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“Good girl! Good! Fucking! Girl!” Harlan rammed himself to the hilt in Taylor’s defeated asshole and crushed her body to his. His prick flexed and convulsed. Cum flooded into her bowels. “AHHHH!”

It felt so good that Taylor laughed as she came. Each release he filled her with, each round of ecstasy that washed through her, brought with it a wonderful sense of satiation and relaxation. She melted into the embrace of both Katy and Harlan, her asshole stuffed with the cum from Harlan’s massive cock. He’d stopped thrusting; now he rubbed his loins against her pert ass while his cock jerked inside her, launching streams of his hot jizz into her bowels.

“Taylor…” he groaned, his cock buried so deep in her, his cum even deeper—it felt like they had merged. “Beautiful… gorgeous…”

“Take his cum,” Katy cooed up into Taylor’s face. “Don’t you just love being his cum dumpster? Such a good, full cum dumpster?”

“You’re an angel, Taylor,” Harlan continued. “You were made to take my load.”

“You’re so lucky…”

“Take it in your ass…”

“So much cum…”

“Take it all…”

“Are you full of his cum, Taylor? Is he still giving you more?”

Taylor moaned, gasping with each spurt that went up her ass, filling it with more of her delicious feeling of contentment. She closed her eyes as she melted with his flowing cum. She was so loose and at ease that when her orgasm dwindled down, sleep took her easily.


Taylor woke when the limo volleyed to a stop. The ache in her ass—or rather, her awareness of it—returned with a sudden pulse that hit her pussy too, also reminding her of how hard she’d come as Harlan had stuffed her ass full.

She could still feel the leaden weight of all the cum Harlan had lodged inside her there and still feel embers of heat from how hot his ejaculation had been. She lifted her head, sighing, and saw that she had fallen asleep against Harlan, nestled at his side, fitting neatly under his left arm.

Katy was on top of him, her incredible breasts squashed against his broad chest, her luscious ass on top of the brawny loins that had given Taylor so much enjoyment. Harlan’s other arm was wrapped around Katy’s back, the hand down at that gorgeous ass—below the dip in her back and above her long, tawny legs, which crisscrossed with his own like tangled sheets.

On her side, Taylor pouted, feeling like an afterthought to the lovely scene the two made. Harlan’s left hand ran along her flank, patting her small but firm hip in acknowledgment of her. It made her feel a little better, as did remembering how much of his essence he’d given her—surely even Harlan couldn’t manage to do much with Katy after the way he’d emptied himself and filled Taylor.

But she still couldn’t sort out all she felt: her disapproval of Taylor’s sluttiness, but how much she loved seeing Katy fucked and used and dominated like the slut she was. It seemed to make less and less sense as the insanity continued.

“Enjoy your nap, my love?” Harlan asked, reaching around her slender body to stroke her juicy ass. Taylor couldn’t help but mewl at the feel of his sure touch on her naked body.

She tingled in her splayed, gaping anus and wished he would finger her there. As hard as he had made her work for her anal orgasm the first time, the soreness wasn’t nearly enough to stop her from craving more. Even a spanking on her well-used ass would feel good in the state she was in. She’d probably come just from his bare hand; it wouldn’t be the first time.

“I can’t believe you fucked me that hard… overwhelmed me like that… when Katy and I, we—we outnumber you.”

Harlan turned his head, brushing his lips through Taylor’s tousled hair to find her ear. “Who says she was on your side?”

Taylor might’ve agreed with him, but it was suddenly hard to think with him worrying her earlobe with his lovely teeth. She instinctively reached down for Harlan’s groin, but Katy’s hips covered it. Katy gave a little shimmy and Taylor realized that from her perspective, she was being groped by both boyfriend and girlfriend.

Taylor gave her fat ass a smack and Katy winced, then purred with delight and buried her face in Harlan’s chest hair. “Go back to sleep, Tay. Let me fuck your boyfriend some more. I’ll keep his cock nice and warm for you—and he’ll keep me nice and warm for you.”

“I think we’ve tested our driver’s patience long enough,” Harlan said, looking up. Taylor followed his gaze and, through the sunroof, saw the façade of their mansion, albeit upside down. “Taylor? Katy?”

All Katy’s self-consciousness and reservations were gone. She grinned lewdly at Taylor. “Bet you never thought you’d go streaking again!”

Taylor wanted to let Katy know that she’d never gone streaking, but instead she petted Harlan’s cheek. “Anything for the big man.”

Harlan opened the door and they ran along the footpath—path lighting illuminating their bare feet striking the cobblestone and kicked up light onto their bare bodies, giving snatches of loveliness any photographer would kill for. Katy’s famous breasts jiggled spectacularly, spurring Taylor on to try and outrace her just so she could look back and see her bounce. Her own ass, tight but not small by any means, bounded with each stride her long, coltish legs took. Some of Harlan’s issue squirmed out of her well-opened asshole; Taylor felt it run down the back of her thighs and a thrill of licentiousness, nearly orgasmic, ran through her. It hurt so good to be running after how Harlan had spread her asshole. She pitied Katy—that slut could never know what it was like to feel like she’d been rearranged by Harlan’s massive cock and blunt, even cruel usage of a woman who was lucky and foolhardy enough to spread for him.

