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Rain drummed against the black windows, an evening squall that seemed just chilly enough to balance out the house’s slipper-wearing ambiance. The perfect cure to the overwarm feeling that had been cultivated in Hope. She’d showered, she’d rested, and the day had blown away in her nap, becoming this drizzling, dripping evening of rain puddles and muddy lawns. Hope had a halfhearted desire to put on a raincoat, galoshes, and go stomping around. Then she thought of her mother.

There was a rare crack of thunder and Hope went to her nightstand, fumbling for where she’d hidden her last pack of cigarettes. She was quitting, but quitting was a damned slow process. She would go months not needing one, then she’d just have to have it.

She’d need it.

Her fingers hit the rhythm as familiarly as they would play an instrument. She shook a Marlboro out, took it between her lips, lighter, drag, exhale. The wind bellowed outside, the rain dabbled on the roof and sloshed down the windows. She puffed.

It shouldn’t bother her that Jan had found someone else. It didn’t. The relationship between Hank and Jan… it’d never really resumed since the Quantum Realm. He’d been an old man, tired, near death, just happy to see his closest friend again. She’d been in the Quantum Realm for years, subjectively—time enough for her feelings to grow cold, if not die out. When they’d reunited, it’d been more as old friends than as lovers. It was no more a betrayal for Jan to take a lover now, months after the funeral, than it would be for Hope to be with someone other than Scott.

Smoke lolled out of her lips like a second tongue, drawn by some current of air to the rain-flecked window, burnishing the chilly glass. Wisps of it hung in the air for a moment before being sucked away into nothingness. Shrinking.

Maybe it wasn’t Jan. Maybe it was her. You never really thought that your mom was getting more dick than you. Good dick, too. Hard fucking dick. It was ridiculous, in a way. Unsavory, even. What kind of young fucking lady envied her mom’s sex life?

Well, if that was a hang-up, it was her hang-up, not Jan’s, and she wasn’t going to be some unprofessional… or, she supposed, unfamilial… bitch and take it out on her mom. She’d just bury the fucking thought, keep things nice as they had been. She and Jan weren’t besties or anything, but they were building something, and Hope wasn’t going to let some irrational crush on Bruce Banner ruin that.

Not even on Bruce Banner. On his cock. She’d never thought of him that way until she’d seen his cock. And Jan, too. Maybe it was all psychological. She’d abruptly seen Bruce as some kind of father figure; he was doing her mom, after all. And didn’t everyone always say that girls ended up marrying their fathers?

Or maybe it was just that he had a really big dick. Even when he wasn’t green. And knew just how to use it, too, at least with Jan.

Oh, hell, Hope was into that too. Not the rough stuff. The assertiveness. She didn’t want to be slapped around or called a bitch, but she liked her men to be men. Maybe that was what had gone wrong with Scott. He was a great guy, but he was a guy. He was more likely to cry during sex than do her doggy-style.

Stubbing out her cigarette—which defaced her ash tray, cleanly gleaming for weeks—Hope left her room. The house was dark with the bleakness of the weather cutting off the usual streams of sunlight, but there was a warm light in the kitchen. Hope went in to find Jan with a slightly steaming cup of tea, idly glancing through one of the magazine subscriptions she’d renewed when she’d gotten back. Hope nodded a hello to her and went to the refrigerator, to just as idly look for something to eat.

The tea cup clinked as it went back on its saucer. “Darling,” Jan smiled, “did you enjoy watching Bruce fuck me this afternoon?”

Hope hadn’t blushed in years. She hadn’t lost the knack, though. “What are you talking about?” she asked, frozen in staring at a bottle of ketchup.

“When you’ve been around as long as I have, you get attuned to the scent of Pym particles. And since Scott’s in Dubai with the rest of the Avengers, that means it had to be you peeking on us. So, was it fun, watching us? It certainly was fun being watched…”

Feeling somewhat stricken, Hope closed the refrigerator door, leaning heavily against the counter. Her ears felt like they were on fire.

Her mother grinned. She seemed utterly unconcerned and unashamed, no more abashed than if she were teasing a girlish Hope over a boy she liked. Hope actually stifled a giggle; whatever Jan was on, it was infectious. Tipping the situation’s heightened emotions from ludicrousness into something like a roller coaster ride.

“I knew you liked it,” Jan said with her own giggle. “The only way you couldn’t is if you were a lesbian, and I doubt you would’ve watched for that long if you were. So, you want to be fucked by that beautiful big prick? I mean, assuming you can even take that monster in your little pussy…”

“I… I… I could sure as hell give it a try,” Hope said, a hysterical grin tugging at her cheeks.

Jan smiled back at her. The whole conversation was so insane, all Hope could do was trust in her mother and admit the truth. “Let me see what I can do.”

And taking Hope’s hand in hers, Jan excitedly pulled her out of the kitchen.


Being back in the darkened, seethingly masculine guest room now seemed oppressively sexual. Especially as Hope had never stepped inside it before, just looked into it. Just laying her bare feet on the carpet made her tingle.

Bruce was on the bed, almost right where Hope had left him, his undershirt covering all but a swath of steel-gray chest hair, his lower extremities hidden by tangling sheets. His glasses laid upside-down on the nightstand, beside the lamp, and that little detail was like a finger running down Hope’s labia. She watched, speechless, as Jan sat on the mattress, drawing her hand impishly over Bruce’s lower body. When she stroked over the lump of his flaccid cock, he murmured in his sleep and rolled to the side.

“C’mon, Brucie. Up and at ‘em!” Jan commanded, cupping his balls, and Bruce abruptly sputtered to consciousness. He was gratified to see Jan, his lips curling into a smile, but then he noticed Hope and his eyebrows shot for his scalp, an expression of horror wiping over his face for a moment.

“Oh, hello, err, ladies.” He fumbled for his glasses, putting them on to get some distance between them and him. “Something I can help you with?”

“If you mean can you get something off a high shelf or open a pickle jar, no,” Jan said, feinting for his cock again. Bruce squeaked a bit, twisting his hips, and Hope was spellbound as she watched an erection form under the covers. “But remember that huge hard-on you got when you saw Hope in cut-offs the other day? We could definitely use that.”

“I… she was… nothing happened…”

“Something sure did happen,” Jan laughed. “I took that hard-on and got the shit fucked out of me. Same deal here, only you’ll be doing it for Hope.” She reached under the sheet and this time Bruce was too stunned, or too turned on, to resist her. He only groaned as she massaged his cock. “See? I’m not the jealous type.”

“But she’s your daughter,” Bruce moaned, struggling as Hope had to maintain some semblance of normalcy.

“So why wouldn’t I want her to have the best fuck she can get?” Jan asked. “Honestly. It’s like people forget I grew up in the sixties.”

“C’mon, Bruce,” Hope said, surprised to hear her own voice pop out of her. “Aren’t you hot to fuck me?” Bruce darkened. She could see the decision being made. “Mom says you’d like to fuck me. Just like you fucked her…”

“He sure would,” Jan laughed, pulling away the sheet to reveal his erection.

Hope just stared in awe at his cock and balls. She thought the earlier size had maybe just had something to do with how shrunken she’d been. It hadn’t. His cock and his balls dwarfed Jan’s small hand; it seemed impossible her slender fingers could really be caressing, fondling those huge balls. Her heart thumped widely, eyes wide.

“Touch his cock,” Jan insisted. “You’ll love it.”

Nervous, Hope reached down and smoothed her hand over the thickness of Bruce’s growing shaft. There was plenty of room for both her hand and Jan’s. She bit her lip, a lump catching in her throat. His prick was twitching.

“Get him hard and I’ll suck him for you,” Jan said. “It’s important to do people as a family.”

