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Kon, of course, was delighted with the idea of doing to Harley’s ass what he’d done to her throat. “If you insist, Quinn.”

Laughing happily, Harley slapped her bare ass, sending a ripple all the way through her thick cheek to the groove parting her buttocks and the pink hole it hid. “Okay, boy, here it is! C’mere and do some remodeling!”

Kon shuffled forward with a lewd grin, his knees butting between Harley’s parted thighs. Her ass looked perfect: nice and tight, but with juicy curves he just had to squeeze. Harley moaned and sighed, as if he were driving the sounds out of her by fondling her ripe yet compact ass. For once, Kon wanted to hear more from her. He stuffed his thumb into her asshole.

“Oh, wowzers, that’s good!” she squealed. “That’s how you treat a lady, Supertoy! Keep that finger going into my butt! I wanna know it’s inside me!”

Kon did, despite her tightness—burrowing his thumb into her reluctant, if not resisting sphincter. Harley mewled in discomfort as he forced his way in, but he didn’t do it too brutally and Harley never seemed to edge out of pain and into true protest.

She was cackling, simmering with giggles as he pressed his thumb as far as it could go through her anus. He pulled it out slowly, Harley gurgling, seeming to froth at the mouth as the pleasure kept going, the discomfort eased, and her anticipation peaked.

“Gimme your cock now, Toyboy!” she howled at him. “Stuff your cock in my ass—it’s still nice and tight! Bet it’ll feel like you’re popping my cherry! Don’t worry, that hurt a lot worse, and I still came plenty!”

“That’s good to hear,” Kon said unthinkingly, not sure what the hell he was supposed to do with Harley’s banter. He couldn’t quip and give Harley’s ass the fucking attention it deserved at the same time; his head was too full of hormones for multitasking.

“Yeah, me and my stepfather always were close,” Harley mused thoughtfully.

Kon tuned out her words. He had her spread wide open with his strong hands and now he moved his cock into place. He was ready to mount her, sodomize her, fuck her ass. His erection was hot and hard.

“Make way!” he told her, throwing his hips forward, his cock going in one long, inexorable stroke all the way into her asshole, until his cockhead landed in her bowels.

Harley screeched, her eyes rolling back in her head as he kept going in. Spittle flew from her screaming mouth as he fed even more into her, slow and steady. Then she began to drool, gurgling, eyelids fluttering as she struggled to comprehend how so many inches of his cock could be fitted into her asshole. As even more and more went into her ass, her irises shook like lottery balls about to be drawn.

“Good… fuck me good… good and hard,” she moaned absently, her breath trilling as it heaved in and out of her flaring nostrils.

She pushed back against Kon’s surging hips, stuffing herself with his big prick. Now that he was ass-fucking her, she wanted to be ass-fucked as hard as she could be. If he could manage it, she wanted his cock to come out her mouth. More than that, she wanted his cum. Harley swung her hips around in a circles, massaging the sides of Kon’s shaft as she worked the inner passage of her ass against his length.

“Yeah, take it nice and hard,” he told her. “Goddamn, you’re sucking me off with that asshole just as good as you did with your mouth! I love it, Harley! It’s golden!”

Harley tittered with amusement. Her voice caught as she felt the aroused throbbing in his dick run over her most sensitive place. “You think you’ve fucked me yet, boyo toyo? You ain’t done nothing! You’ve barely even broken me in! Ride me, baby! Ride me hard!”

Kon leaned in close to her, resting his weight on her surprisingly strong physique, and riding her like a jockey on top of her horse. His lips were close to her blushing cheek as his erection hilted fully inside her asshole. Harley heaved and grunted, bouncing him on her back, taking all of his bulk that she could as he rode in and out of her crammed anus.

“You’re ready to come?” Harley moaned, feeling how he was throbbing—throbbing so hard she could feel it in the pit of her stomach. She wondered: when he came, would it be like she’d stuffed herself at a buffet?

“That’s right,” Kon groaned at her. “I’m going to give you a little more of what you’ve already swallowed. All the cum you can fit in that fat ass!”

He thrust into her deep and spurted, red-hot, grunting with each jet of cum that left him. Harley bellowed with him, but Karen was sick of watching. She decided to join in.

At superspeed, she moved in front of the kneeling Harley, taking Harley facefirst into her peek-a-boob cleavage window. Having her head forced between Karen’s big, luscious breasts—almost suffocated by them, like having a pillow shoved down on her face, because huge as Karen’s breasts looked, they were still constrained by the confines of her costume, leaving precious little room for both Harley’s head and breathing space—cut off the noise from Harley, but it still left Kon vocalizing exactly how much fun he was having.

“I’m coming!” he gasped. “Your asshole’s so damn tight… can’t hold it… ahhh, FUCK!”

He yelled, filling Harley’s ass with another burst of cum, jerking, his ecstatic climax taking liquid form to fill her pulsing anus. Then he gasped, gripping Harley’s deliciously bared thighs as his orgasm died down, the river of cum slowing, his pumping cock still working dollops of cum out of Harley’s wrecked asshole.

