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Diana straddled Artemis, and the redhead could’ve gasped as she felt her Amazon sister’s cunt, wet yet burning, pressing against hers, Diana’s wetness meeting her own, sharing her heat, spreading the fire. Artemis lifted her ass, rubbing into that warmth Diana offered her as Diana followed suit, grinding up and down. Artemis felt the pressure of Diana’s strong, yet satiny thighs wrapping around her hips, their tightness stoking the simmering lust within her.

“You’re very warm, Artemis,” Diana was whispering in her husky voice, shocking Artemis—she was nothing compared to Diana’s fire. “Your cunt especially feels warm against mine. I love to touch my cunt to another cunt. It feels so… nice… doesn’t it?”

Artemis shuddered hearing Diana’s soft, but lustful words. She could handle anything but Diana’s gentleness. Diana leaned down and ran her tongue over one turgid nipple, taking almost a full minute to travel from the underside of Artemis’s breast to the smooth slope on top. She took even longer with Artemis’s other nipple. Near the end, Artemis’s body jerked with a mild orgasm. She could be respectful no longer. She grabbed Diana by the throat, collaring her below her beautiful face, the gray eyes glowing with a very ungentle heat.

She was building to another, stronger orgasm when Diana moved again. Effortlessly dragging Artemis’s choking hand along with her, she slid her hot, wet cunt up Artemis’s body, anointing the juices of her sex on Artemis’s quivering belly as she pressed the redhead down onto her back.

Artemis found her hand falling, slacken, from Diana’s throat as she gasped for air, excitement running through her like never before. Diana drew her pussy higher, over the ridges of Artemis’s abdominal muscles, then she was straddling Artemis’s chest, her thighs kissing the saliva-wet nipples on Artemis’s heaving breasts.

Needing like she’d never needed before, Artemis wrapped her arms around Diana’s smooth hips and clutched her voluptuous ass in all its warmth. Diana dragged herself along Artemis’s chest, letting Artemis feel her bare pussy come down on her breast, its wetness and even some of its tightness pleasuring her nipples. The thin fuzz of her finely shaven hair tickled the roundness of her cleavage, and Artemis clung to Diana’s body for dear life.

Then Diana drew herself still higher.

Artemis panted as Diana knelt over her, one knee on either side of her head. She could not see anything but Diana, her beauty, her perfection, her cunt. She could feel the warmth boiling out of Diana’s cunt, her face basking in it. She felt the velvety softness of Diana’s thighs on her cheeks. She gripped Diana’s ass tightly, squeezing the smooth flesh as if it gave her some measure of power in what was happening.

With a tremor of desire, Artemis knew what was about to happen. For a second, she almost shoved Diana away—she didn’t know if she could take it. But before she could, if she ever could, Diana lowered herself down to her, and Artemis felt and tasted the succulence of Diana’s pussy on her lips. Diana held still, not humping Artemis’s face as Artemis would have if their positions were reversed; she let Artemis start to nuzzle into her groin as the redhead so clearly wanted to.

Artemis just rubbed her face against Diana’s pussy for a moment, feeling the liquid heat of Diana’s arousal cover her nose and lips and chin. I did that to her. She’s that way because she wants to fuck me. It seemed unbelievable. When Diana’s sex brushed against her mouth again, Artemis found that she was kissing it, pulling it closer with the tight, desperate grip she still had on Diana’s heart-shaped ass.

Diana mewled in delight, laughing a little as she let Artemis pull her as close as she liked. She moved her hands down to Artemis’s head, sinking her fingers into all that luxurious red hair. Artemis sighed, the feel of Diana’s loving fingers on her scalp now added to the taste, the feel of Diana’s pussy.

Artemis remembered to use her tongue, darting it up and down Diana’s slit, the juices as sweet as ever. With a groan, Artemis tongued deep into Diana’s sex. Diana couldn’t hold back anymore. Moaning, she ground herself into Artemis’s face, her hands in Artemis’s hair now holding the woman tightly in place. Artemis clung to Diana’s bunching asscheeks, holding her in place just as hard as she fucked her tongue into her, deeply, eagerly.

“Ooooo, Artemis!” Diana sighed. “Oh, that’s good! I like that—your tongue so deep inside me—your kisses on my pussy. Lick me, Artemis… ahhh, kiss me!”

