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Here's some more progress on the rendering! Note that these are just quickly put together to show the progress of the rendering process, once all layers are rendered out, I can start compositing and tweak until everything looks right! There's a few small things that I'm still going to improve, such as Zoe's shadow moving a little stiff in the first sequence. There's still the occasional clipping issue with the 1st person model's arms and legs, as well as some broken frames here and there, which can occur when handling 20000+ frames, but I'm working on these things as we speak! The glass reflection might also come off as a bit distracting, but once depth of field is set up, this element will mostly be blurred, so that shouldn't be an issue anymore! I'll probably post another progress update in a couple of days, which should show a bit more progress! Hope you can enjoy these WIPs in the meantime! (:

I forgot to add motion blur NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



Don't be sad about the motion blur XD They're awesome renders though! When you do scenery, do you create a whole room or customise a whole room or is it like a set where the back behind the camera is open?


these are absolutely gorgeous!!!!! the full Video should be a master piece. :D :D

Jade B

That doesn't mean you have to re render the whole thing, does it?


uffh <3


Ohhhh so excited~

Khaki Chan

Does anyone even like motion blur though? Any time I hear anything about motion blur, it's just people complaining about how terrible it makes things look


In video games, motion blur is incredibly distracting because it's meant to emulate the blurriness of moving your eyes/head really fast, but our own brains compensate for that subconsciously, so the result is that for most people it's just distracting rather than adding realism like it's supposed to. It's entirely different with videos, as you ( the watcher) are not the one in control of the camera, making it so that the intended effect of realism gets properly conveyed.


Glad you like them! With this specific room I modeled the majority of it myself, minus a few small assets that are from asset libraries. You can pretty much take the camera everywhere, except outside the room! :D


Glad you like! And here's hoping, firing from all cylinders with this animation! \o/


Nope, that's the advantage of doing everything with separate layers. Just have to re-render small, specific sequences which usually render out quite fast! (:


oh my god, even without the motion blur ist looks so amazing, good work ^^


Looks great, really looking forward to it. Any eta you can give us?

Matt Flamez

looooks very promising!


I hope there will be another content links library, I need to redownload a lot of your older stuff. I had a time when I felt unsure if someone would be seeing things on my computer so I sort of deleted a lot that I had... Turns out it was for nothing, of course.


There will! I'll get everything back up and updated after this new animation is out! Currently having my entire focus on finishing the animation this month! (:


Glad you like! It will likely be blurry for the most part, so it doesn't obstruct Zoe too much! (: