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Peter skewered her harshly, boring his cock into her churning asshole. Now he went slowly, carefully, drilling deeper with every stroke. He wanted her anus to adjust to the size of his thick cock before the pain overwhelmed her—then he’d fuck like crazy.

“Yes, my ass, fill it!” Emma chortled. She grunted and threw herself back to him, impaling her ass on his thick member.

Peter fucked back and forth, violating her sensitive channel. He stroked evenly, smoothly, slipping his cock in and out. Still, it throbbed hotly in her rectum, distorting her anatomy, making her inner muscles take on the shape of his cock. He was lodged deep in her ass.

“All of it! I want all of it!” she begged.

He stuffed his cock in further. Her anus was on fire, trembling in spasms around him. His balls contracted as he fucked himself into her puckered hole. The ring of muscle was white from being stretched so taut. His thick cock angled back and forth, spearing her puckered anus savagely.

“Goddamn! Goddamn! Yesss! Inside me!” she wailed.

“Fucking your ass!” His groin slammed into her ass. His balls banged against her cunt, briefly, but long enough for him to feel the burning wetness spilling from her, surrounding his hairy scrotum every time he lunged into her.

“God, oh God, oh God!” Emma squealed, going out of control, wobbling her buttocks. She white-knuckled her fists and banged them into the mattress, shaking her head and groaning. She could feel his hot cock burrowing deep into her tenderness. Her bowels seemed filled with his meat as the hardened flesh bolted back and forth, rubbing her asshole raw. “Yesss, ahhhh!”

“My cock belongs in your ass!”

“Yesss, God, yes! It belongs!” she moaned.

“Goddamn tight asshole! And I’m fucking it good!” he cried.

She shoved her ass right to the vee of his sculpted musculature. “Keep going! It’s so dirty, so dirty!”

He moved his hips, twisting his cock inside her ass, stirring any remaining resistance in her muscles with his huge cock. They tightened sporadically, not so much trying to keep him out as to pull him deeper in. He’d never felt anything like it, but Emma was almost as tight as she’d been when he’d first entered her.

“Damn, fuck, ruining my ass! You’re ruining it! But don’t stop! Fuck my ass!” she wailed. “Fuck my ass like no one else ever can!”

Emma bucked her hips back and forth, impaling her ass with his engorged fucking. She could feel the glans of his large cock dragging inside her. Her flexing anus gripped his shaft tightly as it slid back and forth, rubbing her raw.

“Ohh, ughh, yes!” Peter grunted as he fucked harder, reaming her hole with his manhood. He pummeled her, stabbing his cock into her ass.

Emma’s passage sizzled, on fire. She felt his cock going deeper with every savage thrust. Her bowels contracted, gripping his cock with all the strength in her body and not nearly enough to slow him down.

“Love it! Love it! Love it!”

“Ugggh, so tight!”

“My ass! My ass!”

He pumped away, spearing her asshole ruthlessly.

“Do it to me, Peter! Fuck my ass!” Emma writhed, going out of control. She thought his cock must reach up into her stomach, the same way it was shooting in and out of her ass. Nine inches of thick, hard meat bored into her tender, taboo place, and she loved it. “Oooh, God, thank you! Fuck my ass, thank you!”

“You’re welcome!” Peter bolted forward. His hips slapped her buttocks as hard as a spanking. His cock probed her bowels. His balls whipped against her wet cunt. He pistoned his member in and out of her undulating ass. His raging prick invaded the innermost depths of her.

Emma shivered with delight. She tingled all over. Her asshole was more sensitive than ever, feeling all it could. This cock was just what she needed, she thought as his engorged balls bashed her pussy again.

“God, oh God, fuck my ass raw!”

“Going to come! Now!” Peter yelled, driving himself forward. He buried his cock up to the hilt and collapsed on top of her, drilling her insides ruthlessly. He wedged his cock into the deepest part of her ass before he stilled.

“Ahhhh, yes!” Emma squealed.

She closed her eyes, feeling his heavy cock go off inside her like a firecracker. Scalding, spewing gobs of his cum shot into her ass and she writhed, going out of her mind.

“Uhhhn, my ass! My ass! You’re in my ass!”

“Coming!” he wailed. He pumped swiftly, harshly, reaming her out. “Your sweet asshole’s making me come. It’s so fucking tight!”

The head of his cock fired over and over. Gushing wads of cream blasted into her ravaged ass as his hips twitched. Not as much force as before, in his paroxysms of satisfaction, but still savage bunts into her most sensitive vulnerabilities.

Emma jerked her head around, messing up her golden hair. She grunted, closing her eyes, tightening her fists, feeling his mammoth cock going off in her ass like an oil derrick that had drilled and now struck home. Her anus became slippery with cum. It slid out of her, shimmering whitely and wetly down her perineum. The sheets she gripped in her hands were soaked through with sweat.

“Ahhhh, ohhhh, yeah, my ass, God, oh, ohhhhhhh…” she moaned, her voice jagged with the impacts of more ejaculations inside her.

He fucked deep, his cock flaring, still shooting rampant jets of jism inside her. They seemed hotter than ever.

Emma was intoxicated with lust. She reared back against him, impaling her ass on his exploding shaft before it could get away. “Yes, yess, in my ass! God, I’m hot!”

Peter crashed forward, spearing her ass again. It was still tight, but decidedly slick. The feeling was incredible. He was crazed for just how fucked she was. He lurched into Emma, straining, battering her tender flesh with savage passion.

