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Jen’s mouth hung open, tongue lolling out, eyes glazed and unseeing—her only motion was shallow breathing and the occasional tremor that went through her as her ecstasy stretched into the afterglow, the two inseparable. She-Hulk’s all-consuming lust had finally been sated and it felt like a weight had come off of Jennifer Walters’ shoulders.

And in her unthinking happiness, she slowly began to change. Her bulging muscles receded into her body like ice cubes melting into a glass of water. Her green skin lightened into pale, untanned flesh. Her statuesque height shrunk down like she was being sucked into herself.

Peter’s body was lowered down on her receding form, like he was lying on a waterbed that had sprung a leak, until he felt the cold tile floor chilling his body and opened his eyes to see Jen as a short, slender human, instead of the epically endowed titan he was so used to.

He almost wouldn’t have recognized her if it weren’t for Jen wearing the same blissfully fucked out expression as She-Hulk—her thinner lips drooling, her shorter hair equally disheveled, her smaller breasts heaving. He’d fucked a goddess, blacked out with the rapture of his ejaculation, and woken up to a woman that couldn’t be more than five foot six.

Peter was not a big man, but he still didn’t think a woman of Jen’s stature would appreciate having him crushing her, so he rolled off her. That was enough to bring Jen to her senses. Her delicate jaw worked animatedly as she came back to herself… eyes blinking open without the almost glowing green in the irises… slim lips pinching together and molding into a neutral expression… eyes blinking away the vacant look of bliss for one that was more… panicked.

“Oh, I am—I am—so sorry—“ she muttered, scrambling away from Peter suddenly, covering herself with an arm across her chest, a hand down between her legs. There, she felt the remnants of Peter’s explosion inside her, body-warm and painting her thighs even whiter than the rest of her now-pale skin. “Oh my God… God… holy shit… I have to go, Mr. Parker, sorry to have—bothered—sorry.”

She went for the door, trying the knob, not thinking that she was entirely naked. And before she could think of that, Jen pulled at the doorknob, only to find Peter’s webbing still held it shut.

Jen let loose a distressed moan, then remembered her nakedness again and turned, hiding her bare ass behind her body and facing away from Peter, while her arms covered breasts and pubis again.

When she turned around, she found that Peter was holding up Jen… or rather, She-Hulk’s… coat. Ready to help her into it just like they’d finished dinner at some fancy restaurant. “I, ah, think this might fit you,” he said.

Hurrying and yet seeming to tip-toe, Jen went over to him, turning at the last minute to back into the coat—and his own body—and putting her slender arms through the massive sleeves. “I… I don’t have any excuse… you have to keep this to yourself, Peter, I—I… it’s been a long time since…”

“Hey,” Peter said, his voice soothing, close to her ear, but not so close as to cross Jen’s boundaries. “I’m not the type to kiss and tell. Just close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relax. It’s not like we did anything wrong.”

“Yes, well…” Jen felt Peter’s arms go around her as he closed the coat in on her, but he was only doing up the buttons for her, hiding her naked body from view. “There’s wrong and then there’s, there is, there is frowned upon, and that’s what it is called when you throw yourself at a teammate—naked—and have the best sex of your life without him even buying you a drink so much. Ha!”

Peter smiled at her quirky little nervous laugh. “I don’t think I’d want to know anyone who frowns upon that.”

“Well, well—well, you have your reputation and I have mine and I’m trying not to be ‘the girl Hulk who has tits and gets totally railed by men.’”

“Doesn’t sound like much fun.”


“Not getting totally railed.”

Jen pulled away from him, brushing his hands off her now totally done up, and quite bulky, coat. “Well, I have to be going now.”

She glanced at the clothes she’d discarded before—oh God—lying down on Peter’s couch and masturbating herself so close to orgasm that by the time Peter had actually entered her, the sex had been like one long, fine climax…

“You can keep those. I’d just burn them anyway.” She tried the door again, too frazzled to keep fixed in her mind that it was webbed up. Her forehead dropped against the door in dismay. “Is there another way out of here?”

Peter went to her—coming up behind her—setting his hands on her slender shoulders. Jen felt their warmth right through her coat. “Mind if I do my psychic act for you before you cut out?”

Jen sighed. She was a proud woman; too proud to play the victim after breaking into Peter’s home and propositioning him in the most flagrant way imaginable. If he wanted to comfort her… she could at least let him try. “Fine.”

Peter squeezed her reassuringly. “I think maybe you were a little bit wired… a little bit raw… and you wanted to have some fun with me, but you came on way too strong and now you’re a little embarrassed. Okay, a lot embarrassed. But you shouldn’t be, because I came on pretty strong myself that first time—remember?”

“Remember?” Jen replied with another nervy laugh. “Why do you think I came here?”

Peter stroked his hands down her slender arms, lost in She-Hulk’s enormous sleeves. He chuckled at how the vast swaths of material swam around Jen’s comparatively tiny arms. “So maybe neither of us should be embarrassed that we can run pretty hot at times. Maybe that makes us a good match.”



Huh, this is an intriguing turn of events