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Hello everyone. 

The Patreon Trust & Safety team has been in contact with me again, and pointed out that the content of one of our games, namely, Claire's Quest, is in violation of their "zero tolerance" list. Specifically, Patreon does not allow any content with, "glorification of sexual violence, or depictions of non-consensual sex, incest, bestiality, and shota/loli content" to be hosted on Patreon. 

Therefore, we cannot explicitly mention or link to the Claire's Quest game on our Patreon. Basically we have to remove the Claire's Quest game from our Patreon.

Please don't worry, however, as this has been a long time coming, and I've prepared a contingency plan for this specific scenario. Here are a list of changes being made: 

1) All the download links to our games will no longer be shared via Patreon's direct messaging platform, nor will there be posts or pages with the URLs. Instead, the links to our games can be found on our official Discord. If you are a patron, please pledge to the Discord immediately if you have not done so already, so you continue to get access.

2) All mention of the Claire's Quest game on Patreon will cease, effective immediately. The game itself will have it's presence removed from our Patreon. Our Patreon will now simply be dedicated to the supporting a miscellaneous collection of artwork, webcomics, and games, with a dystopian theme. 


3) The front page will be accordingly retrofitted to represent these changes, and all download links to the Claire's Quest game will be removed, from all pages, including public demos. 

4) Polls will continue to be held without issue on Patreon, and the Art Packs will continue to be distributed via Patreon's messaging system. 

On an related note, we will start setting up a public Discord for non-pledged/patron players and fans. 

There is no cause for alarm, as we will simply, and technically, be using this Patreon as a "tip jar" for dystopian-themed artwork, webcomics, and misc. games. 

Thank you for reading!



Don Banini

Do you plan to move open a subscribetar page?


Oh comon patreon xD, anyway well done for the reaction 😳😍


Can you share the discord link of the page?


I can see patreon going the way of tumblr patreon needs to stop this crusade


I'm unable to access the discord even though I've been a patron for a while. is there any way I could be provided a link/invite?


I deleted the message with the discord access when I got it because I don't use anything like discord. Is there any other way to stay updated? Can you at least send a message with the discord link to the existing patrons?


Patreon banning lewd stuff. Not stonks


I doubt it is about lewd stuff per se. My first impluse was to blame the puritans for this, but I don't think that is quite right. I mean, the play a certain role in this whole spiel, but the real reason is, IMHO, that Patreon is scared shitless that some of those puritans cunjures up a shitstorm about something stupid as some drawn pixels, and thus they preemptively remove anything that could be considered 'unfitting', or 'triggering'. They protect their own interests, because cancel-culture may be dying, but it isn't dead yet.


Okay, everything is very clear with the Claire's Quest. We will wait for links to your official Discord! Good luck!


Well that was interesting... I just recently discovered your content this December, and absolutely loved Overgrown:Genesis!!! However, I'm curious if I would like Claire's Quest also, so if anyone could write me a review/comparison of the two games, that would be great!!!


Stupid question but what is the link to the discord?


It might be in your best interest to send out a link to your discord page. If you can't send it with the patreon messaging system you might send to your subscribers emails if possible. I say this because I probably will pull my membership if I can't stay connected to what you are doing with Clair's Quest. I might not be the only one who feels this way.


So...what happens now? Do we still pay through Patreon and now collect updates via Discord? Where is the Discord? Could you provide a link to the Discord server (I hate using Discord, btw...) so we can continue to collect the game updates? I suspect I'm not alone in saying that if this becomes too difficut (no fault of your own, btw) I'll be cancelling my membership.


very sad news, but good to see you keep going, you had the best updates of anyone and always so fun to read.... now we cant see them, maybe you need to make a website for the updates because many people do not use discord.


You can pay through Patreon as usual, but rewards are distributed via Discord, which will be resent!


Has the new discord been set up for public, or nah? I'm just wondering is all.


this is so sad

Jon P

This basically boils down to: if people like the game enough, they'll continue pledging and get it from discord. If they don't, or they're super lazy / can't access discord in their country / too foolish to learn how to proxy, they'll drop their pledge, leave patreon entirely, and cry themselves to sleep due to lack of pr0n.


Hopefully not so drastic! I will implement a few more things as part of my contingency, from a SubscribeStar to a public Discord, which should alleviate things a bit.


I'd appreciate the SubscribeStar ... it isn't as polished as Patreon, but I'd rather support through a platform like that, rather than continuing to reward Patreon for saying we're not welcome, only our money is.


i hear subscribestar is pretty cool wink wink

Bobbie Tshwmtxuj Chang

So I found you on subscribestar.adult/dystopianproject . Would the pay towards you be better there?


Is there any certain date of O:G new version?


Not yet! It's hard to give a hard date because we can't estimate how long some of these last CG sets will take. They are very complex and not like anything we've done before, with 2-3 set variations in-between them to account for all the different endings.


Nice growth btw :) Good luck in your art!


I wish you luck but I have to admit patreon change so much and not too my liking. I always felt that there some hidden agenda behind this but that’s just me. I notice that some developers decided to make there own websites for there games. Maybe you should do the same but I don’t know how you feel about making your own website.


could you send me a link

Jay Canuck

Regarding Claire in Valos Library reading about all the Monsters,demons and evil Queen. One a lot of effort put into this project, but anyway. Can Claire make a deal with the devil sort of speak?. Meet A Succubus or any particular entity which will grant Claire power with the catch of going dark or losing her soul type of thing. Just wondering because well that would be neat for her to get revenge but also this world created is so detailed with things to do I just had to ask. Cheers

Jay Canuck

Smart,unfair.lol. But Smart. Faustian is the word, To see Claire actually be desperate enough to become something...Less than Human in order to get her revenge on those that attacked her Mother. Even if it transforms her into a demon,vampire,succubus regardless if she choses to make a deal and slowly corrupts and even corrupts others justifying it in her own way. Even have the possibility for her to go evil without resulting in a game over just adds a twist to an already good plot. After finding her mother she may punish monsters by ruling them & corrupting anyone in her way. How Far would you go to find someone you lost. Would you make a deal with the Devil,how far indeed. Cheers to an already good game.


So when will you release the new version of O:G?


So when will you release the new version of O:G?


So when will you release the new version of O:G?


So when will you release the new version of O:G?