort of sea creature…

Graow opened his eyes.

Needless to say, he was shocked.

Bronwyn was naked. You wouldn’t think that would make such a difference, considering her usual attire was a brief brassiere and a scant breechcloth. But there was also the bracers she wore, the shin-guards, the armlets and thigh-circling legbands. Without them, the full potency of her chiseled physique was unleashed.

Everywhere she was thick with muscle, her enormous breasts and ample hips a continuation of the firm, bulging strength in her toned thighs, powerful biceps… even her neck was firmly set, supporting a head with a brutally square jaw and broad forehead. It was a testament to her beauty that her tousled mane of black hair—like a shadow at night on her dusky skin—softened the harshness of her features and brought out the delicacy of her soft eyes.

The feminine curves of her body were luscious, setting off the plentiful muscle that grew beyond the swirl of her dark hair, now the only veil her nakedness possessed. It fell down her back and along the slopes of her abundant breasts. The cobblestone path of her abs led down to the delta of her pubis, where her sex was now pressed to his mouth—her grip on his horns ensuring that they both would enjoy this meal.

Graow was quick to do his part in the enjoyment. He sucked away at her hot snatch with a hunger that had been building for a long time. His tongue rippled inside of her slippery folds and his lips slurped needfully on her creamy labia. Soon, he was rewarded with a flood of Bronwyn’s delight. Her grip slackened on his horns. Almost daintily, slender fingers trickled off the ribbed lengths.

“Have you had enough?” Graow teased. “Or are you just so sure you’ve ensnared me with your taste?”

“I haven’t had enough anymore than you have,” Bronwyn retorted immediately. “But let’s see how much more you have to give.”

With one precise, stomping foot, she skirted Graow’s own loincloth down his legs. Then she did Graow the great courtesy of widening her hazel eyes.

He was huge. The guy had such a slender build, and yet all the length of his loincloth had gone into concealing the incredibly long, thick manhood now arching up out of his pubic fur, jerking and twitching in front of his gut.

Graow stared at Bronwyn’s naked body, his huge erection throbbing and twitching into its fullest possible hardness at the sight of all her bare flesh—especially how it trembled and quaked with the lingering aftereffects of her passionate climax.

That was all Bronwyn could take. Now, seeing his lust for her… literally seeing it jutting out from his loins, as virile as could be imagined… Bronwyn had to have him. She picked up Graow with strength enough that she nearly sent him flying to the ceiling.

Bronwyn’s strength was such that she could’ve tossed about a much larger man; moving Graow about was child’s play. Grasping him with one big hand on his hip, the other gripping the base of his cock, she brought his precum-wet tip to her snatch.

She flinched. He was warm. Feverishly warm. So unlike the hilt of a sword or axe, used to manage her urges—even unlike her own hand—he was hot. Burning into her like a torch into a dark cave. And yet for all his heat, all his size, he went into her cunt easily, traveling smoothly through the folds already smeared with her orgasmic juices.

Unnnhhhh!” Bronwyn moaned as she slowly fed his hard, hot length into herself, fucking her pussy with him in a supple mix of masturbation and lovemaking.

But as good as rutting herself with a toy like this would feel, no object could stroke her broad arms as Graow did, run his hands along her sculpted muscles as though massaging the slack firmness not currently in use.

She felt herself spreading open to accommodate his entry into her, but it felt less like a consequence of how she was bearing him bodily against her own flesh and more like a stirring motion that started in his touch of her… like a flower blooming under sunlight and water, not of its own volition.

And he was going into her deep, sliding into her forever, inch after inch, until at last she felt his seething glans at the narrowing of her channel, right on the cusp of her womb. And there was still a bit of his length protruding from her. And of course, the man himself, thin and reedy but doing oh-so-much to please her.

Bronwyn suddenly loved very much to be holding him, even if she was just doing it to satisfy herself. She could feel him thrumming, vibrating with excitement to be used by her, and it was only her fear of causing him harm that kept Bronwyn from simply hammering herself with his pliant body and prodigious maleness.

Bronwyn staggered back until she was leaning against a wall, her legs akimbo, still holding Graow aloft and being fucked and letting him knead and touch her toned physique. “That’s it, that’s it, fuck us both,” Graow cooed to her, lavishing honeyed warmth into every word.

