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The woman that strode into Felicia’s apartment for their appointment definitely looked sexy enough. She was tall and trim, her jacket classy, her skirt knee-length, her powder-blue Oxford blouse tight enough to be interesting, with her thin, classical face further delineated by a set of black spectacles. Her brown hair was cut short, hanging neatly about her face, and when she introduced herself, it was with an unaffectedly low, husky voice that was not smutty, but just authoritative enough to be interesting.

She wasn’t green though.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Ms. Walters,” Felicia said, in a poise-off with Jen as she crossed her legs in their leather skirt, displaying a teasing amount of stockings. “You seem a little… pale?”

“I’m actually one eighth-Cherokee,” Jen replied, rotating her dainty ankle where her legs were crossed as they sat, facing each other. “I find my She-Hulk persona can be a bit distracting in legal matters like this. People get the idea that I’m some kind of rambunctious sex beast who can’t control my hormones. Men, right?”

Felicia laughed. “Men!” she agreed, and wondered just how attracted bisexuals were to lesbian catnip. Because this woman looked like one-half of an AfterEllen OTP.

Jen took out a tablet and poised her pen over it. “Now, you were a little secretive over the phone about your needs—“

“My needs…” Felicia said, wondering if there were a desk around to be swept clear.

“Yes, your needs,” Jen repeated. “We are covered by attorney-client privilege. You can tell me.”

“Well—“ Felicia drummed her hands on her crossed leg. “I am pregnant.”

“Oh,” Jen said, and sounded a little disappointed. Lamenting that the heteros had her?

“I need to establish some trust funds, some college funds, whatever. No kitten of mine will have to scrape by on handouts from a Hitler reject.”

Jen’s eyebrow quirked, her face assuming an even more serious mien. “The Hatemonger is involved?” she asked, reaching for her glasses to take them off for Avengers business.

“What? Oh, no, J. Jonah Jameson.”

“Ah.” Jen left her glasses on. “Slightly worse, than.” She made a quick note on her tablet. “Well, not to be too judgmental, but a fair number of your activities have been… extralegal, let’s say. If there were some sort of money issues, it could be very rough, keeping the government from seizing everything.”

“And do you like it rough, Ms. Walters?”

One advantage of her being un-Hulked: Felicia could see her blush. “There are ways around that. I’m sure you’re aware of Swiss bank accounts, for instance. There are other loopholes. I’ll get some paralegals on it and contact you shortly.”

“Thanks. That’s all I wanted to hear.”

Jen stood. Felicia stood. They shook hands. Jen’s grip was disappointingly light.

“If I may ask,” Jen said, “boy or girl?”

“I don’t know yet. I want it to be a surprise.”

Jen sighed wistfully. “That must be nice.”

“Are you trying for kids, Ms. Walters?”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t. Gamma radiation, you know. But I’ve represented the Avengers in legal matters, so I know what it’s like to have to deal with a bunch of screaming infants. One last thing. I know this can be a sensitive subject, but the father… if you’re looking for legal ways to get money to your child, that’s a big gimme.”

Felicia nodded thoughtfully. “He’s not in the picture at the moment.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Ms. Hardy.”

“Oh, don’t be. He’s just in an alternate universe. Given the way trouble follows him around, I’m just trying my best to enjoy the peace and quiet. God knows what he’s gotten himself into.”


They were sinister. There were six of them.

Delilah was big, beautiful, and built like a brick outhouse.

Then there was Scorpia, tall, leggy, and oh-so-lithe.

She was followed by Shriek, small, svelte, and abundantly stacked.

Then came Calypso, a bit small-breasted, but pure dynamite everywhere else.

And finally there was Lady Octopus, Carolyn Trainer. Peter had met some beautiful women in his time; he had to admit, Carolyn didn’t have much on Mary Jane, or Felicia. But she was still a very attractive woman. Her red hair was cut short, framing a face that was almost as beautiful as the women he loved, but rougher, leaner, more hardened. Her breasts were large, and the corset that held her tentacles lifted them and shaped them into bullet-like torpedoes, while leaving her ass mostly uncovered save for a thong-like section of metal. Her legs, totally bare, were long and shapely. While she was middle-aged, she was also sexier than many women half her age.

And unfortunately, she had Peter trapped, wrists and ankles webbed soundly to the wall of the warehouse the Six were holed up in. Arana wasn’t much better, tied up with Janice’s webbing. Peter wasn’t a fan of her being the new Venom.