Hope was stunned. Flashes of heat skipped over her sweating skin. Driven by desire and curiosity, Hope brought her hand to Bruce’s foreskin, moving it back and forth. She saw his cockhead peek out and a gasp escaped her throat.

Jan laughed, planting a kiss on Hope’s cheek. It didn’t distract her from stroking Bruce’s cock, which was just more proof she really was Jan’s daughter.

“He’s getting big,” Hope whispered. She licked her lips nervously as that fat head of Bruce’s cock poked out of its sheath. The slit was seeping precum, the tip of his helmet turning green. “We’re making him…”

“Yes,” Jan said. “We are. About the only way he can handle both of us, isn’t it Bruce?”

Bruce could only nod.

Hope stared at Bruce’s seeping cock. She stroked him boldly, flushes of green trailing behind her hand, being subsumed into his pink flesh, but more and more slowly. “We… want him to…?”

“See his cum?” Jan asked. “It tastes fabulous. I’m so glad we get to share it.” She leaned over and scooped up the cum dribbling down the underside of Bruce’s shaft, licking it off her fingers like she was snitching something from the kitchen. “Mmmm… delicious!”

Hope’s mouth dropped. “Jesus, Mom.”

Jan laughed and fingered up some more, offering it to Hope. As Hope’s fingers tightening on Bruce’s cock, the man groaning in reluctant protest, she sucked the precum her mother fed to her.

“Wait until he comes, Hope. Then there’ll be plenty to share.”

Hope nodded in agreement, still not sure she wanted to drink the Hulk’s cum. “God, he’s really getting big.”

“He’ll get bigger than that,” Jan promised, reaching down to heft his ballsack in either hand. Each one seemed to fill a palm. “It’s all in here… all his delicious cum.” She swooned, imagining all that thick, hot cum coating her body, flowing down her throat. It took two women to handle the Hulk, and they both had to be sluts par excellence. And it’d been a long time since she’d last seen Betty Ross. “Gawd, it’s heavy! I think there’d be enough for three of us. I knew I should’ve given you a sister.”

Hope’s eyes bugged out. Under her steadily stroking hands, Bruce was definitely getting green. And big.

Jan gripped Hope’s belt, giving it a tug. “C’mon. Let’s play.”

Wordlessly following her mother’s directives, Hope laid down on the bed between Bruce’s spread legs, side by side with Jan. She continued massaging Bruce’s green cock as Jan plied slow kisses on the head of his shaft, one after another. She gasped between kisses and when Hope looked over, she saw Jan was rubbing her fingers against her hungry cunt.

“I’m starving for his cock,” Jan moaned, smearing her lips against Bruce’s precum-spewing cockhead, kissing it, sucking on it, gently nipping at the collar. “I’m so hungry for Hulk cock.”

Hope shifted her hand up and down Bruce’s thickening cock, tremors shooting up her arm. She felt lightheaded. “God, it’s throbbing, he’s throbbing…!”

Jan reached her hands up Bruce’s chest, running her fingers through his chest hair as his chest broadened, the muscles swelling, the skin turning green as if she were rubbing paint into his body. “You’re so big and gorgeous, Gawd.” She bopped her nose against Hulk’s growing cock, licking her lips, anticipating that bloated cockhead in both their mouths. “Talk about a raging hard-on…!”

Usually, Bruce had to be in control, had to dominate, like how he’d made her suck him that afternoon. The irony was that when he lost control, it was submitting to the Hulk of his personality—becoming submissive to instinct, to sheer pleasure, totally losing himself in it.

That Hulk wasn’t the monster that came from anger. He was maybe seven feet tall, the green a lighter shade—the first time Jan’d done, he’d been gray, and it’d still nearly killed her, getting fucked all day in every hole just to bring him back down again.

Jan’s implication about fucking Hulk filled Hope’s mind. She imagined him… it… ripping into Jan with his gargantuan prick. The blood rushed to her head. “How does it feel inside you?” she asked, her mouth dry.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Jan tittered.

