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Carpet delivered Jasmine to Arendelle late in the day, almost at night, the Aurora Borealis high in the sky. The palace guards had been expecting her. They offered to wake Queen Elsa to greet her, but Jasmine wouldn’t hear of it. She asked to be shown to her room to sleep and allow introductions to be made the coming day. They deferred to her, as their queen had instructed them to, and the guest room was everything Jasmine could’ve hoped for. Sleep didn’t come easily to her, though. She kept gazing at the window, staring at the startling loveliness of the Northern Lights in their ceaseless movement, reminding Jasmine of line music being played, how the notes constantly changed while staying true to the tune.

Finally, she was lulled to sleep, slumbering late—to noon in Arendelle, which would be only mid-morning in Agrabah. Still, she finally awoke and bathed. Arendelle had no shortage of bathwater, but warming it was a problem. Jasmine nearly froze to death before a maid entered and asked why she hadn’t lit any of the firewood beneath her tub.

Then, dressed anew in some of the clothes she’d brought—and throwing on a heavy winter cloak over them—Jasmine had breakfast. It was Arendelle custom to eat that meal alone, so only after she was full did she find Elsa waiting for her; the Queen, like her, studiously poised and elegant in a gesture of respect that Jasmine returned.

“Princess Jasmine,” Elsa said in warm greeting. “Welcome to Arendelle. I hope we live up to the impression my sister has given you.”

“All of it and more,” Jasmine assured her. “You have a lovely kingdom. And it has a lovely queen.”

Elsa ducked her head in diplomatic acceptance of the compliment. “Your own kingdom puts its best foot forward as well, sending such a beauty.”

They began a leisurely stroll through the castle, taking in the beauty of the tapestries that adorned the walls, Elsa playing guide unobtrusively, leading Jasmine to a particularly fine painting or lovely visage as seen through a window.

“I only follow suit after you loaned us your Anna.”

“I hope you found her as pleasant company as I do.”

“I did indeed. As did my husband.”

“Yes, Anna spoke highly of him in her letters. It’s good that there’s still a friendly face for my sister in Agrabah, but I would’ve very much liked to meet him.”

“It’s a long story, but he’s visited as icy a clime as yours once before. It was a very unpleasant experience for him, I’m afraid. I think he’d rather stay away from cold temperatures if he can avoid it.”

“A shame,” Elsa said. “I would’ve liked to have had him here.”

“And I would’ve liked that as well,” Jasmine replied. “Perhaps later the temptation of our company will overcome his fears.”

“We can only hope,” Elsa nodded. “Here’s my room. I’d like to show you a few of the items in my private collection.”

And she opened the door to reveal Kristoff naked. His body was well-developed, thick in his arms, thighs, and broad chest, all covered with coarse brown hair. Jasmine found herself shocked by his bulky, bestial look. This was Anna’s husband?

He spun towards them, holding his briefs over his groin in a ludicrous attempt at modesty. He paled, then blushed furiously. What made the attempted concealment even more ridiculous was that Kristoff was hung like a horse and his prick was at full, rampant erection. It jabbed out beneath the draping cover of his briefs, accentuating rather than diminishing his nudity. And his arousal.

“I slept in,” Kristoff said. 

“Sorry,” Elsa said, “I didn’t know he’d be here. That’s Kristoff, who I’m sure Anna has told you about. As long as we’re all here, perhaps you’d like to get to know him better?”

“No, thank you,” Jasmine said breathlessly. “I think I’d rather continue our walk.”

“As you wish,” Elsa said, and they left Kristoff to get dressed.


Jasmine’s skewed sleeping caught up with her the next night. After a pleasant but brief nap, she found herself up in the dead of night, wide awake and unable to sleep. She dressed and decided to treat herself to a leisurely stroll of Arendelle’s palace, free of the official pressures to keep everything so light and genteel. She found Arendelle quite beautiful, the cream-colored wallpaper and marble fixtures making it appear as wintry as the country outside. 

And then there was Kristoff. Anna had said he was masculine, but not such a brute! Her own Aladdin was so sly, such a nimble charmer, but Kristoff reminded her of some of her less preening suitors, or even a palace guard. It was hard to believe a woman as passionate and sensual as Anna could be drawn to such a big ape of a man as Kristoff.

A little cry caught her ear as she rounded a corner. Elsa! Suddenly alarmed, Elsa hurried to a shut door. Sounds were coming from behind it, and her heart raced with apprehension and fear as she reached to try the door.

“Kristoff! God, Kristoff… you’re… you’re… oh, I’m coming!”