“It has been a great deal of fun,” Carolyn said, running a teasing hand over Peter’s chest. “On occasion. But we can’t have you getting loose and ruining all our plans for our new symbiote. We’ve taken a vote and we’ll all agreed that the rational thing to do is kill you now. We just wanted you to wake up and know it was us that had beaten you.”

“Don’t you mean you?” Peter asked. “And your ego?”

“Oh no, you won’t turn us against each other this time!” Carolyn said wryly—apparently no matter what the universe, supervillain team-ups ran into the same problem. “It was my plan, yes, but Janice here executed it flawlessly.”

“Thanks, babe.” Janice leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

Well, Peter doubted Doc Ock and Mysterio had ever considered holding their alliance together that way. Maybe Electro…

“Sure you don’t want to tell me what your evil plan is?” Peter asked. “For old time’s sake?”

“I think not, Spider. And no, we don’t want to brainwash you into being our mindless slave, no, we don’t care to unmask you. We’re just going to murder you.”

“Besides!” Shriek cackled. “We have Arana for all our needs.”

“She’s mindless enough already,” Scorpia agreed. The sinister laugh really rubbed it in.

“So who gets the honor of killing me, anyway?” Peter asked. “Is it Delilah? Please don’t let it be Delilah…”

“We drew straws,” Carolyn said. “It’s Scorpia. And afterward, she’ll let us fuck her in every hole to show her humility.”

Sheesh, some universes…

The way Peter figured it, he only had one card left in his hand. Or half a card, maybe. Maybe the card that explained the rules of poker. Going by, well, everything that had happened to him in this dimension, he was guessing the alternate him had pulled a Catwoman with all these ladies. And while he might not be able to divide them based on who got the honor of killing him, he had been in the middle of enough Gwen/Mary Jane, Mary Jane/Felicia, Felicia/everyone catfights to know that women could be a little jealous, if properly motivated.

“Does the dying man get a last request?” he asked, glancing over at Arana. She was still out cold. No help there. Not only did he have half a card, he was betting with Monopoly money.

“No,” Carolyn said.

“Not even one last night of passion with you?”

“Ha!” Carolyn gave him a mocking look. “You don’t really think I’ll fall for that, do you? The woman with four vibrating tentacles attached to her body?”

“I suppose not. Still, you were the best lay I ever had.”

For a moment, Carolyn looked a little awed. “And that new costume of yours leaves a lot to the imagination.” She glanced downward. “I have a big imagination…”

“Be strong, sister!” Calypso called in her strong accent. “Do not let him trick you!”

Carolyn growled a little. “I wasn’t. I was gloating! We all said I’d get to gloat!” She smiled. “But I was the best, wasn’t I?”

“Oh, yeah. Waaaay better than Scorpia.”

“What did he say about me?” Scorpia demanded.

Shriek piped up. “He said Lady Octopus was way better than you.”

“No way! He came, like, twenty times with me! He let me do butt stuff!”

Peter winced. The sooner he got out of this dimension, the better. “I’m sorry, the kissing was just… bad. Musty. Kinda yeasty…”

“How dare you…!”

“No, no,” Carolyn insisted. “No one say ‘how dare you,’ that always happens before he beats us! We’re six strong, capable women! Who cares which of us he thinks is a better lay?”

“Easy for you to say,” Delilah snorted. “He said you were the best.”

Carolyn puffed out her chest. “Well… can you blame him?”

“He’s lying about me being a lousy lay!” Scorpia shouted. “Look, he’s getting a hard-on right now, just thinking about it!”

Peter was actually thinking of when he’d fucked Ana nearly through a wall (“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me so good! Fuck me dirty!”). But what he said was “I was actually thinking of the last time I slept with Calypso. I’m gonna miss that little minx.”

Calypso bit her lip.

“I’ll prove it!” Scorpia insisted. “I’ll prove he loves me!”

“Guys,” Carolyn said, holding up her hands. “Has anyone ever heard of the expression ‘mission creep’?”

Scorpia was already next to Peter, rubbing his cock through the material of his pants. “Aren’t you glad you’re gonna get to fuck me again before you die? Don’t you just love having your dick in my pussy?”

“Well, I suppose it’s better than going out after fucking Lady Bug—“

“Lady Beetle! And we’re Venom now!”

“Shame. All that tongue and no idea how to use it.”

Delilah laughed knowingly as Scorpia snuggled up closer to Peter.

“Fine!” Carolyn cried. “One fuck, that’s it, then we kill—“

Her proclamation was suddenly interrupted by a soft sob from across the room, where Delilah was sitting on Janice’s lap. Looking between the beautiful bruiser’s legs, everyone could plainly see a hardened shaft of symbiote deeply buried in her writhing cunt.