Hope turned her attention back to the Hulk’s cock. She didn’t think it was getting any bigger. She didn’t think anything could be bigger. “He’s so hard…”

She swayed, her eyes dilated. Staring at his throbbing cock as if hypnotized.

Jan took Hope’s hands, kissed the backs of them, and pushed them suspiciously close to Hope’s crotch. “Now I’ll suck him.”

“Go ahead,” Hope rasped, grateful that Jan was taking over. “Then we’ll share his cum, right?”

“Yessss,” Jan hissed, having to remind herself so there would be more than enough for both of them. She squeezed Hulk’s cock, teasing him, making a drop of cum seep out. “You wanna taste some more?”

“Not yet. Suck him.” Hope would’ve said anything to watch Jan gobble up that prick. Her eyes were fixed on Hulk’s cock and her mother’s jerking fist. “Eat that cock.”

Jan smiled vibrantly and kept teasing them both, blowing hot air up and down the length of Hulk’s cock, his huge body heaving with need, his rubbery lips rumbling with anxiety. Jan’s hot breath was making his giant balls ache. Jan touched her wet lips to the tip, then pulled them away from their moist clinging. The contact was electrifying for both of them. It sent spasms through her body and she pulsed at her core, wanting him between her legs, inside her. Every nerve of her body tingled.

“God, mom, you’re driving us both crazy!” Hope gasped.

Jan kissed his cockhead again, deeper this time, harder, almost soulful in its romanticism. Hulk puffed out air and jerked, pushing his huge cock up through Jan’s grip. She laughed triumphantly as its tip pressed against her lips like a French kiss; her pussy felt like it was churning, purring. She glanced over at Hope, saw her wide-eyed gaze. It thrilled her to be introducing her daughter to such things. She kissed the tip of Hulk’s cock harder, prompting a dollop of sticky ooze from his slit. It clung to her lips as she pulled away again.

Hulk banged his cockhead against her teeth, nostrils flaring with a snort, his muscles rippling with agitation. Squirming hard enough to make the bedframe groaned, he jabbed his cock against Jan’s mouth again. This time she opened it, and sputtered as he banged his cockhead into the back of her mouth.

“Jan suck,” Hulk ordered, his voice guttural, a low vibration that seemed to echo in the loins of the women. “Hope watch.”

Hope could hear Jan’s legs rubbing together wetly as she gave in, became obedient, sucked—copious precum coating her tongue in warm stickiness. She opened her mouth and took the entire fat head of Hulk’s cock between her lips, just able to fit the entire thing between her teeth. She sucked again, her mouth seemingly crowbarred open by the gargantuan prick she was perched on.

Hope was seeing, but barely believing, what was happening. Hulk’s cock was buried in her mother’s mouth. She drooled slightly, aching for the same thing. Her hands buried themselves with Hulk’s barrel-sized thigh—arms wrapped around it, nails nervously clawing at the rough skin, her belly swaying against a bulging calf muscle. She was desperate to touch something, anything, and Hulk seemed a far safer choice than Jan, or even herself.

“Take it all,” Hope moaned under her breath. “All of it… in your mouth…”

Jan had sucked Bruce off many times. She wasn’t about to change her method. They’d never acted on their feelings when Bruce had been a cute young underclassman attending her husband’s lecture circuit, but now there was nothing to stop her from seeing how big and hard and virile that cock could really be.

Deliberately sloppy, she slobbered her tongue all across his cockhead, saliva running down onto her chin. She stroked with both hands, massaging her spit into the shaft—Hulk’s erection was so powerful that it held her up from the mattress without her having to brace herself on anything else.

A gurgling moan escaped her mouth as another helping of precum was dispatched down her throat. His cockhead brushed against the roof of her mouth, flattened her tongue. Her throat muscles relaxed. She shoved herself forward, firm meat filling her mouth. One deep suck and Hulk crooned. Another and he jerked forward, driving his cockhead deeper into her receptive throat.

