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Toy charged at Sue, tackling her off of Cannon’s body. They came down together on the floor, hitting and wrestling each other. Cannon watched them, somewhat enjoying the sight of their semi-naked beauty, all the healthy energy they had displayed when fucking him now angrily directed at each other.

He found himself gazing intently at their barely clothed bodies as they struggled against each other. His throbbing groin cried out for him to call a halt to their fighting, to pick up where he’d left off with Sue, or Toy, or both. But for now, he let them work this feud out of their systems—watching avidly as they strove against each other on the floor, grunting and groaning in frustration at the other’s refusal to yield.

Their arms and legs flailing, they tangled together, Sue on top, twisted around, her head facing Toy’s feet. Toy raised her legs and caught Sue’s head between her thighs. In retaliation, Sue slapped her groin down into Toy’s face, clasping her own thighs tight around Toy’s head. Toy’s face was smothered against Sue’s crotch, between Sue’s slender thighs, and she struggled for breath as she tried to choke Sue out before she succumbed to the blonde’s assault.

Cannon’s own breath came with unhurried warmth as he watched the two lovely women struggle. With the perfect physical condition the two were in, and how well-trained they were at combat, a fight between them could go on for hours. As pretty a picture as that made, he didn’t have time to let them settle things that way. If they were fighting over him, it only made sense that his own needs came first. They could go back to rolling around on the ground after his lust had been quenched.

Quickly, he skinned off his restraining shirt, ripping the sleeves as he freed himself. Then he went to Toy and plucked her off of Sue’s body. He wrenched her head back by a handful of black hair, then slotted two fingers into her panting lips and yanked her chin down to open her frothing mouth.

“Enough of that!” he barked. “You wanted my cock, you’ll get it! Now see how you like it, slut!”

He made her kneel before him, holding his hard prick in front of her face. Toy breathed raggedly, flipping out her tongue with a rivulet of saliva running down her chip. Cannon gripped himself in one fist and brutally thrust his erection at her. It hit her lips off-center, the tip running off them and smearing precum on her cheek as if marking her. Toy surged for his cock, trying desperately to get it into her mouth, and Cannon barked with laughter—now cruelly slapping his blood-engorged manhood against the side of Toy’s face.

Sue laughed too, giggling like the little girl who had a little curl. “What’s the matter, you dirty bitch? Don’t you know how to suck off a guy?”

“Please! Just let me suck it!” Toy pleaded, preferring the embarrassment of begging over the embarrassment of Sue getting her man from her. “Ohhh, you don’t know how much I want your big cock in my mouth!”

Cannon grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her to his blazing erection, forcing his huge erection first into her mouth, then down her gurgling throat. Then, with ferocious thrusting, he was fucking her face, ignoring her whimpering and keening as he took his pleasure from the deepest part of her gullet.

“Don’t give him that shit, you goddamn hooker!” Sue hissed at her, padding closer on all fours to the kneeling Madame Toy. “You know you love to suck cock. Do it! Use that whore tongue to get him off, you cunt!”

Toy worked desperately to give Cannon the best blowjob she could. At the same time, she reached down to her dripping sex, rubbing at her mons and her labia and even pushing down until she could feel the pressure in her folds, her hand slick with her aroused honey as she got off on suckling Cannon.

The harder he fucked her face, the hotter her pussy got. Pleasures flashed through her heaving, writhing body. She moved one hand up to cup and squeeze his scrotum. As she felt the feverish heat in his balls—the heat of his cum ready to surge down her throat—a jolt of flaming pressure rushed through her, tightening her inner walls, making them spasm and convulse so hotly she had to push a finger inside herself to give them something to grip.

And in that moment of distraction, Sue struck. Her pert breasts pressed against Toy’s naked back and her toned arms wound around Toy’s body and Toy even felt the blazing heat of Sue’s sex, wet and ready against her ass. Then Sue’s arms circled under Toy’s armpits and behind her neck, fingers fisting in Toy’s short black hair, the blonde catching Toy in a full nelson hold that was easily enough to control Toy’s body as she jerked her back, away from and off of Cannon’s manhood, leaving it throbbing with visible excitement in the vacant air.

