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For those who came in late…

Holy hellcats! Bettie Page has found herself in ancient Egypt, where she’s a dead ringer for the infamous Cleopatra! Cleo takes advantage, sending Bettie out in her place to seduce Julius Caesar, with Bettie’s faithful friend Abu held hostage! Bettie succeeds, gaining Caesar’s love with her demure innocence—but now that her scheme has paid off, Cleopatra has kidnapped Bettie again, substituting herself in for Caesar’s affections. But now that the Roman general’s had that one-of-a-kind Bettie glamour, he won’t be interested in Cleopatra’s vamping… will he?


Cleopatra was smarting. She’d considered her ‘alliance’ with Caesar a sure thing, now that Bettie had paved the way for her, taking on all the risk of death. But now that she was ready to seal the deal, Caesar had cold feet. There was something about Bettie he preferred—perhaps that she was so subservient, so submissive—feats that Cleopatra, as a true queen, could not manage.

Cleopatra wouldn’t take this rejection. It might mean demeaning herself, but she wouldn’t stand for coming second best to an imposter. She knelt before Caesar, reaching under his loincloth to his warm cock. Hardly containing her glee at the prospect of blowing apart his resistance, Cleopatra went to work on it. With a hungrily excited moan, she took his flaccid manhood and stuffed all of it into her fiery hot mouth.

“Cleopatra, by Hades, what are you doing?” Caesar gasped. “That’s not right, it’s not—ohhhh, Cleopatra!”

His prudish shock was washed away by the powerful pleasure Cleopatra was giving him. His shoulders sagged, the great dictator panting and goggle-eyed as he saw for himself how Cleopatra could service him. She drew his prick into her mouth all the way to his swollen balls, gurgling greedily on the fleshy length passing over her tongue. She’d meant to go slowly, addicting Caesar to her brand of sex by degrees, but his unknowing rejection of her for Bettie had her so incensed, she sucked him as hard and as fast as a starving woman.

“Cleopatra!” he moaned. “I can’t believe this is you!”

Cleopatra was sure he couldn’t, but he had no reason to think otherwise. And soon, she’d make ‘the other Cleopatra’ a distant memory—one he’d never revisit when the real thing was having so much fun with him.

Of course, even if she could say all that with her mouth happily full of his erection, she wouldn’t. Half the fun, now, was proving herself to him unknowingly—taking the lead in a contest Caesar had no idea he was judging.

She blew him ravenously, her mouth lewdly and slurping around his hard cock, while the overwhelmed Caesar could only gawk and groan. Cleopatra could well imagine the turmoil inside him—his disapproval of her harlot ways coupled with the dizzying pleasure of being suckled this way.

“Cleopatra, stop, I command it!” he groaned hoarsely.

Unbelievably, he sounded like he meant it. Cleopatra quickly figured out why. His cock was throbbing harshly, hard as a metal ingot. Rather than admit he was attracted to her sluttiness, he was ready to give up the pleasure of it.

Cleopatra would not have it be so. He might be able to order around a meaningless girl pretending to be her, but she was Pharaoh of the Double Crown. Cleopatra applied the sharp points of her teeth to his engorged manhood, not enough to penetrate, but enough to show him who was in charge. Caesar got the message, holding still, even blushing at his submission—both body and mind helpless as his member grew long and hard and stiff in Cleopatra’s eagerly devouring mouth.

She felt the great swollen head probe into her throat. It almost gagged her, but she felt no affront. She wanted all of this gorgeous prick that she could have. As she sucked strongly on his stiff manhood, Cleopatra reached out to squeeze his burgeoning scrotum. Caesar almost fell over in hapless ecstasy.

“Cleopatra, enough! Enough!”

Cleopatra decided it was enough, but not for any reasons he would’ve given. She wanted very much for Caesar to come in her mouth, but that was a pleasure she would reserve for another day. For now, she had given him enough delights. She wanted him to serve his queen as ardently as she’d done for him.

With a wistful sigh, Cleopatra let his stiffly throbbing member slide from her mouth. Now that it was in front of her, she stared at it in hungry admiration. It was one hell of a handsome cock—the only one she now wanted.

“Mighty Zeus, what were you trying to prove?” Caesar panted.

“Just showing you all the ways I can serve you, my Caesar. But of course, I’m sure your imperial majesty can do the same to me.” Cleopatra moved to sit down on her ass instead of kneel, spreading her legs and pulling her girdled skirt aside to invite Caesar between her thighs.

Caesar flushed hotly. “Never have I done such a thing!”

“Oh?” Cleopatra bit the nail of her pinky. “Then you can’t do it? The great Caesar? Nonsense. Try. I know you’d reduce me to a quivering wreck if you licked me here…”

His face burning beet red, Caesar knelt on the steps of the platform they were on, putting his head level with Cleopatra’s separated legs. He brought his flushed face up to her groin, staring at her delicate thatch of black curls and the rich pink flesh underneath.