“Christ, he’s fucking your face!” Hope exclaimed. Her mouth was open, her throat tight, as if Hulk were plowing her throat instead of her mother’s. “Fuck her, Hulk! Fuck—my mom…”

Jan’s pussy was wet, her body squirming feverishly. Her fingers tightened on the throbbing shaft barely halfway down her throat, and more hard inches disappeared between her lips. She swished her tongue along his shaft, trying to lubricate it as Hulk continued to impale her gullet with frantic, jerking thrusts. The heated, sucking confines of Jan’s throat had Hulk quivering, jaw slack, a stupefied expression on his wide face. More than that, Jan enjoyed hearing the gasping astonishment of her little girl.

“All of it, all of it!” Hope demanded. She was squirming on the bed, her own sex on fire, staring first at Hulk, then at Jan. Amazement enveloped her when she met their eyes in turn. Watching was even better when they knew they were being watched.

With a saucy wink, Jan decided to show off. She shoved her face forward the same moment Hulk jerked his hips. His cock slid deep into her gullet, almost gagging her. Her breath was strained as her lips met his balls. She had taken the whole thing.

Hope almost fainted. The sight was unbelievable. Hulk’s goddamn cock was buried in her mother’s mouth! “My turn.”

She stripped quickly, Hulk grunting apprehensively as he saw her lithe, lean body appear. Breasts heaving, sweat glistening, her muscular physique straining with tension. She stood there a second, momentary uncertainty flitting across her face as both Hulk and mother eyed her… her hands hovered in front of her belly, seemingly a second from covering up her hard nipples, her wet cunt.

Then, without a word, she mounted the bed, walking over the mattress and over Hulk’s elephantine frame, sitting naked on his chest. She spread her legs. She held her labia open.

“Hulk eat,” she said.

And Hulk plunged his face into the succulent taste between her thighs, his broad, flat tongue trawling as deeply as possible through her fragrant cunt. Hope moaned sharply, with sudden desperate passion, as the velvety smooth walls of her cunt were licked more thoroughly than even her collegiate lesbian fling.

Hulk’s squat nose pressed into the soft nest of her pubic hair, hard puffs of air hitting her lower belly, the nostrils flaring and sniffing at the sharp scent of her arousal. She darted her hands into the abundant, gnarled hair atop Hulk’s head, gripping it hard as he devoured her.

“Never could get him to eat me out,” Jan said, stopping to spit and further lubricate Hulk’s cock. She’d barely been able to take it without a harsh burning in her breadbasket. “How’s it feel?”

“It feels good!” Hope squealed. “So good! Ohhhhhh!”

As if responding to her encouragement, Hulk’s thick tongue fucked even further into her delicious cunt. Hope’s contorted face was flown upward, mouth splitting the air with a desperate cry. His tongue, his hot saliva seemed to be in every juicy fold of her sex. She tore at his hair, at his broad face with her fingers. It made her feel like she had a choice in getting him to keep going beyond tasting so sweet and juicy.

“I love it! I love it!” A ship horn blast of hot air hit her clit, seemed to obliterate it in a sudden, solid pleasure. She screamed hysterically.

“That’s the way to eat cunt,” Jan observed, promising herself that next time, Hope would be giving the blowjob and she would be taking that giant tongue.

She lowered herself to Hulk’s cock again. Hope watched, riding Hulk’s powerful tongue like a dime store pony.

“Come, Hulk! Cream her!” Crazed with the heavenly sensations that were filling her body so full that Hope was constantly convinced she could take no more (usually before she did take more), Hope thrashed and lurched all over Hulk’s face. Her wild gyrations were giving him a hard time in keeping her delicious taste up against his mouth.

Hulk’s mammoth hands moved—one finger crowning Jan’s head, easily pressing her down to hilt his cock. The other hand took Hope, totally circling her waist from the small of her back, pulling her closer to his lapping tongue.