The girls meant to throw themselves inside and hide well clear of the windows, but Harlan walked from the driveway to the front door at a leisurely pace. Taylor and Katy hid on either side of the door, heads poking out to watch him coming. Then Taylor went further, hanging her head and bare shoulders into view like Rita Hayworth in Gilda.

Harlan loved it when she teased him. And she loved to tantalize him, getting him worked up as best she could before she gave in and let him act out whatever wicked thoughts she’d conjured in him. He was fully erect as he walked towards them—Katy licked her lips at the sight, one eye on him, one eye on Taylor across from her, the blonde’s long, lean body looking as gorgeous to her as it did to Harlan.

His erection was hard and long and easily the biggest Taylor had ever encountered. The first time she’d fucked him, he’d made Taylor feel like she’d never been split apart before she met him. That night they’d tried it five times and in five different positions—Taylor didn’t know what he’d do with Katy there.

A lustful sense of curiosity was rapidly overcoming her reluctance. The way Harlan treated Katy… mastering her and making her do what he said… Taylor wasn’t worried about her being competition. It was more like she was a sex slave. And for some reason Taylor liked the idea of having Katy as a sex slave.

“You two run fast,” he said, coming in and kicking the door shut behind him. “That was hardly a punishment at all.”

He took Taylor in hand, kissing her, running his hands down her slender back and down to her nubile little hips. Cupping her pert ass, he lifted her up against his physique, grinding Taylor’s naked sex against his erection. She mewled and rubbed her face against a weighty pectoral, feeling his big cock on her slit, but not inside it.

“What are you punishing us for?” Taylor gasped. “Have we been bad?”

“Always,” Harlan said, picking her up and carrying her for a few steps past Katy, then setting her down and grabbing Katy from behind.

She squealed as he pulled her luscious ass back into his groin, letting her feel the length of his cock between her milky white buttocks, the pulse of his arousal traveling up and down her cleft. His arms went around her body, one set of fingers sinking into a spectacular breast, the other going down to her mons, covering them with a tight grip that made Katy’s piercing eyes lose focus and roll back in her head.

“Oh God… oh fuck…”

“Maybe I should make you crawl to the bedroom on all fours,” he whispered in Katy’s ear. “Like a pair of bitches.”

Katy’s chin trembled in something like a nod. As close as he had her to orgasm—as addicted as she was to his mastery and the pleasure it brought her—she’d agree to anything. The same mental calculus that had Taylor playing all his games also made Katy his whore.

Then Taylor jumped on Harlan’s back, halfway between mischievous high spirits and slyly diverting his attention from Katy and her bottomless supply of submission.. “I think you should carry us!”

While she was getting a piggyback ride, Katy was determined to get her own. She whirled around and jumped on Harlan too, wrapping her legs around his back despite the fact that Taylor was in the way.

“Carry us, Harlan!” Katy ordered playfully. “We’re tired from being sluts for you all day!”

“But not tired of being your sluts,” Taylor cooed in his ear.

So motivated, Harlan made his overencumbered way to the bedroom—grateful it was on the first floor. He flipped on the mood lighting and collapsed into the bed, panting and sweating copiously. The girls laughed and pulled him further onto the mattress; his feet had been sticking out over the bedframe.

“I am out of shape,” Harlan moaned.

“We can help with that,” Katy said, petting his sweaty chest, smearing the perspiration around with her fingers.

“We like it when you work up a sweat,” Taylor added.

Harlan cracked a kink out of his neck. “How about we try something a little… low-key instead?”

Taylor bit her lip. “You don’t want to fuck her ass?” she asked of Katy, not sure if she was eager to see Katy go through the same ecstatic torment she had or if she wanted that to be her and Harlan’s thing. And what it said about her if something so kinky was her and Harlan’s thing…

Harlan shook his head. “Too much of a good thing,” he said warningly.

“Is never enough,” Katy completed with a purr, tossing her long dark mane in her own Gilda moment.

“Why don’t we take a shower?” Harlan suggested. “As long as we’re just wearing our skins, they might as well be clean.”

“I’ve never taken a shower with three people before,” Taylor said. “Will we all fit?”

“It’ll be fun trying,” Katy laughed, getting to her feet and holding out her hands to the other two.

They took her hands and let her heave them out of bed with surprising, yoga-infused strength.

In the bathroom, Taylor turned the water on just to the heat she liked it, knowing that she had the measure of what both she and Harlan would like. And if Katy didn’t like it, tough titty, she was outvoted. The blonde stood in the door to the stall, waiting until the water raining down on her outstretched palm was just the right amount of steamy.

While the water was warming up, Katy decided she wanted a smoke. She kissed Harlan on the shoulder, then on the cheek—ran her hand along the muscles of his back, down tantalizingly towards the tender, little-touched flesh of his ass—and whispered ingratiatingly “Where’s your weed?”

“Top drawer of the dresser.”

“Tay doesn’t make you hide it?” Katy asked teasingly.

Harlan smirked back at her. “I have a prescription.”



I continue to marvel at how you manage to make me enjoy an RPF.