Artemis fucked her tongue deep into Diana, only stopping so her lips could suck on the delicious taste of Diana’s arousal. Diana let out a moan that broke her out of her reverie, so she responded by lashing her tongue at Diana’s engorged clit, making Diana gurgle with ecstasy. All the while she dug her hands into Diana’s tight ass, even smacking it, anything to somehow get more of that sweet cunt to her hungry mouth.

Then her tongue was fully inside Diana again, and she could feel Diana’s pussy clutching at her tongue, working it as those tender walls would massage a cock. Bruce is one lucky man, Artemis thought, returning to Diana’s clit, sucking and grinding at it with her lips until Diana was sobbing with ecstasy.

“You’re going to make me come, Artemis!” Diana was whimpering, rubbing and twisting her cunt into Artemis’s mouth with all the delight in the world, her inner thighs clamping down on Artemis’s face hard enough to break her neck—finally, the roughness Artemis desired. “Your tongue’s so deep… it feels so good! I’m going to come all over it! In your mouth, all over your face… yes! I’m coming, coming for you!”

Artemis felt Diana’s sex close like a vise on her deeply buried tongue, flexing convulsively as her orgasm burned through her body. Artemis, with muffled moans as she tasted the promised rush of Diana’s cream in her mouth, moved her tongue in Diana’s taut pussy as best she could. Her fingers clawed into Diana’s shaking ass hard enough to draw blood, willing to do anything to prolong the kiss of climaxing sex on grateful tongue. She swallowed frantically as her mouth filled with Diana’s essence, sweet and hot, her mind reeling with the knowledge that she’d done this to Diana, that she could and would gladly make love to her again, that she was in love.

Diana’s body shivered on top of Artemis’s face for a long time. Artemis’s hands fondled her sweet ass, apologetically massaging the crimson lines her fingernails had left, caressing Diana’s hips and silky thighs as well until Diana had recovered from the force of her climax. Then, with a satisfied exhale, Diana scooted back down Artemis’s body, leaving a trail of delicious wetness down her front. She left Artemis’s face drenched, covered in the juices from the beautiful cunt she loved almost as much as Diana. 

Diana dropped herself into Artemis’s lap as the redhead sat up, and she dropped her mouth to Artemis’s lips. She returned the favor Artemis had just done her, thrusting her tongue deep into Artemis’s kiss, both of them moaning happily.


The nightclub throbbed and pulsed and pounded with music like a racing heartbeat, bass sounding through bodies and into bones, a stinging smell of sweat and alcohol further jawing the senses. Artemis and Dinah were still wearing their disguises, while Diana had put on a white minidress, Shayera a black one, the simple lines of the dresses proving their bodies needed no additional adornment, just a showcase for their curves and some modesty to keep their curves from being overwhelming. 

Bruce watched the four of them dance, sipping ginger ale and seeing the fleeting touches, the endless trading of one dance partner for another, the quick kisses that were as rhythmic as the dancing itself when set to the pounding beat. The four beautiful women and their flawless interplay proved a sight that elevated itself beyond the pretty, or even the sensual, becoming something effervescent. And like anything effervescent, it brought Bruce to a contemplative place within himself.

He had a life now that he never could have imagined, as the boy sheltered in his parents’ security, or as the man who'd dedicated himself to avenging them. He was still dedicated, just to more now than that crusade. He had four wives, numerous lovers who were both his own and his wives’, five children, the latest a boy from Dinah. He wondered sometimes. He hadn’t made Gotham a city like Metropolis or Coast City, hadn’t broken the back of the Mob or cleaned up the police department. There’d been progress, but so much of it slow and grueling, and always vulnerable to being turned back at the flip of a switch. But in his personal life, he had more good fortune than ten men could claim. So he wondered about the ongoing stalemate in his war on crime and if it was a sign he had been lax in his crusade, more attentive to his family.

A family that, at some point, would have to go on without him anyway. He wasn’t immortal. Even if he wasn’t killed on the job, one day he would surely be too old to keep going. Diana and Artemis would live on, Shayera would be reborn… even Dinah was at least younger than him, and she was smart enough to know when to throw in the towel. She’d probably live to a ripe old age while the moss was growing on his headstone.

And the crusade? What of the crusade? In the vow he’d had Robin make, time and time again for each new face under the mask, they’d sworn to eradicate crime. That had never been his promise, though. All he had sworn was to become a bat—a creature to inspire fear in the criminal and the corrupt. Was he still that specter, that avenger? Or was he something else, only wearing the mask now—and what beneath it?

