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“Are those my thoughts?” Emma asked aloud, barely recognizing her own internal monologue—she was usually so certain of her thinking and her feelings, but Scott had her extraordinarily confused.

Making her feel so good at the same time he degraded and humiliated her. Even at the Hellfire Club, she hadn’t been dominated this way, and by a hero too… a handsome, noble, beautiful hero…

Scott stretched her pale, straining buttocks as far apart as they could go, then lay the full length of his throbbing shaft between them like a hot dog in a bun. Maintaining his grip on Emma’s plump ass, he relaxed his hold a little, letting her buttocks close some around his engorged manhood. Then he exhaled in gleeful pleasure at how it felt, having his hard-on wrapped up in the flesh of Emma’s fat ass.

Groaning, he rocked his hips back and forth, fucking his cock between Emma’s soft buttocks, stirring up all kinds of feelings in the telepath as she was used for his pleasure—and enjoyed it, right down to the feeling of his precum dripping onto her smooth skin.

“You don’t deserve to get my cock up your ass,” he growled at her. “But maybe you can earn it. You’re one hell of a slut, but you’re a halfway decent teacher to Hisako too. Now how about teaching her how good it feels to top a whore like you? Come on, Hisako, get over here. Use that big mouth of Frost’s before I get bored of her ass and make it my cock holster.”

Emma’s eyes widened; she came back to herself with shocking suddenness. She wasn’t an anal whore, wasn’t Scott’s bitch, but Hisako was there in the room with them, watching Emma act just like a slut. Seeing her as a slut. Changing their relationship forever from mentor and prize pupil to exhibitionist and voyeur.

What’s worse, Emma was more turned on now than she had been before. She loved being Scott’s slut. She loved Hisako knowing this was the real her. And she would do whatever it took to earn Scott’s cock inside her and be his anal bitch for real.

“Down on your knees, Emma,” Scott said, gesturing Emma downward with a crook of his finger, like she was a well-trained pet to be ordered around. “I’d like to see you kneeling before my cock, like you should.”

“I thought you wanted me to let Hisako use my mouth?” Emma teased with a tilt of her golden hair.

She couldn’t believe she had said that—maybe that was why there was something a little sarcastic in her manner. Like she didn’t think that was where she belonged. Like he’d just ordered her to use a lightbulb to make coffee.

Hisako handed Scott a leather crop just like a waiter would bring him an order of brandy. No sooner had Scott laid a hand on it then he slashed it across Emma’s thickly rounded hips.

“AAAA!” Emma cried, her eyes wet with the suddenness of the pain.

“Bend over,” Scott ordered her.

Emma hesitated, wondering if she’d misheard or if Scott had misspoken or whether this continuous stream of new commands was some control tactic. She thought about it too long. Hisako grabbed her by the hair and yanked her down to her knees with brute violence.

“You do as you’re told!” Hisako snarled.

Emma’s knees came down on the highly polished tile floor with a burst of pain from the impact. Now Hisako grabbed her by the arms, bending them behind Emma’s back until her elbows touched, forcing her to thrust her breasts out at a humiliating, agonizing angle.

“When Mr. Summers tells you to do something, it is what you’re meant to do!”

With that, she threw Emma down and watched in snide satisfaction as Scott laid the crop across her ass. Emma let out a thick sob, muffled against the floor, then whimpered as Scott added more scarlet welts to the join the one he’d already inflicted on Emma’s vulnerable ass.

Now Scott circled in front of her prone body. When Emma looked up, she was staring right at his bulging erection.

“Whores don’t get to pick and choose what orders they want to follow. They do as they’re told.”

“Yes, master!” Emma said, tears leaking from her tightly shut eyes.

Scott reached behind her and forced her head back, craning her neck by pulling on her thick blonde hair. “I don’t have time to punish you the way you deserve, so if you start behaving yourself, I’ll be willing to overlook what a bad girl you’ve been. I’ll give you the fuck your slutty little cunt has been craving. But you have to really show me how much you appreciate my mercy.”

“I will, master!”

“Quiet!” Scott commanded.

Even the air conditioning seemed to go silent.

“Now get that sweet little mouth up in the air… where I can ram my cock into it.”

Emma obediently rose up on her knees, opening her lips to display her surrendered mouth, the lavish red of it shocking against the faded white of her pale skin, her icy blue lipstick. Scott took hold of her head and shoved his rigid prick into her mouth, far back into her throat until tears filled her eyes.

But Emma knew better than to resist now. Every little move she made had to be to bring him pleasure. It was her place not to provoke Scott’s ire. She must only please him. She wanted to service him, not be the kind of silly little bitch he punished. She couldn’t be meant for that.

“Hisako,” Scott said, ordering the girl about with curt gestures. “Bring me the salve.”

Emma heard his command to Hisako, though she couldn’t imagine what he would do with it. She tried not to think about it. Thoughts like that might displease Scott. She must stay focused on what Scott wanted her to do.

