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The change happened during a normal sparring session.

Deep in the Foundry, Thea was going sticks and sticks with Laurel, enjoying herself, joking about which of them would win—typical Saturday night for a girl with a master assassin father and a superhero brother. Then she felt it deep in her guts, a hand slammed behind her eyes, something that’d been waiting now determined to get out.

With a sudden roar, she threw herself at Laurel, tonfa sticks flaring, and it was only Laurel’s instincts that saved her, her crisply applied training. With expert cool, Laurel juked and parried in passing, delivering a stinging blow to the back of Thea’s head without thinking. Thea went down, but not out. Another scream, so loud it seemed to lift her to her feet as she dove for Laurel again.

This time Laurel was ready, or at least more ready. Ironically, her awareness that Thea was attacking her, and not some nebulous threat, softened her response. She simply ducked aside, knocking Thea off-balance as she passed, and her hesitation left her open. She caught a foot as it lashed out, and Laurel felt the wind sail out of her as she fell back.

Thea corrected her stance, covering her footing with predator grace, and actually dropped to all fours as she came at Laurel again. This time, Laurel was decided. No more half-measures. She had to knock Thea out and quick, or she herself would be done for.

As Thea came at her, Laurel activated her Canary Cry. Thea was battered to the ground by the sheer force of it, wincing and snarling, but not covering her ears. Her hands were clawing at the ground, pulling her toward Thea as she regained unsteady footing, and Laurel hit her with two lashes of her tonfa sticks, backhand and shoulder swing. The double hit downed Thea, and then a hard kick knocked her out. Laurel slapped her choker, shutting the Cry off.

It was a temporary repose only. She knew that well enough, after her experience with Sara. Thea’s bloodlust would have to be dealt with, and before Ollie or Felicity came in.

Hoisting Thea’s small body, Laurel got to work.


When Supergirl found Livewire—easy with the lightshow she was putting off—the villain had Batgirl in some sort of headscissors takedown. Kara was quick to act before those thighs could take Batgirl out. She flew in, slamming into Livewire, and sent her flying out of the roofless Batmobile.

Livewire landed in a crouch, instantly replying with a lightning bolt, and Kara was reminded of just how much a couple thousand volts of electricity hurt. She went down like a duck that’d taken buckshot.

“Whoa, stalker much?” Livewire called, putting her hands on her hips. “Playa-hatin’ on me from coast to coast! I was actually going to move on up to fighting Superman. Taking you out would be too easy: half the size, half the powers, and half the brains!”

“Half the size isn’t even an insult! I’m proud of my body!” Kara insisted as she rose from where she’d landed behind the Batmobile.

“Oh, I can tell! Whoa momma!” Livewire hid her eyes behind her hand, but peeked through her fingers. “What’s with the super-streaking, lady? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Give up and I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Tempting, but I had more than enough of a good time with Batgirl here. That one’s a spitfire. Oops! Are you two an item? Maybe that’s what you’re doing in Gotham. Took one look at Bat-boobs and decided lez-be-friends.”

“You’re so offensive!” Kara retorted, somewhat unsuccessfully.

“I’m not the one pulling a full frontal, princess. Mmmm.” Livewire looked her over, making Kara feel ineffably dirty. “Maybe I will have a little fun with you. I wore Bat-cunt out, but ten gets you twenty that tight black leather likes to watch. And she could only take a little of my wattage. You can take all of my big, electric, dick.”

Livewire started to manifest just that—a pillar of lightning surging from her loins, stopping ten inches away like it was frozen in place—but then it fizzled out, flickering and dissipating into static cling. Livewire looked down in shock.

“Performance anxiety?” Kara asked.

“Low on juice,” Livewire replied. “And here I thought Batgirl had enough for both of us. Guess that’s the appeal of having a tag-team partner. Well, I hear Gotham has lots of bad girls. Maybe I’ll look up one of them. Be nice having someone to eat out after I get done killing you. Laters!”

She glowed with a brilliant glare, her pale skin brightening into white energy, and then the whole of her jerked upward as a hydra’s-head of lightning, hitting a nearby streetlamp and blowing out the bulb, partially melting the metal post as she disappeared into the city’s electrical grid.

Kara bit her lip. Nuts.


Batgirl was out, her costume wrecked. Even if Kara could trust her to the cops, there was no way she would leave her alone in that condition. Baling Batgirl in her cape as best she could, she flew off with Batgirl in her arms. It looked like for now, at least, she was out an ally.

Livewire’s plans struck a bad chord with her. Bad girls of Gotham—hell, everyone knew about Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn. A foursome like that would be bad trouble, even for a Girl of Steel. If Ivy mixed up the right pheromones, or Catwoman stole a sample of Kryptonite, she’d be in trouble. What she needed was, as Livewire had said, allies. And not just Batgirl, either.

She thought about the Flash or Green Arrow, but no… she really didn’t like the thought of doing her first team-up with them in the buff. A woman would be at least a little understanding; part of the reason she’d agreed to work with Batgirl in the first place. She knew the Flash worked alone, it wasn’t like he needed any help, but Green Arrow practically had an entourage in Star City. That was what she needed. Black Canary, Speedy, they were like Green Arrow, just… ladies. The worst she’d hear about her new look was them fawning over her abs. That wouldn’t be so bad.

Tightening her grip on the unconscious Batgirl, she set off at top speed for Star City.


Thea slowly opened her eyes. Her anger had subsided somewhat—she was enough of herself to know, on some level, that it was irrational, wrong, but she just needed to hurt someone, she needed to hurt someone so bad. It was all in her head, she was sick, she was fucked up, but she still needed something to die!

Her mind raced with animal cunning around her situation. Somehow Laurel had gotten her into the bunkroom, where team members, especially injured ones, could rest, or even hole up in the event of a city-wide emergency. She was on her back on the bottom bunk of one of the beds, her legs chained to the tops of the bedposts at the foot of the bed, her wrists chained to the head of the bed. She was naked.

Laurel sat on the foot of the bed, between Thea’s legs. She was running a long, narrow dildo over Thea’s labia. Thea gasped at the sight, and a slow smile stoked Laurel’s lips as she noticed Thea was awake.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Laurel greeted her.


“Shut your mouth or I’ll gag it!” Laurel said, as sharp and as harsh as Thea had ever heard her. While low, her voice cut as deep as her Canary Cry. “I know how angry you are, but you can either keep a civil tongue in that mouth or I’ll make you suck this till the finish comes off.”

Thea stared at the dildo, groaning as it traced her sex once more. It felt almost pleasant, but slight—not very big around. Not enough. She knew it immediately, not enough. “What the fuck are you doing to me?” she asked, her voice cordially low, but still hissing with controlled rage.

Laurel moved the tip of the dildo decisively down Thea’s cunt in one sharp stroke, Thea gasping as it overshot her pussy and touched her anus, moist and warm from her sex. She thought she could take it there. She could’ve taken it up the ass if Laurel only pushed.

“What the fuck!?” Thea shrieked, a tear running from the orbit of her eye.

“I know that lust inside you. Those animal instincts, bypassing all your higher functions. Fight. Flight. Mate. You won’t run away. Can’t let you kill. So I’m going to satisfy your urges another way. That’s why I waited until you were awake to get started. I wanted you to know what I was doing to that moist little cunt.”

The dildo dragged up Thea’s cunt and now she moaned, outright moaned, the joy of it deep inside her. Thea had experience with dildos, but Laurel’s teasing touch seemed to fill a strange void inside her, something in Thea’s nature. Her pussy didn’t feel right without something long and hard inside it. And she didn’t feel right when her pussy didn’t feel right.

She remembered the last man she killed. How her pussy had clenched, so warm, she’d been warm all over…

Narrow dildo making her wet, like it was leaking juices into her cunt, creating them out of nothing. Deeper, into her, rubbing along her inner walls. One side then the other. Sparks that shot up her spine, clear to her skull. She was being turned on by it.

Laurel noticed the pleasure that was turning Thea’s eyes glassy. She smiled, wondering if the punishment of being beaten down in the fight now enhanced the pleasure of being fucked. Pleasure and pain were two sides of the same coin. And now Thea would see how intense the combination could be.

“Sara was out of control too,” Laurel said. “The only thing that calmed her down was a nice hard fuck. I love my sister, Thea. I would do anything for her. When I realized what it would take to save her, I did what was necessary. I strapped on a dildo and I gave her what she was asking for. Over and over again, as many times as I had to. She loved it so much, being fucked by her own sister. We’re so alike, Thea. I knew what she liked. It was what I liked. And I like being fucked fast and hard.”

“Oh!” Thea exclaimed, the dildo being pulled away from her, just as Laurel seemed poised to bring her off. Her sex felt like it had been abandoned. She looked down, past her heaving breasts, between her widely spread legs, and saw a new dildo in Laurel’s hands. Bigger. Much thicker. Slowly being lined up with her cunt.

“Just like you do,” Laurel added, and Thea cried out as the dildo pushed inside her, the cockhead touching her inner walls, so much of them, all at once, far more than the other dildo had touched. It felt like a man—one of the well-hung studs Thea had loved to bang. That remembered pleasure had Thea even wetter, her cream flowing like she was being fucked all over again.

“You like that, don’t you?” Laurel asked, jamming the dildo hard inside of Thea. “Yeah, you, me, Sara, we have a lot in common. Sara was a little slut like you. I was the good girl. The responsible one. A year ago, I had no idea how much I would enjoy teaching Sara a lesson. Or how much I’d enjoy fucking you.”

Thea groaned a response filled with lust and pleasure. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm, tender, strangely heating, pulsing mildly in the pit of her stomach. The sensations were no longer just sparks, but an excitement buzzing through her whole body. She felt it more than the rage.

Then the dildo was pulled out of her until only the tip remained. She ached from the lack, the sudden loss of pressure.

“No! Don’t take it out! Fuck me, I want it, I want it!” she whined, not caring how childish she sounded.

“But I have something better,” Laurel said. As Laurel pulled the dildo away, observing approvingly how slick with juices it was, she had up a larger one in her other hand.

Thea gasped at the size of it. It was at least another inch thicker, and much longer than anything Thea had ever fucked.

“It’s too big!” Thea exclaimed, though she hated herself for backing down from the prospect of anything filling her pussy. All her rage had turned into solid, unarguable desire.

“Oh no,” Laurel said. “It’s just big enough for a whore like you. Everyone knows you spread your legs for half of Starling City while big brother was away. This should just make your nostalgic for high school.”

Thea cried out, feeling herself open as the larger dildo was forced inside her, stretching her, proving how much she had been loosened up by the last two dildos. She’d had no idea she could take something so big, feel something so overwhelming. With a little effort, with her pussy feeling wetter than ever, Laurel fucked the dildo into her until the first knuckle of her grip was touching Thea’s labia.

Thea gaped, feeling herself stuffed, a sudden tension as she was forced to her limit, as her sex resisted and she felt no more could enter her. It was wonderful, taking so much. She was flowing. Laurel stroked back in forth, the big dildo moving easily in the space it had conquered, fucking Thea like she’d been taking such massive cocks all her life—just as Laurel had said.

Laurel pouted laconically. “Does it hurt, poor baby?”

“Yes!” Thea cried. “Yes! Hurts so nice… so good!”

Laurel added force to her thrusts, making the massive head of the dildo batter against Thea’s tightness like it was trying to hammer its way further inside. Thea screamed, feeling herself rocked by series of hot, bursting pains that radiated with good feeling. She felt something bigger, something gathering inside her, the pain giving way to something beyond hurt or pleasure—

Then that dildo too was gone, disappeared in one quick motion, a wet sound almost trumpeting the loss of that immense, intense sensation. Instantly, Thea begged. “I need it! Put it back in! Please, I need it so bad!”

“This is what you need!” Laurel declared.

Thea looked down between her legs. She wailed when she saw what was strapped around Laurel’s waist. “No, no, it’s too big, it’s really too big! It’ll rip me open!”

“And you’ll love it!” Laurel replied, and pressed her strap-on into the wetness, the openness of Thea’s cunt.

Thea screamed as it began to have her. She felt herself stretch like never before, stretch like she’d never been intended to. It felt like she was losing her virginity all over again. No man, no woman, no toy had ever possessed her like Laurel was now.

“Too big!” Thea screamed, tears in her eyes, desperately babbling to deny the reality of the huge cock entering her, occupying her unresisting sex. “Too big, too big, too big, I can’t be taking it, I can’t be!”

Laurel growled and leaned against her end of the mighty dildo, her weight pushing the shaft into Thea, thrusting it upon her in steady impalement. Every inch gained was accompanied by Thea’s blood-curdling screams, screams that vacillated between ecstasy and agony. She didn’t know what she was feeling. Her body was no longer her own. It was centered entirely around the impossible penetration Laurel had accomplished.

The sheer immensity of Thea’s feelings drove Laurel mad with lust. She threw herself against the dildo, jamming it deep inside Thea’s cunt. Thea’s screams went dry, becoming a soundless croak as she was thoroughly invaded, the fact of her ravaging now undeniable. She was stretched tightly around the contours of the dildo, filled to capacity by it, and when Laurel began to pull it free, Thea sobbed. She didn’t know if she’d ever feel something so beautifully vast again.