Good questions for some other time. For now, his wives were looking at him, grinning at him, curling their fingers as they invited him to join in. He went to them.


Bruce and Diana’s tongues twined as they caressed each other with a lover’s touch, Bruce urging Diana back onto one of the many beds in Wayne Manor. It was spacious and completely covered with a comforter of black fur. Diana fell back on it, rolling around from side to side as Bruce came around the bed to join her. She thrilled to the feel of a million soft hairs on her body. She sighed happily, settled on her back, and spread her legs. The smell of her arousal was an invitation to Bruce. 

Bruce’s huge manhood jutted out hugely from his crotch, looking bigger than Diana remembered even with one of his big hands collaring it. Stroking it as he got to his knees and brought his mouth toward her pussy.

“No, not that,” Diana said patiently, grabbing his dark hair. “I need your cock in me.”

Bruce didn’t need any urging, not that any could be more effective than Diana voicing that request. He brought himself over Diana’s body, propping himself up on one hand while he worked himself into the opening of Diana’s sex. Diana sighed in delighted contentment as his cockhead found the moist parting of her lips and slipped inside her. Where it belonged.

He seemed to go into her forever, Diana’s walls stretching and stretching and stretching, yet still fitting around his cock as snugly as a glove.

“I think how much I love you every time I have your cock inside me,” Diana whispered in Bruce’s ear.

Bruce buried his face in the hollow of her throat. “And I always think that. Wherever you are, whatever I’m doing.” His tongue traced a warm line up her neck, the delicious lightness of that wet touch matching the delicacy of his tickling pubic hairs on her labia, the gentle pressure of his groin against hers. He could be so soft with her…

“Well, you’re easy,” Diana joked, though she could hardly breathe with that magnificent cock filling her to the limit. It throbbed inside her, seeming to fill her entire body as well with Bruce’s strong, steady heartbeat. “Fuck me,” she said, her voice lower, showing the strain of her pleasure. “Fuck me hard.”

Bruce jerked out of Diana so quickly that she gasped, staring with needful eyes down at his cock as it lay poised with just the tip inside her, then Bruce rammed back into her. Her ass came off the fur as she ground against Bruce’s cock, but was forced back down onto the bed as Bruce sunk in to the hilt.

In and out he fucked her. Diana’s only contribution in the face of such penetration was to writhe in a fluid, slithering, sensuous series of motions that covered his cock in a feeling delicious to both of them. Her rigid nipples spiked into his broad chest, the hair and scars of his breast rasping over them.

It was heaven, indescribable heaven to have his cock driving in and out of her. Each time Diana had that beautiful cock penetrating her, she never wanted to let it go. And she knew the feeling was mutual. Bruce’s broad hands clutched her ass, pinioning her on his conquering prick. Bruce’s lips joined to Diana’s in a soul-searing kiss as their bodies clashed and drew apart, urgently, needfully.

“You make me so hot!” Diana managed to gasp when she wasn’t filled by the pistoning thrusts of Bruce’s cock. “How do you make me so hot? How do you—I’m about to come.”

“So am I,” Bruce grunted. “Just a second—second longer… uuggghhh!”

His throbbing cock was thrust to the hilt inside her, her long legs wrapped around his waist, her feet squeezing against his ass in an attempt to get even more of his shaft into her ravenous cunt. Then all of her pussy clamped down on his deeply buried prick.

Bruce would never understand how Diana could be so tight, so incredibly tight it seemed she stopped just short of inflicting actual pain, and yet she never did him harm, always staying poised on that precarious balance. Not only that, but when she came, she seemed to get even tighter.

His every muscle felt like it was about to burst. He was suspended in time, quivering in an adrenaline-spiked mini-bout of fear at the hydraulic press her sex had become and the ever-growing pleasure that had brought him to the brink of climax. He was frozen into a statue by the tightness of Diana’s clenching orgasm, as if her pussy were drawn too firmly around his cock for his cum to even move through it. Then, proving that untrue, he joined Diana in climax. Fucked frantically into her while he filled her cunt with seething jism. Diana arched her back, not so much in pleasure as in a lustful need to have every inch of him, every drop. Their bodies thrashed in delirious passion, and when it had finished overwhelming them, they lay side by side, gazing into each other’s eyes. Bruce’s cock lay by Diana’s thighs like a sleeping giant—almost hard still.


