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“OHHH, Peter, I’m about to come! I can feel it! I want you to come with me! I don’t care if you can hold out longer! We can fuck all night, but some other time! Right now, I want us to come together! I want us both to come right fucking now!” Gwen cried, her excited voice racing with lust and pleasure. She was right on the brink of a potent climax and she could think of nothing better than feeling Peter’s own orgasm as she came.

Peter groaned, delighted by her words. Already he felt the insistent tingle where his cock met his scrotum, telling him his cum was swarming impatiently, heating up the base of his shaft. He pulled himself almost all the way out of Gwen’s pussy—only his engorged cockhead stayed inside her, gripped by Gwen’s labia.

“Back in, put it back in!” she gasped.

Peter looked down at his phallus, wet and shining with her juices. He groaned at the lewd sight, at the feel of Gwen’s cuntlips around his knob. All of his cock waiting to be buried back inside her.

“PLEASE! Put your cock back in me, I have to feel your cock again!” Gwen pleaded tearfully, pushing her hips up to Peter in a desperate attempt to satisfy her aching pussy.

Peter smiled down at her, panged by her begging him to fuck her once more. He took a deep breath, then rammed all of himself inside her, eyes wide open to capture every facet of Gwen’s expression as she took him.

Her eyes bulged. Her mouth gaped wide open. She was speechless for the first several moments in which she held him.

Ohhhh, YES!” Gwen whooped, loving the wet sucking sound of his fat prick brutally pushing through her folds, sliding along the aroused juices that soaked it as it entered her.

His big cock seemed to completely fill Gwen, its tip pushing against the entrance to her womb. Gwen let out a sharp gasp, then keened in high-pitched pleasure. She thrilled to both the pain and pleasure of being stuffed full of him, stretched and throbbing thanks to Peter.

Peter started fucking her, going into her for minute after minute, sending the full length of his cock into Gwen with each pumping plunge. She did her part, lifting her ass up to him and rocking her cunt against his skewering prick, taking her impalement like a good girl every time he fed it to her.

Ohhhh, my breasts ache so much… suck them, Peter!”

Peter dropped his face into Gwen’s breasts, licking all of the sweat-salted flesh he could, coating her twin nipples with his saliva. Gwen took her arms from around her neck and pressed her breasts together, squeezing Peter’s face between before he pulled back, then sucked both nipples into his mouth.

He alternated between tonguing and sucking them; they pulsated lewdly against his tongue and he gave them another hard suck. Gwen writhed, legs kicking, arms tossing around the mattress like she was making snow angels. Then Peter sank the sharp points of his teeth into Gwen’s tender nipples.

Yessss!” Gwen cried, feeling even more of her juice filling her groin as Peter kept sucking and nibbling at her vulnerable breasts.

The more he devoured her breasts, the more Peter fucked her, going harder and faster each time his thick cock went in and out of her. Gwen felt her climax growing closer. It hurt to have him rutting her unprepared cunt so forcefully, but the pleasure increased along with the pain, until her entire body shook with lust. She could tell Peter’s cock would give her a better orgasm than she’d ever had before, even when his tongue had blown her mind with ecstasy.

“Only got—another—second!” Peter groaned, his cum swelling the shaft of his cock, about to spurt from his widening glanshole.

“Do it! Come! And make me come too!” Gwen shrieked, absolutely ravenous with the excitement of being fucked and her need to experience the powerful orgasm she felt mounting inside her.

“Here it is!” Peter cried as he made Gwen take all of his cum-swollen erection—more of it than she ever had before.

He rode high into her, leaning forward, the top of his hardened shaft rubbing lewdly at Gwen’s clit all the way into her. His engorged cockhead bulged in her taut belly.

“OH MY GOD!” Gwen moaned, feeling his cock pumping its seed deep inside her. Her eyes crossed as she came along with Peter.

He arched his back, throwing his head up, face upturned to the ceiling fan providing a breeze to take the sweat off their overheated bodies.

“Y-you—you’re coming inside me, Peter!” Gwen panted, her ankles still crossed around Peter’s twitching legs. “Filling up my goddamn hole!”

He crushed his body down between her legs, their groins fully meeting, and they both groaned while they came together.

“Oh shit, this is the best thing ever, it’s the BEST!” Gwen sang out as Peter’s cum bathed her insides. Her body jerked and quivered under his. “There’s so much cum!”

There was—it was flowing out of Gwen’s overwhelmed sex, running down her thighs, soaking into the blanket below, along with what seemed like gallons of Gwen’s own cream.

“God, it’s fantastic!” she cooed, feeling his hot cum blast again and again against the well-stretched folds of her pussy.

Gwen felt like she was having the same exact climax as Peter. He just kept coming and coming, feeding his sperm into her receptive sheath, and she orgasmed for as long as he kept giving it to her.

“Never given anyone so much cum before in my life,” Peter moaned, shaking his head in disbelief.

He felt Gwen’s inner flesh convulsing around his member. The lewd ripples set into motion by his flaring ejaculations only heightened his pleasure. His balls clenched and he came inside her again.

After an endless minute, his rapture subsided. Slavishly, Gwen’s dwindled too. Peter fell on top of Gwen, crashing down far enough for his knees to feel the pool of wetness their mingled juices had made under Gwen’s crotch.

Together they caught their breaths, hearing each other’s heartbeats slow with time. Peter began to pull himself from Gwen, but she grabbed at his shoulders, stopping him with his flagging erection still inside her.

“Leave it in,” she trilled weakly. “I don’t want to forget how it feels just yet. Mmmmm… the longer you’re in me, the more it feels like you’re still fucking me.”

Peter grinned and held his cock inside of Gwen’s quaking body. Her orgasm ebbed to a little trickle of her juices down the inside of her thigh.

