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In the post-apocalyptic ruins of civilization, boiling water is an unfathomable luxury. A true survivor makes do with a chewy coffee powdery snack!

Hey all! This is the first of the incoming webcomic series that I've commissioned the talented Kitsune to do for us! I really like how it turned out, and Juno in that chibi style is just so damned adorable. <:D 

Some trivia for y'all - for Overgrown: Genesis, I was actually going to add a kettle or campfire-type thing where you could use boiling water to actually, y'know, make liquid coffee. Was going to add an instant noodle item with the same effect.

But because the Hunger system became a lot less important later in the game, I skipped it, and now Juno is doomed to forever confuse the soldiers of Fort Patton by just pouring that shit straight into her mouth. 




Its surprisingly cute and innocent. In complete contrast to what actually goes on in the games, im kinda excited for the Claire ones :D

The Dayum Machine

Well, now Juno reminds me of a girl I met in college. Literally did the exact same thing. This is super cute and gave me a sweet nostalgia trip &lt;3


Hey don't laugh -- I happen to EAT coffee<br><br>seriously, I eat (dissolve/stir/instant/or-however-its-called) coffee pure with a spoon, I sprinkle it on cake, on bacon slices, on pizza


Gut that shizno.


Don't really remember when or why I started pure coffee, but knowing myself...... probably greed and laziness. Unwillingness to pause an activity just to stand up and walk only to walk back and sit down again.<br>Or do you know that one where you fetch something, sit down, and then realize the instant you sit down: "It" is gone already? Because you consumed it during the walking back.<br><br>It's not easy to shovel pure coffee, it has even more glue-ish effect in mouth than pure cocoa powder. But getting rid of the walking and the nuisance of having walked for nothing..... That is something.


Hey just a quick question for a mac user. By no means trying to rush or anything like that but just curious. Would you know when the next public update for claires question is going to come out? Thanks so much!


For Mac? We have a guide on Discord specifically for Mac users to play the Windows versions! Public version will be 0.18.4 but as it's the festive season our production rate has slowed a bit.
