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Made it just in the nick of time! Here is another SFW scene!

I've been meaning to do more SFW scenes like the ones with Aslaug's encounter. Especially if visually they can add a lot to the game. These, of course, take lower priority to the NSFW scenes, but since they can be completed faster, I'm planning to add these to segments of the game important to the storyline.

These sets basically portray the different Prologue endings for Claire, determining how she gets to the Isles. The four range from arriving as a free woman (Captain Grey route), being smuggled in (Shady Sailor route), arriving as a slave (Fort route + submission), or scrambling ashore after being cast overboard (Fort route + struggle).

You may notice the art style is a little different here, and that's because we are bringing in another talented artist that we've wanted to work with for a long time! So, please, a warm welcome for the  gifted Pollenoxide !

Nox will be joining our CG art team alongside Pigu on a somewhat provisional basis to carry some of the CG workload. Especially as Pigu embarks on a couple of very complex sets that take up a lot of time and expense (but are totally worth it!). As we finish with our backlog and overhaul, the plan is to start heading back into monthly updates, particularly once O:G is finished.

The plan is to have at least 3-4 new scenes every month, but as we refuse to compromise on the quality on these scenes, it necessitates bringing in a new artist. Each artist will focus on at least 2 scenes a month, possibly 3 if the scenes are 'basic' enough, esp. concerning things like posing, number of characters, background complexity, etc. If they get too complex the artist can sometimes be forced to only have time to do the 1 very complex scene.

Hence, having two committed CG artists will be a big bonus to our production rate, and might I add, it is only possible with the continued generosity of our patrons!

Anywho, stay tuned for more news and our coming release of CQ! (might push back release a bit to squeeze this set in!)




Is that mean we have to wait more time just for new unnecessary scene?Come on ,these scene can be put in next version.


I like the new art, its got its own flavor but in keeping with the image of Claire so far


great art but i think i still prefer pigu's art more.


Amazing content, this sets this game on a higher bar exactly for touches like these ones. The art style is quite amazing aswell but i am craving for that 0.18

Leveler All

sfw is as important as nsfw, each on a different way, glad you focuse on quality instead of rushing it, this kind of things add a lot to the game.


I was expecting something such that version 0.18 would again be delayed. On the one hand, it’s good that they try on the game and bring a lot of new content, but the more they put off the more I get disappointed in them. On the other hand, they’re worse they simply don’t have time to finish O: G by the end of the year and it saddens me. I apologize for my English, I am Russian-speaking and it is difficult for me to speak English: D


A new artist is always a good thing, welcome Nox :)


So when will new version out?Is there any certain date?Can you update in time?


I hope you can set a deadline rather than just say "push back a bit".


It looks beautiful


Is there a version of this game that i can play on my smart phone?