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EDIT: Thank you all for voting! As per the results, we will release a new $3 pledge tier that replaces the $1 pledge tier. If you are pledged at $1, don't worry, you can remain pledged and receive the new $3 pledge tier rewards in perpetuity. All other tiers remain unchanged. Thank you for your continued support!

Hi patrons, 

This set of polls will be to discuss the future of the entry-level pledge tier.

It has come to my attention that issues such as updated tax and surcharge policies that mean our $1 tier has become highly inefficient. Apparently, we net something like 30 cents for $1 pledges due to processing fees and policies, meaning the processing fees collectively eat nearly a 70% chunk of that dollar you pledge to us. This means if there were 1,000 patrons pledging at $1, we don't get anywhere near $1,000; instead, we end up with just about $300 to put towards production! 

Even Patreon itself has been recommending we drop the tier for awhile now, so, as a result, the $1 pledge tier has been unpublished as of this month. 

If you are currently pledged to the $1 tier, please rest assured you will get to stay up to the date with the Dystopian Project just by staying in our Discord. The tier has also not been 'removed', per se, simply 'unpublished' to prevent further/new patrons pledging to it anymore. This means you can stay at $1 and continue to reap the benefits of that tier for as long as you want (as I do not think it fair to kick out longtime patrons, some of whom have been at the tier for ages)!

As a result, our entry tier is now $5, which can be quite steep for some people who want to pledge but simply can't afford to at that level. The lowest sustainable pledge tier, I'm told, is $3. Given it's $2 difference to the $5 tier, I'm wondering how you guys would best like to approach this. Bring over the rewards from $1 to $3? Don't open a $3 tier at all and just keep a $5 tier? 

Sorry for the inconvenience and please vote to let me know what you think is the best approach!


Angel Girl

I think something important to understand is how this would affect current $5 tier pledges. Would we lose rewards if it is voted as the new "entry tier"?


It will not! The $1 rewards will be brought over to the $3 tier. And the $5 tier rewards remain the same. Existing $1 tier members can choose to stay as-is and get their previous rewards, or move up to the new tier $3, but new patrons will no longer be able to pledge at $1.


I'm currently a $1 tier, have been for some time. I now fully believe the content you create is wholly worth $5 at the bare minimum and will be adjusting my tier shortly.


You've been fairer with your pricing than most, and that's in spite of Patreon not saying a damn thing about any of this to us (first time I heard of them doing this), so whatever the decision is, so long as you get most of the pledge I'll be happy.


I've been going back and forth between $5 and $1 for a while now, depending on my financial situation. A $3 choice would most likely net you more patrons (in my humble oppinion). Not to say that your game isn't worth supporting at a higher cost (have changed my pledge, and will keep it up for as long as I can)


Didn't know they took such a big cut. I'll upgrade shortly.


Personally, I'm with Casper and will also adjust my tier to reflect my appreciation for the quality of the content. Realistically, I think Martin here has a good point: you will probably attract more users with a $3 entry tier. The difference may not be much for some people, but for others it's a deal-breaker -- especially if they're spread between a couple different Patreons.

Leveler All

I can see more people jumping to 3 instead of 5 as a starter if the 1 is no longer sustaniable, but it is important to know that is due to it been inneficient, that way it dosen't come out as someone been greaddy, as the whole point of different tires is to accomodate the user and get a steady income to support the project.


What I have been doing with Patreon is pledging $1 per month to a number of artists I see worthy of supporting. I would very much like to have a cost-efficient platform for doing small transactions like this. What I figure from this (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027674431-How-does-Patreon-calculate-fees-for-creators- ) is Patreon's cut and payment processing fees come up to 28c for a $1 pledge. Could you please clarify the structure of costs you face with small pledges? I wonder if it is the same for all creators? The alternative I can do is making a rotation pledging larger sums to different creators each month, which would of course be less convenient for both parties. How much more would you get if you received $5 once every five months rather than $1 each month? The reward tiers don't really matter to me at all. Many of the artists whom I support don't even have a $1 tier, and I don't play the games at every release, so tight release cycles and getting early access is inconsequential. What I do want to achieve is having most of the money go to the artist rather than middlemen.


So, essentially from discussions with other developers, I've been informed that over time, the $1 pledge has become more and more unsustainable on Patreon, as processing fees and other policies take a bigger and bigger cut of that dollar. The minimum most sustainable pledge fee as recommended by Patreon itself is apparently $3. This affects all on the Patreon platform, not just myself. So all creators you support will have this issue. That being said, I would recommend you pledge $3 once every 3 months rather than $1/month, as this seems to circumvent the issue somewhat!


Thanks. This issue already came up before when Patreon tried to change the cost structure and then went back on it. My question is of course more to Patreon than you, but I would like to see real math on where the money goes, so I can do an educated decision based on how valuable a $3 pledge is versus a $5 or $10 pledge.


Frankly it was good enough to be able to support you with 1$ and have a reward. I think 3$ is good.


as someone that supports several patreons at 5 i must say that stacks rather quickly to an amount I dont want to spend a month for something that through reason unfair or unknown may not even see the light of day. so I think the 3$ mark might be more attractive option

william wofford

you game is great, the writing ,the artwork ,are all excellent ,for that reason I chose to support you at the $5 tier ,a long while ago ....usually my only reason for supporting lower than that to any game is sort of testing the waters .....i didn't jump to the 5 dollar point until i am sure of the developers commitment to the project .....setting a 3 dollar tier would give new backers a chance to see , what you are about before ..feeling like they are jumping in to the deep ...with that said.... Drop Claire's Quest 0.18 already i WANNA PLAY now now now now :P ......LOL

Ver Greeneyes

There's nothing unsustainable about $1 pledges, Patreon have just used their investor funding very irresponsibly on features no one wanted and are now trying to abuse the goodwill of their creators and patrons to pay back the investors. That's not your fault, of course. But I'd be happier to pledge a larger amount on a less scummy platform.


I think its fair, given the information provided, to bump the $1. My suggestion is that you increase to $3 and see how it goes and if you can increase/maintain the number of patreons you have and then, if the results are mostly positive, increase it to $5.


I strongly suggest going with the 3$ entry point. I've been pledging 15$ for a while to your project but I started off at 1$ to test the waters. You don't have to give access to the game or to the latest version of the game. For me 1$ means I want to see if it's worthy of more. Even if 1$ only grants me access to posts, I can at least get a sense of the rate of updates, quality of updates, etc.


Honestly I'd go with the 3 dollar option. A lot of people who may want to support you may not be able to afford it. I do the 1 dollar option arm but I may be able to go up to 3 on a couple months but money's tight. I wish I could offer more support but right now that's all I can do.