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Talia left Selina snoring away. Catwoman she may be, but it was no cat-nap she was in the middle of. As… interesting as the experience had been, it was also different. What she missed was the irreplaceable feeling of a thick man's cock sliding in and out of her clasping cunt, penetrating her, filling her. And doing it in only the way Bruce's huge lovable monster could do.

She went to find it. And him.


When Nyssa awoke, it was in a bed so luxurious that she could almost mistake it for her own. She got out of it, naked, and found her clothes washed and neatly folded on a nearby dresser. The room was so spotless and spartan that it was easy to find them. To satisfy her curiosity, she opened some of her drawers, finding numerous necessities inside. She admired the clean precision of the room’s furnishing. Plainly, it was intended to be filled with her own effects, but she thought she’d keep it this way, pristine and bare. 

As she dressed, headlights roamed through the blinds. Nyssa went to the window, looking out at a small foreign car, a convertible. It shifted into park and a girl got out of it. Nyssa practically drooled right then and there. The girl was beautiful. Her hair was long and it was a golden blonde. Beneath her tight halter top Nyssa could see two large tits jutting straight out. Under the yellow top she had nothing on at all. Nyssa tried not to look, not to stare, but she couldn't help imagining what it would feel like to suck on that perfectly shaped flesh. And her creamy thighs looked fantastic to her. The girl had on a pair of white shorts that hugged her full round hips.

Nyssa pulled up the blinds. The blonde noticed Nyssa's stare and her face turned a bit red. "Hi," she said. "I'm Vicki. I guess… you’re staying here too?”

Nyssa smiled crookedly. She surmised her sweet sister had forced Bruce Wayne to take her under his wing as a condition of their nuptials. Nyssa wasn’t sure what Talia saw in the man, besides the obvious, but that, well… it could be gotten quite a lot of places. 

“I’m Nyssa,” she said. Then she bluffed: “Your new roommate.”

“Oh!” Vicki blurted out. “I thought—I mean, there are so many rooms—I just left to get a few overnight things…”

And she talked, rattling on and on about why she was late, but Nyssa hardly heard a word. She was concentrating too hard on sneaking looks at Vicki's ripe body. She nodded her head whenever it seemed appropriate, and occasionally she spoke a yes or no.

Vicki came in. There was a second bed in Nyssa’s apparent room, which struck her as simple double redundancy. Perhaps Bruce had planned to keep both her and Talia in the same room, before sister dear had perched herself on the throne. Regardless, it helped sell Vicki’s deception. Even such an empty-headed Westerner as the Vale woman wouldn’t believe that Bruce intended them to share a single bed.

When Vicki finished unpacking her suitcase she slipped into her night clothes. She turned away from Nyssa while she took off the top, but Nyssa got a glimpse of her firm round ass as the girl bent over to pick a blue robe. It was transparent and Nyssa could see just about everything encased in a tight pair of deep blue panties.

When Vicki slipped under the bed covers Nyssa said, "I'll be glad to show you how things work around here." And she would, too. She would be glad to show the girl how to spread her legs and how to return the wonderful, wonderful favors Nyssa would do her.

"Thanks," Vicki said, and then she rolled over, pulling the covers up over her shoulders.

Nyssa climbed on top of her own bed and then leaned back against the pillow. She picked up a book and read under the dim light from the wall lamp. And every now and then she looked over to see if Vicki was sleeping. She wanted to be sure that the girl was in a deep sleep before she made her move.

After an hour Nyssa heard Vicki's steady snoring. She was sound asleep, and Nyssa couldn't wait any longer. She turned the light off and crossed the dark floor towards Vicki's bed.

Her hands slid up Vicki's thighs, pushing the blue robe up over her hips. Then her fingers gently slid across her smooth flat stomach. She slid her fingers down until they went under the dark blue panties. And then she peeled them down with both hands. Even though she was still sleeping, Vicki responded by lifting her hips off the bed. And then there was no resistance. Inch by inch Nyssa pulled her panties down until they were past her thighs. 

“I think you’re beautiful, Vicki. And I feel the yearning beneath, as well. The yearning for real love. Vicki,” breathed Nyssa, her heart racing faster and faster, “let me kiss you and fill your yearning.”

