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Ahh, shit!” Peter moaned, his head drifting back. “That’s it, babe. That’s how you suck cock. No more teasing. Show me how much you want my cum. Ohhh, yeah, you blow me until I give it to you!”

Barely restraining himself, he moved his hands with Gwen’s already bobbing head, ensuring her mouth kept receiving his fucking cock. At the same time, he worked his hips in small circles, muscles clenching and releasing as he pumped into the warm need her throat had for his prick.

His right hand caressed the side of her face, feeling the bulge in her cheek where his cockhead was inside her mouth. Then Gwen bobbed her head again on his erection, changing the angle, and he felt her cheeks hollow as she sucked at him.

Peter’s hand moved down her throat, feeling the gulping muscles at the tips of his fingers, and he kept going down to the swell of her cleavage. His fingertips now ran over the slope of her firm breasts. His fingers surrounded one luscious tit and cupped it, squeezing while the nipple throbbed against his palm like a hummingbird caught in a cage.

Gwen forced her breath through her stricken body, almost unable to believe the heights she was ascending to, how Peter could manipulate her body so adroitly. Her breast was tingling and aching and full of sensation. She felt her nipple harden and swell like it only did for Peter. The strength of the feeling frightened her. She stopped sucking, just letting Peter use her mouth, his cock filling it and pumping rhythmically to the back of her throat.

Nnngh!” she groaned around his prick.

“You like that?” Peter grinned, now tightening thumb and forefinger around her nipple, twisting it slightly, pulling at it, sending so many new ripples of delicious feeling through the tight little bundle of nerves that was receiving everything he was doing to it. “You like it so much, maybe I should give you some more…”

And his other hand pressed on the back of her head, easing her forward while his cock plunged into her mouth until it tested her gag reflex. Gwen sputtered, gulping rhythmically, instinctively, around the lustful throbbing that seemed about to burst through her gullet. He was just too big, too turned on, for her to swallow. But he kept pistoning his cock through her too-small throat anyway, fucking her face the same way he would fuck her pussy.

His right hand skimmed down the front of her body, stroking the curves of her breasts, then sliding down her flat stomach, the pinch of her slender waist, the roundness of her hips. Suddenly Peter stopped reaching underneath her and instead reached over her kneeling body, down the sweep of her ass to stroke between her legs. He pinched her engorged labia lips gently between his fingers. Gwen moaned in protest, but the sound only spurred Peter on. His prick throbbed from her splayed lips to the back of her throat.

When he touched her clit, a sharp exhale blew through Gwen’s nostrils. She couldn’t believe the throb down in her belly that was lit off by a simple touch. It was dull, at first, but overwhelmingly sweet. And growing bigger, more immense, adding to her lust each time she sucked at his cock. Gwen was actually getting off on blowing Peter now, masturbating herself by throating him.

Ahh, that’s it, Gwen, that’s the way I like pussy. Wet and soft and so, so ready for a big cock. I knew even a good girl like you couldn’t resist a cock like this.”

“Oh God, Peter, she’s literally gagging for it!” Felicia cried, jealous and impressed.

Gwen heard her. Then she heard Peter growl as his member jerked and flexed readily in her mouth. “Believe me, I know what she’s doing. You wanna help, get over here and help. Goddamn, she’s such a cocksucker. A real live blowjob artist, just like I knew she was behind the big innocent act. Ahh, yeah, come over here and help, Cat, help me put a big load in her sweet mouth. I want to know she’s tasting my cum behind all those sugary smiles!”

Gwen heard the strikes of Felicia’s bound elbows and knees coming across the room until she was beside them, listening intently to how Gwen sucked and mewled, servicing Peter and enjoying him.

“Keep sucking his cock, you little cunt,” Felicia said, shocking Gwen with the sudden cruelty of her words. “Keep those lips moving, show every inch of his cock how much you love it. Or do I have to show you how to suck him off right? Spider, let me suck your hot dick and she’ll see what a good cock-slut looks like.”

Gwen felt Felicia’s body butting against hers, trying to drive her away from the phallus sunk into her pursed lips. She pushed back, staying arranged in front of Peter and embracing his cock. Gwen didn’t care how jealous Felicia got—she wasn’t giving up his cock until Peter made her.

“Ease off, Cat,” Peter moaned, pushing Felicia to the side, her elbows and knees skidding across the smooth floor. “She can’t see a thing when she’s blindfolded. Besides, she’s doing just fine. But I bet she’ll do even better when the heat is on. Go behind her and warm her up, Felicia—you know how.”

“Then you’ll fuck me?” Felicia asked hopefully, rubbing her face against Peter’s leg like the affectionate feline she was named for.

“I’m always going to fuck you sooner or later, Cat—it’s all a question of timing.”

Gwen felt Felicia’s body circle around her. They all rearranged themselves: Peter knelt, hands on top of Gwen’s head to guide her down to his upright cock, while Felicia padded up behind Gwen, muscling aside her feet. Gwen felt the soft press of Felicia’s bare breasts, full and curvaceous, along her bound thighs and locked up calves…

Then she felt Felicia’s plump lips against her mound—tongue crawling out to open her labia, baring the pink folds inside. She felt the heat of Felicia’s bated breath on her exposed sex and couldn’t help but feel a throb of desire, like when Peter had touched her clit.

Only she couldn’t believe that now it was for Felicia. But with her eyes covered, telling Peter’s touch apart from Felicia’s was impossible. They were both fucking her—she didn’t know which one she loved—only that she loved being fucked.



This is verra hot, even though I still have no idea what a "bitchsuit" is, but am insufficiently curious to Google it