“How about cock?” Janice demanded. “Do I have any idea how to use that?”

From Delilah’s excited breathing, it was obvious that she did. The sight was sending a charge of sexual excitement through room.

“Now that’s how you ride a cock,” Peter told Scorpia, as if passing on a helpful hint.

“Thanks for the tip,” Scorpia said, tearing away her costume. Seeing Janice’s big, slippery cock plunging in and out of Delilah had driven her wild. Her cunt was sopping wet as she pulled away Peter’s pants, mounting him with her naked body, driving her firm breasts against his face. She felt his tongue snake out through his torn mask and warmly wash her creamy flesh, his mouth sucking and licking inside her soft cleavage. Scorpia moaned instinctively, running her hands over the grooved webbing of Peter’s mask, thrilling to the feel of those raised ridges once more tingling in her hands.

His mouth moved all over her smooth breasts, finally pulling one of her throbbing nipples between his teeth. Scorpia felt a sudden, delicious pressure as he first sucked, then gnawed on the quivering bud. It was a teasing pressure, one that cut in and out as he kept alternating between suction and teeth, the moist warmth of his mouth always pressing in, driving her wild even as one ecstatic sensation always cut off just as she was beginning to approach satisfaction.

Peter finally lifted his head from a thoroughly spit-shined breast, now passionately pressing his mouth to hers. Almost submissively, Scorpia parted her moist lips to receive his searching tongue, her naked body drawing ever closer to him, grinding against the thin, damaged material of his costume. She felt the underside of his upright cock actually separating her sex from his belly as she ground herself against it, the shaft feverishly hot for her cunt. Scorpia scooted her ass back on Peter’s legs and spread her thighs far apart, grabbing his cock to line it up for the delicious penetration she knew was coming.

“You think you’re gonna kill me,” Peter panted as she mounted him. “But first, I’m gonna fuck you to death.”

Scorpia shivered with anticipation as she lowered herself onto his cock. She was totally unprepared for him to tense his ass and drive himself upward; she shrieked as he plowed up into her. Then, grasping his firm ass in her hands, she ground her tight pussy even further around his hard cock.

“God, what a beautiful dick,” she whimpered, head falling against his shoulder, her burning hot nipples rubbing delightfully against his muscular chest. He pistoned up into the heated wetness of her slit, actually bouncing her up and down as he fucked her. She squealed with rapture.

“Best you ever had!” she taunted him. “I can tell! I can feel how horny I’m making you!”

“Helps that Carolyn’s watching,” Peter taunted right back.

It was true. All other activity in the room had stopped as everyone stared at her lurching madly on top of Peter. It didn’t seem possible that she could survive the ride she was taking, yet she was squealing and begging for more.

Still sitting on Janice’s lap with a hard cock embedded deeply in her sex, Delilah was just barely moving her ass as she stared in utter fascination.

“I can’t believe that little bitch,” she whispered to Janice. “I know I couldn’t take the Spider fucking me so hard during the last gang war. I had to let him come in my face just so he wouldn’t ruin my pussy.”

Then she felt something hard and metallic rubbing at her cheek. It was the cylindrical head of one of Carolyn’s tentacles. Almost unthinkingly, Delilah opened her mouth and began to suck on it, just like Calypso and Shriek and Janice. And just like them, she was having a hard time concentrating on giving a blowjob while Spider-Man was pounding his cock into Scorpia’s pussy, the woman matching him stroke for stroke like a high-priced hooker.

Writhing atop Peter’s rutting body, Scorpia’s face was contorted with passion, her pixie haircut flying wildly about her scalp. She was completely unaware of anything except how deliciously hard the cock slamming into her pussy was.

“Oh, you sweet, sweet fucker!” she sobbed. “That’s the way, that’s it! Just like that! Oh fuck!”

Further aroused by her excited squeals, Peter gave it to her even harder, bucking her atop him like a bronco, stopping just short of throwing her off. The room filled with the sounds of his cum-filled balls slapping against her bare ass.

“This is how horny you’re making me,” Peter said, and abruptly stopped, letting Scorpia sink down on his throbbing cock all the way to the hilt. Scorpia had a moment of sharp realization, feeling his full length deep inside her, swelling even thicker as a frantic orgasm overwhelmed her,

“He’s coming!” Scorpia screamed, feeling his scalding cum deep inside her, thick on the writhing walls of her pussy, flooding so hugely that even her tightly clasped sex couldn’t hold it in. “He’s coming for me! I made him come! I—I’m coming!”