“Suck, Hulk, suck!” Hope screamed. “Don’t stop!”

Hulk was ready to explode. His entire body rippled, a deep groan emanating from his chest to fill the room. Tossing his head, nearly sending Hope flying, he hammered his manhood upward so hard he nearly threw Jan clear as well. Then his head thudded back to his pillow, exploding it as he let the explosive orgasm come to him. Already, there was much more of Hope’s savory juices for him to taste.

Jan loved it. She was thrilled by the sheer wildness of Hulk, the unpredictability of him. She absorbed the punishing thrusts of his cock, welcoming each one almost to her belly. She sucked on his stiff prick after each plunge, trying to get him to hold still so she could apply some technique, but always he would return to the pleasure of stretching her throat, his heavily-laden balls whacking against Jan’s check. She gurgled, enjoying it even more with Hope’s eyes on her.

Hope’s sensitive clit had become hard as a rock as it was sucked and rolled between Hulk’s lips like a ship on a rough sea. Her ass was drenched with her own hot juices, as well as Hulk’s drenching, overwarm saliva. Out of her mind with ecstasy, Hope grabbed him by the ears and frantically rubbed herself against his barbarous face.

“I’m coming… coming!”

Jan’s deeply sucking mouth pulled at Hulk’s cum-filled balls too hard for them to resist. His eyes rolled back in his head. The tangy taste of his precum intensified. Jan knew he was coming. She was ready.

Grunting oafishly, Hulk let his head fall back to his ruptured pillow with a thud of blasting feathers. His balls erupted, a hot avalanche of cum flying from him. Hope screamed that he was coming from somewhere within her own orgasmic daze, but Jan needed no announcement. Her mouth was instantly filled with thick, heated cum. She swallowed and sucked harder, wanting even more cum than his own massive orgasm could draw out. She used her teeth as Hulk slammed into her face, cum filling her cheeks and gushing down her throat.

With his balls exploding, Hulk let out a triumphant roar, piercing the air to blend with Hope’s eager screams. He pounded Jan’s mouth, stabbing her throat with his firing cock. Pint after pint of cum flooded Jan’s mouth and belly; she gagged and pulled away before she was choked to death. She never had been able to take a full load. Trying was the fun part.

A thick, hearty wad of jism splattered her face. Another blast splashed against her tits, warmly dribbling down her body. Jan opened her mouth and the next one practically forced itself down her throat. She swallowed. It was so warm in her belly, it almost outshone the warmth in her groin.

Hope’s orgasm had passed by now. She’d collapsed into a limp, sweaty mess of trembling flesh. It would take her several minutes to recover from her intense climax. As she gasped for air and tried unsuccessfully to move, she looked at Hulk’s ejaculation with stunned approval. Her eyes followed each powerful blast as it covered Jan’s body, inside and out.

“Ooh, let me taste it—“

With her mouth stuffed with Hulk’s cum—so much that it dribbled down her chin—Jan flung her cum-covered body onto Hope’s, atop Hulk’s chest. She plastered her mouth to Hope’s and let her suck the cum from it. The two of them sucked the thick, ropey cum away between them until there was nothing left. Cum was now smeared over both their bodies, both their faces.

“It’s good to give mommy a kiss, isn’t it?” Jan teased.

“Yeah,” Hope sighed. “I guess it is.”

They were suddenly parted—rolled back down to either side of Hulk as he shrunk back down to Bruce Banner. He took it pretty well, considering. But then, it was far easier to take two naked, cum-soaked women in stride than a devastated city.

“So how was it?” he asked.

“No complaints,” Hope said laconically.

Jan pried a sticky hand from Hope’s thigh. “We had some real bonding time.”

“Well, that’s good,” Bruce said. “Because now it’s my turn.”

And the van Dynes looked down, delighted, to see that while the Hulk had shrunk, one part of him remained Incredible indeed.


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