Head spinning, Jasmine found herself reeling against the door instead of opening it. Her mind refused to accept the passion she heard in Elsa’s cry, but even as she tried to disbelieve it, a bullish roar from Kristoff pricked her ears.

“Yeah, yeah, take it! Gonna fuck you!”

They were going at it strong, harder than Aladdin had ever gone, and against her will, Jasmine found herself listening to the brutal sounds of their sex. 

“Come, Kristoff… come!”

“Never gonna come!”

“You have to! Give it to me! Let me have it!”

“Gonna stay inside you forever! Good and hard!”

Fighting for air that would not reach her lungs, Jasmine pressed the door slowly open. She prayed that neither Kristoff nor Elsa could hear the wild pounding of her heart.

“Move that ass, queen!” Kristoff was on his knees on the bed, his big hands gripping Elsa’s hips, his massive cock plunging in and out of her.

“No, you fuck it!” Elsa moaned. “Horny bastard! Ram that big thing into me! Oh yes!”

Like Kristoff, she was completely naked, on her hands and knees in front of him, her ass churning as she pleasured herself on the enormous manhood sliding into her.

Jasmine watched in shock and disbelief. Kristoff’s broad back bristled with hair, sweaty muscles flexing along his spine as he pumped into Jasmine. It seemed incredible that such a refined and elegant woman as Elsa could assume such a bestial position for fucking, and for such an overhung animal of a man. As much as Jasmine tried to square the romantic husband and deft lover that Anna had described with this overwhelming masculinity, she found herself feeling ashamed on Anna and Elsa’s behalf. She wanted to run away and forget she’d ever witnessed this, but she found herself riveted where she stood, as intrigued by what she was seeing as she was disgusted by it.

As Jasmine watched Kristoff’s inhumanly large cock continue to pillage Elsa’s dainty, seemingly undersized cunt, she found her hands going down into the warm pants she’d adopted for her trip here. Their unusual weight and warmth felt like it was securing her fingers, keeping them secret as her middle finger slipped between the swollen lips of her pussy. Inside her, the tender walls were red-hot and slick as oil. Her finger began to slide in and out.

“Oh fuck! I’m coming! Oh, Kristoff!”

Elsa jerked, her eyes rolled back, her ass grinding against Kristoff. Her juices ran out of her sex, dripping off of Kristoff’s smoothly pistoning cock and drenching his enormous balls.

“Come on, Elsa, come on! You feel it, don’t you? Yeah, you feel it, you hot little—“

Kristoff dug his fingers into Elsa’s buttocks as he rammed his cock up into her. His stout belly smacked her ass again and again until finally all of him shook violently, and he bellowed like a bull as he ejaculated into Elsa. Her body wildly jerked, as if each ejaculation was exerting physical force on her.

“Give it!” Elsa gasped excitedly. “Fill me with it, Kristoff! Shoot it all the way into me!”

He thrust into her with jolting motions, grunting with each explosive spurt of his cum. Sweat covered his flushed skin, matting his burly hair to his body. He humped Elsa until he’d given every last drop of his jism to the moaning woman.

Jasmine touched herself deliciously, unable to stop, to think about anything but the pleasure. She didn’t care if they caught her. She didn’t care about anything except getting off as they had. Her juices stained her undergarments. Her stiff fingers slipped back and forth between her swollen labia. Her toes curled as she neared her climax.

Kristoff hauled his member out of Elsa. Half-hard and dangling, it resembled a large salami hanging in the marketplace—a gigantic, grease-covered salami. Now with nothing in the way, Jasmine could tell she had never seen a cock that big on anything except a horse. Ugly, but beautiful in its own way, she stared at it and her excitement soared. She couldn’t possibly take such a thing, it would not only stretch her, it would split her wide open—but oh, to watch Elsa take it…

The queen wheeled around on her hands and knees. She grabbed Kristoff’s dangling erection and lifted the heavy slab of manhood to her wide-open mouth. She stuffed him between her lips, gulping down first the knob, then several more inches of the shaft.

“That’s it,” Kristoff chortled, “suck it clean. You can’t get enough of it, can you? One taste of that thing and you want a whole meal. Come on, queen, eat up!”

Jasmine’s shock at what she was witnessing was no match for the lust it had somehow provoked in her. And as if in another showing of that perverse ratio, she found herself drooling as Elsa sucked her own juices off Kristoff’s member, the excess cum that she was so unabashedly slurping running down her chin as she glutted herself. 

She imagined Kristoff’s prick sliding down her own throat. She could practically taste the sweat on it, and the bittersweet flavor from the deepest reaches of Anna’s cunt, where he had no doubt been many times. As she watched Elsa taste what she herself could only imagine, her excitement reached a peak and she nearly blacked out with sudden ecstasy.