Harley gave a gurgling moan between Karen’s breasts as she felt the flow of cum pitter out. Her cunt still throbbed and her throat craved Kon’s cock again, but there was plenty of soft, nubile flesh in Karen’s cleavage for her to bite and suck on. She did, her arms wrapped around Karen’s trim waist, hoping Karen wouldn’t leave her as Kon was about to. Why did guys always leave just when things were getting good? Didn’t they want to come again too?

But she’d underestimated Kon, and how electric the sight of two scantily-clad lesbian lovers like Harley and Karen made him. He’d already come twice, but his Kryptonian heritage refused to let it end there. His erection flagged slightly, then came roaring back, throbbing harder than ever, leaving Kon no choice but to sate his growing lust.

Harley wanted to play like he was their boy toy, did she? Well, he’d show her that it took more than a second-rate Gotham rogue to wear him out. He’d use her up like a stick of gum, then move onto Power Girl. Now she was someone who could use Kon as a work-out.

Still kneeling between Harley’s legs, he took his revitalized erection in hand and moved it down to Harley’s pussy. He was in no mood to pump more and more into Harley’s inundated ass. Harley knelt there, cooing into Karen’s chest, oblivious to the fact that Kon wasn’t finished with her. Then he rammed into her cunt.

Harley’s moan of rapture, warm breath billowing against Karen’s skin, made the hair on the back of her neck raise. She looked down to see Kon working Harley down onto her belly, down prone, so he could stretch out on top of her, his cock speared into her sex.

“Oh fuck, don’t move,” Harley’s muffled voice came out of Karen’s cleavage window. “Please just let me feel that big cock in my pussy—oh shit, so deep in my pussy.”

Kon didn’t answer, but he did as she said. Her pupils dilated with all the sensations filling her, Harley pulled her head from the window in Karen’s costume and laid down against one of the superheroine’s plump breasts. “Oh shit, I forgot how good it felt to have a real dick in me.”

Karen’s brow furrowed. “I thought him being our boy toy was a regular thing.”

“It is!” Kon and Harley both reassured her, speaking accidentally at the same time.

Harley picked up the conversation after a fierce glance at Kon. “It’s just… usually you hog him… hnnngh… you needing a super-prick to satisfy your urges and all, I guess… mmmm… it’s nice to have him all to myself for a little bit… ooooh… even if he is too much to handle…”

Karen barked out a laugh. “Yeah, well, you’ve earned him, taking care of me the way you have, sister.” She reached down to rub her pussy, settling on her pillowy ass to watch as Kon fucked Harley practically in her lap. “But next time we’re in the market for an alien boy toy, let’s get one with two cocks.”

“Oh Jesus… I think I’d just want both of them…” Harley moaned, the conversation breaking off as she gave into the insensibility of Kon fucking her.

Karen watched as he pistoned himself up and down on her friend’s recumbent body. She watched his muscular ass jump up and down above his lowered jeans, his groin coming down to slap against Harley’s pert buttocks as he fucked her. The sight made her mouth water. She wasn’t the only one.

Divine had been waiting a long time to get her revenge on Power Girl, who had the audacity to be the source for her cloned DNA. Her mother, her sister, her beta version—her inferior. It was hard to find a way to get back at her. They were evenly matched, obviously, which meant Divine had to find a weakness to exploit.

That wasn’t easy either. Power Girl seemed to have split up with her sidekick, Terra… maybe a lover’s spat, given the Sapphic inclinations Divine saw her predecessor indulging. Now Terra was hanging out with Starfire, who in turn was associated with all the Teen Titans. Picking a fight with a whole team of superheroes wasn’t Divine’s idea of making an end-run past Power Girl’s power.

Now, though, Power Girl had apparently recruited Harley Quinn to be her new partner—she guessed the same way Deathstroke seemed to work for the good guys half the time. And now Superboy was part of the fun too. Divine felt sure she could take out him. It was right there in the name, wasn’t it? He wasn’t a man, he was a boy.

Even if that cock of his didn’t look to have any more growing to do. It already looked like enough for both Power Girl and Harley Quinn. Maybe even too much. Divine wondered if Superboy fucked Poison Ivy too, or Catwoman. Weren’t all those Gotham bitches a package deal?

While Divine did her thinking—or fantasizing—Karen gave into impulse. She supersped out from under Harley, letting the clown drop smack down onto the roof, and ended up behind Kon. Straddling his outstretched legs and dropped trousers, she impulsively reached down to feel that toned ass of his for herself. And it felt as good as his tight jeans made it look.

She kept going, reaching between his thickly muscled thighs to find his balls, swinging against Harley’s own creamy thighs and groin as she took his thrusts. Karen kept going, now feeling out Kon’s shaft, following its strokes into Harley’s pussy. And then her palm was down on the clown’s mons, heel of her hand taking the slap of Kon’s balls as he pumped into Harley, tips of her fingers at Harley’s pubic thatch, feeling it matted with sweat.

Mmmmph! NNNNH! Ivy? Is that you?” Harley gurgled.

Karen laughed. “Another ‘toy’? I would’ve thought he was more than enough for you.”

“He is! He is! AAAHHHH!” Harley gasped, now feeling Karen wiggle her finger in beside Kon’s pumping erection.



Niiice. Ooh, and the possibility of another participant!