As her face approached Vicki’s, the other woman turned her head blearily to take the kiss on the cheek. But Nyssa found her lips.

At first the strange lips rested uneasily upon hers. Then, as Nyssa parted her own lips, rising on her toes to make her breasts press upon Vicki’s, the other girl’s lips also parted and the kiss became heated.

Vicki pulled away suddenly. She had a red face and she shook. “Hey!” she said.

But when Nyssa drew her close again, Vicki did not resist. And when Nyssa slipped a hand down into the loose neckline of Vicki’s top, Vicki only gasped upon her lips as their kiss resumed… and continued, their tongues now writhing together.

Vicki wore nothing beneath the top. Nyssa’s hand easily found the breast and stroked its heavy nipple. She felt the nipple rise beneath her fingers and she rubbed it in little circles and heard Vicki gasp.

“Undress me,” she whispered.

“I’m scared.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. Only pleasure to be felt.”

“I mean, I never…”

“Be my virgin,” Nyssa whispered upon Vicki’s lips while she kneaded a full breast whose nipple felt more and more excited. “Be my bride of Lesbos. Where the lesbians first found out how glorious it is to have a life without men. Where burning Sappho loved and sung. Where lesbianism built its sacred temples and developed all the loving customs that have come down through the ages to help modern woman avoid those disgusting modern man. Be my virgin. Be my bride of Lesbos. Come with me, my darling. Come with me. Be my bride. Now.”

Slowly, as Vicki hesitated, Nyssa pushed the top from one of her shoulders, then from the other. But she kept it from falling all the way. She held it just above Vicki’s breasts and she kissed along the line of the top just as she herself had once been kissed along the top margin of her bra.

Slowly she moved the cloth downward, following it with kisses. Now she kissed the upper swell of the breasts, glissading her lips up and down from one breast to the other. She needed only the hand to keep the top in place as she slowly moved it down Vicki’s body. The other hand was free to roam.

It slowly lifted the hem of Vicki’s skirt.

Slowly, slowly it exposed Vicki’s lower legs. Then her trembling knees.

Then her thighs, swelling outward as the skirt crept upward.

Then, as Vicki’s generous hips appeared, so did her groin, and the smell of Vicki’s arousal.

“Oh, oh,” Vicki moaned, standing with eyes closed, helpless to move.

Again, Nyssa lowered the top minutely down along the ever-swelling breasts. She kissed hotly. Once. More.

She ripped both top and bottom away, leaving Vicki naked, and she turned her breast toward each other and made the two nipples rub together.

When Vicki said, “Yes!” Nyssa plunged her open mouth at a nipple and in the same instant plunged her hand between Vicki’s legs.

She really hadn’t known how wet a girl could get. Her bride shook with fear. Surely not fear of pain but fear of the unknown, and Nyssa understood this.

“It’s only Nyssa who loves you,” she whispered. “You haven’t felt such an intense feeling before. It’ll almost hurt, because you aren’t used to such pleasure. But you must endure. And you must enjoy it.”

“But. But…”

“It’s the jealous people who call us wicked,” Nyssa murmured into her prey’s ear, and kissed the ear and tongued it inside, feeling how Vicki’s hand trembled in her own as she did so. “They envy us our closeness and our passion.”

Nyssa gently stroked the other woman from head to toe, lingering on the breasts and the pubis and ending with two fingers inside Vicki’s cunt, searching out her mysteries.

Again she kissed Vicki’s breasts and her lips and ran kisses along her spine down to her asscheeks, which she nibbled and nipped.

Then she kept Vicki on her back, gasping, and lifted one of the girl’s long legs and kissed the toes and sucked at them.

“Oh God, I’m going to fly away, I’m going to turn to jelly,” moaned Vicki.

“I’m so glad I make you happy. Now…”

Slowly, ever so slowly, Nyssa drew her lips down along the calf of the uplifted leg and when she came to the back of the knee, she lingered. It was not for nothing that she had practiced with her sister for all those long, isolated years under Ra’s al Ghul’s lock and key. And when she compared what she was doing with the callow techniques of Talia Head, she felt glad she had reached a higher plane of experience.