Cleopatra wordlessly preened, opening up her labia and offering the tiny scarlet button of her clitoris. Caesar got the message. He stuck out his tongue and licked at her horny little clit. She fell back to the floor with a delicious sigh.

“Oh, YES, darling!” she cried. “That’s it—lick my clit—that feels fantastic!”

Encouraged by the obvious delight she was taking, Caesar licked faster at her tender red nubbin. Cleopatra could tell he was enjoying himself, enjoying the role reversal of controlling her pleasure for a change. And she was enjoying herself too much to care!

Dizzied, head swimming with the pleasure of having her clit tended to, Cleopatra could barely gauge Caesar’s reaction to her, but she felt eagerness in his kisses on her throbbing clit, his needful lips licking and sucking it endlessly. “By the Nile!” she moaned. “You’re wonderful, Caesar!”

For once, she wasn’t being duplicitous. Her tyrannical suitor turned out to have a natural talent for suiting his tongue to her pussy. Cleopatra still felt compelled to guide him to what maneuvers she liked best—she wouldn’t settle for less than being completely, decadently catered to—but Caesar caught on quickly, trying kinky little variations on her requests that Cleopatra loved.

Soon, his eager tongue was owning all of her wet pussy. Lapping and tickling at its folds, sucking on the dainty lips, pushing into her flooded opening, and testing the tightly clenched entrance of her anus.

“Caesar, you devil!” Cleopatra giggled. “I’ll never want anyone else between my thighs!”

Caesar’s only reply was a muffled chuckle. His tongue buried itself in her steamy sex and teased at every sensitivity inside her. Cleopatra lay back in utter ecstasy, her long legs flung open lewdly. She moaned and squealed as Caesar treated her pussy like it had never been treated before. Even beyond her sexual bliss, she was obscenely glad that this dream lover wasn’t being wasted on Bettie. He was hers alone. She would feel no more frustration in the bedroom.

There was still a little more frustration to deal with, though. As wonderful as his tongue felt, after a few minutes of its deliciousness, Cleopatra was ready to move on to the next course. She ached to feel Caesar’s stiff manhood tend to her demanding cunt. Caesar had aroused her so powerfully that, for the first time, Cleopatra was ready to beg for a man’s cock.

“Darling,” she sighed, “that’s enough. I want your cock now. Please, Caesar, I have to have you! Fuck me!

Once, Caesar might’ve gotten angry at her ordering him about, or using an obscene word like she had. Now, though, he was too aroused to care. He raised his cream-soaked face and grinned devilishly at her. Then, to Cleopatra’s delight, he was crawling on top of her, eagerly placing his hot cock at the seething lips of her pussy, seeking out her sleek entrance. He found the mark quickly and they both moaned in delight as he filled her. Then Caesar was fucking her in quick, hard strokes, just the way he wanted it and just the way Cleopatra liked.

She arched her body to take his plowing cock even deeper inside her, while Caesar shoved his big hands under Cleopatra’s churning ass and pulled her tight against him to get into even more of her fever-hot sex. It still wasn’t enough—Cleopatra threw her legs around Caesar’s waist and locked them together. She not only wanted all the cock she could get, she wanted all he could ever give… to fuck him forever.

“I want your cock—let me have your cock!” Cleopatra wailed.

Caesar snorted lustfully, hammering himself into her harder and harder.

“More!” Cleopatra snarled. “Give it to me! Fuck my brains out, Caesar, I want your cock so bad!”

Caesar was spinning out of control, giving into the effect that Cleopatra had on him. Their bodies clashed loudly and Cleopatra shuddered to take the collision. But it was just the kind of hard, merciless fucking she had wanted from him. She screamed in bliss.

Ooooh, Bast! Gonna come!”

“Come for me!” Caesar groaned.

He fucked her as fast as he could and Cleopatra gave herself right back to him, slamming her hips to his rhythm. They went over the precipice together, exploding into a single giant orgasm. Cleopatra clawed Caesar’s shoulders in a frenzy of feeling even as she moaned with relief to feel her lust sated.

Unnnhh, yess! Shit! Whaahh!” she howled.

“Take it, take it!” Caesar roared. Then he laughed helplessly. “Damn, even after all that, I feel like I came too fast. I wanted that to last more.”

“You’ll be ready again,” Cleopatra leered. “Just give me a second…”

She helped him along, squeezing her strong inner muscles to tease and massage his manhood into hardness. Caesar snorted as she cajoled excitement out of his tired loins, soon making him forget how satiated he’d been by his climax.

Cleopatra felt his cock growing back into a giant pillar of throbbing flesh. She whimpered, her dewy lust flowing freely to cover his girthy skewer. “Do it to me again, Caesar,” she moaned. “I’ll never have enough!”

“I’ll give you enough,” Caesar remarked.

He lifted himself off of Cleopatra and rolled her over onto her belly.