Laurel paused to stroke Thea’s sweat-soaked hair. “If it makes any difference, Sara’s cunt was a lot looser. Nyssa fisted her,” she explained off-handedly. She seemed almost sympathetic as she warned Thea. “Here it comes again.”

And she rammed the dildo home.

Thea gaped in voiceless awe as the strap-on glided inside her, her cunt already stretched so far that could take even part of that mammoth dildo with ease. And Laurel kept going, beyond all reason, rolling her hips so the dildo went deep, filling and stretching the furthest reaches of her cunt, stroking that huge fucker back and forth inside of Thea. The sexual fire burned hot, almost distracting her from the pain of being so filled, so whole.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Her breathy grunts seemed incredibly small, weak, so flimsy compared to what she was trying to express. She wanted Laurel to know. She wanted someone to realize just how fucked she was.

“Fuck me!” she finally managed to gasp out, choking on pain and pleasure. “Fuck me with that awful cock, make me come, at least make me come if you’re going to ruin my pussy!”

Laurel knew she had the young woman where she wanted her. Thea had been driven wild by the monstrous, oversized dildo. And if her little cunt could take that big dick, then so could other holes. Grabbing the base of the cock with one hand, Laurel pulled it away. Thea was so tight around it that it actually took real effort.

“No! I need it!”

“This is what you need,” Laurel retorted, as she put a hand under Thea’s thigh and forced it upward, exposing her naked buttocks to the world. Her perfect little asshole.

“Uhhhhhh!” Thea shuddered, feeling the first probing reach of the strap-on into her little asshole. “God! God! You’re killing me!”

“Spread your legs wider,” Laurel advised her gently. “Try to relax. You’re not used to being fucked in the ass, are you? All those cocks in your mouth, in your hands, in your cunt, but nobody’s had your black cherry, have they? Not even Roy?”

“Not even Roy!” Thea sobbed.

“I said relax!” Laurel commanded, striking Thea’s ass.

Sweat beading on her forehead, Thea forced out the breath she was holding and spread her damp thighs. It was odd how in control she was now. She was subservient to the dildo, a slave to it, but it was a benevolent master. It wouldn’t make her kill anyone like the rage had. It just made her take it, take everything.

She could feel the head, two inches of the shaft wedged into her aching asshole. It seemed unthinkable that even that much was inside her. Then Laurel started pushing again, Thea’s supple body shaking under her.

“God, going so deep!” Thea gurgled, clutching at the same chains that held her wrists. Tears welled up thicker than ever in her eyes. “Hurts!”

“It’ll hurt even more when the rest of my cock is in your ass,” Laurel told her sweetly. “And then it’ll make you come like the bitch you are. Now, why didn’t you let anyone fuck you in the ass? Sara did. She took fists in both holes. I have a feeling she would’ve deep-throated Nyssa if there’d been anything to suck.”

Thea struggled to answer as Laurel slowly drove the thick dildo deeper into her slick anus. “I… I was afraid… I didn’t want it to hurt!”

“And does it hurt?” Laurel asked condescendingly.


“And what else?”

Thea heaved a sob. “It makes me come! You make me come! Finish me off, please, I just need a little more!”

“Yeah,” Laurel drawled, sliding the massive cock back out. “Yeah.” She rammed it up Thea’s ass with a stroke that made her gasp, coming to a rest with the entire length of the dildo buried inside Thea’s asshole. “Fuck! Your asshole’s almost too tight to move in! If it weren’t so wet, it wouldn’t let go of my cock!”

Thea only groaned. She felt wet. So unbelievably wet.


It was really pouring in Star City. Kara wrapped the unconscious Batgirl even tighter inside her cape, wishing she had her own so she could add that to Batgirl’s protection from the elements. It was odd. Here she was, a metahumans approaching the Foundry, and yet no welcome wagon. Green Arrow usually seemed more on the ball than that. She would’ve expected him to greet her at the city limits, a Kryptonite arrow nocked, wanting to know if she was going to cause trouble.

Kara landed on top of the Foundry and peeked inside, X-Ray vision searching for anything odd. Wouldn’t it be just typical if she had to sort out the League of Assassins while she was in Star City to ask for help on her case?

Then she saw what was happening inside the Foundry. Great Rao!

Kara crouched down so Thea couldn’t see her, even though it would be hard for anyone to see her through the roof. Even if she looked up, which no woman would while she was doing what Thea was doing.

