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As always before the animation release I'm posting a render strip that shows the animation's final quality. Post production is pretty much done and I've already started doing the sound work this weekend, which should be finalized in the upcoming days. I already hoped to have the animation out last month, before remembering how much of an endeavour sound design always is. I had Hestia do the last recordings today, and from here I'd say we're 2 - 3 days away from the animation release since there's still a bit of editing and foley work necessary. Also been planning to put together a small piece of music for the animation, which should take away a bit of the awkwardness of Zoe having a monologue in a fairly silent room. Since there's little to no environment sounds, the entire thing currently feels a bit like Star Wars minus Williams otherwise

In terms of duration the animation came out at 2:21 in runtime, but I'm still making some edits, which might shave a few seconds off. Right after this I'm planning to release an extended version about one month after its release, which will feature two additional scenes that I had to put aside due to time constraints. Gotta see if I can toss some alternative angles in there as well for bonus content!




Looks great, will you take any commissions after this or are you planning something else?


Commissions are sadly difficult to pull off in my line of work, but I already got two animations planned in advance! (:


So excited for this one!!!! It’s gonna be amazing <3

Mircea Kitsune

Again, you've done such a great work! Can't wait to see it ^_^


Looking great, Cake!


This is gonna be so awesome


Pawsome! I hope you keep evolving your work!

Coty Clogston (Ticklefish. ItsMe)

Excited! And these previews should be saved and released on FA when the animation is free. OwO They're good shots


It looks so amazing!


I cant like this enough!


god im so excited


I say, Fintastic my dear.


Looks like i picked the perfect time to come back to patreon.


ill be hitting refresh ALL DAY XD


Same, though i just have an auto refresh extension for chrome doing it once an hour.


F5 F5 F5


Just finished the sound design and music and waiting for the 60FPS upscale to complete, then I'm going to put everything together. That said, the animation should be posted within the next 24 hours! :)


Will you be looking as far back as December last year for $10 pledges for video access? December 2018 was the first Playblast for this animation from what I can see.


*whimpers* I'm so hyped! <333 *spams refresh after 24 hours* xDD


I am expecting it hopefully sometime tonight to likely tomorrow. I am looking very forward to our visit with Zoe and if she has our way, we may be going on a little trip. I feel the accommodations will be welcoming...whether we think so or not.

Baz Yat

Aw damn! Not high enough tier for the anim XD