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"Eat this Monster Repellent and fuck off out of here, I've got quests to do!"

So, context. Nikki and I loved Xena: Warrior Princess's look back in the day, so when it came time to design Claire's mercenary outfit, the choice was obvious. :p

Pigu fully embraced it and now we have a redraw of Claire's set with the dreadfly. It's basically the same scene with a costume variation, but since Claire can encounter dreadflies in both a mercenary outfit and default outfit, we have sets to reflect both.

Before you get too excited, this is a non-combat game so even in the merc outfit she can't really manfight a manticore or anything like that. But, with the right items (ie. Monster Repellents) and attributes, she can chase away and even maim/disable some monsters.




Love the outfit, love the hair style, love her expression, but god help me, I look at that dreadfly and all I hear is "What? What? Bring it, mammal!"


Claire’s never looked sexier imo 😍


It look sexy and hot, but I think it will be better for Claire something more practical like Slayer armor.


Claire going Xena? Love it!


"So, context. Nikki and I loved Xena: Warrior Princess's look back in the day,..." WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED, FELLOW XENA LOVERS?!


Will there be a notification for finishing all quests for each place? Will this unlock everything on the gallery even though we chose a path that closes the other one/ones?


Tentatively, yes! When they're all done there will be a trigger unlocked that lets you open all scenes in the Gallery. Since that's a way off, we added a monetary buy-in system for all scenes in the Gallery instead. That will be replaced with the actual in-game unlock in the future


Was Fallout 4's stingwing the inspiration for the dreadfly? They look so similar.


Love the mercenary outfit