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"It's goblins."

"... Souka."

Today we'll be talking about a much-anticipated monster for the game... Goblins!

Goblins will play a major role in Rathpike, especially in the Mercenary Questline. After a protracted civil war, Zeon and his group have asserted control over the land... But in the wake of their conflict, dozens of small settlements have been left ruined, bereft of protection.

In such environments, goblins thrive. Though individually no stronger than a human child, they move in tightly-organised bands, led by the most physically or mentally inclined of their species - shamans and champions. '

They make nests in abandoned settlements and caves, attacking the bedraggled survivors-of-war, killing the men and making off with the women, using them as little more than cocksleeves and breeding vessels...

Their individual weakness means Claire, with the right tutelage, can take them down one by one with stealth. However, if Claire is swarmed, there will be no escape...!




2017 was the year I started to play this game. So much changed since then. I'm so glad to see you and your community's grow. To the more.




Gobby bois :O


Is there a goblin slayer class perhaps?


I've always wondered why in most fictions there are no female goblins except in a single anime I've watched but goblins in that anime are peaceful and live in villages.


Well our excuse is they're an all-male species (like most monsters in our setting) who require the females of other species to breed. We also plan to feature all-female monsters who must capture men for the same reason.


reminds me of goblin slayer


Where should i go if i am having an issue with the game? The UI seems to be broken in 0.17.5, and i miss more than half of the dialogue along with not being able to see what im clicking in the main menu.


Odd, that's likely not a game issue, first report of that I've heard after weeks of stable beta. What platform are you playing on, and did you extract the game properly?


I'm on windows 7, and i extracted the game with winrar.


Very odd! You should have zero issues. Try redownloading 0.17.5 because you have may have failed to download some key assets, and make sure the extraction is 100% before running the .exe file It may also be a firewall/security issue.


I've done both of these things, to no avail. Its an older windows 7 pc that has been refurbished, could i be missing software? if so, what software would affect this games gui specifically?


This is really strange. You shouldn't be missing anything from me. Unlike previous RPGM engines, RMMV packages everything. I can't really help you with this, just tested the deployment and looks fine, nobody else has issues with this either. I suspect a PC problem on your end but not sure what the issue actually is


I have the same problem as Justin, but on the Android Version


Any android version is fanmade, not official; our game is not designed to be supported on Android.


Oh that explains it... either way, now that I'm able to pledge (just hrs ago) and get to play it how it supposed to be It should be fine then, at first I tried it on Android when I saw it and it got me hooked since then :b ... didn't know it wasn't some official port.