Moaning happily, Scorpia tipped over, falling back until Peter’s hard cock could no longer stay inside her. It slipped out, everyone in the room staring at the huge globs of cum oozing out of Scorpia’s well-fucked cunt, the droplets clinging to Peter’s firm shaft, its continuing, unwavering erection.

“I was good,” Scorpia sighed, massaging lovingly at the slippery cum that was running down her naked thighs. “I was the best.”

“You’re right,” Peter said. “Guess I must’ve been thinking of some other Lady Octopus—you were much better than her.”

All four of Carolyn’s tentacles abruptly pulled out of her colleagues’ mouths. They were quite disappointed; Calypso especially. There was something about the chilly unnaturalness of those huge, rounded cocks that always perversely turned her on.

“What the fuck did you say?” Carolyn demanded. “She wasn’t good—you were doing all the work!”

“It was just her cunt,” Peter said. “It was sooooooo tight.”

“And mine wasn’t!?”

“Well… four vibrating tentacles…”

“That’s not even how vaginas work!”

“Hey, the proof is in the pudding.”

“Yeah!” Delilah snorted. “And at the moment, Scorpia’s got a lot of pudding!”

Scorpia nodded with an approving hum as she scooped up a dollop of cum and sucked it from her finger.

Teeth clenched, Carolyn severed Peter’s bonds, only to wrap two tentacles around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides. His legs remained free. So did his cock.

“You’ll fuck me,” Carolyn told him. “And I bet you won’t last even half as long as you did with that slut. There’s no way you’ll be able to resist me if she got you off.”

Peter rolled his eyes. “Okay, if you’re sure you’ll feel it…”

As she watched, Delilah noticed Calypso sitting down beside her. She-Venom had grown another cock to fuck.


The Spider-Woman of Earth-69 could’ve passed for her more conventional counterparts at first glance. It would take a second look to ascertain that the yellow accent that ran over her décolletage, between her breasts, and down her belly was not an accent at all, but flesh, revealed by one of the improbably stable cut-outs that could be used to tell you whether you were talking to Emma Frost or not. This cut-out extended even further than Jessica Drew’s usual accent, revealing the neat lips of her labia in loving detail.

“What’ve we got?” she asked, landing on the skylight nearby the Spider-Man of Earth-69. He, too, bore a superficial resemblance to more well-known Peter Parkers, save that the red portion of his costume was now a crimson latticework, not too different from fishnets, corresponding to the black mesh webbing on the costume of many a Spider-Man. Save for his mask, it exposed his bulging pecs and biceps sharply.

“The Sinister Six have reunited,” Piers Parker told her. “And they’ve got an alternate me held hostage.” He sighed. “Why are we always getting visitors?”

“Says the man who had sex with two Black Cats at once?”

Piers ignored her. Jessica would’ve too if she’d looked through the skylight then.

The room was darkened, the women nursing drinks and trading commentary, a flickering lightbulb providing the only light. It only served to draw more attention to Peter. He was held down by two tentacles, one tight around his chest, the other pinning down his feet. His cock stuck out straight and erect. The other two tentacles were clamped to the floor, pulling Carolyn in and pushing her away, driving her up and down on his cock like the one fleshy component of an otherwise metal mechanism.

“So how do you want to handle this?” Piers asked. “There’s six of them and I don’t think boring me or Arana are gonna be much help at the moment.”

“And they’ve got a symbiote,” Jessica pointed out. Then, quite incongruously, she reached for her groin. “Pheromones. We’re definitely going to need pheromones.”

“Need a hand?” Piers asked her.

“No,” Jessica said, shrugging off what little of her costume there was. “I think we should hold you in reserve.”

“Just as long as you end up holding me.”


Carolyn was increasing the speed of her fucking with each motion up and down. Peter didn’t seem to mind. He smiled widely, bucking his hips at the apex of every thrust, seeming to constantly rub against a spot inside Carolyn that no one else had ever found.

“Think you can fuck me to death like you told Scorpia?” Carolyn demanded, trying hard to keep the rapture out of her voice as Peter’s manhood slammed into her at an ever-increasing tempo.

“Don’t know yet. Just getting started.”

“Then show me what you can do! Fuck me like a man!”

And Peter bucked his hips harder, hilting her just before she could pull away.

Carolyn had never felt such rapture. His cock was even bigger than Otto’s and the way he used it…

“Is that how a man fucks you?” Peter grunted, jerking her out of her reverie. “You’re Ock’s girl, right? So you’d know…?”