Her toes clawed at her stockings. Juices drenched her hand. Her fingers twisted in her throbbing pussy, but her eyes were glued to Kristoff’s manhood as Elsa’s delicate lips stretched obscenely around it. Jasmine’s own mouth imitated the sucking she saw Elsa doing. She thought it intensified her orgasm.

“Now that you’ve got it hard again, how about we see if that throat can take another load?”

Kristoff grabbed Elsa’s head, holding it forcefully in place as he began to thrust in and out of her mouth.

“Mmmf!” Elsa moaned, muffled by the gurgling intrusion into her throat as Kristoff fucked her mouth. “Mmmph!” But she still sounded aroused as he did it.

As Jasmine’s climax subsided and her head cleared, a wave of disgust overcame her. How could the queen perform such an act, enjoy it? Jasmine had to get away. She couldn’t stand being there another second!

"Oh, shit. Goddamn. Oh... hell's fire! She's making me come again. So soon! Wow! It hurts! Hurts so good!"

Kristoff’s voice drew her back one more time. She leaned against the door, holding onto it like a shield as she hung her head around the crack it was opened. The gleam in Kristoff’s eyes looked more cruel than ever. He was straddling Elsa, manhandling his cock—oh, God, he was going to cum on her!

Jasmine watched in horror as Elsa protectively jerked her hands in front of her face; the first of his seed washed against her fingers just before Kristoff knocked her hands away, leaving her unprotected as his ejaculation flew into her reddening face.

Jasmine could only imagine what it was like; her stomach bucked and sour bile rose in her throat as Kristoff directed the strong white stream down Elsa’s throat, then to her nipples, tainting them with his foul cum and laughing at Elsa’s choked gasps.

Jasmine bit her lips to keep from crying out with rage and disgust. She couldn’t imagine how it felt to have that odious cum marking her breasts, then moving up to her mouth once more. When she saw Kristoff shoot into Elsa’s mouth, she nearly retched. Striving to contain herself, she shifted her weight onto the door, not thinking that it would swing open and dump her into the room.

“Ah man!” Kristoff said, leaping up to cover himself. “Twice in one day?”

“I don’t think you have anything to hide,” Elsa said, getting up herself. Her braid trailed behind her, still perfect in ironic contrast to the semen coating her flustered body. “Can you not sleep, Princess?”

“No,” Jasmine said, getting up. She could not keep from staring up and down Elsa’s legs and ass, the queen turned away from her in profile, but her jutting buttocks still perfectly visible. All over, her tender white flesh glowed with health and pleasure, from her dainty feet and slender legs, all the way up to her creamy thighs, her flawless ass, deliciously contrasted by the reddish tint on her buttocks.

Jasmine recognized those markings. Kristoff had spanked her.

“And did you enjoy the show?” Elsa continued.


“Perhaps you’d enjoy it more if you were part of it?” Elsa suggested, smiling as she wiped herself off a little. With a little flare of magic, the cum she’d smeared on her hand became snow and she blew it away. “Kristoff is many things, but he’s not a machine. If he’s going to be any more fun, we’re going to have to get his attention first.”

“Yeah,” Kristoff agreed, settling back down onto the big bed. “And then I can take it from there.”

“Actually,” Elsa said. “I think I can take it.” She held out her hand and formed a tremendously large icicle in it, rounded at both sides, making it… very phallic. “And so can she.”

Kristoff whistled at the sight of it. “Wow, she must really be horny,” he said as his limp manhood began to throb.

Jasmine thought furiously, not at all helped by the mouth-watering sight of Elsa naked before her—even tainted by Kristoff’s cum, which she could smell from across the room, as overweening as the rest of him. She had to admit, Kristoff’s attentions had proven to be quite pleasurable for Elsa—it was ridiculous, really, for her to find him so uncouth when she didn’t even know him, when Anna had spoken so well of him. But that didn’t mean she wanted to jump into bed with him.

But, playing a little with Elsa? That sounded fine. And when Kristoff… recovered, she’d just ask that he concentrate his affection on Elsa while she begged off. It was certainly a diplomatic solution.

As Kristoff stretched back on the bed, Elsa held the phallic icicle to her groin, where icy straps formed to latch it to her hips. The smaller end fed into her own pussy, while the large base protruded out obscenely. She licked her right hand and fondled the saliva into the icicle’s bulbous end.

As Elsa coated it, Jasmine wet her mouth with her own small pinky tongue. She could already feel herself tingling with lust. She laid down on the far side of the bed from Kristoff, spreading apart her legs and putting her fingers at her cunt to open it up for Elsa.

