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Post production of the new animation is slowly nearing completion! But with that still being a couple days away I wanted to show some further progress shots that show the nearly final quality of the film! It's probably hard to see on these small gifs, but with this animation there's going to be a bit of a leap in image quality, as I've rendered and edited the entire film at an internal resolution of 8192 x 4608 (8K) before sampling it down to 4K. It was quite painful to edit the dozens of layers at this resolution, but the result is a super clean image with little to no edge shimmering and flickering, something that was always a bit of a problem in some previous animations that had high frequency detail.

In a few days I'll post the usual image strip that shows the final quality of the film, I'm hoping to have all the post work done mid next week so I can move on to sound design and recordings. I've already given Hestia a voice over version for the film last week, so things should move fairly quick from here! Right now I'm pushing myself to get the animation posted by the end of the month, but I want to make sure not to rush things on the last bit, so it's either going to be next week or the weekend!

Note that these aren't color graded yet, means the colors will pop a bit more in the final version!



Matt Flamez

wow great tongue!

Khaki Chan

Even in this tiny compressed gif format, this stuff is A1. It's insane to think it's all done by a single person. Like I honestly wouldn't even believe that it if I didn't already know to begin with. Seems all this work is about to pay off. I'm dying to have the privilege of viewing the completed film.


Wow, just wow! It might take a while, but it seems real quality takes time. This is top notch and I dare to say that Disney and Pixar and co. would be happy to have you on board if you're able to do something like that alone. Just like the others said: You've outdone yourself with this one and I'm glad I get to see this. Kudos to you Miss cake~


@Raruke: cake is a girl? That makes so much more sence. Ether or these look stunning I'm itching to see the final release in all of it beauty.


Wanna be that guy sooo bad. Hey Cake, ever thought of doing a willing vore victim in the future? That'd be interesting to see =O

Meddwynn Ravencroft

I have to say, Cake, this has been a very hectic, frustrating, and all around very bad day. Then I came home and saw this. Just this preview alone has brightened my day more than I thought possible. Thank you so very, very much!


This looks amazing and I can't wait to see it finished!


i wanna be vixen pudge o.o


The anticipation of this animation is killing me. I can't wait for the finished version. Your work is always so clean and well done.


F5 F5... 😂❤️


dies on keyboard


caaaaake! ;(


Any updates?

Khaki Chan

Relax folks, it'll get here when it gets here.