“Shut up and cum!” Carolyn demanded, grinding her hot portal down to the base of his prick. “Give me cum all the way up to my throat!”

While her tentacles held her in place on top of him, he pounded himself up into her, ignoring the soft walls of her pussy, how they sucked on his plunging cock, focusing only on how her taunts goaded him. Until he felt her tighten. Then he sank himself even deeper into her hotly demanding pussy, letting the hardness, the pounding of his cock carry her to the blink of delirium. Carolyn writhed, her tentacles going slack as wave after wave of ecstasy flooded through her.

And still Peter held back his load.

“Well, I guess she felt it,” Scorpia observed. “I don’t think he did, though.”

“No!” Carolyn panted, forcing herself out of her pleasured delirium, cringing as she felt how hard, how long Peter’s cock remained, throbbing in her pussy as if he could go for hours yet. “That doesn’t count! You desensitized him! There’ve been studies—scientific studies—“

“About what a good lay you are?” Calypso mocked. “Because I’m not seeing the evidence.”

Openly seething now, exhales hissing from her curled back lips, Carolyn wrenched herself off Peter—and nearly came again as his manhood flopped out of her oversensitive cunt. She pitched over, breathing hard, and had to collect herself from the heady sensation. All her body wanted to do was luxuriate in this exhaustive afterglow. She wouldn’t let it.

“I give the best blowjobs!” Carolyn insisted. “No one else here can suck like me!”

“Care to put his cock where your mouth is?” Delilah asked.

“Oh, just kill me and get it over with,” Peter put in. “I don’t want to die with you still deciding whether to spit or swallow.”

Steam could’ve been shooting from Carolyn’s ears. “Three minutes! If I can’t make you come in three minutes, then… then… you can have any of us! Anyone!”

An excited murmur went through the assembled sinister.

“So… Delilah?” Peter asked.

The strongwoman swooned.

Carolyn reacted before Peter could take it back, falling to her knees, coiling her tentacles around Peter’s leg. This was what she wanted. This was what she had been born to do. It was ironic, she knew, but the woman with eight limbs had been born to suck cock.


By the time Jessica snuck in, the orgy was in full swing. Loud music blared from a stereo someone had switched on. Scorpia was reaching into Calypso’s costume, firmly squeezing her left breast as Calypso rubbed her crotch with her thigh. Nearby, Delilah had two of Lady Octopus’s tentacles wrapped around her legs. They were pulling her to Peter, then off him, fucking her with his cock. It made for quite a sight.

Janice was lying next to Shriek, having just fucked her. Shriek’s pale breasts were flush, her snatch wet, and she breathed heavily as she tried to regain her equilibrium. Through her nose, though. Her dangerously vocal mouth had been covered by more of Venom’s webbing. Everyone else was similarly stripped naked, either being or about to be fucked.

Janice noticed Jessica, eying her suspiciously, but without her costume, Jessica was just a beautiful, dark-haired stranger, and with her pheromones pumping in the air, Janice was far too turned on to see anything wrong with that. The suspicious gaze became a salacious wink.

Jessica was careful to keep herself moving at a slow, sensual away as she walked past Janice, giving the new Venom an appetizing look at her ass, and proceeded over to Anya. All the commotion, not to mention Jessica’s pheromones, had succeeded in awakening her, but there was little she could do about it with her limbs bound and her mouth gagged.

So Jessica freed her, putting precise venom blasts through the globs of webbing. Now Janice jerked her head up suspiciously, the symbiote stirring on her lovely, semi-nude body, but she was assuaged when Jessica headed back, hand in hand with Anya, Anya quickly catching on that they wouldn’t be fighting their way out of this one.

She undressed, stripping away what little remained of her costume, tearing the gag off her mouth. When she pulled off her panties, she could feel the moisture of her arousal on them, smell the scent of her pussy. Jessica took her hand again, giving her an approving smile. It was easy to forget the circumstances and just be naked, free, on the prowl.

The symbiote subsumed itself, sprouting a modest erection as Janice looked approvingly between the two women.

“Ready for us?” Jessica whispered excitedly, tracing her hand up Janice’s bare thigh, teasingly avoiding the quivering hard-on.

“You’ll never find anymore more ready,” Janice replied, running a suggestively sized tongue around her moistly parted lips. “Except maybe her.”