“What’s your favorite kind of dance?” Bruce asked into Diana’s hair as they swayed in tight embrace. His hands were running over her back, most of it bared by her small dress.

“I’m not sure I could mention it in polite company,” Diana replied, slipping her slender arms up to his shoulders. Her hands nestled together behind his neck.

Her face dipped close to hers and once again, Diana was surprised by how soft his lips were, as they brushed her cheek.

“Who here is polite?” Bruce whispered, tightening his grip, clearly ready to hold her closer. 

And Diana pushed her belly up against his. “You are, if you know what’s good for you.”

“And what’s good for you?” Bruce asked, as Diana felt his hard cock underneath his suit, the prodding deliberate and overt.

“My favorite kind of dance,” Diana grinned.

His strong body almost a part of hers, she reached up to him and sought his lips with a controlled desperation that only truly broke free as her tongue entered his mouth.

Then Artemis cut in.

The two Amazons took several turns dancing with Bruce, competing in holding him and pressing themselves close to his arousal. The contact of their warm bodies, seemingly not separated at all by their garments, was the only spark they needed to turn the dancing from something in and of itself, to a clear prelude to sex.

When Bruce left to get cocktails from the bar, Shayera flew happily into Artemis’s arms. “Goddamn!” Shayera sighed happily, pulling the other woman to her body and stroking her as Bruce had done while they were dancing. “You’re getting good at this. Thanks to you, he’s so hot he doesn’t know what to do.”

“He knows what to do,” Artemis corrected her, before Shayera kissed her. Artemis’s tongue responded ardently.

“Kiss me again,” Shayera moaned. “Show me how much you love it.”

Artemis could only nod before their lips pressed together, her tongue making a deep exploration of all the pleasures it could find in Shayera’s sighing mouth.

“Start kissing Bruce like that,” Shayera whispered, “and he won’t have any time for the rest of us.”

“Nonsense,” Bruce said, returning with their drinks. “Not unless she finds somewhere very nice to kiss me…”

Shayera drank, knowing the liquor was fanning the desire burning inside her. Bruce met her eyes, seeing it too, then pulled her into a dance. She fairly threw herself against him, grinding her flesh against the exciting bulge in his crotch. Though all of his firm body dazzled her, that—she shivered deliciously—hardness pleased her the most. Goaded by heated kisses he boldly laid along her neck, Shayera shimmed her taut belly from side to side, sliding herself against Bruce’s stiff cock. She heard Bruce moan in her ear; unrestrained delight.

Dinah cut in. She was in no mood for waiting and neither was he. They’d barely completed three steps before his hands were running down her bare back, under the fabric that barely covered her ass, and into her frail panties. The feel of his hot fingers under her panties made her breath hard, her hot sighs hitting his chest like they were blown from a bellows. She wrapped her arms more tightly around him, face pressed to his broad chest as they swayed to the music—happily breathing in his musk as he felt her.

She could only imagine how he’d touch her when they were finally alone.


With Bruce leaving to go to Diana, Artemis took his place, climbing into the bed with Dinah and Shayera. Dinah looked up at her, a little intimidated, not sure what to do. Finally, Dinah lowered her hand and placed it between Artemis’s legs, on the lush growth of her pubic hair. She could feel the warmth of Artemis’s sex as it radiated along her fingers. She squeezed the soft flesh gently, testing the entrance with the tips of her fingers. As she tentatively let her middle finger lapse into the interior of Artemis’s pussy, Artemis moaned and favored her with a smile. Dinah ran her fingertip along the constricting walls inside of Artemis, then up to the throbbing clit atop the opening. 

“Mmmm… I want it!” Artemis murmured.

Then Shayera moved her head between Artemis’s legs. Dinah moved away as Shayera took over, placing her mouth over Artemis’s sex, tongue seeking her clitoris. Artemis gasped as she was stroked gently from the bottom of her pussy to the tip of her clit.

“Shayera!” she trilled exuberantly. “Suck me, my pussy! That’s it! Suck my pussy, yes! And make me come! Yes, yes, that’s wonderful! Shayera, you’re so good!”

