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Hey everyone, since we're getting close to the 1 year anniversary of the channel I made a quick (3-5 minute) survey to see how everyone's experience has been, what you all like, and any possible changes/updates to the Patreon. Please consider taking it as the more completed answers the more accurate information I'll have.



Mitchy D

Great stuff Brandon! Would love to see some more movie reactions, I know you can react to more tv show episodes in the same time but the movie reactions are the heart and soul of the channel!

Nicky Grajek

I suggested ranking videos and bad movie reactions. Really want to see that

Carlos Hurtado

It's been cool seeing the channel grow over the last year. I'm excited to see how much it'll grow in '21. Bad movie reactions would be fun. Even if it was just a once or twice a month thing. There are some really good "it's so bad it's good" type movies out there. I would also love to see some ranking vids. You will be finishing up Tarantino movies soon. Ranking his movies would be a great place to start.


I was just thinking yesterday that I’d love to see you react to the recent Marvel shows on Disney+, so that got my vote!


Submitted! Only now I realize that in addition to bad movies, I would love to see your reactions to classic film noir (The Big Sleep, Double Indemnity) and cult classics (Freaks, Reefer Madness, etc.) Keep on keepin' on, Brandon!

Shehab Dawoud

Not really sure why some would want bad movie reactions. I mean, sure there are some bad movies that can be enjoyable and have a certain charm. But there are so many great movies, all-time great movies that Brandon still hasn't seen. I'd feel bad if he missed out on those.

Scott Greene

Thanks for asking for feedback, Brandon. I'm only on the $1 tier and I appreciate you asking my opinion anyway. Excited to see your reactions to "The Goonies" and "Total Recall" once they hit YouTube!


Nice survey I picked bad movies because there is something special about The Room.....just saying 🤣👍

Cactus Tony

Just wanna say the way you do your movie polls with the "top 4 get picked" is fucking brilliant. So many reactors only allow one winner and then never react to the other top 3 picks that had close votes. You're awesome Brandon!


Congratulations on hitting 2,000 patrons Brandon!! love you and your videos! Constantly wonderful. I’d love for you to see some season bloopers of Always Sunny, I think you’d love them. now that you’ve really come to know the show, they’re so fun to go back and watch!


He won't be able to watch all movies on earth, nobody is. And, you know, art is great, but having fun is part of the movie industry to. Also, i'm pretty sure he's tired of "OH NO YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS CLASSIC ARE YOU EVEN A MOVIE FAN" type of commentary, movies are to be enjoyed, and some bad ones are way more enjoyable.


I think the "top 4" was just the last poll due to 2 obvious winners, hasn't it been "top 2 ger reactions" everytime ?


YES YES YES ! The bloopers are somehow even funnier than the funniest show ever that is IASIP.


I think I would love a biweekly alternating schedule, one with the current top-shows (Fargo+BCS+IASIP, although IASIP should remain weekly as the comedy slot) and one current show paired with another new big one. Don't know about the logistics of forcing Brandon to keep track of more stuff, but I wouldn't mind getting a bit antsy for new things if we get to watch new exciting stuff. One year would mean about two seasons worth of a new show, that's 2/5ths of Mr. Robot or whatever show I'd be excited to rewatch. I'm fine with how it works though, don't want to inadvertently put out bad advice. I think people are just fine with any new submission, so I'll take what I get.


I kind of don't think I'd care about it either. I get the bad movie appeal, but I don't think watching them is necessarily a good time. Maybe do something like a thread about people suggesting the worst movies they love to watch and then poll it, but I don't think I'd enjoy it as a regular thing. I generally just like watching people enjoy stuff and pairing it with movies I think are super entertaining is way better than making me watch a joke that would work as a 5-minute YT video play out in 90 minutes.

Mike D

Wow 2000 already .. You're going like a rocket .. Congratulations man.


Please let us know your conclusions are from this survey, Brandon! Really curious what other patreons actually like.