Anya blushed. Then she watched, breathless, as Jessica climbed on top of Janice, lowering her breasts to those wet lips. Shriek still laid next to them, but she didn’t seem to notice the scene unfolding beside her. Her cunt was wet, hot and throbbing, and her mind was filled with remembrances of Carnage’s big stiff cock. She began to finger fuck herself, lost in her own mad world.

Jessica pushed herself down Janice’s body to her crotch, kissing the symbiote cock, sucking it out like taffy and watching as it firmed and hardened, adding girth to the length she demanded on it. Anya crawled around to Janice’s head, bringing their lips together, frantically kissing her. Janice grabbed hold of her breasts, squeezed them hard, then grabbed Jessica’s hair and bobbed her on the symbiote cock. Just as quickly, Anya pulled her hands away, kissing Janice again, returning her hands to her excited breasts. Janice gave them another squeeze, fingernails digging in, as Jessica came up and straddled the villainess’s lap. Anya was almost amused by Janice’s desperate, symbiote-fueled desire. But they were in control and she would be getting fucked on their terms.

Jessica lowered her silky smooth thighs onto Janice’s hips, grasping the surprisingly solid cock and teasingly rubbing its head against the heat of her slit. “Oooooooooh, God!” she whimpered, arching her hips, dancing her pussy back and forth against the barely movable prick. “I want it, baby, I want it all so bad!”

Janice was excited to the point of mindlessness by Jessica’s pleas. She reached up and grabbed Jessica’s tight ass, pulling her down to her steel-hard rod in one lusty go. Jessica moaned and took it and felt Janice’s strong fingers kneading into the soft, supple flesh of her buttocks, felt a big hard cock fucking in and out of her, felt her own body begin to writhe and sway as she was subsumed in the rhythm of being mated. It was intoxicating. Jessica wondered, for the millionth time, whether it was possible for a pheromone-user to get high on her own supply.


Piers smiled with the deepest satisfaction as he watched the show proceed. It was all competing for his eye, but at the moment, he just had to watch Scorpia and Delilah. Christ, look at that girl suck! She’s eating pussy like they’re going to pass a law against it!

He promised himself he would get himself some of that mouth as soon as possible, but for now, he didn’t want to interrupt the proceedings. He had the perfect view, seeing the entire profile of Delilah’s statuesque body as she knelt between Scorpia’s outstretched legs, her heavy breasts jiggling back and forth as she licked and sucked lovingly. He could even see Delilah’s hand as she manipulated her own moist, flaring cunt, making herself shiver and tremble as she was whipped into a frenzy of sexual excitement every bit as maddening as the point to which she was bringing Scorpia. Gorgeous.

He heard his costume start to tear and realized once again, he had an evening of sewing ahead of him. Because, once again, he’d allowed his erection to grow without thinking to whip it out. For now, though, that seemed not nearly as important as the unsatisfied lust building within him. He’d give Jessica’s pheromones a few more minutes to work, then he’d go down there, grab whichever girl was closest, and doing something about the monumental erection he was growing.


Anya had sat up straight to watch Jessica do her thing, but now she was too horny not to join in. She brought her ass up, gave it a shake, and rested it on Janice’s face. It didn’t take long for her to feel that symbiote tongue working between the lips of her labia, darting inside her cunt. And Jessica was rocking herself up and down as fast as he could, Janice trying to keep up with her frantic pace, unable to. So she just let Jessica elevator up and down on her rod while she concentrated on eating Anya out.

Anya had no problem with that. She was trying to control her squirming, keep from wiggling around so much she unseated herself from Janice’s face—all the juices running down Janice’s cheeks had to be making it slippery. Jessica plunged down again and Anya felt the vibration of a groan coming up from the connection of Janice’s mouth and her sex. She knew from fondly remembered experience that Jessica was ready to orgasm.

Anya leaned forward, resting her hands on the floor, and pumped her groin down into Janice’s tongue as hard as she could, desperate to remind the villain that she was there too. But it was hopeless when Jessica was riding that dick as hard as she was doing, building, climaxing, finally bounding so high that it slipped out and Janice was shooting her cum straight up, Jessica still working her hips, trying to get it back inside, the cum against her flesh. She wanted as much as she could get.

Janice’s sucking went wild and Anya let herself join them in orgasm. With the sudden outpouring of Jessica’s pheromones, gushing down the sides of Janice’s prick, it was almost inevitable. Janice pushed her mouth tightly to Anya’s cunt and lapped up her juices as fast as they came. Anya moaned in pleasure, her whole body feeling as warm and moist as her sex; she didn’t ever want Janice’s lips to leave her snatch. She rubbed her cunt lovingly along Janice’s face, quivering in protracted rapture.

