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Hello all, and welcome to another blog post!

Today, the main thing we have to announce is that we've brought on new CG artist, the extraordinary pollenoxide, to work alongside Pigutao. The hope is that with two committed CG artists we will be able to double up our production.

The main reason is because recently we've started making a move towards more complex, high-quality artwork, involving multiple partners or complex characters. These sets take way, *WAY* more time compared to a 'standard' scene. I've put two of them side-by-side for comparison here: 

While Pigu works very hard and, I think you guys can agree, does an amazing job with these, the increased effort into complex scenes means each one takes a very long time to complete. As much as twice the duration of a 'basic' scene, in fact. Sometimes triple!

I'm loathe to compromise on the quality, and I quite like the freedom in writing and increased  complexity + flavour that the complex scenes bring, so that's the reason we've brought on two artists, in the hopes that even if they each work on ONE complex scene each, that scene will have so many variations, backgrounds, outfits, characters, etc. that it'll be pretty damned worth it. (the Ranch scenes are a good reference of that kind of scene).

Of course, more realistically speaking the idea will be to divvy up the work nicely, allowing each artist to alternate between working on a complex scene or multiple quick basic scenes.

Anyway, that's all the news from me for now. Tune in next time for more! 




In order to get every scene in the game, do we have to play in different paths or when we finish a place, will we get the whole scenes even though we were not on that path?


If you go to the gallery, once you finish the prologue, you can flip a non-reversible switch that gives you ALL the scenes within a certain island/area. So no, you do not have to play different paths to see all the scenes.


You can unlock all the scenes in the game via the Gallery with a "switch", like Looners said. But in terms of a playthrough, there's no way to have one playthrough that gets all the scenes in the game, due to the branching nature of the gameplay that can lock you out of entire areas at one go. You're encouraged to load multiple playthroughs, but we made the Gallery so that you can see all that scenes if that' s your thing. We also tweaked the save system so that you can also do multiple playthroughs more easily (they now record playtime + place names).


Quick question the picture on the right in this blog is it already in game