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"What would you do if goblins took away everything you ever had? Everyone you ever loved?

What would you do if they burnt down your home, slaughtered your father and brothers like pigs, and then raped your mother and sisters as they kicked and screamed, then when they were broken and moved no more, dragged them away to their pits...?

... Would you be able to forgive? To forget what they had done? ...  
I don't think so."

The Slayer is a grim member of the Mercenary faction, who becomes Claire's ally as the questline progresses and Claire finds herself dealing with goblins, a race of diminutive monsters, individually no stronger than a human child. However, when in groups, goblins become possessed of a deadly pack-like cunning, and can take down even seasoned warriors.

In the wake of Zeon's war to wrest total control of Rathpike, many outlying settlements were left bereft of protection as the able-bodied men were pressed into service. These hapless settlements became privy to the goblin raids. They attacked these places that were guarded by little more than old men and untrained boys, then raped and pillaged with impunity.

One such village was the home of the person that would grow to become the Slayer.  After losing everything, the Slayer burned with a vengeful thirst that could not be slaked with anything short of rivers of goblin blood.

Now, in the Narfu Outpost commanded by Belisaros, the Slayer is one of his most trusted soldiers. Known to venture out for weeks on end, presumed dead by all, only to return with a sack of severed goblin heads, the Slayer has near-singlehandedly kept the frontier at Narfu goblin-free.

While somewhat derided by other mercenaries for choosing to target what they perceive as a weak, child-like foe  (after all, what is a goblin compared to a manticore, or a rockbeast?), the Slayer's deadly work ethic means nobody dares to voice their insults as more than a muttered comment. And even then, never in the Slayer's presence. 



Bobbie Tshwmtxuj Chang

I wonder if she'll ever lose to the goblins then? By too many goblins, maybe? End up getting gangbanged? I don't know if the game is meant to go as far as murdering like in the original (not Goblin Slayer himself, but the party we see in the beginning of the anime, where the party of inexperienced fighters end up dead and most of the females got raped).


I appreciate a wide open lean into the direct inspiration like this, just yea...hope she's differentiated enough to avoid stuff like lawsuits lol.


Not sure if I actually want to see that scene, a fem goblin slayer getting raped by goblins sounds... particularly brutal thinking about it. She (or Claire) would need to fuck up pretty bad to wind up there if she’s as experienced as it seems, but we shall see.


I appreciate being inspired but when the backstory and character's look both are nearly identical... Well to me it is somewhat immersion breaking. Like I don't mind Goblin Slayer "parody" but I prefer that being its own game and not tossed into otherwise original world. Even if she would fit the narrative I'd appreciate making her look more original and less ripoff


Will she be able to fight back against monsters?


Goblin slayer-San! I have to say, that girl looking so sexy in that armor. It remind me Casca from Berserk.

Leveler All

Now that's how armor should look


If he or she had a more similar appearance to Goblin Slayer would be awesome but maybe you would had problems with copyright, IDK but it would be awesome, also the actual concept is pretty cool <3

Zero Fantasy



It would been interesting twist if Goblin Slayer was/is eventually revealed as a Woman herself. Think on that hmm?


This game is perfect for a tongue in pus....cheek reference to Goblin Slayer.


Well, almost, except the belly portion is still expose. If, i'm the foe I'll certainly aim for that exposed spot. Plate armor should have protected the parts that are obviously needs protection. As much as one must protect the, head, heart and lungs, anyone will easily be dead if he/she got his/her guts out critically wounded.