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The Incubus System Chapter 777. Why Are You Following Me?

Once the car came to a stop, I paid the fare, and the three of us got out, walking toward the entrance. The air was cool and crisp. The streetlights cast a soft glow on the pavement, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Tiffany suggested making spaghetti. "How about spaghetti? We should be able to whip it up with the ingredients," she proposed, her eyes bright with enthusiasm.

Celia, on the other hand, had her own culinary vision. "But Ethan likes fried rice," she chimed in, advocating for my favorite dish.

The two options were quite different, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by the possibility of combining them. "How about fusion them?" I offered, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

Tiffany and Celia both turned to me, their eyebrows raised in unison. "I don't think spaghetti and fried rice match," they said, sharing a look of amusement.

"Well, you never know until you try," I teased, knowing that my suggestion was perhaps a bit outlandish. Still, I enjoyed the playful banter we shared, even when it came to the simplest decisions like what to cook for dinner.

In the end, I left the choice to them, trusting their culinary expertise to create a delicious and satisfying meal.

We approached the front door, I fumbled for my keys, the jingling sound echoing through the stillness of the evening. With a sense of relief, I found the right key and inserted it into the lock. The lock clicked open, and I turned the handle, swinging the door open.

The comforting scent of home greeted us. Stepping inside, we were met with the exuberant greetings of my beloved pets.

But instead of coming in further, I stayed at the entrance.

"Guys, how about I buy some soda and dessert to keep us company?" I suggested.

"I don't think it's necessary," Tiffany replied, her eyes twinkling mischievously. She leaned toward me, her teasing tone evident. "Or...do you want to run away from your cooking duties?" she playfully accused, a sly smile dancing on her lips.

I grinned. "Come on, give me a break," I retorted, trying to sound convincing. "I just need a nice drink after all Ruby's drama," I added with a playful whine. "Besides..." I gestured toward my pets, who were still eagerly awaiting our attention. "You can think of them as my replacements," I joked.

In response, Red couldn't contain his excitement, he started barking joyously, his tail wagging vigorously in the air. Buni observed the commotion with interest. With his ears perked up and his nose twitching, he seemed ready to lend a paw... or rather, a paw-like appendage.

Shadow seemed uninterested in the excitement and stretched lazily on the sofa, displaying his usual air of nonchalance. Rave perched on the windowsill, observing the scene with a keen eye.

At the same time, I telepathed Celia. 'Something happened, I have to go now,' I stated.

I knew I could just go upstairs and use my teleportation skill. But if Tiffany found out I wasn’t in my room, she would get suspicious.

As soon as I telepathed Celia, her expression changed from excitement to concern. Her eyes widened, and she instinctively reached out to grab Tiffany's hand, signaling that something urgent had come up.

"You know, it's probably better if we cook without him. Trust me, it'll be much better since he tends to burn things," Celia suggested.

"He's that bad at cooking?" Tiffany asked in surprise, her eyebrows shooting up in concern.

Celia nodded emphatically. "Oh, trust me, it's an adventure every time he tries to cook something. We usually end up ordering takeout afterward," she confessed with a playful grin.

Tiffany cringed at the thought, but her curiosity got the better of her. "Alright then, I guess we better not risk it. Let's cook together!" she agreed, willing to give it a shot without me.

"So? Do you want something? Soda? Dessert?" I asked, glancing at Celia and Tiffany.

Tiffany's eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, "Strawberry soda, please! It's my favorite."

Celia, always the practical one, chimed in, "I'll have a milk tea if you don't mind. Thanks."

I nodded. "Alright, be right back," I said, turning around to the exit.

I closed the front door behind me, leaving Celia and Tiffany to continue their cooking escapades. Using my teleportation skill, I focused my energy and visualized the nearby park. A tingling sensation enveloped my body, and in the blink of an eye, the world around me shifted.

When I reappeared in the park, a dark aura surrounded me momentarily before dissipating into the night air.

The park was a quaint and cozy oasis. Despite its small size, it held an undeniable charm that drew people in like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Tall, ancient trees with lush foliage lined the perimeter, providing a natural canopy that shielded the park from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding streets.

A winding path meandered through the park, paved with cobblestones that led visitors on a leisurely stroll. The path was dotted with wooden benches, offering inviting spots for visitors to sit and take in the serene beauty of their surroundings. Flowerbeds adorned with colorful blooms added a burst of vibrant hues to the landscape, creating a picturesque view that would surely delight any nature lover.

As I stood among the lush foliage, my eyes fixated on Elenna, the persistent reporter who seemed to be on a mission to uncover every bit of my life. Her confusion was evident as she looked around, searching for me. Little did she know that I was right behind her.

‘Foxy, you can return now. I will take over from here,’ I telepathically communicated with her. Although I was lazy now, it was time for me to handle the situation personally.

'Okay,' came Foxy's prompt reply, and I felt her essence retreat from the surroundings.

After that answer, I approached Elena. "Why are you following me?"


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