“Graow…” she groaned, so used to telling him to shut up when he got poetic with her that the vestigial instinct remained in her thoughtless passion. But the urge died away quickly and she let him pour more sweet, loving purrs into her tender ears.

“Take me inside you. Use all of me. You know what you need and all I want is to give it to you. You can feel how hard I am for you, can’t you? Feel me throbbing in the depths of you when you take me in? All that arousal is for what you’re doing right now. I don’t want anything else. Just doing this, bringing you such joy—Bronwyn, you can’t imagine how beautiful you look, the expression on your face right now… the way you look at me when you open your eyes… yes, keep shutting them when you moan, I’m nearly coming already with how you’re looking at me…”

Bronwyn gave in to the feelings he started thrumming inside her, the urges that called out for sensations to answer them. It felt good as she slowly handled him, moving him and his immense cock through of her trembling sex. She had so much control… could decide how far she wanted him inside her, how hard, at what angle… and yet, no control at all. Her body demanded more, constantly more…

She experimented with rotating him, spinning his cock inside her, twirling him from side to side so his penetration circled around and around inside her cunt. Low, delighted whimpers bubbled out of Bronwyn. It was wonderful! And even more wonderful every time she reminded herself that she wasn’t just fucking her pussy—she was fucking Graow as well!

Oohhhh, lover, take me!” Bronwyn panted, pumping him harder and harder into her creamy snatch. “Mmm, Graow, I want it all the way up inside me! I want to taste it!”

Bronwyn had both hands on his narrow hips now, ramming Graow fiercely in and out of her steamy womanhood. Even her beloved Arkot hadn’t gone so deep into her. With Graow, she could do anything she wanted to herself!

Bronwyn took one hand from Graow’s lithe body—she hardly needed much of a grip to carry him—and began to stroke her clit again. Her remaining hand, staying on his slender waist, kept Graow pistoning in and out of herself.

“No need for that, my luscious lovely!” Graow chirped, batting her free hand away from her clitoris. Then himself rubbing it, soothingly circling his hand along the taut, angular plains of her surrounding pelvis, but always coming back to her tingling little button.

He timed it with how she herself was filling her cunt with him, cooling her all-encompassing lust just enough for her to avoid an ache, but stroking the fire when she plunged his cock into herself, bringing Bronwyn to towering heights she could barely withstand.

“Oh fruxing frux, I can’t stand it!” Bronwyn babbled out. “It’s just too much!”

All of her crotch seemed to glow with heat. His hand frittering away at her clit, her sex full of his manhood—a wild excitement grew, deep within Bronwyn where she’d never been able to reach before.

“Graow… darling… I… I’m going to!” Bronwyn keened. “I’m going to because of you!” she forced out in one great rush, having to praise him for what he’d done before the luscious feeling passed into guilt. She’d been so foolish, denying herself before now.

“And I’m going to because I love you,” Graow breathed, his fingers flying faster and faster on top of her button. Bronwyn pounded his maleness as far into her body as it would go.

She was almost going to beg him to come with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. His sweet cum would burst out of his tip if that was what her flesh managed to elicit from him. She wouldn’t plead for his warm seed, no matter how long it had been, how thirsty her womanhood now was for it.

But Graow’s touch seemed ever more knowing, drawing a gasp from her baying lips. “I’m almost there, my sexy sensualist,” he breathed. “I only await you.”

Bronwyn could just about feel it where he plunged into her, his erection seething and swelling with readiness, with fresh cum burning to be spilled. It was intoxicating. Almost defiantly, Bronwyn dug both her hands into his wiry flesh and brought him into her shuddering cunt as far as she could. Giving herself to him as much as she could. Giving him to herself as much as she could.

It was almost as if he reached some hidden paradise inside her. Something was loosed far in Bronwyn’s depths and she came.

Mmmnnngghhh!” she howled, then gritting her teeth, trying to restrain her triumphant voice, afraid she would hurt Graow’s ears with the force of her outcry. She felt like she was frothing at the mouth, stifling this scream, but it didn’t matter, because she could feel a roar of pleasure in every atom of her being.

Then Bronwyn heard a voice cough delicately and knew, just knew, that it was Zinnia whose eyes were on her. “Oh… Graow… I see I underestimated… just how much frux you have to go with those manly horns…”



Verra, verra nice