From where he sat, now fondling himself, Kristoff had a good view of Elsa, her dildo bobbing as she moved toward Jasmine, slowly lowering herself onto her with the icicle’s big cockhead inching closer and closer to her sex.

“Ahhhhhh!” Jasmine cried, tensing with pained pleasure as she felt it entering her.

Elsa was grinding down on it, sliding the long shaft inside Jasmine, moving at a stately pace but forcing fully half of the dildo into Jasmine’s juicy cunt.

Jasmine whimpered through her smile. “Easy, easy!” 

Elsa just grinned. She did slow, but she saw Jasmine whimper harder as the pleasure lessened, and so she shoved the ice-dildo deeper, pumping into Jasmine.

“You take it easy,” she hissed to Jasmine, now able to see the ecstasy flicker across her dark face, her teeth gritted as she battled to take the pain that came with it. “It’s good, isn’t it? You love it, just like you loved it when I was taking a big dick in my pussy.”

“It hurts!” Jasmine cried. “But it feels so fuckin’ good!”

Elsa smiled smugly. “You gorgeous bitch,” she whispered.

She shuddered in a spasm of ecstasy herself, feeling the icicle inside her pussy as she fucked the rest of it to the hilt in Jasmine’s gaping wet pussy. Jasmine screamed out her pleasure, over and over again.

“Ohhh, by Allah, yesssss!” she shouted, half out of her mind with need. The long icicle had disappeared so completely into her sex that Kristoff could no longer see even a sliver of it. 

Elsa’s long braid danced along her back like a whip as she fucked Jasmine, who moved receptively beneath her, arching her body upward, thrusting into Elsa’s strokes, taking as much of Elsa’s hard fucking as she could.

The women’s bodies molded together as Jasmine fucked herself on the dildo, even as it fucked her. Her wet mouth fell open, drool trickling from the corners. Her firm breasts heaved, seeming to bound higher with each thrust of the icicle into her sex. Deep sighs and low moans broke from deep inside her, and she writhed hotly under Elsa. 

Jasmine’s fingernails scratched across Elsa’s back in a frenzy of lust, stopping only when they gripped her soft, supple hips, pulling her in to harden the thrusts Elsa was giving her. They fucked back and forth, harder and harder, venting all of their passion into the dildo between them, their need so great that they squealed in delight when it was satisfied even a little.

Every once in a while, Elsa glanced over at Kristoff, beating himself off as he watched them fuck. The sight of his authentic cock, so hard and big and so near, turned Elsa on like nothing else.

Jasmine wrapped her long legs around Elsa and pulled her closer, warmly close, slowly tightening her hold until the icicle was sheathed inside her to the fullest. Their sweat-soaked bodies moved in one continuous, wrestling embrace. Jasmine stroked Elsa’s full, heaving breasts as their cunts joined together, bridged by the long, thrillingly icy shaft that filled them both. Its melting ice sent chills into Jasmine, chills that could only be assuaged by the friction of their bodies rubbing and writhing together.

Elsa grabbed hold of Jasmine’s breasts, convulsively squeezing them as she rode out a riot of desire, loving the feel of her end of the icicle as it pounded relentlessly into Jasmine, and shook inside her own sopping cunt with the impacts.

Kristoff groaned and jacked himself harder, hearing the sounds of the dildo as it connected their wet pussies. They were loud and wet.

“Oh, Elsa, fuck me!” Jasmine squealed. “It just feels so good!”

Her cunt, more sensitive than ever thanks to the ice exciting it, rushed up to meet the frantic strokes Elsa gave her, sucking at it, making lewd jerking motions on the opposite end of the shaft. Elsa trilled happily as Jasmine fucked her back, bouncing in a steady rhythm, eagerly skewering herself as she skewered Elsa too.

Kristoff watched constant shudders run through Jasmine’s body, electrifying her lush curves as she lunged up to Elsa, and he began to feel a kind of angry jealousy. It was all wrong for a hunk of ice, as much as he loved it, to be enjoying two hot, wet pussies. They should have a hot, throbbing, real cock. They deserved it. He deserved it. His cock deserved it!

But he waited, stroking his gigantic prick, fully hard, jutting up obscenely from his lap. He knew that once Elsa gave Jasmine an orgasm, she would need one of her own. And for as different as Elsa and Anna were, they both seemed to get off on his cock just the same.

Kristoff found himself grinning at the lewd sight of Elsa’s swinging tits, her bouncing ass as she fucked Jasmine. Jasmine’s groans of lust and all-too-inadequate satiation filled the room, turning him on even more. Yes, he could wait. He would watch as much of that icy cock lunging into Jasmine’s delicious, sucking, swallowing cunt as he could.