Working on the nerve centers behind the knee, even though it hardly seemed a sexual organ, she got Vicki almost unable to catch her breath, beating her hands on the bed, saying the kind of no-no-no that they both knew meant yes.

Nyssa now traveled her lips down the inside of Vicki’s thigh. She went an inch at a time. And as she approached Vicki’s cunt she slowly pushed the leg outward and then the other leg so that the way to the honey pot showed straight and clear.

Somewhere in Vicki’s past there must have been someone who had told her of the so-called dangers of lesbianism. Vicki could not forget this. She actually pushed at Nyssa, moaning, “No, you mustn’t, you can’t, I won’t let you, it’s naughty, it’s dreadful. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. OhOhOhOhOhOhOhOhOh…” But Nyssa’s educated tongue got to work on her steamy cunt, sucking, lapping, tugging at the lips, thrusting into her with a tongue that would not be denied.

It was hard work, making Vicki come. With her tongue and her fingers and even with her breasts rubbing Vicki’s in a wild dance, Nyssa kept at it and kept at it. Toward the end, as she felt passion nearing its climax, she made sure it did not recede by adding the excitement of her finger in Vicki’s ass and then her tongue at the same place while her hand worked at Vicki’s cunt savagely.

Then back to Vicki’s womanhood, now feeling with tongue and fingers and even her cheeks as she pressed her face into the wet heat, how the tremors had begun deep inside and were rising along the wildly trembling folds.

When Vicki came, she clamped Nyssa’s head with her legs and humped against her and screamed. When at last the woman lay exhausted and smiling, with sweat-wet hair falling across her face, Nyssa knew she had created a sapphist.

Both exhausted, they went to bed together. Murmuring of how grateful she was, and how deeply she loved Nyssa, Vicki took Nyssa’s head to the plump pillow of her breasts. She wondered how many more of Wayne’s beautiful brides she could enjoy while in his company.


There was a bar in Wayne Manor. Ivy visited it, looking for something a little stronger than she’d find in the wine cellar, and found Paige serving herself a late-night tonic. Seeing her, Paige picked up a glass. “What’ll it be?”

“Anything strong,” Ivy replied, slumping onto a barstool. Part of the reason she’d come down here was to get out of anyone knowing she was drinking, but she supposed it fit that even that wouldn’t work out for her.

Paige poured for her. “Take it from someone who’d know, you look like shit.”

Ivy smiled at her. “Catwoman spanked me. She bent me over her knee and spanked me.”

Paige hummed, not taking her eyes off the fizz bubbling up from her pour. “Just like that?” she asked, stopping the flow just as the fizz crested the rim of the glass.

“No, Calendar Girl, not just like that. She fucked me up the cunt with a strap-on, then fucked my ass, and finished by making me suck her off. I tried to get some of the squirting out of my hair. You’ll forgive me if it doesn’t have the usual volume.”

“Sounds fun,” Paige commented, putting the bottle away.

Ivy picked up her pint and chugged.

“There’s just something about that Catwoman,” Paige continued. “We all try—the tight little outfits, the revealing cut-outs, the slinking and the purring, but there’s just something about her, y’know? It’s like it’s effortless. She doesn’t even try. She just puts on that elegantly simple outfit, cracks her whip, looks the way she looks… it’s genius. I bet she could have any man in the city, and most of the women…”

“Okay, I enjoyed it, alright!” Ivy drank more.

Paige unplugged the bottle again, sensing Ivy would soon have need of it. “You liked being spanked?” she asked.

Ivy snatched the bottle from her and started pouring herself before just taking a slug from the bottleneck. "I enjoyed the part about being tied up and feeling so damned helpless. I couldn't escape her. I couldn't move! And I loved the way it made me come alive. My cunt was all watery and..."

"And you're not the boss bitch you thought you are, huh?”

"Something like that." Ivy set the bottle down, but for the first time, she couldn't look Paige in the eyes. For some reason, this conversation was embarrassing to her.

"It's not too unusual. Really. As long as nobody's hurt by your little fantasy, why worry about it?"

"I shouldn't have enjoyed it."