“NO! You bitch, you can’t!” Toy yelled, but Sue was already bending her forward, forcing her to bow, while she took Toy’s place, guzzling down Cannon’s member almost before he noticed the loss of Toy’s mouth. Although the aggression had thrown off his rhythm, putting a halt to his thrusting cock, Sue moved quickly to restart his fucking, now with herself on the receiving end.

She slammed her face forward, matching the animal need Cannon had shown as he’d thrown himself into Toy’s mouth. Cannon groaned, letting Sue impale herself, his big cock smashing into the back of her throat. She rubbed her nose into the wiry hairs of his treasure trail, breathing in his musk as she took the entirely length of his furious erection. Soon the rough hairs were tamped down, wet from the saliva and precum that splattered from Sue’s mouth as she throttled herself on Cannon’s dick.

And Sue went further, pushing Toy even closer to the floor, so that Cannon’s hands slipped from her head. They blindly groped through the air, Cannon too awash in pleasure to consciously guide them, until he gripped the back of Sue’s head with both hands and held her in place to thrust himself to the depths of her throat. Sue gagged and sputtered, gulping desperately around the massive intrusion, and Cannon exhaled tension as a sprig of precum came out of his cockhead. Pulling back his red-hot cock, he knew he was close to coming. He rubbed the explosive flesh against the soft damp skin of Sue’s pretty face.

“You suck good too,” he told her, petting her disarrayed hair, “but now—“

Still in Sue’s bowing grip, Toy threw herself to the side. Her head hit one of Cannon’s splayed legs and slid down his calf, while Sue slammed hard into the wooden floor. She grunted out all her air and Toy whirled to get on top of her, straddling her prostrate body in reverse so that Sue was held down by her weight, her ass upturned.

Toy brought her hand down on Sue’s nubile ass. The blonde screamed and twisted, trying to get away, to retaliate, but Toy’s weight held her fast and Sue could not reach behind herself far enough to get at her opponent.

“You bitch! You motherfucking whore! Get off of me! Stop that! It hurts!”

Sue could still taste Cannon’s prick; her words made her get even hotter to feel it thrusting into her. He’d been about to give it to her when Toy had attacked. Now she wanted it more than ever, the paddling Toy was giving her twisting her desire, making her feel warm and sweaty even as the pain burnt her ass.

Sue didn’t understand the feelings she was getting from this; it hurt. Toy’s hand was driving bruises into her lily-white flesh. But the warmth of the blows penetrated down to her sex and made her need to fuck all the more desperately. She needed nothing more than to regain the upper hand over Toy and to get Cannon’s manhood for herself.

Sue struggled, fumed, hated what was happening to her, but the feeling remained—it was like melted butter was pouring into her body, warmly pooling in her belly, arousing her despite the pain. She didn’t know why being spanked was doing that to her. She couldn’t figure it out. But she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying it either.

“You’re not struggling anymore!” Toy laughed. “Do you like this?”

“Fuck you!”

“No, Sue Smith, I’m fucking you. That’s why you’re enjoying this so much!”

Toy’s hand rose and fell until Sue’s ass was a shining red, even in the interior shade. The girl’s nubile flesh rippled subtly every time Toy swatted it; there wasn’t much fat to catch the blows. Toy’s fingers stung—she could guess how Sue’s ass felt. The shades of red she’d turned Sue’s rounded, milky ass into seemed like a mosaic to her, a sensual pattern drawing her in to more humiliation for Sue, a greater victory.

She stopped spanking the girl and put her hand flat on the curve of Sue’s right buttock. The flesh was warm to the touch and she felt Sue straining, wiggling her hips, thrashing about with some motion deep inside her. Sue had started out wanting to be fucked and now she was mad with lust.

“Do you want me to stop?” Toy demanded, before her voice turned low and sultry. “Or do you not want me to stop?”

Her hand ran over Sue’s succulent buttocks, making Sue moan with the ache of her stung ass, hot and throbbing both outside her and inside her. Then Toy’s fingers ran between her buttocks, between her legs, to the tender touch of her slit. She ran her fingertips over Sue’s overflowing labia. The soft, wet flesh swelled with feeling. Sue danced around like a fish on a hook, trying to get away from the sensation, or at least deny how good it felt.

“That hurts! Stop!” she cried.