Thea’s ass was overhanging the edge of the bed she was on, her knees tucked up to her chest. And her feet were in the face of Laurel Lance, as she held onto Thea’s ankles and fucked her, right in the ass.

Kara couldn’t actually see the cock, but there was no doubt. There was a strap-on or a double dildo or something there, because Thea was clearly being fucked and Laurel was clearly fucking her. Thea’s head was thrown back, her eyes shut, her mouth contorting in unvoiced words as she was fucked, fucked so hard she was screaming about it, fucked anally.

Kara watched. Unconsciously, she rubbed at a dull ache deep behind her hard, flat abdominal muscles. She wondered, in a little tangent, where the ache had come from. How long had she had it? Why wouldn’t it go away? She didn’t dedicate much of her mind to these thoughts. She was too focused on watching Thea and Laurel, in properly using her X-Ray vision so she didn’t look right through them. See a cross-section of Laurel’s dildo going into Thea’s ass…

The ache got stronger. It wasn’t an ache. It was an itch that didn’t scratch, a craving she couldn’t name. And rubbing her belly wasn’t making it go away.


It struck Thea suddenly how lewdly Laurel was moving. Her rage was cooling, she was suddenly thinking of more than the painful, perfect intrusion into her ass. She was thinking of Laurel. She was thinking of how with each thrust, Laurel seemed like a stripper rolling her hips, thrusting and retreating and thrusting and retreating, driving the dildo into Thea’s ass again and again. And again and again, Thea’s anus spread wide apart and took every inch that it could.

And both of them wanted more.

“More, you bitch, give me more! I want to feel it fucking me!”

“Then fuck me back,” Laurel laughed in response, and gave Thea another deep-seated bloom of pleasure.

Thea barely noticed; it was all swirling together too thoroughly for anything to be distinguished from the hallucinogenic torpor of being fucked so ruthlessly. The feelings running wild inside her were robbing her of all self-control. She wanted the cock. Nothing else would do for her.

With her hands chained, Laurel did the stroking for her. She seemed to take a special joy in reaching down, unhitching the dildo from its harness, and then running it inside her nakedly exposed cunt, into Thea’s anus, back and forth, in and out.

Thea surrendered herself to the demanding, conflicting impulses—the odd, soft pleasure and the harsh, wonderful pain. She sobbed and moaned, reaching out to grab Laurel’s breasts as they heaved above her, but the chains only rattled against her wrists. Another laugh and Laurel reached down, tweaking and teasing Thea’s nipples, catching them between thumbs and forefingers, rolling them in small circles. Then covering Thea’s breasts with her hands, feeling the firm flesh quiver in her palms, knowing just how aroused Thea really was. The dildo raced in and out of both of them. Thea was about to come.

“Did Sara squirt?” she asked, not sure why, only that she needed to say something as Laurel grinded her hips down on her or she would scream yet again.

“No.” Laurel grinned. “But you’re not Sara.”

They came together. One shrieked, the other moaned, neither stopping until all their pent-up lust had been expressed. Laurel lowered herself to Thea’s body, her weight firmly embedding the dildo inside Thea. Breast met breast and Thea felt Laurel’s heartbeat, as excited as her own. She came again, harder than before, gasping for air, tit rubbing against tit, sweat sliding over sweat, she wanted to clutch Laurel to her but the chains wouldn’t let her.

Laurel reached down between them and firmly grabbed the dildo, twisting it, turning it, making it dance inside Thea until she came again, they both did. Shrieking, arching her back, shoving her sex down hard on the cock. Until all of it was sopping wet, and Laurel was so numb that she barely noticed it being pulled out of her.

That intense, all-consuming pleasure faded, replaced bit by bit with a deep pain inside of Thea, behind her. She felt blocked up, filled up, stuffed full. Then her body was voiding out the dildo, that overwhelmed pressure finally proving triumphant, as Thea slid back and sprawled on her side atop the bed. Breathing shallowly, she tried to figure out what to think first.

You’re gonna need to clean that off, she ended up thinking, grinning weakly.

Barely moving fingers unstrapped the harness, and the dildo’s weight dragged it down by the last strap. Laurel stepped out of it, unsteadily, and lay down beside Thea.

“Don’t thank me,” she muttered in Thea’s ear. “A good deed is its own reward.”

Thea grinned despite herself. “You really got into that.”

“Technically, the dildo got into that…”

With an ‘oof,’ Thea rolled over, sighing as the pressure came off her ass. “God, Laurel. It hurts. You really gave it to me.”

