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So I think I've found a solution to our problem over here on Patreon! We are going to stay on Dropbox for now but I'm going to have to compress all my videos so that more people can view them before the 24 hour bandwidth limit. What this means is more people will be able to watch the videos before all my links go into lock down for 24 hours. With trying to work around my work schedule I plan on having Patreon fully up and running by the end of the month as there's a lot of work to be done to get the videos viewable and hopefully in 1080p! If there's some sort of delay or if we stumble across some problems I will make sure to keep ya'll updated as always! As of right now there will be no Patreon videos this week till I see if this method works sadly. I appreciate everyones understand and continued support! This has been a huge stress in my life and you all have been very supportive which has made this whole issue a lot less stressful so Thank You ❤️ 



Thank you for trying your best TG 💜💜


I still haven't seen last week's episode, when do you think you'll be able to post that?


Thank you for your hard works..and the update TG.. take your time👍🔥💞


We'll wait TG don't worry!! <3


Thank you for everything you do! 💜


Awesome, hopefully this solution works out!


We missed browsing your twice content here😫. Just take your time TG, we have all the patience to wait. Mehehehe


Are you still posting on YouTube this week? I understand if your not as it’s very stressful among other things you may have going on in your life and don’t stress too much. There’s another option you can do for patreon is make the videos unlisted on a private channel on YouTube and share a link on patreon that only we can see..if might be an easier option for you <3


Waiting patiently!


Are you back on YouTube this week?

Kyle Twitch

Some of the links are viewable right now but they might crash with this post and those videos aren't compressed yet sadly

Kyle Twitch

youtube videos will go up today :) I'll also check this out but I did try this method before vimeo and it did not work with the shows as they were instablocked regardless of them being private sadly


Sorry you’re having so many issues waiting patiently hopefully you’ll be back soon at least we’ll have you Tube to watch this week that makes me extremely happy 😃 thanks TooGrown 👍😘


Have fun encoding all 200 videos :) Its annoying but necessary. hope it works out


Just make the switch to OnlyFans 4Head. 🤣


I forget that your a boomer. Yes you have to compress the video. Most are watching on portable devices and won’t notice the difference. Your videos should not be more the 500 mb. You are putting out videos over 10 gb. Remember that in order to view the videos, we have to download all of the 10gb+ to see it. That’s why there is so much traffic and your hitting your limits on internets. We not here for the quality, we here for the content and your face.


Don't stress, TG! We'll be here ready for the next slew of videos when you get everything fixed. Thanks for keeping is updated.


we wait for you, dont be too stressed out because of this, if you can't compress your videos on 1080p, try to do it in 720p, the quality is even the same and you can save some space too

The Lazy Ass Gamer

Dont stress on this too much. Its all good 👍👍👍👍


Man I understand TG but feeling less happy without your fire reactions. At least we will still have youtube 😁 Hope it pans out great 😎


Yeaay... hope it will work well.... and don't stress too much TG.. you're doing great... 😁👍🏻


Tg, videos aren’t working again.... not sure if its just for me or everyone else too


Yeah it's not working again...let's just wait for TG to fix this...


Yeah same for me hope it works for next weeks reaction happy sunday squad 😁😎


I cant watch your video. Plz help!