“God, Peter, you actually popped my cherry,” Gwen continued, as if she couldn’t quite believe it. Or how: “It felt amazing.”

Peter chuckled. He knew it wasn’t just Gwen’s inexperience that had made it so thrilling for her. He could already tell, with a sense of pride, that no matter how many times she fucked in her life, she would never be able to forget this time, or how good it had been. She would always be grateful to him for how he had initiated her so perfectly into sex.

Gwen sighed, running her hands along Peter’s shoulders, down his muscular back, compulsively squeezing his firm ass. She uncrossed her ankles and planted the flats of her feet on the sheets alongside Peter’s hips. Her legs felt as if they would never be able to close again.

Gwen didn’t know if she wanted them to. She always wanted to be ready for Peter to do this to her, make her feel this way, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

Finally, Peter saw Gwen’s expression curdle as discomfort set in. He reluctantly pulled himself out of her aching sex. She groaned, not eager to be empty again. It now made her feel incomplete.

She was about to say something when Mary Jane dropped down onto the other side of the bed, firmly gripping Peter and helping him roll over, off of Gwen’s body and onto his back.

“How were my sloppy seconds? That looked like one sweet fuck, even for a first-timer,” Mary Jane commented, patting Peter’s sweaty chest in congratulations. “I guess now that Gwen knows what she’s missing, I’m in for a hell of a lot more competition.”

Peter groaned. “Why do you have to compete? I told you I can’t do a committed relationship right now—“

“Then let’s do an uncommitted relationship,” Mary Jane suggested. Up on her elbows, she stared friendly daggers at Gwen. “We’ll be friends, and mess around and have a good time, and if Gwen wants to do that too, it’s fine with me. It’s not like you’ve chosen either of us. You’re just having fun—with me.”

Gwen rolled onto her side to face MJ over Peter’s body. “I’m fine with that. If that’s what Peter’s ready to give, I’m sure it will develop into what it’s meant to be.”

Mary Jane glanced down at Peter’s cock. “Yes. I’m quite content with what Peter’s ready to give too.” She licked her lips at the sight of his half-hard cock, smeared with the blood and semen and juice of taking Gwen’s virginity.

With a joyfully arched eyebrow, Mary Jane rolled onto her belly at Peter’s midsection, her face right in front of his erection. She lifted his cockhead with trembling fingers and lapped happily at the mixture that lewdly covered his manhood.

She felt endlessly, sensually naughty to be sucking the cock that had popped Gwen’s cherry—interspersing herself into the beginning of Gwen’s sex life to firmly mark Peter’s. She lapped all over Peter’s member, moaning when she felt his heavy erection shudder against her kissing lips.

Pouting, Gwen snuggled against Peter’s upper body, even throwing a leg across his waist as she kissed him. “See? I don’t mind,” she said unconvincingly. “Let her lick your cock clean. It’s not like I wanted to do it…”

“Clearly,” Mary Jane moaned, enjoying the flavor she’d worked off Peter’s cock when her lips popped clean of his glans.

Gwen told herself she didn’t mind, didn’t mind at all. She had Peter’s handsome face, his puckered lips, and it didn’t matter if some of his breathy exhales were for how Mary Jane was sucking him off. She could only hope that Peter would see her love for him was more important than Mary Jane’s whorishness.

Or maybe she could do more than hope. Gwen wondered what it would feel like to take Peter’s big dick in her virgin asshole instead of her pussy. The very thought made her tingle with excitement—in her anus as well as her cunt.

She was surprised by the intensity of the sexual craving she felt. Gwen would have thought it would take longer than this for her to feel horny after how ardently Peter had satisfied her… especially with Mary Jane being such a slut.

Maybe Peter fucked me into a nymphomaniac, Gwen thought, not taking the thought seriously and not minding one bit if it were true. It would just mean more satisfying bouts of sex with him.

Mary Jane was thinking along the same lines. She had expected that her blowjob would put Gwen off, show Peter what a goody two-shoes she was, incapable of satisfying him. But if anything, Gwen seemed excited by it. Or maybe she was still excited from the fuck Peter had pounded into her. Mary Jane couldn’t blame her for that. Even an amateur like Gwen could recognize the good stuff when it sent her pussy to heaven.

Well, she wasn’t licked yet. As MJ felt Peter’s cock swell and tremble with cum to give her, she knew she still had an ace up her sleeve. Gwen had shown him a good time, but Mary Jane was his ticket to a lifetime of sexual ecstasy. And now that Gwen was calling her bluff, it was time to lay her cards on the table. She was about to show Peter kinds of bliss he’d never even heard of. And ironically enough, it was going to be the cell phone video she’d just taken of Gwen getting fucked through the bed that would seal her fate of being Peter’s second choice.

She licked his big prick until it was completely clean of everything but her saliva; just like Peter’s cock should be.


When they had yet another blow-up and Spider called it quits with her for the umpteenth time, Felicia Hardy was momentarily relieved. The man had been such a frequent visitor to her bedroom that she felt like charging rent. The sexual exhaustion had been beginning to get to her.

Two days after their partnership had hit the rocks, though, Felicia was missing them: Spider-Man and his enormous prick. She hadn’t realized how addicted she’d become—not just to his lusty appetite, but to putting on the costume and swinging into the night with him. Whether in bed or the city skyline, Spider seemed bound to bring her excitement. Without him in either her days or nights, time seemed to drag by with agonizingly slowness.

It was in the middle of just such an endlessly boring afternoon when the intercom buzzed, interrupting Felicia’s masturbation. As if caught in the act, Felicia gasped and pulled her fingers from her sex. That could be Spider. Would he be able to tell she’d been masturbating? That she’d been thinking of him?



This is verra hot, but that bit at the end is hella intriguing