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Terry’s praise seemed to push Willow into a frenzy, a new lust beyond even what his prick in her mouth had inspired in her. She swirled her tongue lovingly over his quaking cockhead, then boldly reached her widely stretched lips down his fat shaft, gulping down half of it before she’d had her fill—for now.

Terry didn’t move. He didn’t want to do anything to ruin the sweet experience Willow was giving him—but he did look to Burma, seeing her watching him, enjoying the show while she licked her lips and massaged her breasts.

“I think you’d give a lot to have an audience that’s as captivated with you as you are with us,” he quipped to Burma, his lips rolled into a lewd smirk.

“It’s just too damn bad I’m the chaperone at this party instead of on the dance floor,” Burma replied. “I could really show you something, but I’m holding off because as bad as I want it, Willow’s never even had one! So don’t let anyone say I haven’t made any sacrifices for the war effort!”

Terry smiled in agreement with her, even as he arched his hips up to Willow’s sucking mouth, savoring the wonderful feeling as more of his erection was fed into her lips.

Burma watched closely, still playing with herself. She noted how Willow seemed to suck harder and with more frenzy every time Terry paid any attention to the blonde. Hmmm… it seems the kid is a little jealous of me. Not that I blame her. A girl taking the stage for the first time can’t expect to get the same amount of applause as a gal who knows how to work the crowd and put on a show, not to mention learned all the old favorites…

Then the lust raging through Burma’s body took hold. She decided that maybe she should put Willow’s jealousy to a rest by joining in. After all, Willow would soon have Terry all to herself. So why should Burma let her hog the stud right now?

“Down on your back, Mr. Lee,” Burma cooed. “I need a place to sit and your lap seems to be occupied at the moment.”

Willow didn’t voice any objection; maybe too worried what would happen if Terry’s lap stopped being occupied, even for a moment. Terry stretched out on his back, still with Willow’s lips locked around his impressive girth.

“And Willow, play with his balls,” Burma said, straddling Terry’s face, her golden pussy hovering right before his eyes.

“Yeah, Willow,” Terry said quickly, mindlessly agreeing with whatever Burma wanted. “Suck on them like she said!”

Burma made sure that was the last word on the subject by seating herself on Terry’s mouth, giving him all he could ever want of her juicy sex. Willow’s eyes came up off her own lusty work between Terry’s legs and she met Burma’s gaze; Burma winked at her.

As harsh as it sounded, Burma was no longer concerned how Willow felt about what was happening. Her own arousal was making it very hard to give a damn about whether Willow resented her intimacy with Terry or not. All she knew was that her own pussy was wet and ready to get some relief.

Willow dipped her mouth down low, taking all of Terry’s bloated balls in between her cheeks. Terry groaned with pleasure, rolling his body against the mattress—Burma felt a little like she was riding some slowly sailing boat as he writhed underneath her, held down more by his desire to keep devouring her pussy than by her slight weight.

But his huge cock wanted to be free. It jutted straight up from his dark pubic hair, trembling like a sturdy flagpole withstanding a gust of wind. Watching it seethe as Willow pleased his balls, Burma was forced to squeal passionately when Terry’s tongue snaked its way into her spasming folds.

Willow returned her mouth to Terry’s pole, confirming Burma’s suspicions that there wasn’t a woman alive who could see that tall erection and leave it unattended. But as she did, Willow cast a lingering gaze at Burma, her eyes raking up and down Burma’s lithe body—from the expression of glee on her face to where she was spread over Terry’s mouth. Burma quickly realized that Willow, the sweet thing, wasn’t jealous at all… she was fascinated by another of the mysteries of sex that Burma had offered to share with her.

“Would you like to switch seats?” she cooed to Willow. “I don’t want to—mmmmm—but I need you to feel this tongue…”

Willow ran her tongue up the length of Terry’s manhood, savoring every vein, every tremor that went through it, the tang of precum that swept her taste buds when she licked over his glans. Then, with a lascivious grin on her face, she parked her chin on top of his cockhead.

“Yes, I do want to try that,” she moaned. “I’ve got plenty for him to lick up just thinking about getting what I’ve seen you getting for the past few minutes.”

No sooner was it said than done, the two women trading places with Terry staying put, amused by the game of musical chairs taking place on top of him. He saw no way that his cock would receive any less lavish treatment than it had already been getting and he loved the thought of tasting Willow so soon after Burma, being able to compare their flavors like a true playboy. He felt like one hell of a cocksman and even more of a lucky bastard.

Burma wasted no time in taking Willow’s place between Terry’s legs and lavishing his full balls with strokes of her tongue. She heard Willow squeal with delight as she was tongued for the first time. The thought of Willow enjoying what had just given Burma such pleasure herself greatly increased Burma’s desire. She eagerly sucked Terry’s balls into her mouth and delicately ground her teeth into their bloated roundness.

