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Links are not working right now again because of high traffic. I'm trying to find a solution to getting these videos up so that everyone who's here can view them. At this point if you know any other platforms where I can host my videos I'm all ears. I'm in contact with a couple content creators as well as there's no way my videos are this popular haha. Thanks again everyone for understanding :(  I'm going to weigh my options once I get some feed back from you all and other creators! Tomorrow's content/This weekend's content might be put on hold depending on these issues sadly. I'll keep working hard and try to find a solution as quick as possible! 



take all the time you need TG 😚


take ur time dw i’ll wait!!


Don't worry about it: fighting!


dude this platforms suck, like wtf


maybe we can signup in groups for shifts so we don't all watch it all at once, or from the same source lol


I like that you're communicative, positive, and honest. Letting us know what's up really makes us feel like a family. Keep it up TG!


It’s ok TG fighting!! ✊✊


I personally have no solution but take your time TG ✊🏻✊🏻

Kyle Twitch

It's not Patreon's fault my guy. Dropbox is telling me that with the large content that we watch over here that only 100 people would be able to view the content daily...if it went over that then this problem would keep happening. We have 1400 Family Members so I just need to find a platform that can host the views and the large files at this point.


Pretty sure we’re patient with you TG, remember to take time out of you feel yourself stressing out 💪




Thanks for keeping us in the know I know it must be frustrating for you don’t worry yourself TooGrown 👍😘


Maybe Do Gdrive and offer multiple links per video and delete the duplicates once the first wave of views is over (after 1 week maybe?)


Are You compressing your videos you do understand that a high-quality video on Blu-ray is only four gigs why yours is over 10 gigs for one video

Ronny Cansse

I have send you a DM with something that might be helpful


Have you tried to use Mega? I know that a lot of people with high traffic use that platform, and has a free option and its pricing options are cheap...


How about google drive?

Mr Jackpots

I think you're wrong about your popularity. Your channel and Patreon has grown incredibly fast. I'm a patron of a few other reactors and the one I had before you even started your channel has fewer than half your patrons and he's a major Twice, BTS, Dreamcatcher stan.


Google Drive would be the best, it uses YouTube player to play videos so it doesn't cause that much traffic as this


I wonder how RevelupSubs maintain their GDrive videos because I bet their videos would have high traffic for sure. I don't suggest you do the *sketchy site* option, but GDrive I think is the best bet? Anyways, take your time dude. Don't worry about us 😁


Sorry you are going through all this bro. We appreciate your effort and dedication to the squad.


Other creators use GDrive and it's better. The loading time is faster.


Ayy no worries TG. This just means I'll get more content to binge once all this gets sorted out (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Try Google Drive bro. If I remember correctly they have a good reasonable price for the premium subscription. But I dont know about the traffic and bandwidth problem tho


try gdrive there is stream limit but they can download it instead


I hope it'll get resolved soon....


another creator i watch uploads his reactions on ok.ru and he has A LOT of content too. if nothing else works, i recommend looking into it. hope you can figure this all out. fighting


I was about to watch your reaction on SMA 2021 and yeah it didn't show the link it says it does not exist and then i truly understand what's the problem here. Hahaha anyways take ur time TG


Maybe its because of the size of your files? i guess thats why other creators have different tiers so that it wont reach the bandwidth limit :< but not everyone can watch it


Yeah maybe it's about time TG consider to add tiers.... but it also sad if there a tiers, because yes...not everyone can watch it... 😢😢


hey TG. using dailymotion should be a good solution too you can upload clips less than 60 minutes on dailymotion so you can save your traffic


TG, I agree with what several fonts have mentioned along the way. I know you don't want to charge the family more than 2$ a month but I think you should seriously consider it. I myself would have 0 problem paying extra because you put out an insane amount of content for the amount you charge. I can't help but notice other K-Pop reactors have several tiers and charge more but produce wayy less content than you do.

Unsalted Pecan

Does anyone know about https://lbry.tv, i wonder if it will be good for content creators like TG. I see YouTubers putting content there but i dont know if it can restrict access like Vimeo.


Maybe you should charge us more than 2🤷🏽‍♀️ take my wallet !


Can I vote against raising the price or will I be seen as an a*hole? Covid came for my wallet and I can barely justify spending 2 bucks a month right now. Maybe after this is over I can afford more but not right now. Well, maybe I can squeeze an extra dollar... but that's about it


You know his content is available for free on here right ? Like it's legit Free. I am not telling you how to spend your money but TG always gave us the choice to get free access to his content because he is here for fun. You're not an a**hole it's legitimate but you're not obligated to pay just so you know.


why all the videos cant watch? please please

Mr Jackpots

There should be different tiers at different prices. He hasn't figured out the business aspect of Patreon yet. The content is NOT free, not to Too Grown. He has to pay for storage space in the cloud no matter which service he uses and none of them will provide unlimited bandwidth for free. The number of patrons he has are using bandwidth beyond what the cloud services will provide without additional charges. The limit is 250Gb a day. He has 1322 patrons. A 25 minute video at 1080p is about 1 Gb. It's a simple math problem.


I know he has to pay for storage. I am saying that you don't have to be a patron to watch his content, so yes IT IS free for the viewers.


I sent you a DM about this option too, but MEGA.nz is good. May have to start charging more than $2/mo to afford enough bandwidth though.


His youtube channel is free to watch, but I have to be a paying patron to watch his patron only content though, which are the shows I'm most interested in (the variety and travel shows). I don't mind paying 2 bucks a month, and before covid I wouldn't mind paying more. But right now it's hard for me to justify. That's all I'm saying :) It's not like I can't pay my rent or am starving either but I do have to be critical of every dollar I spend at the moment.


are the videos 1080p? maybe they should be 720p. I know for my personal collection I've opted to have 720P stuff because they're drastically smaller and I barely notice the difference in quality.