Suddenly, Jessica was whispering in her ear. “Keep her occupied. It’s about to go down.”

“I think it’s been going down!” Anya moaned as Janice’s tongue slipped even deeper inside of her.


Carolyn moaned deeper and held her asscheeks apart. “I can take… more of your cock… in my ass… than anyone!”

Peter was seriously considering taking her up on that when Jessica planted a boot on her rump and gave her a push. “Hey webhead.”

“Jess?” Peter breathed, confused.

“Yeah, In this universe too. I’m assuming you’d like to leave the party before they change their mind about killing you?”

“Uh-huh. We’ve gotta stop them, they have the symbiote—“

“Relax. We’re on it. Come with me.”

And, grabbing Peter’s member, Jessica led him toward Shriek.

For a moment, Peter had forgotten which universe he was in.

“Sit down, Spider. Shriek, come here.” Jessica’s pheromones did the talking more than her, and so Shriek complied where she otherwise would’ve been suspicious.

Jessica shoved Peter down onto a handy chair, then plunked Shriek down straddling his legs, facing away from him, her legs splayed outside of his and her opulent alabaster buttocks nestled against the hard muscles of his stomach. His cock stuck up between her spread legs, as if it were hers instead of his.

“Just play along,” Jessica said, and Peter didn’t know which of them she was talking to as she lowered her head to his member and started stroking it, blowing on it, Shriek quickly joining in to rub her slit along his prodigious length.

Jessica continued jacking Peter off with her clever hand as she lifted her head, leaning over Shriek’s shoulder to kiss Peter with open-mouthed passion. “How would you like to slide that big fucker up this bitch’s asshole?”

“I could go for that,” Peter said hesitantly, and went for another kiss, but Jessica moved aside to kiss Shriek, once she’d ripped away Janice’s webbing.

“And how would you like his spider-cock up your ass?” she whispered in the villainess’s ear.

“As long as you get it all nice and wet,” Shriek replied, wrapping her long, pale arms around Jessica’s shoulders, bringing their mouths together in another slow, warming melt.

Jessica sucked her way off Shriek’s lower lip, dropped her mouth to Peter’s cock, licked it from base to tip, then gazed adoringly up at Shriek as she spat into her hand and reached around behind Shriek. Rubbing the spit into her tiny asshole as she kissed Shriek again. The albino moaned deliriously as she felt Peter kissing her neck as well.

“Your little hole’s so tight,” Jessica husked in her ear. “I hope this big cock’ll fit in there.”

Shriek moaned louder as Jessica wedged her middle finger up the albino’s asshole; the words she tried to form sucked away by Jessica’s lips around her tongue. Then Jessica’s lips were running down her body, over her breasts, back to Peter’s cock.

Enthusiastically, her tongue swabbed his balls, then licked over his wrinkled sack. She could feel his testicles inside, roiling under the pressure of his tongue—his cock hot and sticky as it rested on her face. She rolled her lips up the underside of it and felt his heat like a physical thing, burning through her smooth flesh and into her brain, her soul. Her labia was dripping, her sex throbbing with need.

“Okay, lift that little ass up,” Jessica ordered Shriek, giving Peter’s cock one last slurp before she aligned it with Shriek’s spit-slicked, finger-fucked anus. She rubbed the stiff cock back and forth, teasing Shriek with it, before she held it in place. Then Shriek lowered herself down, her asshole slowly expanding to accommodate the impossibly big intrusion. Bit by bit, she rode it down, giving Jessica time for a few last licks before the cock was sunk between Shriek’s white asscheeks.

“Yes! Yes! That fucking dick is just ripping my asshole open!” Shriek bleated. She actually looked beautiful—animal carnality on her face, curvaceous legs splayed and straining, her pussy yawning open for more. “MORE! MORE!”

She could see Jessica grinning lewdly at her, then the Spider-Woman knelt down and tongued her clit, her cunt, getting her ready for the ‘more’ she wanted. Now Shriek could see behind her, glimpsing another figure… a man her tear-filled eyes couldn’t make out. She closed them. All she wanted was to come. She had to feel that blissful release gloriously coursing through her before anything else could matter.

Then Jessica stopped licking her.

“No!” Shriek cried petulantly. “No, more, more!”

“There’s more,” Piers said, as he moved in with his cock at the ready. “Plenty more where that came from.”

He mounted her from the front, his body slapping between her thighs, cock snaking into her pussy up to the hilt. Shriek squealed as the second cock, just as big as the first, entered her so thoroughly.