Burma loved the way the fullness of his scrotum bloated out her cheeks, but her burning pussy had her wanting more. She tried one last time to swallow Terry’s enormous testes, then released them, taking his swollen cockhead between her lips instead. Without pausing for breath, Burma forced more than half of his awe-inspiring length into her mouth.

As Terry’s tongue kept Willow soaring through rapture she had never felt before, Burma gluttonously enjoyed his tremendous prick. She wanted it nice and slick for when she mounted him, but taking him in her mouth pleased Burma almost as much as she was anticipating filling her pussy with him.

She closed her lips around his arrow-shaped glans, slurping hard on the precum that was already spilling out from his tip. It would be easy to forget Willow with this juicy prick in her mouth, but Burma forced her eyes open, watching Willow tremble and undulate like some sensual dancer on top of Terry’s face and at the end of his lashing tongue.

And as good as Willow had it, Burma was just as happy with Terry’s erection. The boy had one sweet cock, the knob tart and tasty and warm. She pumped his shaft with her hand, suddenly wanting to bring him off in her mouth and devil may care if he couldn’t get it up again.

Burma always had been one to damn the consequences and the sharp taste of cum in her mouth was worth any disappointment later on. And she couldn’t even begin to care if Willow got to feel Terry’s cock anywhere besides her mouth on this outing. The girl had to learn that Burma’s tutelage came with a price tag attached, just like everything else.

Terry groaned suddenly and spilled his load, pulling all of Burma’s attention away from Willow and even Terry himself, focusing it instead on the massive amount of cum suddenly filling senses and gullet alike. Burma frantically milked Terry with her hand, determined to get out all of this huge ejaculation, sucking on the tip of his cock to get every last drop of the cum she was trying so desperately to elicit from him.

He didn’t grow soft at all. If anything, Terry seemed harder and more aroused than when they’d started—if it hadn’t been for the feel and taste of warm semen all down Burma’s throat, she wouldn’t have believed he’d just come.

She kept sucking regardless, wanting to get every last taste of his seed, enduring the exquisite torture of going without this miraculous, invulnerable erection for several moments more before Burma convinced herself that he had no more cum for her greedy mouth to consume.

Her lust was boiling, her cunt seething. Haste shaking her body, Burma mounted Terry all in a rush, splitting her legs over his hips and bringing herself down on his swollen cockhead. She let out a guttural moan when she fell onto his rigid manhood, instantly feeling the blistering heat of his arousal inside her body. Plunging into her far beyond his massive prick.

Even through her own rapture, rocking back and forth on Terry’s face, Willow couldn’t ignore Burma’s ecstatic outcry. It added to the fervor as her spasming cunt bathed Terry’s handsome features with cream. And as he licked it up, she reached out and took hold of Burma’s pert little breasts—deliciously sized to her own small hands.

With Terry both between them and out of the way, bridging the gap and lowering their inhibitions and cajoling more of their overflowing affection from the women, they were drawn to each other. To the sight of each other’s naked beauty and voluptuous enjoyment.

Burma bounced up and down on Terry’s giant member, a mounting orgasm shaking her pussy and jarring her sensitive body. She mewled continuously, expressing her satiation like a wolf howling at the moon. Her stuffed channel convulsed around Terry’s buried prick, drenching it with the hot nectar from one climax, then another.

Then Burma felt Terry explode into her. She let loose a lustful scream that rattled the whole room. Willow watched intently, trying to share in Burma’s delight, even as her own climax burst inside her—she trembled and shuddered until she toppled off of Terry’s face and away from the pleasure that was becoming too much for her to bear.

All three now lay in an exhausted pile, gasping for breath and trying to live through the overwhelming satisfaction they felt. Their limbs tangled haphazardly and that was all it took to stir Terry and Willow’s youthful vitality once more. Within a few minutes, they started touching again. Then they began to play with each other.

Burma watched, feeling both left out and grateful that her body wasn’t being even more overtaxed, as Willow drank Terry’s half-hard cock into her mouth and sucked away the juices Burma had covered it with. Soon, Terry had Willow down on her back and was sinking into her, possessing her tight pussy every bit as much as she wanted to give it to him. By then, Burma was hungrily fingering herself, panting as she tried to hold herself back from joining in. It was so good to watch, she didn’t want to ruin it until she absolutely couldn’t help herself.

And while she still had some self-control, Burma felt a swell of pride in watching the young lovers with each other. Their passion was proof positive that she had been a good matchmaker in bringing them together. And she had even more to teach them; as much to give them as they had to give her.

And getting it would definitely be fun for all three of them.



Gorgeous! A delicious as Burma herself.