“What’s this?” Cleopatra laughed as he pulled her up onto her hands and knees. “Had your fill of my pussy already?”

“Indulge me,” Caesar smiled. “This is the way I’ve always pictured fucking you.”

It was good that Cleopatra was facing away from him now, because her smile faded quickly. She knew that the one Caesar had really been having these fantasies about was Bettie. Even now, he was thinking of her, his dream of her, and not the reality of Cleopatra. She was ready to demand the attention she was due when she felt Caesar mount her slender body, gasped to feel the burning stiffness of his erection.

He crouched over her, holding his cock in his fist, and pushed the tip of it into the wet opening of her slit. Cleopatra hissed like an animal feeling his big cock going into her again, thrusting greedily inside of her cunt to take up all the space she had.

“By Neptune!” Caesar gasped, stopping with half his length inside of her. He felt the satiny sheath of her pussy suckle at what he’d penetrated her with. “So tight… a tight little cunt!”

“Fuck me, Caesar!” Cleopatra impatiently bucked her ass, trembling with the feel of her inner muscles wrapping tightly to his invading manhood. “My cunt feels so good with you inside me! I want you to fuck the hell out of me! Ram it all into me! Fuck me good!”

Her pussy roiled and tightened with so much arousal that it was hard to go further into her, but Caesar gave her a heavy thrust that forced the rest of his prick inside of Cleopatra. He lay on her back without moving, savoring the pressure of her tight sex around his member.

“Fuck me,” Cleopatra keened, “fuck meee!”

Turned on even more by her entreaty, Caesar ground his ass, rocking his big cock back and forth in Cleopatra. Soon, she met his rhythm, matching his strokes as if she’d been doing it all her life.

“Fuck me harder, Caesar! You’re not giving me enough to come! I want you to destroy my pussy—I want you to ravage me until I come!”

Caesar slid his hands up her lithe body until he was cupping her proud breasts, feeling the stiff nipples tingle against his palms. Then he thrust his erection brutally into her sex. Every stroke of his prick filled her pussy completely.

“Harder! Make me cream!” Cleopatra pounded the floor with her fists. She shuddered each time he stuffed himself into her cunt. “It’s so big and hard! Unnh, it’s filling me! I’ll come, Caesar! Fuck me, fuck me, make me come!”

Her asshole and sex throbbed in rhythmic unison, her cunt gripping needfully at Caesar’s driving prick. Caesar felt like he’d held his cum in for a long time, even though his balls must’ve just replenished themselves after his first eruption. Even with that satisfaction, he couldn’t restrain his load now.

He fell on top of Cleopatra’s naked, sweating body, ramming himself all the way into her buttery sex. They both gasped, utterly satiated, as his seed flew from his engorged knob. Cleopatra felt every spurt that filled her cunt, filling it again and again, soothing her ravished folds while leaking out of her splayed gates to make room for new cum. Aroused, she flexed her inner muscles, milking out all the cum that Caesar could give her.

But not all his desire for her. And Caesar knew what to do with the rest. After two ruttings, her cunt was plenty well-used, but that did leave other options. He spat in his hand, then moved it to her ass—shifting his hips aside, he rubbed the wetness between Cleopatra’s cheeks, into her anus.

Experienced as she was, Cleopatra quickly realized what he intended. She cried out: “No! You can’t! That has never been done before!”

He meant to fuck her up the ass. Cleopatra was sure anyone as well-hung as Caesar would rip her apart, using his cock like that.

“Don’t play innocent now, Cleo—not now that you’ve shown me what I really want is a harlot!”

Cleopatra bit her lip. Sprawled belly down on the floor, she was unable to escape him anyway. Still, she couldn’t believe this was the path to finally outdoing Bettie and getting Caesar’s affection for good. Fear coursed through her veins like boiling water. When she felt his hairy thighs pressing against her ass, she was so keyed up that it felt electric, and she almost came again.

Her denial was swift and sure. This couldn’t be happening to her! Not to Cleopatra! It wasn’t possible! A man’s cock in her virgin ass! “My darling, wouldn’t you rather I suck you again? Don’t you want me to clean my pussy from your virile staff?”

Her misgivings fell on deaf ears. Caesar was going to have all he could feast of the pleasure she’d sought to addict him too. She felt the warm wetness of his saturated cock pressing into the hard-held muscle of her sphincter. She flinched.

“Relax,” Caesar ordered her, giving her a harsh smack on the ass to let her know what was in store for her if she failed to indulge him.

It wasn’t easy. With the constant pressure on her anus, Cleopatra felt like it was impossible to relax. Her asshole wasn’t going to let anything go that direction with her. But with a hard grunt of exertion, Caesar forced himself forward—Cleopatra’s sphincter gave in—she felt him sliding between her buttocks, using her ass as a sheath—

Eyes rolling back in her head, Cleopatra passed out in a dead faint.



Ooohhhh, this is a fun start