“It doesn’t hurt,” Toy retorted, aroused herself from disciplining this girl. She knew Sue’s protests weren’t real. She had gotten off on being spanked as much as Toy had enjoyed doing it to her. They were both little more than animals now, wild, craving the good fuck that all the pain and punishment had readied them for.

Again, Cannon ran out of patience. Sue seemed to have settled down now and Toy had vented her rage. He reached down to Toy and picked up like her namesake, his hands under her arms, pulling her to her feet with a nearly invisible bunching of his arm muscles.

“You girls play with each other on your own time. I’ve barely even gotten a decent blowjob out of the two of you,” he chided. Toy only beat her eyelashes in response.

He picked her up, not wanting to kiss his own cock on her lips. Instead, he kissed at the amber skin between her breasts and belly button. Moving her higher, his tongue traveled to the black silk panties that were the only thing she still wore. He grunted and Toy took his meaning, reaching up to hold onto one of the rafters girding the roof.

Cannon hefted her, resting her ass on his shoulder while he rolled her panties down under her round buttocks. He kissed her plump ass, then stuck his tongue out and ran it between her cheeks. Toy’s eyes rolled back in her skull as his tongue flittered over her tight anus. Tired of waiting, Cannon ripped her panties away altogether, rather than manhandle her more to get them off her, then he butted his head between her thighs so her legs straddled his shoulders. She was sitting on his face, hanging onto the rafter for stability.

Ooooh, Cannon, I love it!” Toy moaned, casting a wan eye down at Sue, who was picking herself up, leaving a wet spot on the floor where her pubis had lain.

Cannon kissed around the outside of Toy’s sparsely haired pubic thatch. Then his tongue, darting like a snake after its prey, parted her slit. It touched the inside of her hot, wet labia and Toy went cross-eyed, gurgling with pleasure, even more than she had when his cock had been pumping into her throat. Cannon’s hands flowed and squeezed all over her supple ass, enjoying to the fullest the decadent weight of her curvature, while his tongue wiggled inside her, making sure Toy had no desire to go anywhere—much less pick up her fight with Sue.

Sue didn’t share those feelings. She stood up, moving her hands over Cannon’s hands—stroking his thick forearms—guiding his hands off of Toy’s body to her own, to touch and fondle her sumptuous breasts. And with Toy’s ass unprotected, she reached up and slashed her hand across it in a brutal slap, the meaty sound of impact reverberating through the room.

Oooooh!” Toy twisted her head to look back at her attacker, but then felt Cannon’s teeth nip warningly at her labia, and then his tongue swish reassuringly inside of her.

His callused hands reached for Sue, ushering her down to her knees before him, out of range of Toy but back within reach of his cock. Sue knew what she was meant to do now, knew how to make Cannon forget all about Toy—even with her cunt literally shoved in his face.

She opened her mouth wide and took his throbbing cockhead inside her red lips. There, she sucked enticingly at it, like she was tasting the tip of a popsicle. “Mmmm!” she moaned, broadcasting her enjoyment of the flavor up to Toy, sitting on his shoulders.

Annoyed by Sue, Toy was quick to display her own delight with how Cannon was treating her. “Eat me!” she gasped. “Put that long tongue of yours inside me and taste me while I come!”

With one hand on the crown of Sue’s head, holding her down at his cock, and the other up on Toy’s ass, squeezing and groping as he ate her, Cannon ground his face into the wetness of Toy’s pussy. Her cunt was hot, eager to be tasted. It clenched on his stiffened tongue when he slipped it into her, Toy quickly spiraling into a violent orgasm that she happily showed off to Sue.

“Suck me loud!” Toy urged, grinding her sex into his mouth. “I want to hear your tongue working inside me!”

Cannon kissed her clit, sucked some of her engorged labia into his mouth, nibbled on it until her thrashing and writhing made the rafter she was holding onto creak, then pushed his tongue back inside her.

“Yes, yes, OH GOD, YESSS!” Toy wailed. “Tongue me, Cannon, tongue my orgasm right out of my cunt!”

Sue’s head bobbed back and forth along Cannon’s swollen manhood, coating it with her gleaming saliva. Even in the middle of licking Toy to orgasm, Cannon had to throw his head back and groan appreciatively.



Deeeelicious! I love it!