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I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop of what's going on behind the scenes of getting everything back up here on Patreon! I am currently compressing all the old videos which is going to take days to complete sadly. My goal is to have NEW content with re-uploading old compressed content going up by March 1st. If I can't get NEW content to go up with the old content I will put everyones Patreon Subscription on PAUSE before March 1st. I refuse to have you all continue to pay with no content so I'm going to try and get all this sorted out by March 1st. This post is made PUBLIC to also WARN new people to not subscribe and wait till I have all this figured out! Thank you all for supporting me through all this trouble! We will be back to normal SOON! 



thanks for all your hard work!!


I’ll just have to donate on twitch then lol


pfff u cant block twitch gifts lol


thank you for all your hard work TG, we really appreciate it! :)


You don't need to suspend my patreon. I'm willing to wait and still support you.


Thx TG! I’m happy to see that you truly care for the family and refuses to let us pay for nothing. It shows great maturity and mad respect. 👏👏 thank you very much, it makes me truly believe that you’re trying your best to get back to normal and it makes me proud to be part of the squad.


Thank you for this and always looking out for the Fam 💙🙏


No keep my goddamn $2 its not like a watch your patreon content anyways. 🤣

Liam Green

Willing to wait and support you no matter what day content comes back


Wait I was paying $2 for this boomer content????? Lol no do what you gotta do bro and the squad will be ready when you are. 💪


wish I could help you so you can fix it ASAP.. but, I bet we’re all willing to wait anyways


Thanks for the update, TG. You put out so much content, that they can't handle the Squad.


Okay! Thank you for your hard 💪 💗💗💗


so does this mean i can gift more on twitch then


No worries TooGrown thank you for your dedication to the squad honestly don’t worry about suspending my Patreon I’m more than happy to continue to support you 👍😘


Twitch gifts incoming 😏 In all seriousness though I appreciate the constant updates and work you’re doing in the background MVP TG 👏🏻👏🏻


You always come through for the Patreon Family, we completely understand the issues going on right now... no rush at all. We appreciate your hard work as always TG.


No worries. Thanks for the update. Completely understandable.


Don't worry, I can continue to support you while a solution is found :) Thanks for the effort TG 💪🏻


If you pause my subscription, I swear I’ll gift subs on twitch


No worries brother! I know you work hard to keep the squad happy and we’ll continue to support you bruh. Thx for all you do!


Families don't stop giving just because they aren't getting anything in return. 🤔


Eyy don't sweat it TG we got your back. Thanks ❤️


Oh, there's a problem. Luckily, I just subscribed


Don't worry brother. Thanks for the update

Kyle Twitch

Hopefully I get this back up for you and everyone soon. In the future make sure to read my Patreon Posts before joining. You're account will be on pause March 1st if I can't get content up by then


You nice, keep going!


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to old and new up and running.


I kinda miss your twice midweek reaction dude.... but the important thing is, hope it will be fix soon..... Thanks TG... 🥳🥳