“Oh, praise Allah, I can’t stand it… it feels so good… you fucking me so hard…” Jasmine groaned. Her strained, impassioned body was rocking constantly with the savagery of Elsa’s thrusting. Their nipples pressed into each other, Elsa’s feeling like ice cubes being rubbed over Jasmine’s areolas. A sensuous film of sweat covered both their bodies, like the meltwater of the icicle inside them had somehow flowed all over them. The girls’ entwined pubic hair was glossy and wet as their bodies joined, fiercely grinding against each other, like Jasmine couldn’t quite submit to having Elsa on top of her, thrusting into her.

Jasmine dug her nails into Elsa’s back, raking fine red lines along her blindingly pale flesh. “Make me come… I can’t take it anymore, Elsa, I need to come, pleeease!”

Elsa smiled at her pleading. “I know what you need,” she said.

She sent the icicle into her lover’s cunt harder than ever, burying it as deep as it could go, then resting it there, letting its icy contours burn against Jasmine’s feverishly hot inner walls. She knew it would make Jasmine come. And it did, just like with Anna.

“Wow! Wow! Cuh-coming!” Jasmine screamed at the top of her lungs. She was climaxing in a series of potent orgasms, their power making her body jolt crazily. Her body couldn’t stop bucking up into the pleasure Elsa gave her; she clawed at Elsa’s shoulders and back, either demanding more or pleading for the immense sensation to stop. 

“Jesus Christ, I’ve never seen anything like it!” Kristoff groaned, his eyes wide, his hand pumping desperately up and down his furious erection.

Elsa fucked Jasmine so hard that it seemed as if the icicle would simply break off at any moment. But it didn’t, it held fast, fucking into Jasmine as fast as Elsa could make it. Each time she bore down on Jasmine, the princess thrust her hips up, giving herself to the substitute cock. Finally, her body went limp. Elsa reared back, pulling the icicle out of her. She stayed hunched over Jasmine, her ass jutting out, her head turning to look over her shoulder at Kristoff and his fully erect cock.

“Fucking finish me off,” she said huskily.

Kristoff didn’t even wait for Jasmine to move, not that she would be capable of it for long, breathless minutes. He threw himself behind Elsa, grabbed hold of her hips, and prodded his cock into her sex, only to hiss as he felt the icicle still embedded in it.

“Guess you’ll have to go another way,” Elsa teased.

Jasmine’s contentedly shut eyes snapped open as she felt a gust of hot breath on her face; Elsa above her, mouth drawn tautly open, eyes wide, her face tensely contorted as she took Kristoff’s cock in her ass. Not only taking it, but rearing up madly against it, bucking crazily as she rocked on her hands and knees. The bed creaked harshly, the sound melting into her crazed groans and Kristoff’s excited grunts.

“Oh, yes, it’s wonderful!” she wailed in her ecstasy. “So wonderful! Keep fucking me—do it forever!”

Jasmine could see that nothing mattered to her now except her impending climax. Elsa’s toes curled up so tightly that sent a flash of pain up the soles of her feet; it only enhanced the delicious pleasure of orgasm.

“Fuck, fuck!” They were not words anymore, they were unabashed sounds of joy.

Her climax pushed through her, broke in and out of her like a flame through snow, but Kristoff kept savagely fucking her ass. He leaned over her back, his belly flush with her grinding hips, his groin dug into her ass. He was huffing and puffing with lust, his breath exploding in bursts of satiation as he kissed the back of her neck. His long hair tickled against her winding back as he thrust into her.

“Your sister likes this too,” he whispered.

His words didn’t shock her. Elsa was beyond shock. The icicle locked in her tight pussy kept relentlessly shifting and teasing her with new waves of arousal. Kristoff was no less steady, never faltering in his methodical pace.

“Yes!” Elsa moaned, and as she was facing Jasmine, the princess didn’t discount the possibility she was talking to her. “Fuck me more… make me come… mooore!”

Kristoff shoved his cock into her as far as it would go and held himself there. Elsa’s hips churned and twisted wildly; she was doing all the fucking now, getting herself off as only his cock could allow her, and she was getting off so well that Kristoff wondered how long he could contain the very load of cum that Elsa had provoked in him.

Suddenly, Jasmine could take no more. Slipping out from underneath Elsa, she ran for the door. Elsa watched her go, any attempt she might’ve made to call her back stopped as she was struck mute by Kristoff’s orgasm, deaf by her own.



Goodness gracious, this is great stuff. Ultra-smutty goodness with an intriguing hint of plot.