Shayera lapped at her slowly, carefully. She knew Bruce and Dinah had left Artemis highly aroused. It would’ve been easy to make her come, but she didn’t want that. She wanted Artemis at the very edge of climax, and she brought her there again and again, only to back away. She knew how to keep a woman orgasmic but not orgasming. If Shayera had wanted it, she could’ve kept Artemis on the brink for hours, even days.

Artemis moaned with frustration. It was both heaven and hell to be so close to a climax, but unable to reach it. Dinah lowered her lips to her ear.

“Easy, red. You don’t really want to come for Shayera, do you? You want me to get you off.”

Artemis grabbed Dinah’s hair, pulling their faces together. She kissed her with all the passion she could muster, all while experiencing a pleasurable agony at the end of Shayera’s tongue.

Artemis’s asshole was right before Shayera’s eyes, and with Dinah monopolizing the redhead’s attention all of a sudden with her forceful kiss, Shayera’s warrior pride (and petty competitiveness) demanded a gesture saying ‘Mine!’ She moistened her forefinger in the trickling honey of Artemis’s cunt, then slipped it into her tightly pink asshole. Artemis stiffened with shock, her anus clamping down hard on her impalement as she tried to decide whether she liked it or not. Shayera pushed in further anyway. Dinah had liked it, and Shayera herself knew how wonderful it could feel. 

While she probed her finger into Artemis’s ass, she kept licking away at her cunt. Artemis was left torn between the urge to get away from the intrusion in her ass, and a burning need to keep her pussy where Shayera’s eager mouth could get to it. Embarrassment and discomfort didn’t stand a chance against lust: Artemis pressed her sex even harder to Shayera’s lips. As Shayera’s tongue slid further inside her, she relaxed her asshole, letting Shayera push all of her finger inside.

Dinah and Artemis’s kiss was interrupted as Artemis let out a yelping note of approval, comical enough to make Dinah grin, and she left Artemis to her moans, moving down the bed. Weak with arousal and satisfaction, Artemis watched as Dinah moved down the bed to Shayera’s lower body. 

A little glancing stroke of her fingers along Shayera’s thighs and they spread anxiously, little whimpers of hunger still coming from her mouth as she feasted on Artemis. Artemis couldn’t judge her; soft mewls of delights were emanating from her own.

Between Shayera’s legs, Dinah lowered her mouth to the redhead’s wetly throbbing sex. Her eager tongue flicked over the glistening flesh of Shayera’s lewdly spread thighs, Dinah’s own delighted mutters blending with Shayera’s as she hungrily licked at Shayera’s channel, into it, attacking it until it felt like it was full of fire.

“Oh… ooohhh, God…” Shayera gasped with mind-destroying passion, uncontrollably undulating her rounded buttocks up against Dinah’s salaciously working tongue. She was wildly excited, enjoying eating Artemis out and fingering her ass so much, but something was missing. Despite Dinah’s incredible mouth, she seemed no closer to an orgasm.

She hoped Bruce hadn’t ended up spoiling her for these pleasures with his other wives. If she needed a big cock to get off now, she’d be very cross. She squirmed and writhed, rubbing herself against Dinah’s face in an attempt to heat her pussy up.

She was shocked when it started to work, seemingly all at once. At first her dazed mind couldn’t quite cope with how quickly and effectively Dinah’s tongue had started working for her, but then she knew. Dinah had slipped her thumb into Shayera’s cunt, its hefty width enough to give her some of the thrill of Bruce’s cock. 

She did the same to Artemis. With her thumb deep in the redhaired pussy, Shayera rubbed the pad of it against the tip of the forefinger she had used to skewer Artemis’s bottom. She massaged the quivering wall that separated the two fingers, a thrill she knew not even a cock could give.

It was so good that Artemis screamed in climax, but Shayera’s own orgasmic cry was muffed by the ginger sex pressed against her mouth. She felt Dinah moaning into her cunt, her clit, sucking it between her lips so she could flog it as she howled with pleasure.

Then Shayera remembered no one was pleasuring Dinah. She turned briefly from Artemis’s pussy to see Bruce behind Dinah, thrusting into her, giving her a thrill that one finger and a thumb definitely couldn’t give.

Turning back to Artemis, Shayera was the bedside clock. “Oh God, we are never going to get up in the morning.”



I love this. It's relentlessly hot, but said hotness is enhanced by dashes of sweetness, and even a tiny bit of melancholy.