“So fucking tight! Still so fucking tight!”

She shoved her ass onto his cock, helping him as he reamed her, filling her with his cock and the massive amounts of cum that exploded from it. They sweated and strained and lurched, groaning and crying. The bed creaked as her ass suctioned his ejaculation into her, his cockhead, his shaft. It was like her body had developed a taste for him, and now it wanted all of the feast that had been provided.

Emma was boiling inside. Her ass felt scorched. “Uggghh, yeah! Doesn’t go any deeper,” she wept, shaking her head and rending the sheets. “I took it all! It’s all in me! And his cuuuum…”

“God, what an ass! Making me come so hard!” Peter howled. His powerful strokes pelted her anus, gushing more bullets of semen.

“Fucking so deep! Doing my ass!” Emma moaned, now transitioning into disbelief.

“Love this fucking ass!” Peter said. His cock lurched forward, emptying more and more and more… “So fucking good… fucking good around my cock…”

Thick rivers of semen streamed down Emma’s thighs. She writhed as they touched more and more of her heated skin. Her ass pulsed hotly around the prick that still owned it.

“I love it,” Emma gasped.

“Fucking incredible,” Peter agreed.

His cock quivered a final gulp of cum, which surged into Emma’s convulsing hole and immediately flooded out to clad her inner cheeks like a thong. Somehow sensing the ejaculation was finally done with her, Emma slumped forward, Peter’s cock still up her ass, his body on her back.

“That was great, Peter.”

“Uh-huh. I can’t believe I even thought you could take my cock. You feel too tight for a finger.”

“You took care of that,” Emma replied. “What time is it?”

“What time is it? God, what day is it? What year is it?” He slapped her ass one last time. “It’s five minutes before I get another hard-on and pick another hole to fuck.”

“Creep,” Emma said fondly, and he kissed her sweetly, then watched her bite her lip as he eased his still substantial heft out of her. When he was done, she let out a squeak and he kissed her again.

“How’s your ass?”

“Beautiful,” Emma said. “How’s your empty cock?”

He smiled at her. “Temporary, slut.”

Emma cooed in sardonic appreciation of the title. “But wherever did you get the idea of fucking me in the ass? How’d you know I liked it so much?”

“Read it somewhere.”

“Peter, you can’t believe everything you read in the papers.”

“Well, it also said you didn’t like getting cock-slapped.”

“Now that’s just slander.”


“More, MORE!” Mojo roared, the clamps holding his eyelids open showcasing every inch of the glee he felt. “Our ratings are through the roof! They love this celebrity shit! Scott Summers, him too, him too! More of the same, that’s what the people want! And younger! Laser all his body hair off, dress him up real hip, and that ninja woman… I like the ninja thing, let’s go with that! But less violent! We can’t have a bunch of unwholesome violence in these things—people come to Mojotainment to get their kids babysat! Make her a cat burglar! A cat burglar who wants to rob Scott of all his celebrity fortune! Yeah, that’s the ticket, I’M A GENIUS!”


Blind items column, Celebrity Mud: Housecat is a reformed villainess who got a suspended sentence after a series of cat-astrophic crimes when a certain someone personally vouched for her. Now she’s back in high society, in a series of dresses that make it clear she’s not smuggling the silverware, or underwear, and she makes more in Twitter endorsements than she used to make in fenced goods.

Pop Prince is a seventeen-year-old singlebrity who has almost as many bad boy antics as Housecat, a total brat that’s used to getting any woman he wants into bed.

Man of Steel could be a dead ringer for Superman, but it seems like the only part of him that’s hard enough for a bullet to bounce off of is below the waist, given how many satisfied women he’s left in his wake—then again, maybe what they’re interested in is in his pocket and not his fly. Doesn’t every girl like a guy with a big, fat wallet?

Recently, Man of Steel took Housecat to a private auction—guess she didn’t know how to get in any way other than the skylight. But while she was there, Man of Steel had to duck out—maybe Loki was attacking the city—and Housecat was left all alone. Who should keep her company but Pop Prince? Housecat’s Twitter feed and Instagram vids went from hawking the charity like a good little celebutante to complaining about having Pop Prince sniffing around her all night.

Some of Housecat’s friends—let’s call them Insane Clown Pussy and Greenpiece—even encouraged her to teach him a lesson, but those tweets were quickly deleted. Did Pop Prince end up getting himself scratched for rubbing this kitten the wrong way, or did she end up sitting in his lap? Watch this space, my lovelies. It wouldn’t be the craziest thing that’s happened in our fair city…


I’m making a big mistake, Betsy thought to herself as she ‘let herself in’ to Scott’s apartment in the high-rise hotel. Her brother had gone to a lot of trouble get her off the hook for all her previous crimes, and she’d been through hell helping him ‘save the city’—as if such a thing were possible—before the judge had agreed to let her walk free. And now here she was, breaking into other people’s property and stealing their shit.

Why? Just because some punk kid hadn’t been able to stop hitting on her? She’d gotten worse treatment. Hell, he wasn’t even that bad-looking. Maybe, if he’d bothered to dress up a little instead of hitting the society gala in a leather jacket and white tee like he was so above it all, she might have even thought about it. But she was nobody’s fool, and if he wanted to take her out so badly that he’d hit her with pick-up line after pick-up line, then she’d take something of his. Maybe something shiny. Maybe a body part.
