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Apologies for the horrible temporary cover, will make sure to replace it with something fancier later on! The punny title will stay whatsoever~

Phew... this animation has probably been the most elaborate thing I've ever animated here. I've already had some small snippets of Zoe talking in one of the more recent RAADD animation, but this new POV project was done after a lengthy script and has Zoe talking for almost the entire animation! The film was planned to be released quite a bit earlier, which has me admitting that I've underestimated the time that goes into hand-animating speech quite a bit. There was certainly the point where I considered drastically cutting down the script, but in the end I managed to pull through with the entire animation, only cutting two small scenes that will be re-added in an extended cut, along with bonus content later on!

I'll first see what the feedback is regarding Zoe babbling away. Should it be wildly positive then I have to admit that I might still go back to smaller phrases in the future, mainly due to the amount of work that goes into animating these long sentences. I'm aware that some patrons sent me messages of being a tad uncomfortable with her voice actress in the past, which is why I'm working on extra versions that have subtitled gibberish as voice over. These won't be posted until the weekend though, as I'm still encoding the main videos. Speaking of which!

True 4K/HDR/60FPS: https://mega.nz/#!VsJiiC4I!2y4NTWMxDZDMELI8S3KHEun46ORKvRivTVkIwLbIj4c 

True 4K/HDR/30FPS: (Encoding...)

4K/60FPS: https://mega.nz/#!FgZCgABJ!1DbXuRPsApGBGJWbyY5spGA4X2QEyHlFInHMuik9cPE 

4K/30FPS: https://mega.nz/#!YlwllQSL!-g1_goXnonit4MZPUUUbPKlxxoz7vQrohylbYYfVUis 

1080p/60FPS: https://mega.nz/#!E1B3XKZT!AqthfnO6UNuUdL-qtleBf1UM6pXblRt2S4i67ymAtI0

1080p/30FPS: https://mega.nz/#!c8pTAAQL!x_JYoZxDR-JhwIf6pHR3iq5Z4S0MmxWgz7oWk5puKwU 

There's going to be a new True 4K quality tier with this animation, where the animation is being encoded at its original downsampled render resolution (4096x2304), in addition this version will be encoded in the Rec. 2020 color space and feature wide color gamut, which should come with significantly less color banding than the standard 4K (3840x2160) version.

Might re-encode the 4K/60 version later on. I recently updated Adobe Media Encoder and the encoding somehow got considerably worse. Well luckily it only costs a fortune...




Holy hell, Cake... ;////////////; this was freaking outstanding....


Glad you enjoyed! Hope it was worth the wait, uahhhh!


On a more serious note, I'm absolutely in LOVE with the extra dialogue in this animation and I think that it really separates this one from the rest and ultimately prevails.

Khaki Chan

I'm always a little skeptical when it comes to voicing in things like this because they more often than not end up coming off as cringy due to overacting or... just bad lines in general. But I'm happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. This animation is incredible, dialogue and all. Very well done.


Phew, really happy to hear this! I actually lost a lot of sleep over the voice over and kept second guessing every sentence or the recordings. Glad to hear it worked out in the end! (:


Glad you enjoyed it! It started as a bit of an experiment, so I'm glad to hear it was fruitful! I'll have to see where I can take it from here! (:

Daniel Sullivan

The only thing i can say negatively about the voice is during her monologue about owning action figures she gets oddly quiet for a couple seconds. Not unhearable just noticeably quieter. Excellent animation as usual cakeinferno!


Thanks for the hint! I'll likely do some more editing before releasing the extended version and will see if I can fix that! (:

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

That's an amazing animation! Really love it! Btw, out of curiosity, what is then the reason that the 1080 version is larger size wise than the 4k one. One would assume it to be the opposite.


It's basically due to a bug in the new version of Adobe Media Encoder where it seems to export at the wrong bitrate when I use my prefered 4K preset. The current 4K version is actually of worse quality than the 1080p version as a result, which is why I'm going to re-upload it later on today!


Original resolution and HDR version added! Make sure to have an up-to-date PC with h.265 playback capabilities for this one! To play it back on Windows you might need to get the h.265 extension ($1), as VLC player only plays it back with funky colors. Alternatively you can toss it on a USB stick and play it back on a modern 4K Smart TV, most of them have h.265 support by default!


Updated the 4K/60FPS Version with a significantly higher data rate. Should be free of compression artifacts now!


Damn, Cake! This is awesome! You never fail to impress, dude!


I love this video, a lot of details like Zoe's lip bite when "you" seem curious are awesome! My only advice is I think the internal stomach sounds should extent for at least a bit longer after the screen fades out. I think that would make a more impactful feeling of being trapped as Zoe ask how the hero will get out of this situation. Small things like extended audio can really drive the point home in a fun way! Actually you already did something like this for the first Zoe Noms U animation with the sounds continuing even as the credits were being shown on the screen in the car. But especially for this animation that ends in the stomach instead of an outside view, I think it would help to extend the audio to fix the feeling of it all ending too quick.