"The fucking or the part about getting tied up!"

"Both. Neither. I don't know."

"Okay, let me explain a little about fantasy. We all have them. I have some dandies of my own. I enjoy the thought of maybe fucking a lovely French actress. And the thought of tying her up and then fucking her makes it even bigger a turn on for me. I don't know why and it doesn't matter. It's all the way my head's wired up."

“But I have to be on top. I have to be in control! Only Batman can dictate terms to me, not some dumb skank of his…”

“Maybe she’s not the dumb skank you think she is.”

“Are you guys talking about me?” Harley said, skipping into the barroom. She wore her pajama top and boxers.

“Not now, Harl. I’m not in the mood,” Ivy replied tiredly, returning to her drink.

“What’s wrong?”

“Catwoman spanked her. She liked it,” Paige said.

“Monroe!” Ivy roared.

Harley ran up to massage Ivy’s shoulders. “I’m sorry to hear that, Red. How’d ya like to spank me? Would that make you feel better?”


As they entered Harley’s room, Ivy placed her arms around the shoulders of both girls, pulling them to her body. As she did so, Harley leaned over and kissed Paige on the mouth.

Harley smiled and turned her face to Ivy's. She saw excitement in her face. She placed her lips on Ivy's mouth, and was greeted with a long, sensuous kiss.

They stood at Harley’s bed. A teddy bear that Harley kept on the pillow, her good-luck charm from childhood, seemed to grin at them.

“Paige,” Ivy ordered firmly, “turn out the lights. Leave the hall light on and the door open a trifle. I want Harley to see me when I dominate her. And I want to see you.”

Ivy sat upon the bed and pulled the trembling Harley down beside her. Then Ivy lay upon the bed, her head upon the pillow, pushed the teddy bear aside gently and patted the place beside her.

Ivy and Harley kissed, Paige began undressing them, until they laid there, still in a heavy embrace, totally naked. Paige removed her own clothes and snuggled between the two women.

"Let me in on this too," she said, her lips searching the passionate lips of the other two.

The three of them huddled there for the longest time, in a three-way kiss, their tongues running in and out of each other's mouths slowly and tenderly.

Ivy released her grip on Harley and pulled Paige down on top of her.

As though they had done it for the hundredth time, and not the first, the three women arranged themselves naturally, so that each could give and receive pleasure equally.

Paige's face was brushing against the warm, soft hair of Ivy's cunt. Harley's lips caressed and kissed the slit of Paige's pussy, and Ivy placed her head between Harley's legs. The three lay on their sides, forming a circle with their bodies, their faces and cunts locked together in a chain of soft flesh.

Ivy groaned with obvious pleasure as Paige's expert mouth sucked and licked the outer opening of her pussy. She felt the girl lap down the warm juices which flowed with the excitement Paige's tongue was creating.

Paige buried her face deeper into Ivy's cunt, running her tongue in and out of the slick, delicious opening. She began thrusting quickly, while her mouth bit and chewed on her swollen clit. The excitement of her mouth was equal to the delightful sucking Harley was giving her. She clamped her legs around Harley's neck, forcing more of the girl's tongue into her throbbing pussy.

"Suck it, suck my cunt!" Harley whispered to Ivy, humping the woman's face. “I mean, uh, please suck my cunt! Please dominate my cunt with your tongue!”

Ivy ran her tongue along the tender folds of Harley's glorious wet cunt, dipping her tongue into the dewy moistness of her sex.

"Oh, baby, you've got the hottest little pussy I ever tasted!" Ivy groaned into Harley's cunt. “I love dominating it!”

"Don't stop topping me!" Harley answered back.

Ivy had no such intention. She slipped her tongue in and out of the burning slit with a pumping action, fucking the girl's cunt with her mouth and tongue. She locked her lips around whatever folds she could and sucked the delicious juices into her mouth, savoring the delicate flavor. She could feel Harley's clit throb against her teeth, as her tongue delved deeply into the girl's pussy.

Paige became more and more excited eating out Ivy's cunt. She spread the other woman's legs wide and slipped her head between them, licking the narrow opening of Ivy’s cunt, and then trailing her mouth and tongue to her asshole. She licked back and forth, slicking up Ivy's anus with the juices from her pussy.

"Stick your finger in my ass!" Ivy whimpered.

Paige rubbed her fingers around the rim of Ivy's asshole, gently pressing a fingertip into the dark, tight opening. She felt Ivy's inner muscles contract and hold her finger. She inched in another fingertip and slipped them in down to the knuckles.

“I told you to do that!” Ivy gasped. “You pathetic little bottom.”

She felt such excitement with this new sensation that she did the same to Harley. She first licked and sucked on Harley's asshole, running her tongue in and out of the musky, but delicious, hole, to ease the entry of her fingers.

Not to be left out, Harley did the same to Paige. She sucked on the girl's warm, inviting pussy, while her fingers toyed and played with the puckered opening. She finger-fucked Paige's asshole in rhythm to her plunging tongue as it slipped in and out of her balling cunt.

Their bodies twisted and strained as the pleasure began to mount with increasing speed. Ivy's hungry mouth covered every inch possible, her teeth deliciously tantalizing and teasing Harley's demanding pussy and asshole. Her fingers were busy with a steady stroking, as they slipped deeper into Harley's tight anus.

Harley whimpered with ecstasy. "Harder!" she whispered. "Fuck my ass with your finger harder!" 

“Don’t tell me what to do!” Ivy barked.

They moved their bodies closer together, their tits almost touching as their agonized pleasure mounted. They rocked their bodies to the rhythm of their sucking and licking. Their fingers delved deeper into the holes they were fucking. The sounds of licking and fingerfucking were audible, as the smacks of flesh on wet flesh rose to a delightful pitch.

Harley's chin and throat were wet and hot from Paige's pussy. She rubbed her mouth around the opening of the girl's cunt, slicking up her cheeks. She bared her teeth and gently scraped the opening, her mouth wide with pleasure. She ran her tongue around her rock-hard clit and then pulled it into her hungry mouth, sucking on it with her lips. She felt it vibrate and throb, causing her own passion to reach the breaking point.

It seemed a slow race to climax, each woman experiencing the thunderous rushes of orgasm. They enjoyed a three-way tie for the lead.

“I’m dominating both of you!” Ivy cried. “I’m dominating two women at once!”


Ra’s al Ghul’s tent was in the middle of an expansive glade which filled a valley between two gently sloping rises. He stepped out of its carpeted interior to the lush green caress of thickly matted grass below.

His lungs rejoiced as they sucked in the fresh clean air—something long forgotten in the outside world with her teeming billions. His eyes surveyed his surroundings. The same thick grass covered the rolling hills like the fur of a sleek animal. In the distance, a row of trees towered up to meet a deep blue sky. Near the gigantic hunks of the trees a stream gurgled, spilling its clear, fresh water into a small pond.

Pulling his gaze closer in to his immediate surroundings, he momentarily studied the hundreds of red, white and blue blossoms that dotted the valley. Their beauty was striking and similar to the carnations that once grew in abundance in Europe. He almost expected to find some whimsical artist bending over the blossoms, delivering the flowers' color with a paintbrush.

Here in Shamballa, nature had reclaimed a small foothold from the human jackals who had driven her to the corners of the world. One day, he would see the entire earth returned to this native splendor. But for now, he had personal matters to attend to.

He had been cavalier on the Detective resisting him, hoping that with time would come maturity. If there was one thing the Demon’s Head could afford, it was time. And, at times, the Detective had proven useful, even beneficial, giving him a heir in Damian Wayne who might yet prove more tractable than his father.

But this current offense… it was beyond the pale. Beyond the stratagems of their game and into the realm of personal dishonor. Ra’s al Ghul had allowed the Detective to court his daughter, but to actually besmirch her, and her sister, in such demeaning fashion, without even nuptials? It spelled an end to his patience with the Detective and his inconstant daughters.

He spoke to the shadows, knowing they had ears. “Shiva. I wish you in Gotham. Clip the Bat’s wings once and for all.”

“I will discover if that has been written, Ra’s al Ghul.”



Oh, my. Multiple super-hot sex scenes, interaction between Bruce's wives, and plot? What more could be asked for?