“Ooooh God!” she cooed. She struggled wildly between them, her unprepared body trying to climb up, trying to get away from the hideously wonderful double fucking, but there was no escape.

“So fucking tight!” Piers sighed.

Peter recognized the voice, and looked over Shriek’s bobbing body to see his double taking her from the front. “You?”

“Me,” Piers agreed. “Start moving—you’re taking up most of the space inside her. I want to feel you moving inside her, moving against my cock. Kinda a turn-on.”

Peter decided not to think about it too closely. This was sounding more and more like one of Felicia’s spicy dreams.

Shriek squirmed between the two sweating, grunting men, drowning in muscular flesh, smothered in it. Hard cocks stuffed her holes, asshole and pussy contracting reflexively on their intruders. It felt so good she thought she’d lose her mind.

“I wanna be fucked!” Shriek groaned. “I wanna be rammed. Stick those big cocks deep inside me!”

Piers jammed himself up her cunt with quick, rapid thrusts. Peter’s loins smacked her ass, fucking her so hard he lifted up the two bodies resting on top of him. Jessica watched from underneath, mesmerized by the sight of two glistening cocks being driven into Shriek’s undersized body. She could see the wet, flushed lips of Shriek’s pussy clinging to Piers’s cock when it pulled away; see the round ring of her anus gliding over Peter’s thick manhood with every thrust. Spitting on her hand again, she reached between the three swaying bodies and massaged Shriek’s sensitive taint.

Shriek let go completely, letting the sensations have her. She didn’t care what she said or who heard her. “I wanna be fucked! I wanna be fucked!”

Piers burrowed his head down to her cleavage, sinking his teeth into her tits. “You’re fucked, bitch!”

Shriek screamed as she realized just how true this was. “Come inside me! Come inside all of me! I wanna feel those big cocks burst! Fuck me, give it to me, shoot!”

She exploded, her inner walls erupting with spasms, her eyes rolling back until they were white as the rest of her. Her body shuddered. Peter groaned and exploded into her asshole. A second later, Piers climaxed. The hot spunk of both Parkers shot in rhythmic bursts inside of Shriek.

“Yes!” she shouted. “Shoot that cum, fill me with that cum! I love it, I can’t stand it, YES!”

She shrieked, her namesake power finally impossible to contain as she expressed the unstoppable pleasure they had given her. The symbiote was ripped apart by the ultrasonic vibrations; the Sinister Six floored by the unexpected shockwave. Jessica was quick to web them down, shorn of their armor and gadgets, as the orgasmic threesome spasmed and jerked, an electric pleasure flowing from one body to another, seed spurting deep into Shriek’s insatiable flesh. The Parkers’ cocks quivered and shook inside Shriek, sending spunk into the deepest recesses of her being.

“Cream me,” Shriek moaned, her voice almost entirely extinguished. “Fill me…”

When it was finally over, Peter struggled to get out from under the pile-up. Piers grudgingly climbed off Shriek, having collapsed on top of her, and Peter rolled her off his body. Almost as an afterthought, he webbed her up. Then all three lay side by side, catching their breath and relishing the pleasure they’d experienced.

“So…” Piers said after a moment. “I take it you’ve had your fill of lovely Earth-69?”

“Seriously? That’s what it’s called?” Peter shook his head. “Truth in advertising, I guess. Yeah, I could do with my own dimension. All the bad guys try to do there is kill me. Probably better for the ol’ mental health.”

“Like that isn’t a lost cause,” Piers said wryly. “C’mon. Let’s go see Reed. Arana, Spider-Woman, you mind mopping up here?”

“In any way except literally,” Anya agreed. “This place looks like a taxi cab after an adult film convention’s been in town.”

“I, uh…” Peter began, gathering up what remained of his costume and patching it together with webbing. “Yeah. Just… yeah. Can we go?”

“Not looking forward to explaining this to the wife, are you?” Piers asked.

“Depends which one.”

“Oh good, you’re not one of those bachelor Spider-Men. They’re the worst.”

Together, they swung off, leaving Anya and Jessica alone with their thoughts.

Anya’s thought was this: “So, how long does this webbing last?”

Jessica sprawled back onto a cocooned Carolyn, ignoring the villain’s ‘oof!’ “A while,” she answered. “Plenty of time for a cooldown.”

Anya was eager to oblige her beautiful spider-sister. She swooped down between Jessica’s long, bare legs and attacked her pussy passionately.


That black guy

Hope you're doing well friend