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Hello everybody, and welcome to the first post of 2020!

To start with, I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year! 

And, thanks to your ongoing support and enthusiasm, it looks like it's shaping up to be a great year for the Dystopian Project as well! 

I do have to apologize for our slowed production rate during this past month, as one half of our multinational team celebrates the "traditional" festive season in December with Christmas + New Year's Eve, while the other half of our team celebrates in January with Orthodox Christmas and the Lunar New Year.  There's a bit of a disconnect as a result, with half the team on break while the other half kept on working but had slower/delayed team feedback as a result.

However, I think we've got things fairly stable and settled now! As the other half of our team prepares to go on their well-deserved break, they've already readied the resources required for us to start compiling and then putting our new releases and updates!

Overgrown: Genesis was meant to finish in 2019, but I wasn't happy with concluding with what we had - the story didn't finish "properly" to me, if that makes sense - so I've decided to extend the production time so I can bring in more scenes and resources. The final updates will be split into two parts: the first part will complete the University level + Dryad scenes + two endings, while the second part will bring in the final secret level and another ending.

The scenes for the final updates are taking longer than anticipated to draw due to the artwork's complexity, but I definitely think you'll find it worth the wait! 

The first part of the final O:G update includes a Dryad Attack #1 (Oral), Dryad Attack #2 (Anal), Dryad Attack #3 (Impregnation/Gameover), the Dryad "Swarm" Gameover, as well as Ending "A" and Ending "B". 

Speaking of the endings, I'd like to explain a bit more about them without spoiling too much.

Ending A - Unlocked by one of the choices made during the University level; you will end up in an ending room with a specific scene on 'repeat' and the rest of the Gallery available. This is the extreme "Dryad" ending. 

Ending B -  Also unlocked by one of the choices made during the University level; you will end up in an ending room with a specific scene on 'repeat' and the rest of the Gallery available. This is the extreme "Scientist" ending. 

Ending C1 - Unlocked during the final level; you will end up in an ending room with a specific scene on 'repeat' and the rest of the Gallery available. This is the extreme "Military" ending. 

Ending C2 -  Unlocked during the final level; you will end up in an ending room, with all other ending scenes unlocked in your Gallery. This is a milder version of the "Military" ending. 

Ending C3 -  Unlocked during the final level; you will end up in an ending room, with all other ending scenes unlocked in your Gallery. This is the "Harmonious" ending, and the hardest one to achieve. Conditions to get this are identical to C2, but you must have completed all sidequests in the game, collected all the "Note" items, and fully upgraded the survivor shelter at Fort Patton through calling in favours alone.

And that's all from me for now! Once again, we wish you a great 2020 - and hope to play a big part in making this year much more entertaining and pleasant for you. ;) 




And I wish you all the best in the new year. Oh, hell, this year was full of events. Love you The Dystopian Project I certainly wasn't going to push for pity, but could you hint when you outgrow it:Genesis will be released? Oh, this is my favorite game, I think I even love it more than Claire's adventures:). I wish I could support you, even if I converted Russian money into dollars, it would be a very small amount. But I still love you. (Sorry for the errors in the text, I'm not very fluent in English. By the way, I love to translate the plot of your games ( it's so breathtaking)


Thank you for your kind words! Let's see, we would like to push out O:G by January at the latest, but it depends on how fast we can draw the final scenes required. We are nearly done with all the Dryad's scenes but Ending A and Ending B are not drawn yet! Potentially, we could skip the Dryad Swarm temporarily in favour of rushing Ending A if push comes to shove, and could release a barebones final update by January before taking time to polish the other areas!


Ah, I understand. We will wait, you have intrigued me very much. I'm burning to play and finally see the end of Juno.


Thank you for the answer! It is always a pleasure to communicate with developers. You very cool.


A very positive beginning and I hope in this spirit will be the whole year. Thank you for the content and Happy New Year!


So a few questions: 1-do you have a ballpark release date for the update with the other endings? 2-Will that update be the final update?


Hello there. The version 1.00.0 will be split into two parts so I can get one half out faster for testing. The first part includes the entire University level + Endings A and B. The second part includes the Final level + Endings C1-C3, and should be the "final" update, although it will take another month post-release to really root out all the bugs and stabilize. I want to say January 2020 for part one, but no guarantees as we need 3 more scenes to be finished, and they're fairly complex.


Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply, and I want to thank you for having the courage to push back your previous deadline to ensure quality. Too many developers have released garbage, or even just less than they were capable of just to hit a deadline. Love your work!


Honestly I still love the game and ngl Im going to do a no sex scene in it i might fail but eh


It's encouraged! You don't need to lose to win O:G, as progressing successfully to each later stage of the game automatically unlocks all content in the Gallery!


Ooh, testing! Been a while since i dropped by, had some comp trouble followed by spending the holidays at family, so a mix of good and bad (in no specific order). Looking forward to the second-to-last version of Juno coming out, hopefully i can still get a bug sweep done before the final version gets released. All the best in 2020 for you, your backers and freebie peasants like me :P


Noticed a typo in a scene : Claire X pirates, the 3rd or fourth picture says "grond" instead of "ground". :o And happy new year to the whole team !


salut bonne annee tout le monde j'adore ce jeu mais j'ai un problème quand je sauvegarde et quitte le jeu et que je veux le reprendre je pers toute la partie et je dois tout recommencer a chaque fois pouvez-vous comment garder ma partie s'il vous plait merci et bonne soirée a vous