“Sorry,” Laurel said. “If a little licking would do it, that’s what I’d do. But it has to be savage like that for it to work.”

“And eventually, I won’t need it anymore?”

“Well…” Laurel kissed Thea’s cheek. “Not to control your bloodlust.”

“Does… Sara still need…?”

“Not from me,” Laurel said. She spoke quickly enough for it to be pained. “Sorry if it was a little too rough. I couldn’t help myself. It was intense for me too. I could feel you getting hotter and hotter, and I got hotter and hotter—I don’t know what to say. It was just so good.”

“It was,” Thea agreed. “Too good.” She rolled back over onto her back. Her ass didn’t hurt so much. Now it ached. “Kiss me? You didn’t kiss me before—I like to be kissed when I get fucked.”

Laurel leaned over Thea’s face. She really was beautiful, Laurel thought. She came close. Stopped inches away from her friend’s parted lips. Then didn’t stop. She slid her lips against Thea’s, pushed down hard, filled her mouth with a wild tongue. They hummed together in appreciation, Thea for her lover kissing her, Laurel for her lover being kissed.

“Don’t apologize anymore,” Thea said. “That was too nice to apologize for.”

“Maybe I’m just sorry I didn’t do it sooner.” Laurel looked down at Thea’s bare breast, seeing the erect nipple, and giggled. “I like you a lot, Thea. I’m glad I was able to help you.”

“Me too. In fact, anytime you want to help me—I’m up for it.”



“I used to wear that strap-on under my clothes all the time. When Sara needed it… in a back alley, on the side of the road…”

“So what you’re saying is… she didn’t need it all the time?”

Laurel smiled. She was beginning to think taking the strap-on off had been a mistake. “No. That’s not what I was saying at all.”


Awareness came to Batgirl all at once. She knew her costume was damaged, that she herself was injured at least enough to need further rest and a good meal—she knew she had been moved, and from the skyline she was in Star City, and she remembered sex, really great sex, sex she couldn’t think about right now because it was too distracting.

Someone else was with her.

It was Supergirl. At least, Barbara thought it was. She had a pretty good eye for body types, faces, but the Maid of Might was a little hard to recognize with no clothes on. And Barbara could only see her from the side. She was looking down at the roof they were on, staring intently at something, and her hands were in motion while the rest of her held still… dipping over the neat expanse of her belly, over the bones of her pelvis, down the sides of her thighs. Not staying away from her womanhood, but not going near it either. It was almost like Kara hadn’t noticed how wet—

“Oh my Rao!” Kara muttered, noticing Barbara was watching with a start. “Oh, Rao… I was just… we were… ummm…”

“We’re in Star City?” Barbara offered.

“Yes!” Kara said, pointing affirmatively in a gesture that would’ve been endearing if it hadn’t made her breasts jiggle.

“Why are we in Star City?”

“I came here to get help from Green Arrow. Livewire’s loose, you know. Going on a rampage. She said she’s going to recruit a posse.”

“A posse?”

“Not exact words.”

Barbara really wanted to ask Kara why she was naked, and what she’d been doing, but—the Mission. “So will he?”


“Green Arrow.”

“No! No, he, uh, he’s busy. They’re all busy. We’re on our own. Just us girls.”

“Alright,” Barbara said. “Then can you take me back to Gotham?”

“Yeah, sure!” Kara stepped forward before stopping yourself. “You don’t mind being carried, do you?”

“No. You don’t mind being naked while you’re carrying me, do you?”

“Oh, it’s, oh…” Kara looked down, and quickly up, from her breasts. The nipples had sprung. “It’s Red Kryptonite. It does this, sometimes. To me. But I still have the heatvision and the breath and everything, I’ll be fine, it’ll all be fine.”

“That’s good to hear. You mind if I sleep on the way back? I feel like I licked a wall socket.”

“Uh… not to my knowledge. Do you want to pool information?”

“Not right now.” Barbara yawned. “I’m pretty much resigned to going to sleep and hoping this all makes more sense when we’re back in Gotham. It’s a long shot, but I’ll give it a chance.”

Kara nodded. “Okay.”

“Will you be dressed when I wake up?”

“No. The Red Kryptonite lasts a long time.”

“Figures. Say, did you happen to hear someone screaming a while back?”

“What? No. No.”

“Something like—‘truck me in the…’ something or other?”

“No. Nothing like that.”

“Don’t you have super-hearing?”

“Well, I don’t use it to spy on people having anal sex, if that’s what you mean!”


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