Hisako brought Scott a bottle of pinkish salve. He pressed the butt of the riding crop into it, then nodded to Hisako. She crouched down behind Emma and grabbed onto the older woman’s ample buttocks, splaying them out wide, exposing her pink anus.

Nnnnhhu…” Emma cried, the sounds split up by how Scott continued rocking his hips, plunging his cock through her vocalizing mouth.

She was distraught, feeling her luscious little sphincter being so blatantly displayed. But she marshalled herself and resisted the urge to make any further noise. Scott hadn’t ordered her to speak. He hadn’t ordered her at all. Until he did, she was just a pliant doll to him. He could do whatever he wanted to her body—it was his.

Scott handed the riding crop to Hisako and once she had it, she stabbed the handle of it into Emma’s exposed asshole. Hisako thrust it into Emma hard and deep, too far to come out even when she let go of it.

MMMRRR!” Emma moaned, though Scott’s thick bludgeon of a cock in her mouth prevented her from making any real noise. He only shoved himself deeper into her, further muffling her voice. It was the same feeling Emma was getting from the riding crop, pushing into her body, demanding space from the tight confines of her orifices.

Scott forced himself into her hard and fast and fast, never letting up until he was in up to the hilt. Emma twisted, but she could not move—pinned between him and Hisako like their dual penetration of her was one big shaft running all the way through her body, impaling her. She had to take their usage of her and take it like the whore they insisted she was. The whore Emma felt like…

Mmmmm,” Hisako sighed, luxuriating in her close-set view of Emma’s pussy. Not that Emma needed telepathy to sense Hisako’s appreciation, but she could still feel it coming off of her, marching into Emma’s mind in all its perverse splendor. She knew now, intimately, how much Hisako loved to eat cunts like hers.

“Go ahead,” Scott said, sweating, but giving no other sign he was being affected by ramming his cock in and out of Emma’s gargling mouth. She was just a hole to be used by his stiff prick, an exercise that it pleased him to do, and the more he used her like a cheap toy, the more Emma savored it. “Taste her juice. Lick her dirty cunt clean. I plan to use that hole as a cock holster later—it’s all yours until I want it. Not like she cares.”

Hisako patted Emma’s ass. “Isn’t Scott a good master? He’s going to keep using you, even when you’re enjoying it like such a nasty bitch. Here.” She stabbed the hard leather deeper into Emma’s anal passage. “Feel this up your ass. Remember that there are ways even a slut like you doesn’t enjoy being used. When Scott wants something from you in the future, you give it to him. You weren’t born to say no. You shouldn’t speak at all unless Scott asks how much you enjoy being his cum dumpster.”

The brutal knob of Scott’s shaft pumped strongly into Emma’s sputtering gullet. She took all of him, every inch her throat could manage and what felt like more, before her lips were nuzzled against his hilt, his balls resting on her chin.

And all while he used her mouth, her throat, her ass was on fire. The heat and pain and unwilling delight of the leather crop riding in and out of Emma’s ass on Hisako’s touch was demanding every ounce of sensation her nerves could muster.

She knew her precious little opening was stretched wider than it had ever been before. At the same time, she could barely breath with the huge, throbbing intruder being forced down her throat. It seemed like all of her body belonged to someone else, theirs to use however they saw fit. And try as she might not to enjoy it, not to relish some small part of herself to the pleasure of submission—the only thing Emma could really think was how good it felt and what a whore she was to enjoy it.

And then, as the cherry on top, Hisako pushed her face between Emma’s thighs and bit her aroused clit. She wasn’t gentle, either. She demanded Emma’s sensations as fervently as Scott did, grinding her teeth on Emma’s labia lips, pulling on them harder, then forcing her tongue inside of Emma—along with a few fingers. All of them feeling and tasting and touching at once, giving Emma so much pleasure that it barely felt good. She submitted to the feelings more than delighting in them. She wasn’t enjoying any of it as a lover, only as a slave.

“Don’t stuff yourself, Hisako,” Scott teased, sounding like this was a familiar problem. Like he knew how good Emma tasted. “Savor that pussy. She can only come so much, after all. And the way that cunt tastes when she’s getting off…”

Emma felt very close to fainting. She closed her eyes, not wanting to watch as Scott’s huge, furious erection used her mouth, used absolutely all of it, so voraciously out of control that she didn’t know if she’d be at all the same when he was done.

“Look at it!” Scott cried, slapping the side of her face hard. With his rock-hard endowment stuffed down her throat, she could not turn her head with the blow. It resounded heavily, every bit of pain in the assault throbbing its way into Emma’s flushed, tender face. “Look what’s happening to you! This is what you are, Emma! And you’re going to watch it even if I have to drag you in front of a mirror to see!”

On top of all the intense sensations she already had to endure, now Emma had to take his displeasure. His savage hand crossed her face again and again, tanning both cheeks bright red while his other hand held her in place by the top of her head, making her submit to both his stinging slaps and his bestial usage of her gullet. Emma didn’t know which she enjoyed more.


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